AP Biology Essay Questions
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Water is important for all living organisms. The functions of water are are Thewater of functions organisms. important forliving all is Water and: water three of properties Earth. Select 1. andWater) Chemistry Basic QuestionsAP BiologyEssay (pre 1999)(pre are catalysts. biological Enzymes (pre-1999) and/or structure function. modify that enzyme factors the discuss and enzymes of andconfiguration composition chemical the Describe b a c b a Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry,andMetabolism Chemistry, Organic
The unique properties (characteristics) of water make life on possible of make water (characteristics) properties unique The Describe what information concerning the structure of anenzyme could of structure the concerning whatinformation Describe anenzyme. of activity onthe temperature of influence pH the or investigate to experiment aquantitative Design activity. and catalytic to specificity structure anenzyme its of chemical the Relate properties. its to physical related directly of organisms. living functioning the howproperty the of affects oneexample property, describe for each of nature water. physical/chemical the of terms in propertyit the andexplain anddefine property, identify for each be inferred from your from experiments.be inferred (c) (b) (a) Discuss the iimpact of one human activity on the water cycle.(2003B) water onthe onehumanactivity of iimpact the Discuss carbon in water of cycle. the role the Discuss cycle. carbon the in andaproduct areactant as serves Water following of TWO to te of howproperties contribute the water Describe Plasma membrane structure membrane Plasma endotherms in Thermoregulation Transpiration
Page33 following processes:following of throughthe materials byeach of it movement the in membrane the of 5. division) Function, Cell Structure and 3(Cell Unit for anenzyme-catalyzed studied ofwere effects pH andtemperature -The four unknown solutions. Include in your answer your solutions. in four Include unknown the eachof contains of determine flasks to the which use could assistant the anexperiment, Design andflaskD. B, flaskC A, flask fouras unknown solutions flask these containing flasks the labeled randomly realizingerror, assistant the them. After forgotlabel to bit sucrose, of 0.6M,and0.2M solutions 0.8M, 0.4M prepared assistant A laboratory meiosis.include cycle.Do Not cell the phasesof other the andof and cytokinesis, mitosis 7. cell. plant eukaryotic generalized this from structure in woulddiffer prokaryotic cell non-photosynthetic which a 6. b a ADD graphs
Discuss the process of cell division in animals. Include a description of adescription animals. divisionin Include cell of process the Discuss theways Indicate in eukaryotic cell. of plant structure the a Describe role the Discuss ofmembrane. model aplasma fluid-mosaic the Describe Passive transport Passive transport Active obtained were following results The reaction. b. a. was tested here. tested was that hypothesis surestate t the pH. temperatureBe or forshown either data the haveproduced could that experiment acontrolled Describe and pH. bytemperature enzymes of affected are andfunction how structure adiscussion of as well enzyme, ofas function this andth structure between the of relationship the adiscussion your include In answer, this enzyme? of pHactivity affectthe temperature and(2) How do(1) based on the principles of principles andosmosis onthe diffusion based , that , that
Page33 identical conditions. Fifteen ml of 0% were put into a bag formed of 0% abag Fifteenof into ml put were conditions. identical under tested NaCl,NaCl)were 1% (0%,NaCl, 5% 10% solutions NaCl, four diffusion. this of experiment, In rate affectthe gradients concentration different test to whether designed was following experiment The of membrane cell plant. the across salt freely diffuses the Assume that lab. in isthe whichit kept in pondwater the in salt concentration increasing subjected an foundto plant apondis fromwater in afresh cell A plant of out into acell. transport to molecules and of respect with theunderlined terms below.Explain situation pondwater and cell plant following for items (a-f) the Describe the situations. active osmotically termsused are describe to andisotonic hypotonic 2. Hypertonic, involved principles onthe based those of results anexplanation (c) fromand your results experiment; you wouldexpect (b) the experiment; howthe yourupandperform of adescription wouldset (a) from the 5% bag are shown in the table below. table the in shown bagare from 5% the The results 40-second at intevals. measured eachbagwas outside water the mg/L in ofin NaCl concentration The water. distilled of 300ml containing beaker submergedaseparate in bag was solution.Each eachNaCl done for to Na is that permeable tubing dialysis CONCENTRATION INOF NaCl OUSIDE BAG mg/L THENaCl 5% c. c. b. a. the the the of water movement net the osmotic potential osmotic concentration osmotic (seconds) Time 160 120 80 40 0 of the cell andenvironment of cell the of the cell andenvironment. of cell the +
Cl - - (mg/L)0 NaCl , 400 320 220 130 and water. The same was was same The and water. 0
Page33 (2002B) describeits polymers youhavechosen, three the eachof For RNA RNA…transfer messenger 3: Pair cellulose…chitin 2: Pair tubulin…myosin 1: Pair polymers:pairs of three of following the from each polymers.onepolymer Choose structural by special influenced is often formandorganisms of physical cells The (2002) answer. your in of potential water adiscussion Include production. crop decrease could why seawater explain of out cells, or plant termsofinto soil. the In movement into water seeping seawater encroaching by threatened being regions are coastal near Farmlandslocated © (b) (a) (b) (a) role in a cell or organism or acell in role and structure, NaCl and 10% NaCl solutions. Explain your predictions. your 10%solutions. Explain NaCl NaCl and 1% NaCl, for 0% the resultsyou the wouldpredict that representing lines additional three ofandlabel draw aces, set Using same the for 5%solution. the provided,NaCl data the On axes the graph
Page33 written description of what this number means. whatthis number of description written ( Ψ cores. =0+Ψ zucchini the of potential water the Calculate potato? ofthe within solutes concentration is molar the What size? coressame the importantkeep to it Why was results the of ananalysis Write results the Graph Sucrose of Molarity after 24hours. and again solution sucrose beforethe in immersion cores massed were The sucrose. of of molarity different asolution contained of Each beakers the beakers. six coresin placed Four were cut. were of size equal cores 1. Potato Assume that the salt freely diffuses across the cell membrane of membrane cell plant. the across salt freely diffuses the Assume that lab. in isthe which it kept in pondwater the in salt concentration increasing subjectedan found to plant apond is fromwater in afresh cell A plant acell. of moleculesandout of into transport to respect termswith below. Explainunderlined the situation pond water and cell items plant (a-f) the following the for situations. Describe active osmotically termsused are describe to andisotonic hypotonic Hypertonic, =Molarconcentration C =degrees Kelvin T Kelvin =0.08331liter degrees bars/mole R (= 1.0for constant sucrose) =ionization i Ψ 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 a. s =-iCRT the the water potential water of the cell andenvironment cell the of -23.5 -23.0 -12.8 -4.5 6.9 21.4 mass changein % s s ). Write a Write ).
