UHCC Annual Report Instructional Program Data on Fall 2006 Data

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UHCC Annual Report Instructional Program Data on Fall 2006 Data

UHCC December 2010-2011 Coversheet Annual Report Program Data

College: Kauai Community College

Program: Culinary Arts

AA AS ATS AAS CA CC COC ASC APC Check All     Credentials Offered

Introduction: Brief description of the program and program mission.

Utilizing the Island’s beauty and abundant agricultural potential, the mission of the Culinary Institute of the Pacific at Kauai Community College is to provide a caring, quality learning environment; offer cultural, historical and current culinary training; and prepare students for employment and lifelong success.

Part I. Quantitative Indicators (Reported on 2009 Summary Report Program Data excel sheet --includes health calls based on system scoring rubric).

OVERALL PROGRAM HEALTH (Check one) Healthy Cautionary Unhealthy 

Part II.

A. Analysis of the Program (strengths and weaknesses in terms of demand, efficiency, and effectiveness based on an analysis of the data).

 Due to “cautionary status” in Program Efficiency— i.e. class size and lowered enrollment —the department strongly feel that filling the vacant Outreach Counselor position is essential.

1  The department feels that the efficiency indicator does not accurately reflect the faculty contact hours with students.  Demand for the culinary program is high and is expected to remain high through 2012 according to Kauai County Economic Modeling Specialists Inc. (EMSI) reports.  In looking at the culinary program demand numbers vs. majors, the program exhibits health.  The number of new and replacement positions, both state and county wide has risen from F2007 to AY 2008 (State 288 to 341, County 18 to 20). However, many of those positions have either been frozen, or remain unfilled, due to lack of funding. The department notes that all graduates who desired to gain employment in the food service industry successfully gained or retained positions.  The number of student majors has increased (39 to 43). With the decline of the nation’s economy, the department feels there may be levels of uncertainty in the community which may or may not affect enrollment.  Data shows that from Fall 2006 to Spring 2008 there was a greater demand for culinarians which may have contributed to the enrollment and completers of culinary students.  Workforce need has declined since last year. The economic downturn seems to have leveled, but hiring has not increased to previous levels.  With the economic downturn more students have been forced to choose between work (income) and school. While employers were flexible in past years, they can now require employees to accept flexible schedules or lose their positions.  In 2009, there has been an increase in inquiries from students aged 25 and above.  Additionally, there has been an increase in requests for short-term training for high-wage food service positions (mostly in hotels) as a result of downsizing and layoffs.  Focus now is on the “worker supply” and “worker preparation” gap. As baby boomers leave the labor market, Hawaii is still experiencing the beginning of a worker supply gap.  According to The Hawaii Planning Context, in addition to preparing individuals with vocational certificates and two-year technical degrees, there are more than 6,000 jobs in the state to be filled annually that require either a degree plus work experience, or on-the-job training. These jobs are in areas such as restaurant cooks, skilled construction workers, police and sales representatives.  Individuals seeking to fill these jobs may desire to participate in non-credit and short-term training opportunities. While the department acknowledges that the development of non-credit, short-term courses is needed, personnel are not available to pursue this endeavor at this time.

Note: 1) Career Technical Education (CTE) programs must include in analysis any Perkins IV Core indicator for which the program did not meet the goal. 2) If using alternative “program capacity” method to determine program efficiency, include in analysis.

2 B. Analysis of program assessment data (Program SLOs)

At this time, the college is launching a campus-wide assessment process to prepare for the 2012 accreditation. While the Campus deadline is January 5, 2010 for fully completed “CARDS”, the Culinary department has completed 100% of the “Naked Cards”— an assessment tool which records by course and includes:

 SLO’ s to be assessed,  students in the course,  assessment subjects,  assessment benchmarks, and  tools to determine if benchmarks are met.

Presently the Culinary program has SLO’s for 100% of its courses. These SLO’s are reinforced by the American Culinary Federation (ACF) required competencies, on which the culinary students are assessed.

As part of Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACFEF) accreditation requirements, the program goals and curriculum are continually assessed.

Some additional methods of internal and external assessment used on an on-going basis are:

 Culinary Advisory Board meetings, held twice a year.  Employer focus groups, held once every 3-5 years.  Graduate AAS Student Focus groups, held annually in May.  Class and Instructor assessments held by students at the end of each 8 week module or semester.  Annual ACFEF accreditation renewals, in which the faculty updates professional and technical development information as well as speaks to any program or curriculum changes.

