Section I. Introduction and Purpose of Request for Quotations

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Section I. Introduction and Purpose of Request for Quotations




Issue Date: July 18, 2014 Boise State University VEHICLE LEASING SERVICES RFQ #NS14-166

Section I. Introduction and Purpose of Request for Quotations Boise State University (hereinafter “the University”) is seeking quotations from qualified companies to provide vehicle leasing services to the Admissions Department for remotely- located University employees.

The University is seeking quotations for the leasing of two (2) vehicles for one - three (1-3) years. The University reserves the right to lease additional vehicles under this contract.

Section II. Timeline A. RFQ issued July 18, 2014 B. Emailed Questions due July 28, 2014, 5 p.m. MT C. Questions answered July 30, 2014, 5 p.m. MT D. RFQ closes Aug 13, 2014, 5 p.m. MT

Section III. Issuing Office & Submission of Questions A. The University Purchasing Department is the only contact for this solicitation. From the date of release of this solicitation until purchase order is issued or otherwise notified, all contact and requests for information shall be directed to the University’s Buyer listed below. Regarding this solicitation, all contact with other University personnel is restricted. Violation of these conditions may be considered sufficient cause by the University to reject a vendor’s quote, irrespective of any other consideration. B. All questions from vendors concerning this RFQ must be submitted via email by 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time on July 28, 2014 to the person/address shown below.

Nancy Schwend Sr. Buyer Boise State University Email: [email protected] Phone: 208.426.3363

C. Questions shall be submitted with RFQ #NS14-166 – Questions shown in the subject line. D. Any questions regarding the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions found at must also be submitted in writing, using Attachment 4, Vendor Questions, by the deadline identified in this subsection. The University will not consider proposed modifications

Vehicle Leasing Services 2 RFQ #NS14-166 to these requirements after the date and time set for receiving questions. Questions regarding these requirements must contain the following: 1. The rationale for the specific requirement being unacceptable to the party submitting the question (define the deficiency); 2. Recommended verbiage for the University’s consideration that is consistent in content, context, and form with the University’s requirement that is being questioned; 3. Explanation of how the University’s acceptance of the recommended verbiage is fair and equitable to both the University and to the party submitting the questions. 4. Quotes that are submitted which condition the quote based upon the University accepting other terms and conditions not found in the RFQ, or which take exception to the State’s terms and conditions, will be found non- responsive, and no further consideration of the quote will be given. E. The RFQ is posted on the University Purchasing website at under Bid Opportunities. Amendments, including answers to questions, will also be posted on the same website by 5:00 p.m. MT on July 30, 2014. F. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to periodically check this website for amendments which must be signed, dated and returned with your RFQ response. Failure to do so may cause your response to be found non-responsive and removed from further consideration.

Section IV. General Information A. Validity of Quote. Although it is the desire of the University to have the leases in place quickly, quotes are to remain valid for sixty (60) calendar days after the scheduled closing date. Quotes submitted with a less than 60-day validity may cause your response to be found non-responsive and removed from further consideration. B. Contract Term. Although the most likely lease agreement resulting from this RFQ will be for a term of two (2) years with an optional third (3rd) year, we will also consider the term options required on the Cost Schedule, Attachments A-1, A-2 and A-3. C. State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions. The State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions and Instructions to Vendors are incorporated by reference into and shall apply to this solicitation and any contract resulting from this solicitation. Responses received qualifying the offer based upon the University accepting terms and conditions of the Vendor shall be found non-responsive, and no consideration of the Response given. Vendors are encouraged to review these documents at the following website: and conditions.html. NOTE: Section 5 – Administrative Fees do not apply to this solicitation. D. Contract. The RFQ, any and all attachments and amendments, the successful Vendor’s response, and the purchase order, will become the contract. The contract, in its incorporated composite form, represents the entire agreement between the Contractor and the University and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, understandings or agreements, either written or oral. Vehicle Leasing Services 3 RFQ #NS14-166 E. Vendor Agreements and Assumptions. Where Vendor agreements and assumptions, specified in the Vendor’s response, differ from the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions, or the terms and conditions of this Solicitation, the State’s Terms and Conditions, or the terms and conditions of this Solicitation shall apply. Where Vendor agreements and assumptions supplement the State of Idaho Standard Contract Terms and Conditions and Related Services (if specifically identified as applicable to this solicitation), or the terms of this Solicitation, the supplemental terms and conditions shall apply only if specifically accepted by the University in writing. Where unsolicited supplemental documents including unsolicited pricing quote sheets are submitted, the University reserves the right to deem the quote non-responsive if the supplemental documents conflict with the specifications of this solicitation. Supplemental documents shall be considered as reference materials only, and nothing contained within a supplemental document shall be deemed as accepted by the University, unless accepted by the University in writing. Vendors are cautioned against the use of supplemental documents. Conflicting supplemental documents may lead to the response being deemed non- responsive, and no consideration of the response given. It is recomme3nded that Vendors review the State’s Solicitation Instructions to Vendors, Clause 20 at the following website: F. Subcontractors. The University reserves the right to approve or reject any subcontracting agent or to reject responses based on the use of subcontracted work. G. Insurance. Within five (5) business days of the effective date of the Agreement, the Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance to the Boise State University Purchasing Department, Attn: Nancy Schwend, naming Boise State University and the State of Idaho as additional insured. The Contractor shall maintain the insurance during the life of the Agreement. There are no provisions for exceptions to this requirement. Failure to provide the certificates of insurance within the five (5) business day period may be cause for the termination of the Agreement without any liability on the part of the University. Insurance requirements can be found at Party.pdf H. The University expressly reserves the right to waive, or decline to waive, any insignificant defect or informality in any response or response procedures. I. Prepayment for the goods and services to be provided hereunder shall not be an option.