Page33 i = ionization constant (= 1.0for constant sucrose) =ionization i ( Ψ cores. =0+Ψ zucchini the of potential water the Calculate cores? of zucchini the concentration is molar the What results the Graph Mass in Change Percent 24hours changeafter percent following the in C resulted solutions sucrose 27degrees in at cores placed Zucchini Assume that the salt freely diffuses across the cell membrane of membrane cell plant. the across salt freely diffuses the Assume that lab. in isthe whichit kept in pondwater the in salt concentration increasing subjectedan found to plant apond is fromwater in afresh cell A plant acell. of moleculesandout of into transport to respect termswith below. Explainunderlined the situation pond water and cell items plant (a-f) the following the for situations. Describe active osmotically termsused are describe to andisotonic hypotonic Hypertonic, means. whatthis number of description awritten Write =Molarconcentration C =degrees Kelvin T Kelvin =0.08331liter degrees bars/mole R Ψ -30 -25 -17 -3 10 20 c. b. b. a. the s =-iCRT the the change in change the membrane. the the hypotonic, hypertonic hypotonic, water potential water osmotic concentration turgor pressure of the cell andenvironment cell the of Sucrose MolaritySucrose condition of each side of the cellular of eachside the of condition of the cell andenvironment. cell the of 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 in the plant cell. plant the in s s )
Page33 Water potential in potato cells was determined in the following manner. The manner. determined following was the in cells potato in potential Water transportyouchoose, three the types eachof For transport. of four types cellular following the 9. © Predict what would happen to typical animal cells placed in 0.0M in and cells placed animal typical to Predict whatwouldhappen © water andwhy is potential potential, componentswater the are of (b) What axesFrom find provided. graph, your the Graph onthe data (a) these b a ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Cells transport substances across their membranes. Choose THREEof Choose their across membranes. substances transport Cells important for the movement of water in water for of movement the plants? important cells. core potato the (osmolarity) of concentraion molar apparent below. resultsshown are The calculated. were mass in changes 24hours. Percent after again coresmeasuted the were of masses of The solutions variousmolarities. sucrose in placed were cores The potato coresmeasured. sixwere potato massof groups of initial typesexamples.) as cell difference may use (you cell ofaspecific to transport eachtype of significance the Explain and membranes; across molecules of movement the in functions specific membranes of cell howorganization the andexplain process transport the Describe Endocytosis/exocytosis Diffusion Facilitated Transport Active Osmosis 1.0M sucrose solutions, and explain your prediction. (2005B) your(2005B) explain solutions, prediction. sucrose and 1.0M c. the membrane.. hypotonic, hypertonic hypotonic, Molarity of Sucrose of Molarity in Beaker in
0.0M 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 condition of each side of the cellular of eachside the of condition Percent Change in Percent Mass -24.0 -23.5 -16.0 18.0 -8.0 5.0
Page33 14. following: bythe describing transport 13. plant. typeof of your in pathways each discussion anatomyandbiochemical leaf Include molecule. aglucose its to incorporationinto aplant enters which it at frompoint the molecule dioxide carbon of path the trace a plant, C4 12. transfers. andenergy endproducts, the reactions, discussion major your the in Include cells. photosynthesiseukaryotic in respiration and aerobic of pathways 10. andCellular 4(Photosynthesis Unit variables (temperature, wavelength of light or light intensity) and for this orandfor intensity) this light of light wavelength (temperature, variables three of ONE only organism of the choose choice, your photosynthetic Using lighta light, of intensity. wavelength and temperature, environmental occur that changes in with mayvary of rate photosynthesis The choose. you example how ATP Explain anexample. each isin involved and give cell the in functions transfer, energy how each explain involving processes For following the 5 3of activities. transfercellular occurs all in 15. Energy a d c b a ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ b fermentation chemiosmosis of molecules synthesis transport active movement cellular photosynthesis. or respiration thesynthesisATPcellular in of of either role in the membranes Describe membrane. the across of transport the materials to is related howstructure membrane Describe transport. production ATP of electron chemiosmotic during The during ofcoenzymes cycle. the andreduced production ATP The cycle. Krebs the in reactions the of nature cyclic The mitochondria. transport in electron chain Krebs the and of cycle location The
Membranes are important structural features of cells. structural of features important are Membranes and electron acid) Krebscycle the (citric whatoccurs during Explain C3 anda photosynthesis and,for of a reactions both light the Describe biochemical the between anddifferences similarities the Describe
Page33 prepared as follows: as prepared were used samples three recorded. was The transmittamce percent and the a spectrophotometer in individually placed was Each reduced. sample is it when clear from to blue changes that acceptor anelectron DPIP, with mixed suspension was Each used. chloroplast was technique dye reduction The suspensions. chloroplast of rate incubated photosynthetic onthe and boiling of theeffects darkness analyze to conducted was experiment A controlled variable Tiime (min)Tiime (c) (b) (a) sample 3 – chloroplast suspension that has been boiled + DPIP boiled has that been suspension 3–chloroplast sample by surrounded foilprovide to wrap a suspension 2–chloroplast sample +DPIP suspension 1–chloroplast sample Explain why you wouldexpect results the u wouldexpect. describe photosynthesisyour in of youwouldmeasure rate the how explain on of variable the effect the determine to experiment ascientific design samples during the experiment. Discuss how electrons are generated generated how are electrons Discuss experiment. the samples during three te in produced of number the in electrons differences were there that indicate data graphed the curves the of in differences The experiment. controlfor the controls this explain or Identify and three samples.for the showing agraph results label the and construct provided, On aces the +DPIP environment dark (1999) results. these experiment; photosynthesis for of organism; the rate the transmittance results. (2004) transmittance gavedifferent samples andwhy three the photosynthesis in 15 10 20 5 0 Percent Transmittance in Three in Samples Transmittance Percent % Transmittance% Light, Unboiled Light, Sample 1 Sample 62.5 57.8 48.7 66.7 2.8 % Transmittance% Dark, Unboiled Dark, Sample 2 Sample 31.8 32.4 31.2 30.1 29.2 % Transmittance Light, Boiled Light, Sample 3 28.5 28.7 29.4 29.2 28.8