C. Significant Program Actions (new certificates, stop-out; gain/loss of positions, results of prior year’s action plan).

 Gain & Loss of Position

o A faculty position (Chef Instructor) was filled in 2009. o The APT position which was approved and funded by the legislature was frozen by the Governor. o The Business Division clerk-steno is overextended as she supports the Accounting, Business Technology, Culinary and Hospitality programs. The Culinary program lacks adequate clerk-steno assistance for taking minutes at weekly meetings and seeks dedicated personnel to assist with income generating events, such as, fundraising and non-credit classes. 3 o CULN120 (Fundamentals of Cookery) was at capacity (20 students) and allowed 2 additional students to enroll for fall 2009 AAS cohort. o With funding from Carl Perkins Funds, a two week summer program was initiated to recruit and assist students in meeting the program pre-requisites and explore careers in hospitality and culinary industries. Three faculty members supported the program.

 Recruiting

o The faculty and staff continue to work with feeder elementary, middle, and high school classes, and the Academy of Hotel and Tourism (AOHT) and Culinary Academy programs. o Participation includes attending and demonstrating at career fairs, visiting classes, having students shadow our students at KCC, having AOHT and Culinary Academy students work at the Gala. The program appreciates early warning about career fair dates and feeder school visits in order to avoid schedule conflicts with other priorities. o The faculty, through Perkins funding, successfully collaborated with DOE teachers on Kauai, holding a Summer Institute in 2008 to assist them in developing their safety, sanitation and basic cooking skills. o In an effort to strengthen articulation between the high school and college, a summer program was developed in 2009. Of the 10 students enrolled in the summer program, 8 were recent high school graduates, and of these 8 graduates, 4 enrolled in either CULN 120 (Fundamentals) or CULN 101B (Introduction to Food Service, Basic Skills and Sanitation). o Currently, a Perkins grant request has been submitted for Summer 2010. If funded, will provide high students and recent graduates an opportunity to explore a career as a culinarian, increase their math skills and learn about sustainability (farm to table) through speakers, visitations and by providing a demonstration at the KCC Farmer’s Market.

 All-College Hour and Scheduling

o Because of long lab hours and limited classrooms, we have had to do a cumbersome, staggered class schedule in order to fit all-college hour within our curriculum. o Monday and Friday class schedules, which should be the same, are different. We recognize the importance of culinary faculty being available for college-wide efforts but hope the campus can look for other all-college hour scheduling options.

 Instructional and Operational Unit

o We continue to examine ways to more efficiently and effectively deal with concerns brought about by being both an instructional and an operational unit.

4 o In addition to instructional needs, we have on-going operational challenges including equipment maintenance, ordering daily supplies, meeting sanitation and safety requirements, interfacing with function/event scheduling, etc. This extra work limits the time available to spend on open labs (student club activities, functions, student competitions, marketing and recruitment. o It is difficult to prioritize APRU items when dealing with a mix of instructional and operational concerns. Therefore, a number of items have been prioritized as “N” which means they are needed to operate.

Part III. Action Plan


Priority Description Page 1. Obtain go-ahead for planning on capitol improvement 7 project or renovation of existing facility 2. Hire APT position for financials and development on non- 11 credit offerings, etc.. 3. Continue part-time cafeteria worker, 30 hours per week 11 4. Hire part-time clerical support, 20 hours per week 11 5. Build Outdoor International Kitchen 8 6. Participate in feeder school career fairs, explorations, 17 shadowing 7. Complete the Re-keying all locks in culinary building 10 8. Obtain 15 credits assigned time for Summer overload variou projects, ACF accreditation, Articulation, Focus groups- both s student and employer, align Program SLOs 9. Obtain instructional supplies budget for non-production 17 classes to be able to meet course competencies 10. Obtain ServSafe certification for instructors and staff 16


~ Contents ~

Action Plan for Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Addendum–Culinary Facilities

Submitted December 1, 2009

6 Kaua‘i Community College 2009 Annual Program Review for

CULINARY ARTS ACTION PLAN For Fall 2010 through Spring 2011 -- Prepared November 2009 “N” means “needed to operate.” “?” means status unknown Directions: . Insert action plan from last program review. . Indicate status of each action item. . Identify status in measurable outcomes, where possible. For example, if increased enrollment was a goal, indicate actual enrollment. If the development of a survey or brochure was a goal, indicate whether survey or brochure is developed. . Discuss next steps or adjustments on strategy. . Indicate benchmarks or measurable goals when appropriate for next steps – so we know when we’ve reached the goal. . Discuss reasons for any adjustments in strategy.

Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al

2.7. 1 O  Requesting use of Requesting Program Spring Facility will be In progress. 1 bt Campus Bookstore campus Capital Coor- 2010- Fall ready for ai space vacated when Improvement dinator 2011 occupancy at n One Stop, 2nd phase funds (PC), the beginning fu opens and/or may (anticipate ap- Shirai, of Fall 2011. nd include expansion proximately $3 Nitta, in onto parking lot million for faculty g and/or lawn. items an  Requesting requested in d inclusion into cam- addendum). UH pl pus capital facilities an improvement 6 credits planners ni projects. reassigned ng  Begin preliminary time Faculty ap planning with UH

7 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al pr facilities planners. ov  Dedicate a al portion of Gala fo Funds to assist with r costs. Ca pit al Im pr ov e m en t Pr oj ec t – C UL N 12 0 fu nd a m en tal s

8 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al la b w hi ch w as no t in co m pli an ce wi th O S H A he alt h an d sa fet y re qu

9 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ire m en ts.

In o r- de r to co nti nu e in str uc tio n, th e ex ist in g Ba ke sh op w

10 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al as m od ifi ed in Fal l 20 08 to ac co m m od at e fu nd a m en tal s cl as s- ro o m

11 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al in str uc tio n, uti lizi ng in du cti on st ov es . Re no va te th e pr es en t Bo ok st or e

12 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al fa cil iti es to m ee t AC FE F an d O S H A st an da rd s an d off er fu nd a m en

13 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al tal s la b (C UL N 12 0) an d no n- cr ed it re ve nu e- ge ne ra tin g co ur se s.


14 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al e pr op os ed fa cil ity wil l in cl ud e th e fol lo wi ng : . Ne w

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15 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al t c h e n / c l a s s r o o m . Ne w

s t o r a g e

s p a c

16 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al e . Ne w

w i r e l e s s ,

i n f o r m a t i o n

t e c h

17 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al n o l o g y

e q u i p p e d

c o n f e r e n c e

r o o m

18 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al . 2 n e w

f u r n i s h e d

f a c u l t y / s t a f f


19 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al f f i c e s . Se e ad de n d u m fo r co nc er ns th at ne ed to be ad dr es se

20 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al d an d de ta ils fo r pr o- po se d pe r m an en t fa cil iti es ex pa ns io n ne ed s.

21 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al O  Requesting Unknown – PC, Spring Ongoing New 2.7. bt inclusion into cam- Requesting Shirai, 2010- Fall collaboration request. 1 ai pus capital campus Capital Nitta, 2011 with Hawaiian n improvement Improvement faculty Studies to fu projects. funds create nd  Begin preliminary (anticipate UH opportunities in planning with UH approximately Facilities for student g facilities planners. $200,000 for Planners learning and an  Seek community items increased d sponsor for requested in cultural pl supplemental addendum). awareness an funding. 6 credits while ni reassigned providing a ng time- faculty. venue for ap A partial donor community pr has been events. ov identified. al fo r Ca pit al Im pr ov e m en t Pr

22 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al oj ec t – Int er na tio na l Co ve re d O ut do or Kit ch en w hi ch in cl ud es an im u, Po

23 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al rt ug ue se br ea d ov en , ha nd w as hi ng fa cil iti es , an d re str oo m s. N Co  Determine if $600 for Shirai, Ongoing Stove/ovens Ongoing. nti maintenance maintenance if Hilldorfe will be nu service is available available r, working

24 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al e locally. locally, or Oyama properly. to  If unavailable $2,000 if ca locally arrange to unavailable. lib bring in someone (maintenance ra from Honolulu. and travel te expenses) R/M st budget. ov e/ ov en co m bo s in m ai n kit ch en , fin e di ni ng an d ba

25 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ke sh op . Pr ob le m of pil ot lig ht go in g ou t pe rsi st s. N Co  Continue PM Unknown PC/Nitt January Maintain Ongoing- nti contracts currently KCC R/M a 1, 2010 compliance Refrigeratio nu in place and obtain budget. with fire and n contract e refrigeration PM other safety in place. an contract. requirements; nu prevent Received al monetary loss fire and pr by reducing safety ev product loss. compliance.

