Slocat 2017 Annual Meeting Item 2: Progress Report July December 2016
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SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
SLoCaT Partnership July – December 2016 Progress Report Based on KPIs from 2016-2017 SLoCaT work program
A. Overall A1. Position of Sustainable Transport in Global Policies on Sustainable Development and Climate Change (Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, Habitat III New Urban Agenda, and 14th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) is further strengthened
Attention focused in the July-December period on two of the above international agreements: Habitat III and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. In both cases sustainable transport is better positioned now than six months ago.
Habitat III: The New Urban Agenda (NUA) outcome document adopted in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016 contains a large number references (30 to transport, 21 to mobility and 7 to connectivity) and refers to transport and mobility in the context of the following topics: Rural-Urban Linkages; Travel Demand Management; Road Safety; Climate Change & Air Quality; Sustainable Transport Infrastructure; Freight Transport; Land Use Planning; Inclusive Transport; and Capacity Building.
The linkage made in the NUA between the Habitat III process and the SDG process (especially SDG11) and linking reporting is good news for the transport sector and altogether positions our sector well for a more prominent place in the implementation of the NUA in the coming 20 years.
Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Transport was one of the most active areas in the Global Climate Action Agenda in COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco in November, 2016. Further action on Transport and Climate Change will benefit greatly from the “Marrakech Action Proclamation for our Climate and Sustainable Development” that was adopted by the Heads of State and Government meeting in Marrakech and that calls on “all non-state actors to join us for immediate and ambitious action and mobilization, building on their, important achievements” as well as the “Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action” (MPGCA) launched at COP22, which outlines a more sustained and meaningful engagement of non-State actors in the UNFCCC process. Adaptation has continued to gain a stronger position in general in UNFCCC, this especially through the Moroccan leadership, and the COP22 Declaration on Accelerated Action on Transport Adaptation helps puts the
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transport sector in a position of strength to follow-up throughout 2017. Transport can benefit from the increased willingness demonstrated in COP22 to consider medium and long term action in addition to short term pre-2020 action only. Three critical timeframes for climate action emerged from discussions in COP22 that are very relevant for the Transport sector: 2018, which will bring the first full Facilitative Dialogue to raise mitigation ambition in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and inform the ongoing global stocktakes; 2030, an essential medium-term deadline to assess results of action on both the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals; and 2050, a longer-term deadline to achieve real progress toward sectoral decarbonization. A2. The SLoCaT Partnership is acknowledged as a leader in efforts to integrate sustainable, low carbon transport in global policies on sustainable development and climate change.
There are no direct metrics to assess SLoCaT’s leadership role in efforts to integrate transport in global policies on sustainable development and climate change. Informal feedback has however been overwhelmingly positive, this from members (see KPI A.3) but also from others e.g. High Level Champions on Climate Change. SLoCaT’s impact on Habitat III and COP22 benefited from a well-structured approach, documented in planning notes for the H3 Conference and COP22, which were updated on a regular basis prior to the two events.
The Figure above shows how SLoCaT combined knowledge work on H3, with participation in regional and thematic events and active commenting on the different drafts of the NUA and an active presence at the final Prep. Com. In Surabaya, Indonesia and the Habitat III Conference itself in Quito Ecuador .SLoCaT positioned itself for continued follow-up action on the NUA through a Memorandum of Understanding, which was signed on the final day
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of Habitat III between Dr.Joan Clos of UN-Habitat and Cornie Huizenga of the SLoCaT Partnership.
SLoCaT has been invited to be a partner in the German government’s “Transforming Urban Mobility Initiative” (TUMI) one of the key elements of the Quito Implementation Plan.
SLoCaT’s leadership role on transport and climate change was greatly helped through the continuation of its engagement in the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC). The active participation of SLoCaT through the PPMC in the Global Climate Action Agenda and interaction with the High Level Champions on Climate Change throughout 2016 has contributed to the shaping of the “Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action” and thereby helped raise the profile of non-State actors.
At COP22 itself SLoCaT played a key role in almost all of the transport related events including, but not limited to the Transport CEO Round Table, the Ministerial Round Table on Transport and Climate Change, Transport Showcase Event , Transport Dialogue Event, Transport Day Marrakech .