Page33 Unit 5 (Meiosis, Mendelian Genetics, DNA Replication) Genetics, Mendelian 5(Meiosis, Unit (2005)results. expected apredictionthe of Include ontherate respiration. of solution pH the of varying sugar the effectof the test to Design anexperiment © experiment.this of results the and explain above,analyze of data andthe enzymes knowledge your Using reactions. series enzyme-catalyzed of is a (b) Respiration yeast. the in for respiration temperature optimum the Determine provided. results Graphaxes onthe (a) the below. data bythe indicated temperature as surrounding the with respiration of varies rate cells. The byyeast the released bubblesgas of detects The metabolism). apparatus for yeast nutrient major sugar (a asolutionof with anapparatus in placed are cells Yeast Mendel to formulate these laws. formulate these to Mendel led that for account observations of the I howevents meiosis the Explain 19. gene. the of nature for chemical the evidence provided how it andindicate experiment classical Describe each DNA. concerning 18. conclusions. from these deviates of following Explainthe how each characteristics. of 17. c b a c b a bubbles ofbubbles gas procuded per procuded Number of Number Meselson and Stahl- DNA replication in bacteria in DNA replication andStahl- Meselson transformation McCarty- bacterial MacLeodand andAvery, Griffith replication bacteriophage andChase- Hershey inheritance. (multiple-gene) Polygenic (X-linked)inheritance. Sex-linked linkage. Autosomal
Temp © Experiments by the following scientists provided critical information provided byfollowing the scientists Experiments in ontheinheritance work by Mendel reached his conclusions the State Discuss Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment. assortment. independent laws and segregation Mendel’s of Discuss minute 0 0 10 3 20 7 12 30 40 7 50 4 60 1 70 0
Page33 indicates the dominant allele and e indicates the recessive allele. The cross The allele. indicatesrecessive the ande allele dominant the indicates locus. E by acertain colordetermined foris phenotype the eye fruitflies, In accomplished. is howtransferinformation the of detail in explain examples, following livingFor all to the organisms. twoof fundamental transferInformation is chromosomes. 20. F2 offspring. following the produce to crossed then were individualsfrom F1generation andwhite-eyed the wild-type The F1 offspring following the produced femalefruit fly fruitfly white-eyed wild-type amale and between c b a two laws of inheritance. of two laws Mendel’s physical the for meiosisbasis during provides chromosomes homologous oftwopairs howbehavior the these Explain gametes. to meiosis of process bythe distributed allelesare how these Explain cells. daughter to mitosis of process bythe transmitted allelesare how these Explain
(a) c. b. a. An organism is heterozygous at two genetic loci on different ondifferent loci heterozygoustwogenetic at Anis organism Male Wild-Type via another enters cell from onebacterial material genetic The to anddistributed copied is cell oneeukaryotic in material genetic The Determine the genotypes of the original parents Pand original the parents generation) of genotypes the Determine or transduction (2000) conjugation transformation, protein. a produce to andtranslated is cell transcribed aeukaryotic in A gene cells. daughter two identical discussed in your answer. your in discussed must be squares fromPunnett the results the but description, your enhance to use squares Punnett reasoning. You your may explain 0 23 Female Wild-Type 45 31 Male White-eyed 22 55 Female White-eyed 24 0 Female Brown-eyed 0 1
Page33 Where FO = observed number individuals FO of =observed Where is formula forThe Chi-squared Meiosis reduces chromosome number and rearranges genetic information number genetic reducesandrearranges chromosome Meiosis (2003) Probability (c) (b) (a) (c) (b) 0.05 (p) ∑ = The sum of the values ( in this case, the differences, squared, squared, (differences, the this values in case, sumthe of =The ∑ of number =expected individuals FE typical meiotic process. Describe either parthenogenesis or parthenogenesis cloning either Describe process. meiotic typical the or bypasses ofcloning Production offspring byparthenogenesis meiosis. in adefect abnormalityfrom result could how this Describe disorder? the with people of phenotype haveonthe it does effects chromosomal abnormality; Identifywhat such process. ONE meiotic the defectsin of aresult humanas disorders occur Several meiosis in accomplished are and rearrangement howreduction the Explain F1 generation.(2003) the in female brown-eyed the haveproduced might mutations that of twotypes mutationanddiscuss is, Explain whata change. mutational a from resulted female F1generation brown-eyed the in The youranswer. of final importance the genotypes. workexplain your Show theparental all of and prediction your analyze to data testF2generation onthe aChi-squared Use (2004) of genomes offspringparents. the those the with of the and compare divided by the number expected) number bythe divided X 2 Critical Values of the Chi Squared Distribution Chi the Squared of Values Critical = 3.84
1 FO FE FE 5.99 2 2 Degrees of Freedom (df)Degrees Freedom of 7.82 3 9.49 4 11.1 5
Page33 and (3) be complex enough to determine the organism’s the phenotype. determine enoughto becomplex and (3) bechanged, to able but (2) bestable must (1)precisely, copyitself molecule the knew next that the to from onegeneration characteristics of transmission 23. cells. bacterial in protein of synthesis regulation RNAandthe messenger of production 22. nucleotides? the oneof in of effects asubstitution would bethe What DNA the or oneof nucleotides? in deletion ofanaddition a effect wouldbethe What of this synthesis polypeptide. the in steps the Describe proline arginine - acid - glutamic - leucine - methionine following the shortpolypeptide. codes for DNAThis sequence CTT GGGTAC GAA TCC triplets. nucleotide of 21. Biotechnology) Gene Expression, 6(ProteinSynthesis, Unit of a messenger RNA molecule to the small subunit of a ribosome and of aribosomeand small subunit the to molecule RNA a messenger of 26. membrane.plasma the at protein the release the of endwith fromDNA the and RNA template messenger the of separation the with Begin cell. from aeukaryotic exported 25. mutation.point a correct to maybeused DiscussDNADNA. howtechniques recombinant 24. (1999) • • evidence used to determine that DNA is the hereditary material. is hereditary the toDNA that used determine evidence anddescribeexperimental stated above of criteria the one Select above. stated criteria three the eachof how DNA meets Explain