26 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al en Annual tiv preventive e maintenanc m e not ai funded & nt this is an en ongoing an need. ce to ad dr es s sa fet y co nc er ns (r ef rig er ati on ) an d co

27 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al nti nu e pr ev en tiv e m ai nt en an ce (P M) of fir e su pp re ssi on , ref rig er ati on ,

28 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al gr ea se tr ap an d oil di sp os al, in se ct & ro de nt co nt rol , et c. N Mai  Re-stock at Unknown Nitta, Complete Maintain Ongoing. nta beginning of each KCC O/M Shirai prior to compliance in semester. budget. beginning with safety firs  Replenish as of each requirements. t needed. Zee Medical semester aid and

29 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al kits monthly . replenish ment 2.7 11 Re  Have facilities re- Unknown (R/M) Nitta, Complete Prevent Re-keying - key building to keep Shirai by Spring reported loss. begun, not ke culinary facility 2009 completed. y secure. bu ild in g (al l lo ck s). 2.7 I  Have facilities Unknown (R/M) Nitta, Complete Prevent Ongoing. m outsource general Shirai at end of student and pl heavy cleaning of each staff injury- e the end of every semester personnel not m semester. trained in e OSHA nt handling e harsh and n potentially d- dangerous of cleaning - chemicals. se m es

30 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al te r g e n er al h ea vy cl ea ni n g (o ut so ur ce ). AC 3.1 F  Draft and submit 3 credits Hilldorfe Spring Continued Ongoing. 2.2. RE required Hilldorfer r, 2010 accreditation 1 - documentation 6 credits “B” or Oyama, in good 2.4. AC describing program better” Lecturer standing. 1 CR changes annually; Lecturer in 3.2. ED  Liaison with SP2009,F2010, 1 ITA Kapi‘olani CC and Sp2010. TI Maui CC; ON  Hire lecturer to

31 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al D serve as Editor - 16 es hrs/week for spring ig 2010. na te ti m e ta bl e an d de lin ea te fa cu lty re sp on si bil iti es to co m pl

32 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al et e AC F re qu ire d do cu m en ta tio n in a ti m el y m an ne r. 2.4. Ho  Schedule meeting $600 ($15 pp  PC, Spring Review In progress 1 ld times and place; to host 20 Clerk 2010 program for F2009- fal  Prepare agenda; attendees x 2 Steno Fall 2011 mission, SLOs, Sp2010. l  Invite attendees; meetings;  Facul Spring ACF This is an an  Hold meeting; committee ty/staff 2012 accreditation annual, on- d  Record members, standards, going

33 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al sp proceedings. faculty, staff, course request. rin administrators) competencies g . , accreditation se report, m change in es COC, etc. te r ad vi so ry co m mi tt ee m ee tin gs .

(A CF ac cr ed ita tio n

34 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al re qu ire s 2 ad vi so ry co m mi tt ee m ee tin gs pe r ye ar ). 3.1 N O  Conduct graduate Summer Honma, Summer Maintain ACF Ongoing. 2.2. n- focus groups and overload PC, 2010 accreditation 1 go compile data; 3 credits each Faculty and APRU 2.4. in  Design and/or Honma, documentatio 1 g revise data Hilldorfer, n and respond 3.2. ne collection forms and 2 credits each to site visit ed collect data; Gibson, recommendati s  Respond to ACFEF Oyama, Nakata on.

35 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al to recommendations; m  Analyze, and ai interpret data. nt  Address curricular ai revisions; n  Revise Student AC Handbook; F  Plan New Student ac Orientation and cr update materials. ed ita tio n an d AP R U do cu m en ta tio n; re m ed y an

36 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al d/ or re sp on d to an y AC FE F re co m m en da tio ns fol lo wi ng th eir Sp rin g 20 10

37 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al sit e vi sit . 2.5 3 Co  Process papers $16,132.50 Bacio, Begins Preps, cooks, Continuing nti for continuing ($1792.50/mo Human Fall 2010 cleans, and need. nu appointment; salary x 9 Resourc on first assists e  Schedule, train, months with es, day of cafeteria on and supervise. leave without (facilitat instructio manager to e pay during ed by n & ends supplement pa holidays, non PC) Spring classroom rt instructional 2011 on contributions. ti days)$ amount last day m subject to of e change due to instructio ca any contractual n fet increase. eri a he lp er (n ee de d 30 ho ur s