SLoCaT is recognised as a key stakeholder in the development of the Sustainable Mobility for All (SM4A) initiative.
A3. Members of the SLoCaT Partnership continue to rate the performance and impact of the Partnership overall positive
In preparation of the work plan for next year SLoCaT is carrying out in person interviews with 30% of the SLoCaT membership on their level of satisfaction with the organization on work carried out in 2016. Initial feedback is overwhelmingly positive as illustrated by the following quotes:
“A few years ago, when I proposed to my Board to join SLoCaT, it took me a lot of effort to persuade them that this is the right approach. This year, our members really applauded at our success in involving in a lot of international events and big processes. We would not be able to achieve that without SLoCaT”. “2016 has been the best year for us till now as a SLoCaT member”
The members interviewed were also asked:
How do you overall rate SLoCaT’s work? How do you rate YOUR experience as a SLoCaT member?
Both ratings showed an overall high level of appreciation and satisfaction.
B. Facilitating the Implementation of the 2015 Global Consensus on Sustainable Development and Climate Change 1. Shaping Future Agendas
B.1.a Common Framework, Global Road Map and Quick Wins successfully completed and disseminated to relevant stakeholders
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Common Framework: work on a common Global Tracking Framework on Sustainable Transport is coordinated by the World Bank. SLoCaT has actively contributed by facilitating commenting by SLoCaT membership. SLoCaT is in discussion with the World Bank on its role in the finalization of the Global Tracking Framework on Sustainable Transport.
Quick Wins on Transport, Climate Change and Sustainable Development were completed in Autumn 2016 and promoted during Habitat III and COP22, although not with the same intensity as the Global Roadmap. Reception of the Quick Wins was overall positive with several organizations approaching SLoCaT how to become part of outreach on the Quick Wins.
Global Macro-Roadmap on the Decarbonization of Transport is an ongoing effort that was presented at a large number of events throughout the period July – December 2016 and which sparked considerable interest for follow-up activities. Key was publishing: An Actionable Vision of Decarbonization of Transport, (in English and French) which contains a description on the rational for, and structure of, the proposed Global Macro-Roadmap. The Macro Roadmap is increasingly seen as a key element to guide the transformation of the transport sector and several discussions are ongoing now on the development of regionally specific versions of the Roadmap.
2. Building and Documenting Knowledge
B.2.a SLoCaT completes a minimum of three research products in 2016-2017
SLoCaT surpassed the KPI of 3 research products for the planning year July 2016 – June 2017 over the last six months. Knowledge products are documented at: http://www.ppmc-
Over the last 6 months SLoCaT developed or finalized: Synthesis of Analytical Products by the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA) Transport Initiatives Report Implications of 2DS and 1.5DS for Land Transport Carbon Emissions in 2050 Sustainable Transport in Habitat III: A Review of Principal Documents Transport, Poverty Alleviation and the Principles of Social Justice
In addition, SLoCaT updated: Overview of NDCs SLoCaT Transport Climate Finance Database
For a fill overview of 2016 Knowledge products see attachment.
B.2.b SLoCaT knowledge products are increasingly consulted and used by SLoCaT members and other stakeholders.
The SLoCaT and PPMC websites at present do not allow for an easy tracking of the number of downloads of individual documents (this will be looked at in the ongoing redesign of the SLoCaT and PPMC website). Over the last 6 months 975 persons visited In terms of direct references, the
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(updated) paper on NDCs is the most popular.
However, considering the level of effort going into the development of knowledge products it is important to come up with strategy to improve the use of these knowledge products.
3. Connecting Organizations and Individuals
B.3.a SLoCaT events are successfully organized and rated positively by participants
In the period July 1st – December 31st SLoCaT organized or co-organized 17 events and participated in 17 events organized by others.
Overall the number of transport events being organized is increasing. We saw that at Habitat III ( as well as at COP22 (
The number of transport events at COP22 was unprecedented, with 14 transport-focused events held on 11 November alone. Overall, the action orientation of the discussions on transport, as well as in other thematic areas, was clear in the fact that official and side events at COP22 were notably more granular and involved more detailed discussions on implementation than in previous COPs.