Describe the production and processing of a protein that will be will ofthat andprocessing aprotein production the Describe replicationof structure, and composition, biochemical the Describe for isthe which molecule responsible determine to seeking Scientists control itthe anddiscuss hypothesis explains how operon the Describe sequence of following the DNA consists molecule of A portion specific Describe the steps of protein synthesis, beginning with the attachment attachment the with beginning protein of steps synthesis, the Describe
Page33 Proteins – large complex molecules – are major building blocks of all living of living majorblocks all –are building complexmolecules –large Proteins condition. the offspring has affected neitherof parent most andfemales.In cases, males in frequency with occurs equal digestdisorder to starch.This aninability causes 29. this in process.function RNA differentof of types answer how your the in adiscussion Include from ribosome. polypeptide the the thereleaseof with generalized ending (b) Identify similarities between transcription andtranslation betweentranscription similarities (b) Identify andtranslation Describe transcription (a) metabolism. forgrowth cell vital synthesis and is Protein andchange. continuity both humangenome illustrates The c b a organisms. Discuss the following in relation to proteins. to thefollowing relation in Discuss organisms. individual. agiven presentin is allele mutant the whether determine to beused could biology molecular howtechniques modern of Describe digest to starch. this inability cause could how amutation Explain verify to proposed your pattern. sufficient asample in cross(es) Include your discussion your Explain reasoning. this condition. for of pattern inheritance most the probable Describe
(b) (a) (c) (b) (a) Assume that a particular genetic condition in a mammalian species species amammalian in condition particulargenetic a Assume that apparent contradiction. (2002) contradiction. apparent DNAExplain aunique this fingerprint. humanhas each Nevrtheless, andfunction. structure in identical are manyproteinsthat have and sequences coding in genetically identical nearly are humans All genetics, understanding to contributes application how its youdescribe,explain procedures/techniques the eachof below. For procedures/techniques twoof of features the essential the Describe (2001) membrane the across molecules transport structure membrane proteinsin of roles of and The protein DNAin roles of synthesis andRNA The proteins of of structure andlevels composition chemical The gene ahuman andsequence clone to plasmid of use bacterial The Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis polymorphism fragmentlength Restriction (PCR) reaction chain Polymerase
Page33 supported by evidence from two of the following fromthe areas. twoof supported byevidence 30. pairs.following 29. Speciation) Genetics, Population 7(Evolution, Unit it properly. (2005B) function make to translation aperson to after canoccur that changes structural (d) Describe andtranslation betweentranscription Identifydifferences © 34. 33. of isolation. genetic maintenance the to maycontribute that factors 31. c b a c b a b a iii ii i b a Explain three cellular and/or molecular mechanisms that introduce introduce that mechanisms molecular cellular three and/or Explain fossil record. The biochemistry. Comparative antibodies. to resistance Bacterial evolution. for as of evidence following the each howuse scientists Describe change. evolutionary to lead that mechanisms the Explain embryology anatomyand comparative biology molecular genetics population of andDDT. Birds prey groupsdrift. andgenetic Blood andAustralia. evolution organisms of Convergent the gene pool. gene the composition the of canchange that mechanisms evolutionary the Explain population. or a plant of genepool animal the into variation
Genetic variation is the raw material for evolution. material raw for the variation is Genetic themesbiology. major modern isthe of oneof unifying Evolution discussion your the in Include of process the speciation. Describe how it anddiscuss theory is modern the evolution of Describe the inof each twoterms betweenthe relationship special the Describe
Page33 collected specimens in South America and on the Galapagos Islands Galapagos andonthe America South in specimens collected traveled asand he saworganisms similar in differences he that for the basis the was selelction bynatural proposed evolution Darwin that Charles C: amphibians---reptiles Pair B: prokaryotes---eukaryotes Pair plants algae---vascular A:green Pair significance. functional andthe structural adaptations discussionyour include In chosen. pair of you have each twomembers betweenthe relationships anddiscuss evolutionary threethe following pairs the twoof Select contributions to the field of evolutionary biology are listedbelow. are biology of field evolutionary the to contributions Four biology.” of his of evolutionary “father consideredthe is Darwin (a) (b) (a) (b) For EACH of the four contributions listed above, discuss one example listed above,discuss contributions EACH ofFor four the evolution the mechanism for as selection Natural species in changes gradual of Occurrence species all of commondescent impliesthe evolution, which Branching of nonconstancy species The (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) three following: the Explain of selection. of bynatural evolution anaspect to following the relates of Each Darwin by as presented selection of bynatural theory the evolution Explain Darwin’s ideas have been enhanced and modified as new knowledge as enhancedandmodified havebeen Darwin’s ideas evidence. supporting of Natural selection and heterozygous advantage (2001) advantage andheterozygous selection Natural hierarchy, dominance etc. patterns, – as fixed-action such kinesis, andbehavior selection Natural isolation and Speciation bacteria antibiotic-resistant or insects insecticide-resistant formationof andthe selection Natural etc) taiga, tundra, (e.g. aparticularbiome in equivalents) (ecological among species similarities the evolution and Convergent
Page33 organisms, discuss the evolutionary significance of listed. features the evolutionary significance discuss the organisms, of following types twoof For evolutionary the possibilities. new opening groups, certain in adaptationsarose of major evolution the organisms, In (2005) prokaryotes? in chromosome the differ of function Howandstructure does© the chromosomes.iinto ofgenes organizing significance (evolutionary) adaptive the (b) Describe description. of part your as You may wishadiagram include to chromosome. parts of of aeukaryotic andfunction the Describestructure the (a) is chromosome the in organisms organization living all of unit genetic The (2004) following diagram.following (1999) the in Kingdomshown as category, (more the than higher inclusive) anew category domain, taxonomic the include to classification of system 36. (2005B) lungs andwell-developed waterproofskin, eggs, amniotic (d) Reptiles: anddigestivesystem worms:segmentation,coelom, Segmented © symmetry, andcephalization layers, bilateral germ (b) three Flatworms: broad flowers, leaves andseeds, Flowering fruits plants: (a) Unit 8 (Diversity Organisms) 8(Diversity Unit