38 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al pe r w ee k on in str uc tio na l da ys . 2.5 St  Select students;  $4,350 (40 Bacio, Fall 2010 Operates cash Completed ud  Process papers hrs/wk x 15 HR, PC and Spring register, and in en for appointments; wks @ $7.25) 2011 on restocks, progress. t  Schedule, train,  General instruction cleans, and he and supervise. funds al days assists Continuing lp cafeteria annual (n manager to need. ee supplement d classroom 40 contributions. ho ur s pe r w

39 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ee k du rin g in str uc tio na l da ys ). Re as se ss ne ed fo r st ud en t he lp if se co

40 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al nd ha lf ti m e ca fet eri a he lp er is hir ed . 2.2. 2 Hi  Obtain legislative Unknown DC, HR, Fill by Monitor Awaiting 8 re approval- done; BED 7/30/10 functions/ Governor to on  Prepare job DPC, PC events; unfreeze e description- done; perform position. ful  Advertise; inventory l  Interview and transfer; and ti recommend manage m candidate; program’s e  Orient and operational AP mentor new hire. budget, T. revenues, expenses, profits, etc., including non-

41 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al credit operations. 6 Hi  Advertise; Approx PC , HR, August Completes Not funded. re  Select and $15,000- all 15, 2010 dept clerical on recommend funding TBD, instructor functions Continuing e appointment; dependant on s including need. pa  Schedule, train, APT status, minutes, rt and supervise. once hired financials, ti reports, m reservations, e fund-raising Cl support. eri ca l su pp or t (2 0 ho ur s pe r w ee k) de pe

42 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al nd an t on st at us of AP T po sit io n. LE C T U R E C R E DI T H O U R S R

43 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al E Q U E S TE D Un ab le to gu ar an te e th at le ct ur er s ar en ’t ne ed ed du e

44 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al to ex pe rti se re qu ire d to co ve r co ur se s, ti m e co ns tr ai nt s im po se d by

45 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ha vi ng in ad eq ua te nu m be r of cl as sr oo m s an d la bs , an d co nt ra ct ua

46 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al l as si gn ed ti m e ob lig ati on s.

C UL N 10 1B & C an d 10 2 B & C co ve re

47 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al d by hir in g 4t h in str uc tio na l po sit io n. 2.0 E  Select lecturers; 3 credits PC, DC, Fall 2010 Increased Completed. N  Complete HR Spring student G paperwork 2011 satisfaction Continuing 21 ;necessary for 3 credits with need. le appointments instruction ct  Hire, schedule, and improved ur and mentor. learning. er to co nti nu e CT

48 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al E co nt en t- dri ve n le ar ni ng fo r cu lin ar y st ud en ts M GT 12 2 le ct ur er to

49 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al co nti nu e co lla bo ra tiv e le ar ni ng wi th FS ER 12 0 an d 29 4) ). 2.0 C  Coordinate with 2 day (during Gibson, Fall 2010 Program Completed. P Health Ed to Dining Room PC, Spring requirement Continuing R/ schedule class. class) Health 2011 met. program Fir Ed need. st Coordina Ai tor

50 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al d in st ru ct or R eq ui re d fo r ba si c ce rti fic at io n- n ur si n g to ha n dl

51 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al e at th is ti m e. Pr  Coordinator 6 credits / 6 Oyama, Fall 2010 Provide On-going. 2.0 og duties and credits Hilldorfe Spring program ra responsibilities. r 2011 facilitation m and direction. Co or di na to r (9 - m on th ). 2.2. Tr  Review, modify, 3 credits Instructo Spring 20% of On-going 1 an update & transfer 3 faculty rs 2010 courses need. sf courses to CAF; reviewed and er  Obtain division updated. 3 and campus co approval. ur se

52 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al s to C AF (C AF 20 % an nu al re vi ew . Fiv  Collect, annotate, 12 credits DC, PC Accredita Completed Completed. e- and file required assigned time tion site program ye materials ; for authors – visit due review goal ar documenting Hilldorfer, March 30, met through pr performance and Honma, plus 3 2010 external ACF og outcomes; credit/semeste accreditation ra  Discuss planning; r lecturer process. m  Write, revise, and position - 3 re submit report. semesters. vi Funding ( as ew yet unknown) . is required for (U 3 accreditation nn team ec members- es flights from