Regional Distribution of Events: SLoCaT events are reasonably well distributed over different parts of the world although the numbers for Latin America and Africa are somewhat inflated because of having one large event (H3 and COP22 respectively) which had a large number of individual events organized by SLoCaT or participated in by SLoCaT.
Diversity Profile in Events: The gender balance in terms of speakers, session facilitators
5 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016 and the Breakout Program Coordinators for the three Transport Days (Surabaya, Quito and Marrakech) are presented below:
Transport Day Transport Day Transport Day Surabaya Quito Marrakech Male Female Male Female Male Female Plenary 67% 33% 57% 43% 95% 5% Speakers Plenary 100% 67% 33% 67% 33% Facilitators Breakout N/A N/A 63.3% 36.7% 63.3% 36.7% Speakers Breakout N/A N/A 83% 17% 60% 40% Facilitators Breakout N/A N/A 62.5% 37.5% 53% 47% Coordinators Pecha Kucha 59% 41% 58% 42% 50% 50% Speakers
It is clear that there is a male dominance in events organized by SLoCaT although there were some incidences where a pro-active approach resulted in a higher level of female engagement.
It has not proven feasible to develop a detailed/meaningful evaluation/feedback mechanism for the events organized to establish the rating of events by participants.
In addition to the organization of events SLoCaT is also actively connecting people through the development of partnerships in different forms and shapes. It is proposed that this results in an additional KPI for the period January – June 2017:
Given the increasing number of transport events being organised 2017 will see a re- consideration of the rationale and focus of SLoCaT events.
“B.3.b. SLoCaT is developing/maintaining at least 3 effective Partnerships”
Valuable work was done in July – December 2016 on Partnerships through:
Continued facilitation of the Global Climate Action Transport Initiatives; Initial discussions on a Mobility Analytics Partnership (MAP) with the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP); Memorandum of Understanding between SLoCaT and UN-Habitat. A wide range of other possible partnerships being explored
4. Outreach
B.4.a SLoCaT Partnership reaches a growing number of stakeholders through a well thought out and implemented outreach strategy and tools
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Websites Analysis of the SLoCaT outreach (SLoCaT and PPMC websites as well as Twitter) shows that SLoCaT has plateaued in its outreach efforts compared to 2015. Analysis of the websites show that PPMC website has consistently more active visitors (e.g. number of pages visited) than the SLoCaT website.
PPMC 2016 PPMC 2015
SLoCaT 2016 SLoCaT 2015
Twitter Number of Twitter followers has grown 34.9% from 1,938 at the end of year 2015 to 2,614 at the end of year 2016. SLoCaT’s average daily number of tweets in 2016, is 9. On average, SLoCaT receives 7 retweets and 6 likes per day. It is significant that some members indicate that they rely on the SLoCaT Twitter account to keep informed on SLoCaT activities, rather than the bi-weekly member updates.
C. Delivery
1. Key Projects
C.1.a Key SLoCaT Projects are implemented according to implementation plans agreed with funders
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Over the last 6 months SLoCaT had the following projects under implementation:
Name Project Funder Size Status/Remarks Technical Cooperation CAF Large Current Phase Agreement completed on time Transport Hewlett Medium Project completed on Commitments after Foundation time Paris Ongoing Cooperation VREF Medium New phase commenced Program in 4th Quarter Support EST 2017 UNCRD Small Contract signed 4th Quarter Support COP22 + Michelin Medium PPMC Activities 2016 Habitat III Challenge completed Bibendum Promotion of RECAP – Large New Agreement 2017 Sustainable Rural (DFID) signed in 4th Quarter Access in the implementation of the 2030 Global Agenda on Sustainable Development Technical Cooperation Ford Medium Activities completed, Agreement Foundation program is being wrapped up Transport Data Project ADB Small Activities will be wrapped up before end of December 2016 Mid-Term Review ADB Small Activities completed Sustainable Transport Initiative Support to Transport AFD Small Activities 75% Strategy completed Towards Transport GIZ (BMUB) Large Activities to be 95% Climate Friendly completed before end Transport of year (small delay) Technologies and Measures Project Preparatory GIZ Small Project seriously behind Facilities/ Infrastructure schedule but will be Financing Facilities completed before end of the year.