Scientists recently have proposed a reorganization of the phylogenetic phylogenetic the areorganizationof haveproposed recently Scientists contributions. of Darwin’soriginal modified biologists’interpretation following of how TWO Discuss the becomeavailable. have and technologies Genetic engineering Genetic equilibrium Punctuated equilibrium Hardy-Weinberg
Page33 pairs. 38. (Eubacteria) Domain Bacteria include the following: the include These commonprocesses. animals exhibit this variation, kingdom. Despite animal across functionthe structurevarieswidely of and complexity The d c b a ◦ ◦ ◦ in your discussion. your in from tree the examples treespecific below.Use shown phylogenetic the constructing in was pairsimportant of these howfeatures eachof Explain bilateral symmetry. versus Radial development. deuterostome versus Protostome bodyplan. acoelomate versus Coelomate of ancestor. universal the characteristics fourthe of Describe and/or molecular, genetic. structural, physiological, may be used.evidence was The how this andexplain evidence above, scheme taxonomic the develop to used were that kindsevidence three of describe of system five-kingdom classification previous the by those organismspresented among living than relationships the about conclusions different presents scheme how this classification describe
(a) Describe the differences between the terms in each of the following of the each termsin betweenthe differences the Describe Locomotion exchange Gas stimuli to Response of materialsTransport Annelida (e.g. earthworm)Annelida jellyfish) hydra, (e.g. Cnidaria following phyla. following the in toprocess the andhow theyfunction accomplish structures relevant describethe aboveandfor each, processes the two of Choose (Archaebacteria) Domain Archaea Ancestor Universal (Eukaryotes) Domain Eukarya
Page33 of their genetic material theirof genetic organization the in is seen andeukaryotes betweenprokaryotes A difference organisms. (eucoeloate) coelomate and pseudocoelomate, acoelomate, animals include Tirploblastic development. embryonic layers form germ during whichthree onein is animal A triploblastic the planet. the of diversity organisms preserving in living on the interested are Biologists (2003B) (a) (b) (a) (c) (b) (a) (b) (b) Chordata (e.g. mouse)Chordata appropriate example for example each appropriate an processsphenomena,using THREEof or following the Explain andeukaryotes: prokaryotes in following the activities Contrast eukaryotes prokaryotes in and material genetic of the organization the Discuss organisms. (2002B) coelomate a and systems anacoelomate of digestive the andcontrast Compare plan. types body of these eachof of is that representative animal Identify an bodyplans. andcoelomate pseudocoeloate acoelomate, Describe development embryonic oflayersin germ thee fates anddiscuss embryo the atriploblastic three layersof germ Identify the part(2002) in (a). you described thestructural of examples value(s) (evolutionary) adaptive the Explain impact on the diversity of life onEarth. life of diversity onthe impact its (a), in discuss phenomenonyouselected or each process For Cell division Cell regulation Gene or translation Transcripton of DNA Replication Growth of thehuman population of Growth bottlenecks Population Polyploidy radiation Adaptive Mutation
Page33 membrane-bound organelles in eukaryotes. organellesin membrane-bound of presence the andeukaryotesis prokaryotes between distinction A major (2004B) twokingdoms. the between anddifferences similarities of for existence Proposethe anexplanation © of twokingdoms share. these members that andonecellular) onemolecular (at least characteristics three (b) Describe of ofother the andmembers onekingdom betweenmembers distinguish used to characteristics three twokingdoms Select andbriefly describe (a) commoncharacteristics andyetshare from oneanother differ Organisms following of TWO the throughout found biosphere.Answer the are Prokaryotes (2003B) Unit 11 (Animal Nutrition, Circulation, Respiration, Immune Virus System, Respiration, Nutrition, Circulation, 11(Animal Unit (2006) this supporting theory. of evidence example anddiscuss an cells theory eukaryotic of Explain endosymbiotic the © andeukaryotes. prokaryotes in how eachdiffers discuss following ofthe and of common.Describefunction TWO in the organelles some non-membrane-bound cells have andeukaryotic (b) Prolaryotic nucleus. other the than organelles membrane-bound of eukaryotic andfunction TWO Describesturcture the (a) c) b) a) Ribosomes Wall Cell DNA impact today. (2004B) today. impact haveecological to continue inprokaryotes ways three which Discuss on Earth. environments Earth’s in altered history howearly prokaryotes Discuss prokaryotes. of ensuredsuccess the have three how these adaptations Explain found variousprokaryotes. in examples adaptations three of Provide
Page33 exposure to an antigen. Use this graph to answer part a and part b of this bof aandpart answer this to thispart graph Use anantigen. to exposure 45. blood. the ofgasesin transport the these of youradescription in Include ofanswer muscle mammals. cells and alveoli 43. humanthe body. 42. involved. reactions theenzymatic of a discussion Include andsmallintestine. humanstomach the in theyoccur as absorption 41. of andexpiration. inspiration discussionmechanisms your the 40. Replication) Structure and ADD GRAPHADD #12002B observed. were following populationschanges shown time the at andthe added were (virus) products. Bacteriophage waste of removal andthe nutrients fresh of addition for allowed continual the that in system cultured were a Bacteria question. b a c b a both T and B-lymphocytes. T both by theAIDS of how infection function virus(HIV) the Explain affects same the to antigen. exposure second during II occur following that period a events the Describe antigen. exposurethe to initial the to responds duringsystem Iimmune occur the that period as events the Describe by bacteria. of awound infected inflammation to bodyleading the of reactions The askin to graftperson. from response another antigen-antibody The
The graph below shows the response of the human immune system to to system thehumanimmune of belowshowsresponse the graph The the at andCO2 of occur ofthat O2 exchange processes the Discuss in of foreign to materials response following the mechanisms Describe digestion andproduct ofandprotein fat processes the Describe in respiratoryInclude system. mammalian of structure the a Describe WHERE ISWHERE GRAPH?????????????????