53 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al sa mainland and ry Honolulu, if interisland ex airfare, lodging te and meals, rn ground al transportation, AC accreditation F renewal fees ac (ACF fees plus cr supplies and ed postage). ita Some tio transportation n costs can be if shared with ob Leeward CC as tai they are due ne for site visit in d. 2010 as well. Re fe r to U H C CP # 5. 20

54 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al 2, Oc t. 20 05 : “If a pr og ra m ha s co m pl et ed a co m pr eh en si ve se lf- as se

55 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ss m en t fo r th e pu rp os es of pr og ra m ac cr ed ita tio n wi thi n tw o ye ar s

56 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al o f th e pr og ra m re vi e w cy cl e, th e re su lts of th e ac cr ed ita tio n se lf- st

57 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ud y m ay su bs tit ut e fo r th e co m pr eh en si ve pr og ra m re vi e w” ). 2.2. D  Review online 3 credits Culinary Course will 2 ev course needs; Reassigned instructo Spring be delivered

58 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al el  Write online time r to be 2010/Fall online. op course; determi 2011 Gives C  Produce online 3 credits first ned. students & UL course; time through program N  Implement implementatio scheduling 11 course. n flexibility. 2, Can be either Sa credit or non- nit credit ati providing on capability to an create OCET- d like course Sa for income fet generation (if y, offered to as industry). a Ka ua ‘i C C de liv er ed on lin e co

59 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ur se . 1.1 D  Design course; Carl Perkins Gibson, Summer Provide high Ongoing. 2.3 ev  Submit for Funds Hilldorfe 2010 school 2.4 el funding; r, students and 5.1 op  Design marketing Honma recent 6.2 an materials; graduates d  Recruit qualified with a im students; foundation in pl  Provide Compass Culinary skills e placement testing; and broaden m  Accept students; their en knowledge in  Collect risk and t sanitation, release and other D cookery necessary forms; O fundamentals,  Order supplies E/ emphasizing and products; KC sustainability C  Arrange for site (farm to Hi visits and speakers; table) and gh  Implement developing Sc course; math skills in ho  Evaluate course. order to ol transition su students m successfully m from high er school to pr college. og

60 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ra m “b as ics in sa nit ati on , co ok er y an d ba ki ng ” wi th an e m ph as is on su

61 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al st ai na bil ity an d m at h sk ill im pr ov e m en t. 2.6. 12 P  Prepare $3450 Oyama, 2010 Two culinary Hilldorfer, 1 R foundation request ($6,000 if out- Nakata Location instructors Gibson 2.2. O for partial funding of-state) unknown will become completed 1 FE and use Culinary ( 2 instructors, Certified requirement 4.1. S foundation funds for 4 nights: Hospitality s for CHE. SI partial funding; registration, Educators in O  Register and airfare, hotel, compliance N make ground with ACF A accommodations transportation, Accreditation L reservations; per diem, requirements. D  Attend course excess lodging, E and take test; parking)

62 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al V  Submit and pass EL Video competency. O P M E N T At te nd an d co m pl et e Ce rti fie d Ho sp ita lit y Ed uc at or

63 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al (C H E) co ur se s to m ee t AC F ac cr ed ita tio n re qu ire m en ts. Ev en tu all y ob

64 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al tai n fo r all cu lin ar y in str uc to rs wi th go al of at le as t on e pe r ye ar. 2.0 Fu  Schedule retreats Unknown PC, End of 21.2 nd with experts in Instructo Spring

65 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al 2.4 se learning strategies rs 2010 mi and developing na study guides; rs/  Schedule classes w for instructors on or scantron; ks  Develop culinary ho website. ps fo r te ac hi ng an d le ar ni ng str at eg ie s. 4.1 13 At  Prepare $500 Bacio, Septemb New products Continuing te foundation request (1 staff, 2 clerk er 2010 & vendors for need. nd for partial funding days: steno 2 days use in HF and use Culinary Airfare, ground Honolulu cafeteria and M foundation funds for transportation, culinary

66 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al Fo partial funding per diem, programs will od  Register and excess lodging, be examined Sh make parking) and reviewed; o accommodations recommendati w; reservations ons to Dept vi  Attend food show upon return. sit and visit vendors ve nd or s. 4.1 14 At  Prepare $1,725 3 July 2010 New products Continuing te foundation request (3 faculty/staff, faculty/s (food, need. nd for partial funding 2 days: taff equipment, H and use Culinary Airfare, ground software, HL foundation funds for transportation, linens, A partial funding per diem, chemicals, Fo  Register and excess lodging, etc., & od make parking) vendors for & accommodations use in Pr reservations cafeteria and od  Attend food and culinary uc products show and programs will ts visit vendors be examined Sh and reviewed; o recommendati w; on to Dept vi upon return. sit ve nd