In addition, SLoCaT also received support from a range of organizations for PPMC: African Development Bank, CAF, GIZ, Alstom, SNCF, Climate Works, Doppelmayr, FIA Foundation, German Partnership on Sustainable Mobility, ICLEI, ITDP and WRI.
D. Organizational
1. Governance D.1.a Impartiality Committee in place that has delivered report, the
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recommendations of which are discussed in the Partnership and appropriately acted upon
The report of the Impartiality Committee 2016 was delivered in the first half of 2016.
Key follow-up of the Impartiality Committee: increase diversity in the SLoCaT board was successfully realized through the SLoCaT Board election.
Some of the other recommendations included, and their respective status:
Translate objectives into rolling short and medium term goals to prioritize actions and evaluate success – status: planning 2017 – 2018, will contain a medium and long term perspective Reaffirm open critical approach to technology: decisions and work plans conform to this approach – status: no direct planned activities, to be reflected in future planning and the manner in which SLoCaT programs and projects are implemented Pursue active membership from developing countries – status: review of current status calls for more pro-active approach, e.g. Board Committee on Membership engagement Provide reasonable travel expenses support for independent Board members’ to enable participation to board meetings – status: being implemented Remove inactive members and implement membership fee system – status: is being implemented in incremental steps Develop succession plan for SG and key Board Members, possibly strengthening the capacity of the Secretariat – status: Secretariat has been strengthened, succession plan for SG and key Board members is outstanding Establish a Gender Participation Action Plan and roll out – status: Propose to be included in the planning for 2017-2018. In interim emphasis has been given to raising number of female speakers at various events in 2016 (Habitat III and COP22) Review ways to improve members and partners’ involvement and increased sharing of work among members – status: SLoCaT has now started monitoring membership engagement in an active manner (see D.4.a)
D.1.b SLoCaT Retreat has assessed the continued relevance of SLoCaT mission and resulted in agreement on SLoCaT’s contribution to future institutional and governance arrangements in support of accelerated action on sustainable transport
SLoCaT Retreat took place in October, 2016 in Bad Homburg, Germany, facilitated by GIZ. The report of the retreat is available online at: was considered to be relevant for the near future. SLoCaT has an important role to play vis-à-vis 5 key strategic functions:
1. Vision and Leadership: Translate and interpret global vision and targets into understandable and implementation orientated policies and plans, 2. National and local Mobilisation / Best Practise and Guidance: Inspire and enable (financing, capacity building, knowledge transfer) actors at all levels of authorities, private sector and civil society, 3. Indicators, Monitoring and Reporting: Ensure that policy, decision making,
9 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
prioritisation and funding allocation will all be evidence based, 4. Co-ordination and Stakeholder Engagement: Strong co-ordination of influential stakeholders to champion change towards sustainable mobility, 5. Financing: a) Inform, influence global, national, local, public and private decision makers to finance /support sustainable transport; b) Inform/influence global funders/funds to support sustainable transport.
2. Secretariat
D.2.a SLoCaT Secretariat operates in effectively and efficiently, aided by operations manual and in a manner that actively involves SLoCaT Members
The SLoCaT Secretariat has strengthened its capacity in the period July – December 2016 through:
Expanding the number of hours of Senior Consultant Mark Major and by making him part of the core SLoCaT Secretariat team; Expanding the research capacity, initially through temporary, part-time researcher and later by making this a full time person; Expanding the capacity to serve as Secretariat to the Partnership by recruiting an Outreach and Events officer. Started to have monthly on-line co-ordination meetings with all the SLoCaT Secretariat team (Shanghai and non-Shanghai based staff)
Work on the Operations Manual in the reporting period has focused on improving and documenting financial procedures in the Secretariat.
For membership engagement see KPI D4a.
3. Diversity Performance
D.3.a. SLoCaT successful in strengthening diversity (gender, regional) in its structure and operations.
SLoCaT successfully improved diversity in the Board of the SLoCaT Partnership. The new SLoCaT board consists of 8 women (of which one who is serving as co-chair) and 5 men, versus the old Board, which consisted of 8 men and 1 woman. The new Board has 6 representatives from the developing world and 7 from the developed world, versus the old Board where the balance was 2 from the developing world and 6 from the developed world.