Page33 In mammals, heart rate during periods of exercise is linked to the intensity intensity the isto periods oflinked during exercise rate mammals, heart In of three Choose relatled. are systems, andfunction biological structure In how the immune system achieves THREE of the following/ the THREEof achieves system how immune the andorganisms. or substances Explain destroyforeign inactivate, eliminate, theability animals to is vertebrate in diseases defense against An important of exercise. of systems. components organ of following the (c) (b) (a) (b) (a) (c) (b) (a) described in part (b). Remember to label the axes. (2002B) axes. the label to partRemember in (b). described you experiment groups for controlled the experimental andthe control both for youexpect the results below,indicate provided On axes the rate. andheart of exercise intensity between determine to relationship the experiment acontrolled Design exercise. during system andnervouos respiratory, the circulatory, of interactions the Discuss system of function the the to contributes component the of structure component for functionthat the of structureresponsible that is how explain and of structure component the eachcomponent,describe For thehost(2002B) genomeof cell. the into incorporated aretrovirusHIVbecomes howgenome the of like Describe to aDNA lysis cycleof virusfrom attachment infection the Discuss results observed the andexplain Describe For the three compnents that yu chose in part (a),how the explain part in compnentsyu chose three that the For Nephron Alveolus to which it belongs. (2001) belongs. whichit to capillary villus
neuron sarcomere organ organ
Page33 47. Development) 12(Homeostasis,Unit Reproduction, (2006) mammals. cells of active bloodinto glucose offromthe and the oxygenand Explaintransfer the © mammals. of system circulatory the within transported are how oxygenandglucose (b) Explain mammals. of system circulatory the into oxygen andglucose of movement the facilitate that structures specialized systems’ anddigestivie Describerespiratory the (a) arise. to animals larger andmore-complex systems ofallowed evolution circulatory The (2005) Feedback mechanisms are used by organisms to maintain the stead-state by stead-state organismsthe used maintain are to mechanisms Feedback andasexually. sexually both others reproduce while reproduce sexually, some reproduce asexually, organisms groups of 48. ofdevelopment. in importance induction the illustrates that anexperiment Describe accomplishes. process whateach frog tell embryo; b a reproduction? Explain. reproduction? asexual conditionswouldfavor environmental What Explain. reproduction? wouldfavor sexual environmental conditions What functional. and/or structural, be behavioral, adaptationsmay adaptations.These describetworeproductive example, an as given eachorganism For sexually andasexually. BOTH reproduces that andone asexually, reproduces onethat sexually, reproduces that oneorganism of anexample give organisms, THREEdifference Using
The evolutionary success of organisms depends onreproduction.Some ofdepends success organisms evolutionary The the in andneurulation gastrulation, of cleavage, processes the Discuss Distinguishes selffrom nonself. Distinguishes agent infectious same exposurethe to alater to Responds aninfection to response in andB cells T Activates response immune nonspecific Provides animmediate
Page33 physiological parameters and for each, describe how homeostasis is describehow homeostasis andfor parameters each, physiological three Choose following the of organisms. of living all characteristic a environment is internal asteady-state maintaining Homeostasis, (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) for necessary survival. are organisms in mechansims (control) Regulatory (2000) (b) Choose one organism or group of organisms that reproduce asexually. oneorganismor asexually. organisms of reproduce (b) group that Choose formationof the in gametes. is halved chromosomes of germ complement cell’s bywhich a Describe process the (a) parent. theother fromsecond parentthe half from and one come of azygote in half chromosomes requiredthe that reproduction Sexual forthree your descriptions. animals different thesameor Youanimal mayuise eachparameter. chosen for you have whatanimal sureindicate to organismof Be choice. your an in maintained regulated is how each andexplain examples of following Three the Choose homeostasis. maintain mechanisms how feedback explain andfor each, following the of three Choose known as condition homeostasis. physiological (i) e. d. c. b. a. neuron resting-membrane potential (2004B) potential resting-membrane neuron of blood the concentration osmotic blood the pH of tempertureBody levels Blood-glucose (2003) vertebrates. temperatureterrestrial in Body terrestrialvertebrates in balance Water plants in balance Water in rate mammals Pulse blood the Osmolarity of temperaturemammals in Body blood in concentration ion Calcium glucose concentration Blood Flowering in plants in Flowering
Page33 a skeletal muscle fiber. Include the structure of the fiberyour in of discussion. structure the fiber. Include muscle a skeletal of contraction the in involved events andbiochemical physical the describe 50. release. their control that mechanisms feedback the and describe hormones humans in 49. Mechanisms) System, System, 13(Endocrine SensoryUnit Nervous andMotor (2006B) reproduction. sexual of organism the to advantages the organismandexplain that in sexual mode the of reproduction Describe group sexually. oneorganism or Choose organisms of reproduce © that reproduction. organismof to asexual the advantagees the organism and explain that reproductionin asexual mode the of Describe For each of the two systems you choose, discuss the structure andfunction structure the twosystems the discuss each of you choose, For in following the foursystems twoof vertebrates: organ Select animals. 54. cells. skeletalmuscle of contraction the in function together mitochondria, elements, and cytoskeletal reticulum, endoplasmic specialized 53. a following. the eachof regulate mechanisms feedback 52. c b a ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ b excretory excretory digestive respiratory humans. in glucose levels Blood in humanfemale. non-pregnant cycle menstrual The (TSH)---thyroxineThyrotropin (T4) Parathyroid hormone---calcitonin Insulin---glucagon nervous
Structure and function are related in the various organ systems variousorgan the of in functionrelated are Structure and membrane, plasma the structures,including how cellular Discuss anddiscuss how loops, feedback andpositive negative the Describe junction, neuromuscular the of presynapticmembrane the at Beginning following pairs of of of the each andactions sources the Discuss
Page33 Unit 14 (Plant StructureandFunction) 14(Plant Unit (2003B) organisms. many livesliving the of playimportantregulating rolesin Hormones example. function to each in structure surerelate to ions). Be (or of transportmolecules the in exchange aid or that twoadaptations of and tissue differentiation. and tissue changes, in structural controls, Include essayhormonal your stage. seedling 57. of part discussion. your as evidence Citeexperimental for each. control 56. 55. b a c b a Photoperiodism Phototropism desertenvironment. a adaptationsto Specialized transport. andwater fortranslocation food Adaptations andfood forstorage. photosynthesis Adaptations