67 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al or s. 4.4.1 7 Se  Register $580 (4 @ 145) Bacio, TBD Participants On-going rv  Attend and pass Unknown – Gibson, will be Serve need. e class available on Nakata, Safe certified Sa island Cafeteri as trainers. fe a Worker Ce rti fic ati on & tr ai ni ng . 1.2. N Gr  Conduct graduate $460 for Honma May 2010 Data collected On-going 1 ad focus group for refreshments / Summer will be used to need 2.4. ua Spring 2008 ( funding to be 2010 and improve with partial te graduates divided equally on-going curriculum funding Fo  Analyze results in between annually and develop (50%from cu conjunction with Culinary Gala at strategies to GALA s other data funds and academic retain funds) Gr  Recommend Foundation ) year end. students Required by ou program through ACFEF for p improvements graduation. accreditatio (E n. ve ry

68 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al ye ar ). 1.2. N E  Conduct $650 for lunch Honma May 2010 Data collected On-going 1 m employer focus and / Summer will be used to need. 2.4. pl group; refreshments 2010 improve Required by 2 oy  Analyze results in curriculum ACFEF for er conjunction with and develop accreditatio Fo other data; strategies to n. cu  Recommend retain s program students Gr improvements. through ou graduation. p (E ve ry 3- 5 ye ar s). 1.1. 8 Pa  Determine faculty $2000 All Spring Feeder school Participate 1 rti & student faculty 2010 student in the 2.3. ci availability; exposure to following: 1 pa  Determine demo KCC Ele‘ele 2.3. te & procure supplies; programs. School (2x) 2 in  Participate in visits, 2.1. fe event. Kaua‘i HS 2 ed Kapa‘a HS er & WHS

69 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al sc career fairs, ho career ol shadowing ca from Kapa‘a re HS, WHS er and Kaua‘i fai HS. rs, vi sit fe ed er sc ho ol cl as se s pr ov idi ng de m os , ho st jo

70 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al b sh ad o wi ng . 2.8 4 O  Obtain additional $9,750 DC, PC Fall 2010 Improved This past bt general funds. ($3,250 per revolving fund year ai class) revenues. received n FSER 110, Fund approximat in of Cookery; ely 1/3 of str FSER 122, Fund this amount uc of Baking; from BED tio FSER 209, budget. na Garde Manger Insufficient l to cover all su competenci pp es in three lie classes. s (fo od in gr ed ie nt s) bu dg

71 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al et fo r no n- pr od uc tio n cl as se s to be ab le to m ee t co ur se co m pe te nc ie

72 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al s. Re Purchase china to $5,000 Gibson, Spring Par stock of pl bring inventory back Oyama 2010 china is too ac to par stock (proper low to handle e inventory level). laboratory Fi needs of ne student Di learners. Lack ni of par a result ng of normal Ch breakage, in wear and tear. a w ar e. 2.2. In Research other 5 credits CC, all Fall 2010 Continued 2 or programs assigned time instructo ACF de Research e-portfolios rs accreditation. r Align SLOs class by to class within program m goals. ee t AC F dir ec tiv e, re

73 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al se ar ch an d be gi n de ve lo pi ng a fr a m e w or k fo r im pl e m en tin g a

74 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al re qu ire d st ud en t po rtf oli o ali gn in g pr og ra m go al s an d SL Os in el ec tr

75 Pr Priority o Ac gr tio a n Person( m It s) Outcome or G e Resources Respons Indicator of o m Steps Needed ible Timeline Improvement Status al on ic for m at.

Part IV. Resource Implications (physical, human, financial). Resource implications have been addressed, discussed and/or prioritized in the above APRU document- a short summary follows in the table below:

Where appropriate, combine resource allocation priorities with Presently there is Chef/Instructor collaboration within the other programs within your division. Business Division to instruct MGT classes, where expertise exists. Based on your action plan update, what are your reassigned Our priorities are listed in the APRU - all are necessary to time priorities? maintain or upgrade program operations.