In preparation of the Gender Participation Action Plan, the SLoCaT Secretariat has collected key statistics on gender balance in its various operations:
Secretariat: SLoCaT Secretariat core staff: 4 females and 4 males Interns SLoCaT Secretariat: 5 females – zero males Project based consultants recruited in 2016: 2 females versus 5 males
10 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
Social Media: Twitter followers: 65% males and 35% females PPMC website users: 60% males and 40% females SLoCaT website users: 54% males and 46% females
Events: See above section on Events for statistical information. In terms of programming Transport Day 2016 in Marrakech also saw a dedicated breakout session on Women and Transport.
SLoCaT will continue to monitor these key statistics and come up with a Gender Participation Action Plan.
Social equity, including gender equity, was also an important component of the i-STEP (Inclusive action on Sustainable Transport Equity and Poverty) Program.
4. Membership
D.4.a SLoCaT membership represents stakeholders on sustainable transport and is actively engaged in formulation and implementation of SLoCaT Partnership activities and the % of members that is directly or indirectly involved (through funding, participation, co-organizing events etc.) in SLoCaT activities is over 75% by the end of 2016-2017.
As a follow-up to discussions at the 2016 Annual Meeting and subsequent Board meetings SLoCaT terminated the membership of 10 organizations. Another 7 organizations were informed that their membership was to be terminated by the end of 2016 if they would not become more active.
SLoCaT conducted in December for the first time a detailed member by member review of their engagement in the SLoCaT partnership based on 6 criteria: In-Kind Contribution – 17 members Financial Contribution – 34 members Events – 54 members Commenting –46 members Governance – 16 members Outreach support – 24 members
As per mid-December, 20 out of 91 members did not engage in any activity of the SLoCaT Partnership at all. This means 78% is directly or indirectly involved.
5. Financial Management
D.5.a SLoCaT Foundation receives a clean review of accounts for financial year 2014-2015
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Deloitte Accountancy and Advices issued in July 2016 the final statement on the accounts for the financial year 2014-2015, which was reviewed and approved by the Board in its subsequent Board meeting.
D.5.b 75% of budget in place by end of First quarter (September); 85% of budget in place by end of Calendar year (December); 100% of budget in place by end of Third Quarter (March); 65 % of budget for next financial year in place by end of current financial year (June)
The approved SLoCaT Budget for the financial year 2016-2017 was USD $972,072. The Board is requested to approve in its January 10th 2017 Board meeting a minor revision of the budget and decrease it to: USD 904,787.
Current confirmed and likely income for the SLoCaT Partnership for 2016-2017 is USD 824,658 which means that 91% of the revised Budget has been secured by the end of December. Year Expenses Income Profit/Loss 2014- 2015 $489,623 $ 464,898 ($24,725) Confirmed Statement 2015 -2016 $836,977 $871,848 $10,146.081 Unconfirmed Statement 2016- 2017 $904,787 $ 824,658 ($80,129) Based on revised Budget 9% budget shortfall based on January 10th2 projected income as per January 10th 2017 2017 – 2018 $1,000,000 $1,050,000 $50,000 - $100,000 Proposed budget - $1,250,00 - $ 1,350,00 framework .