(c) (b) (a) Describe the structure of a bean seed and discuss its germination the to anddiscuss its beanseed of structure the a Describe mechanismof the responses andexplain plant following the Define following: the eachof to leaf anangiosperm of structure the Relate effects at the cellular level. the at effects their cause mechanismbywhichhormones different TWO Describe response animals. in the hormones cause how physiologicalresponses, explain TWO following For the of response plants. in the hormones cause how physiologicalresponses, explain TWO following For the of Adjustment to lack of lack to water Adjustment ligt change in to Adjustment height in Increase of lack to water Adjustment ligt changein to Adjustment height in Increase
Page33 (a) Discuss the function of FOUR structures for the reproductionfound FOUR of in Discussstructuresfor function the the (a) kingdom. plant numberthe in species of largest the biosphereand the in havewidedistribution plants) (flowering Angiosperms of following: the each 37. onland. life with problems associated following the 60. throughtissues. water conducting these in involved mechanisms the Explain atmosphere. the to stem, andleaves root, the tissues the of through 59. anddevelopment. hormonesgrowth plant on these oneof effectof demonstratethe to Design anexperiment development. 58. (a) Explain the mechanism of water movement through vascular plants through water vascular of movement Explainmechanism the (a) their to plants is through important water of vascular ovement m The or (2005) angiosperms mosses. either ofin generation Explain alternation © (bryophytes) HAVENOT(b) Mosses THE WIDESPREAD ACHIEVED c b a c b a survival. their mosses of distribution. limit reproductivestrategies anatomy and SUCCESSTERRESTRIAL OF ANGIOSPERMS.how the Discuss each. of (evolutionary) significance adaptive andthe angiosperms Embryo protection fertilization. transportSperm and generation. gametophyte The plant. the of Dehydration body. plant supportthe to environment anaquatic of absence The for reproduction. environment anaquatic of absence The plants and the properties of water contribute to this to process. of properties contribute andthe water plants of howanatomy the of vascular adiscussion transpiration. Include during
In the life cycles of a fern and a flowering plant, compare and contrast andcontrast compare andaflowering plant, cycles afern of life the In flowering plantsovercome to haveenabled that adaptations the Discuss fromsoil the asmoves plant water the pathwayaflowering the in Trace growth hormones onplant plant of and effects the Describe
Page33 discussion the selection advantage of each. of advantage selection the discussion 65. levels. number the trophic of limit that factors andthe levels, trophic different the between relationship the ecosystem, the through energy 64. 63. Productivity) Oxygen, Dissolved Primary Aquatic 15(Ecology,Behavior, Unit (2006) transpiration desert of in rate affectthe that adaptations Describe TWO © transpiration exchangeaffects how gas (b) Explain 69. living into animal. a incorporation their to animal from adecaying their of fromrelease point the elements 68. vonFrisch.Karl KonradLorenz, and of studies NikoTinbergen, of classical the discussion youra in You mayinclude behavior. answer animal to terms relates 67. flow. andenergy biomass, of accumulation andinteractions, diversity species of youradiscussion in Include community. answer aclimax to community 66. c b a c b a a Stereotyped behavior (instinct). behavior Stereotyped Mimicry. Pheromones. behavior. Courtship hierarchies. Dominance Territoriality. plants. Succession Succession
Describe the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen. Trace these andnitrogen. carbon of cycles biogeochemical the Describe of as these each imprinting, andcommunications, releasers, Describe from apioneer succession of process the ecological Describe your in Include of of following. the each anexample andgive Describe of Discuss flow the ecosystem. levelsatypical in trophic the Describe behavior. following the social therolein eachof of andexplain Define Using an example for each, discuss the following ecological concepts. thefollowing ecological discuss for anexample each, Using
Page33 a food web of an Arctic lake located in Alaska (J ) Alaska in located lake anArctic web of a food of in energy depictstransfer the diagram The below trophicthrough levels. 72. response. the in involved physiologicalmechanisms the describe examples, frightened.For may run these fight of or when both Some mammals day in length. changes to environment. flower response in Someits plants 71. cycleyou havechosen. nutrient the in animpact has activity inhuman answer your in oneway which Include anecosystem. in nitrogen carbon either or of contributerecycling the to reactions biochemical their of and how varioustypes organisms Discuss anecosystem. within elements 70. presented below. presented are observations resultsthe of The calm. windwas andthe and sunny bright daywas zone.The temperature (mesotrophic)the in lake utrophic of 30cm top oxygenthe in amoderately dissolved measured A biologists b a d c b c effects of this toxin on this food web? onthisExplain. thisfood toxin of effects likely wouldbethe toxin, produced what acommercially contained lake into washed that the material terrestrialplant dead cellsthe in If the ecosystem. the of structure the trophic affects level each at available energy of howamount the discuss levels and betweentrophic of transfer energy efficiency the Describe level. eachtrophic at howis energy explain obtained examples, as web this food of fromtrophic four different levels organisms Choosing capacity. Carrying Limiting factors. trophic flow levels. Energy between
Interdependence in nature is illustrated by thetransferenergy illustrated of is nature in Interdependence in respondchanges ontheabilityto anorganism depends of Survival recycling inmany of role organisms the animportant play Living 12 noon 10am 8am 6am Hour 4.9 3.1 1.7 0.9 ( (O mg/L) 2 )
Page33 bombast, found on an isolated island in the temperate zone. thetemperate in isolatedisland foundbombast, onan pointy-eared called of group mammals 48-hour for afictional period a cycleover theactivity rhythms. depicts graph biological The called are Thesechanges intervals. time regular ofchangeat organisms activities The Many populations exhibit the following growth following the curve: populations exhibit Many GRAPHADD #22002 (b) (a) (c) (b) (a) (2002) youwouldexpect results andthe this hypothesis, test performed to be could that experiment Describe acontrolled bombast. in activity of ofcycle onthe light regarding effect hypothesis the Propose a of this in pattern activity result to bombast the of behavior physiology the and/or might factors affect following the Discuss of how three for bombatsl the activity cycleof the Describe your(2001) Explain prediction. observations. subsequent wouldaffect lake the into phosphates and nitrates as of such nutriients levels high howintroduction the of Describe overcastday. heavily for results yourof for a prediction account would these prcesses Explain data. how observed the produce to lake the in operating processesare that biological the Explain overcast. heavily been da hadthe youwouldpredict that results the representing line/curve additional an ofandlabel draw axes, set using same the Then, obtained. were that provided, results paper the graph the plot Using Temperature Social behavior Social of predators Presence Food availability 2pm 12midnight 10pm 8pm 6pm 4pm 2.4 4.0 6.2 7.9 8.1 6.8