Based on your action plan update, what are your reallocation None at this time. decisions?

Based on your action plan update, what are your lecture credit None at this time, due to the hiring of a fourth instructional hours requested? position.

Based on your action plan update, enrollment data and other The fourth instructor position has been filled, reducing the need relevant data, what are your proposed actions regarding vacant for lecture hours. Based on the recommendation of the ACFEF, positions? we were actively seeking to fill the currently posted APT position which is now frozen. We also seek to fill a part time clerk-steno

76 position. Based on your action plan update and other relevant data, what Based on update, renovation of Campus Center Bookstore into are your prioritized equipment needs? Equipment is defined as classroom/lab is priority #1. Funding for equipment- range-ovens, items with a useful life of more than one year and a unit cost of refrigeration, hoods, worktables and work surfaces, etc. to make more than $5,000. the lab functional would be necessary. Funding for office FF&E is also necessary Based on your action plan update, enrollment data, program Based on update, renovation of Campus Center Bookstore into development plans, curriculum development plans and classroom/lab is priority #1 staffing plans, what are your prioritized facilities needs? Funding for APT and clerk-steno office FF&E is also necessary


The CIP has been approved and we are in the planning stages of this project as of this writing, with construction expected to begin in Spring 2010.

Concerns To Be Addressed Proposed Permanent Facilities Expansion Needs 1. Need adequate and appropriate teaching space CULN 120 and other Build one new lab/kitchen/classroom. Space requires the non-production courses. Instruction is currently held in both the following. Bakeshop Lab and Cafeteria Kitchen (CCTR 105). These areas are  Ten student workstations (one station for 2 students) each not designed to teach CULN 120 (basic fundamental skills and equipped with: cooking methods). To compensate for inadequate design for o proper fire suppression above stoves teaching purposes, instruction currently takes place in both labs o ventilation above stoves with makeshift work stations. The following are among the problems o prep and hand sink this situation poses: o countertop-cutting area a. The latter is a bulk food production kitchen with only one 6- o storage burner stove and no instruction station for a course that o pots, pans, and small wares requires a minimum of 10 stations for 20 students. o range/oven combo b. The instructor can’t supervise 2 labs simultaneously. o refrigeration station for each student c. Using the Cafeteria Kitchen compounds the instructional  supervision and space problems because CULN 120 students One general ware washing area are forced to intermingle with cafeteria production which may  One demo area including electronic projection/data screen; be cafeteria workers and/or students from other production overhead video cameras classes that are assigned to the cafeteria concurrently during  Two instructor’s offices CULN120 instructional time.  Equipment storage area d. Students have insufficient refrigeration. e. Students have insufficient racks and space to store items when This space can be used for non-production courses including CULN 120,150 and 240. It can also be used for non-credit revenue- 77 Concerns To Be Addressed Proposed Permanent Facilities Expansion Needs not in use. generating courses. f. There is lack of compliance with OSHA health and safety regulations (see below). 2. If Bakeshop continues as teaching space for CULN 120, need to make the space compliant with OSHA health and safety standards. In this existing makeshift effort to provide multiple teaching stations for students, portable propane and burners are used inside the Bakeshop in violation of OSHA health and safety regulations. Portable gas should not be used inside a building. 3. This one hazard has been addressed by the purchase and use of induction stoves; however, the facility is still inadequate for student learners. 4. Need to address legitimate student concerns expressed on FSER 110 Fall 2005 instructor evaluations where students commented that (a) space was cramped, (b) there were insufficient numbers stoves, pots, pans, (c) there was inadequate preparation space, and (d) there was inappropriate use of propane inside a building. 5. Need additional instructional lab space to expand offerings (i.e., Running Start, non-credit instruction, etc.). Facilities are currently available only in evenings, on weekends, and during summer breaks. 6. Need a minimum of 6 offices (for fourth instructional position, Build new wireless, information technology equipped cafeteria manager, APT, and secretary). Currently there is no office offices. Required furnishings to include: space for the fourth instructional position; one instructor is housed  Desk in an electrical room, the cafeteria manager’s desk is in the storage  File cabinet room. As students must access the storage, there is little security  Open and closed shelving and no privacy.  Faculty and visitor chairs  Computer, printer, phone  Video recording/playback device for evaluating classroom performance  Time clock

Annual Report Program Data and analysis located on college website at: http://info.kauai.hawaii.edu/admin/gov/progreview/PRandAPRU.htm


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