Annex 1: SLoCaT Partnership 2016 Knowledge Products
Knowledge Products on Assessment: 1. Synthesis of Analytical Products by the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate content/uploads/2016/11/E2_Synthesis-Report.pdf 2. 2.Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA) Transport Initiatives Report Transport-Initiatives-Report-November-2016.pdf
3. Implications of 2DS and 1.5DS for Land Transport Carbon Emissions in 2050 1.5DS-2050-Report-2016-11-07.pdf 4. Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDCs) Offer Opportunities for Offer-Opportunities-for-Ambitious-Action-Updated-October- Ambitious Action on Transport and 2016.pdf Climate Change (Updated) Knowledge Products on Policy: 5. Final Transport COP22 Summary
12 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
Report Final-Report-December-2016.pdf
6. Transport, Poverty Alleviation and the Principles of Social Justice: i-STEP literature_review.pdf Literature Review 7. An Actionable Vision of Decarbonization of Transport (English) actionable-Vision-of-Transport-Decarbonization-web.pdf 8. Transports Décarbonés: Une Dynamique De Transformation actionable-Vision-of-Transport-Decarbonization-FR.pdf (Français) 9. Quick Wins on Transport, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Quick-Wins-Report-1.pdf 10. i-STEP SLoCaT Member Survey step_slocat_member_survey_draft_16_june.pdf 11. White Paper on Consultations Conducted and Recommendations 12. Factsheet on Rural Transport to Market and Essential Services (English) actsheetruralaccesstomarketsandessentialservices.pdf Databases 13. Climate Finance Transport Projects Matrix ects_matrix_1.8_-_2016-11-03.xlsx 14. GHG Methodologies Database logy_-_revised_sep_2016.xlsx
13 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
ANNEX 2A: EVENTS ORGANIZED/CO-ORGANIZED BY SLoCaT PARTNERSHIP IN 2016 Event Venue Link January 2016 1. Annual SLoCaT Meeting Washington D.C., USA 2. SLoCaT Webinar - Lessons from Online COP21 for the Transport Sector 3. Webinar Training - REN21 Online Renewables 2015 Global Status Report: Transport March 2016 4. Paris Process on Mobility and Paris, France Climate (PPMC) Stakeholder Meeting 2016 5. LPAA Transport Initiatives Paris, France Meeting May 2016 6. Friends of Sustainable Transport New York, USA Event 7. Transport Track of the Pre- Washington D.C., USA Summit Stakeholders’ Workday 2016-pre-summit-transport-track/ 8. Webinar: From New York via Online Paris to Quito - Urban mobility on from-new-york-via-paris-to-quito-urban- the global agendas mobility-on-the-global-agendas.html
9. ITF2016 Pre-event PPMC Leipzig, Germany Stakeholder Meeting 10. LPAA Transport Leipzig, Germany Initiatives Meeting June 2016 11. Innovations in Urban Berlin, Germany Mobility 12. Scaling Up Action on Berlin, Germany Sustainable Urban Transport in the Context of Habitat III--A German Habitat Forum Mobility Working Session 13. Roundtable on Lima, Peru Sustainable Transport in Latin America 14. Roundtable on New York, USA Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Transport July 2016
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15. Sustainable Nairobi, Kenya Transportation for Agenda 2030: Boosting the Arteries of Global Trade 16. Surabaya Transport Day Surabaya, Indonesia @ Habitat III PrepCom3 17. Delivering accessible Surabaya, Indonesia cities: Urban mobility and the New Urban Agenda September 2016 18. LPAA Transport Paris, France Initiatives Meeting October 2016 19. SLoCaT Retreat Bad Homburg, Germany
20. Inclusive Sustainable Quito, Ecuador Transport in support of action on sustainable-transport-in-support-of-action-on- Equity and Poverty (i-STEP) equity-and-poverty-i-step/
21. Launch of the Quito Quito, Ecuador Action Plan on Sustainable Urban quito-action-plan-on-sustainable-urban- Mobility mobility/ 22. Transport Day Quito Quito, Ecuador http://www.ppmc- November 2016 23. Climate Adaptation in Marrakech, Morocco the global transport sector 24. Transport CEO Marrakech, Morocco Roundtable 25. Ministerial Roundtable Marrakech, Morocco 26. Clean Mobility Marrakech, Morocco Reception reception/ 27. GCAA Transport Marrakech, Morocco Thematic Event-Showcase action-agenda-transport-thematic-showcase/ 28. GCAA Transport Marrakech, Morocco Thematic Event-Dialogue Segment action-agenda-transport-thematic-dialogue/ 29. Transport Day Marrakech, Morocco http://www.ppmc- Marrakech 30. Fleets for the early Marrakech, Morocco deployment of electric vehicles early-deployment-of-electric-vehicles/ 31. High Level Discussion – Marrakech, Morocco 2017 Plans Transport Action Area 2017-plans-transport-action-area-under-the- under the Global Climate Action global-climate-action-agenda/ Agenda December 2016