Page33 of light. In your answer, be sure to include the following. the include Into light. answer, your of besure wavelength the intensityor the byeither is affected primarythat productivity thehypothesis test to controlled experiment design a primary productivity, to concentration determine of measurements oxygen dissolved Using of community the to organisms.available bylight the environments,primary affected production is mostIn aquatic Add 2003#3 Graph species that interact. Predation represents an important interaction among animportant interaction Predation represents interact. that species the of ondensities mayhaveaneffect among(b) populations Interactions species explain For types behavior. eachtype, of following the twoof Select by environmental factors. maybeinfluenced Behaviors organisms of (a) interactions. andspecies behavior onadaptive ofdepends Survival organisms (c) (b) (a) of survivorship the of a increases individuals behavior (ii) why this and behavior, environmentthe affects (i) how the wouldsupportyour ofthat (2004B) hypothesis. results A description a include to design (Besure of experimental your A description testing. you are that hypothesis specific the of A statement and analyze the data using agraph) using data the and analyze andhow youwouldpresent yo whatdata wouldcollect of description (2003) time. over size population how theyaffect anddiscuss these twostrategies Explain strategies. ®(K) or reproductive logistic exponential demonstrate Organisms B phase shown fluctuations the in cause might that THREE factors Discuss during A population the phase in whatis occurring Describe Courtship Migration Taxis/kinesis
Page33 C. species in density observed population of for pattern Proposethe anexplanation (a) above. graph the monitoredshown as in beenregulary has species of size each population The island. onthe introduced accidently C)was (species beetle leaf-eating of species Ocean for100,000years.1964,athird over In Pacific the in island onanisolated B)haveexisted A and species (apecies beetles leaf-eating of twospecies published observations, andrecent records fossil to According GRAPH Beetles PopulationDensityof in SEE 2006#2FOR Variation over (2005B) time. species these of three densities poopulation the in changes by the describing answer your listed,andjustify of survespecies representsthe which Identify which GRAPH 2005BSEE FOR #1 andacarnivore. alarger herbivore, asmallherbivore, species: three of densities population the belowdepict The curves populations. adaptation. each to andfunction related structure the discussion your in theorganisms of possess them.Include that success evolutionary 74. Essays Cumulative (2006) habitats. new colonizing in successful often are species why(d) invasive Explain for your prediction. explanation abiological C 2014.Provide in of species density Predict population the © B. Aspecies andin observedspecies in patternsof density population for the Propose anexplanation A B. andspecies of species density population the (b) Describe the effect that the introduction of beetle species C has hadon C has species beetle introduction the of that effect the (b) Describe
Describe how the following adaptations have increased the have howfollowing the adaptations Describe
Page33 their environment in ways. environment different their 77. found. intheyare organisms the which of success 76. pairs of following the structures. each within 75. regulated is how each examples. THREEfrom Explain Choose following the levels. 79. evolutionary solution. problem, environments.For an explain each aquatic in not but terrestrialenvironments in survival animal with associated four environment. problems Describe animalsanaquatic in of survival of 78. b a c b a d c b a d c b a ◦ ◦ ◦ c both may be vertebrates, or one may be from oreachgroup. onemaybe maybevertebrates, both maybeangiosperms, examples (Both vertebrates. and/or angiosperms from using examples nutrient in aid uptake, that relationships symbiosis. in Explain towsymbiotic evident is nature in Interdependence function. to structure Relate from environment. the nutrients for obtaining angiosperms adaptationsin 2structural Describe andvertebrates. angiosperms requirements of nutritionnutritional andthe of type the Discuss diploidy placenta mammalian seeds pituitary---posteriorAnterior pituitary muscle muscle---cardiac Skeletal intestine---colon Small Artery---vein Pollen Four-chambered heart egg Amniotic metabolism C4 The cell cycle. cycle. cell The anenzyme. of activity The gene. of expression a The
The survival of organisms depends on regulatory mechanisms at various at organisms onregulatory of mechanisms survival depends The from those different very of animalsis onland problem of survival The from nutrients obtain andvertebrates plants) (flowering Angiosperms evolutionary the to has of contributed following the how each Discuss difference and similarities andfunctional anatomical the Describe
Page33 recognition occurs and give an example of each. of giveanexample occurs and recognition of howprocess the chose, explain you have ofthat three the each following, the andfor of three Select levels. andorganismal tissue, cellular, 81. onlytwo) (and following: the TWO to of Respond 80. following. of the each to Respond threats. of varioustypes environmental against, defending of and/or avoiding, must becapable survive,organisms To communication. from result responses this that of types andthe occurs that communication the eachexample,describe and for communication, cell-to-cell of following the examples THREEof Choose 82. e d c b a c b a ◦ ◦ • • • • communication between a specific endocrine-gland cell and its target cell target andits cell endocrine-gland aspecific between communication muscle cell anda a neuron neuron, andanother between aneuron or between either communication twoimmune-system cells between communication cells twoplant between communication hormones. to cells respond specific Target acidscomplementary. are Nucleic response. trigger antibody Antigens synapse. the in recognized are Neurotransmitters memberstheir of othersas own species. recognize Organisms your of choice. vertebrate a in cell amuscle to O2 fromenvironment of the amolecule Trace afish. insect; an aplant; andits environment: following the organisms eachof between function oxygenexchange that in adaptations structural the Discuss oxygen. recycle photosynthesis and respiration of cellular processes howmetabolic the Explain densityapopulation. of The aplant. of balance water internal The
a. Communication occurs among the cells in a multicellular organism. organism. amulticellular in occurs amongcells the Communication molecular, the at importantmanyprocesses in recognition is Biological ecosystems. in oxygen respiration recycle andcellular Photosynthesis Describe how adaptive coloration, mimicry, or behavior function as function as mimicry,behavior or coloration, how adaptive Describe answer your in predation. twoexamples Include afainst defenses animal
Page33 five examples of symbiotic relationships. of symbiotic examples five are The following environment. natural the in alone rarely exist Organisms organization. of levels all lifeat of cycles part andnecessary is anatural Death Choose FOUR of the above and for each example chosen, example andfor each of FOUR Choose above the (b) (a) (c) (b) (a) c. b. receives fromrelationship.(2004) the receives eachparticipant any, detriment,that or if benefit specific the discuss and relationship, symbiotic describethe symbiosis the and in involved participants the identify Anthrax AIDS plants Epiphytic of cellulose Digestion nodules root Plant (2003) death. of significance evolutionary the Discuss cells. and reused in are how substances degraded of example ONE Discuss organism. amulticellular of and functioning development the affects of death how examples cell TWO Discuss (2000) antigen. same the to response immune secondary the with thehumanprimary response immune Compare your in twoexamples answer. Include threats. environmental against themselves plants protect or how bacteria Describe