15 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
32. Webinar: COP22 From Online Transport Perspective spective
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ANNEX 2B: EVENTS PARTICIPATED IN BY SLoCaT PARTNERSHIP IN 2016 Event Venue Link January 2016 1. Transforming Washington DC, USA Transportation 2016 2. Expert Group Meeting – Bangkok, Thailand Habitat III group-meeting-preparation-habitat-iii- regional-report-asia-and-pacific February 2016 3. Habitat III Regional Abuja, Nigeria Meeting-Africa 4. Velo-City Global 2016 Taipei, Taiwan 5. March 2016 6. 47th Session of the UNSC New York, USA session/ 7. Habitat III Regional Prague, Czech Republic Meeting-Europe 8. Habitat III European Prague, Czech Republic Regional Meeting, Side Event: Sustainable and Clean Mobility for the New Urban Agenda
9. European Habitat Side Prague, Czech Republic Event: Transport in action: boosting the take-up of sustainable urban mobility
10. General Assembly of Prague, Czech Republic Partners Meeting efault/files/20160318%20GAP%20plenary %20agenda%20_3.pdf 11. Third Meeting of the IAEG- Mexico City, Mexico SDGs sdgs-meeting-03 April 2016 12. UITP Sustainable Hong Kong, China Development Commission 22nd Meeting 13. Informal Ministerial Amsterdam, The Environmental and Transport Netherlands /env/2016/04/14-15/ meeting 14. High Level Thematic New York, USA Debate on Achieving the SDGs thematic-debate-implementing-commitments- (HLTD-SDGs) on-sustainable-development-climate-change- and-financing/? May 2016
17 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
15. 41st Annual Meeting of the Jakarta, Indonesia IDB Group--Seminar on Role of Climate Friendly Transport Systems in Promoting Inclusive Growth 16. International Transport Leipzig, Germany Forum Summit 2016: Green and Inclusive Transport 17. Technical expert meeting Germany on mitigation: Shifting to more efficient public transport and increasing energy efficiency of vehicles June 2016 18. Webinar-Habitat III can Online help accelerate action on sustainable urban transport July 2016 19. Side Event-WCTRS Shanghai, China August 2016 20. Better Air Quality Busan, Korea Conference September 2016 21. Green Growth Week Jeju, Korea
22. Webinar Low Carbon Online Transport Infrastructure - Rail Transport 23. ADB Transport Forum 2016 Manila, Philippines transport-forum-2016 24. Climate Chance Summit Nantes, France October 2106 25. Walk21 Hong Kong Hong Kong 26. Council Meeting of WBCSD Chennai, India 27. High-Level Meeting on Santa Cruz, Bolivia Sustainable Transport of sustainable-transport-landlocked-developing- Landlocked Developing countries/ Countries 28. Towards a More Equal City: Quito, Ecuador From Global Narrative to transport-events-at-habitat-iii/ Action on the Ground 29. Cities of Tomorrow: Quito, Ecuador Liveable mobile and tomorrow-liveable-mobile-and-connected/ connected" %22
18 SLoCaT 2017 Annual Meeting – Item 2: Progress Report July – December 2016
30. City and Movement: Quito, Ecuador Mobilities and Interactions in city-and-movement/ Urban Development 31. Special Session on Quito, Ecuador Transport and Mobility session-transport-and-mobility/ 32. Sustainable Cities: Framing Quito, Ecuador the Future event-sustainable-cities-framing-the-future/ 33. Inclusive Urbanization Built Quito, Ecuador upon Transit Oriented Development: Perspectives from the city November 2016 34. Transforming Ambition Marrakech, Morocco into Local Action: NDC cop22-to-present-mobiliseyourcity/ Implementation towards sustainable low carbon mobility 35. Charting Pathways to Marrakech, Morocco http://itf- Decarbonise Transport decarbonising-transport-cop22-side-event.pdf 36. Contribution of the road Marrakech, Morocco transport sector to the reduction of the CO2 emissions – Which policies to further reduce its impact ? 37. Aviation and Shipping after Marrakech, Morocco Paris: has anything changed? shipping-after-paris-has-anything-changed/ 38. Energy Transitions 2016 London, United Kingdom energy-transitions-2016 December 2016 39. Ministerial Conference on Moscow, Russia Transport-Third Session conference-transport-third-session 40. G20 Expert Workshop: Munich, Germany Decarbonising Energy Systems