Section V. Solicitation Response Requirements A. Answers to Questions - Attachment B – So that questions and answers can easily be followed, please ensure that each question and its number is stated immediately before your response. Any deviation from this format and sequence may result in a response being rejected. 1. Vendor Background and Information (Scored Pass/Fail): i. Vendor shall provide name and/or dba and headquarter address and any Idaho addresses of your company. ii. Vendor shall provide the name, address, phone and email address for the duly authorized agent submitting the response for the company. Vehicle Leasing Services 4 RFQ #NS14-166 iii. Has your company been in the vehicle leasing business at least five (5) years? If yes, for how long? iv. Vendor shall provide a full description of the company (including experience performing like services for academic institutions, public transportation agencies, municipalities, or other governmental agencies), qualifications and organizational chart. v. Vendor shall provide a general description of the individual or firm’s financial situation and identify all conditions such as bankruptcy, pending litigations, planned office closures, impending merger, etc. vi. Vendor shall provide copies of all documents that could become a part of a final Agreement arising from this process. vii. Vendor shall provide name of person who would be assigned to the University contract. Detail the rep’s experience in performing work of a similar nature. viii. Vendors shall identify subcontractors (maintenance facilities) by name, address and telephone number. ix. Vendors shall identify any and all insurance requirements imposed on the University as a condition of leasing vehicles. Insuring the vehicles under this contract is an option. x. Vendors shall identify entity holding title to the vehicles during the term of the lease. xi. Vendor shall provide a detailed description of the fleet management services offered as described in the Scope of Services including but not limited to: 1. Insurance Program. 2. Maintenance and Repair Program. 3. Physical Damage Program. 4. Vehicle resale process. B. Cost Schedule - Attachments A-1, A-2 and A-3. C. Signature Page – Attachment C - (Scored Pass/Fail). Receipt of a signed Signature Page is mandatory. If not received, your quote will be found non-responsive and removed from further consideration.


Section VI. Award Process A. Upon opening, the Purchasing Department will inspect each Quote for the following: 1. That the Quote was timely per the published closing date and time; 2. That the Quote includes an originally signed Boise State Signature Page (Attachment C); 3. That the Quote has not been qualified by the Vendor, meaning that the Vendor has not conditioned their Quote based upon the University accepting terms or conditions established by the Vendor; 4. That the Quote contains all required forms and information;

Vehicle Leasing Services 5 RFQ #NS14-166 5. That the required information indicates a financially healthy, professional company; 6. Other unforeseen conditions that might deem the Quote non-responsive upon opening. B. All Quotes passing initial inspection will be reviewed for compliance with mandatory specifications on a pass/fail basis. Those not meeting mandatory specifications will be found non-responsive and removed from further consideration. C. The Contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible Vendor that best meets the specifications and has the lowest overall cost for the vehicle/options selected. The University will be the sole arbiter of which vendor/vehicle/options constitute the best choice for the University.

Section VII. Scope of Services (A-E Scored Pass/Fail). A. The University requires two (2) vehicles on a lease basis satisfying the specifications described in this section. Vendors are expected to submit quotes that address all portions of this section. NO EARLY TERMINATION FEES. B. For comparison purposes, the University is requiring all Vendors to use the following lease parameters when completing the chart in Cost Schedule, Attachments A-1, A- 2 and A-3. Prices offered must be firm, fixed prices not subject to change during the initial lease period and optional extensions. Include all other applicable fees and charges in the monthly prices, including end of lease inspection fees, and any applicable taxes. The University is sales and excise tax exempt. 1. Open-Ended Lease with no mileage restrictions. Vehicles must be depreciated at 1.5% per month with a 10% Residual Book Value. 2. Residual Value should be based on the indicated term and annual mileage of 30,000 miles/year. C. The following represents the University’s requirements for these vehicles: 1. Contractor must supply an End-of-Term Balance at the end of the terms (various from 12- 36 months). Thirty (30) days prior to the end of the term the Contractor should provide an estimate of the current market value of the two vehicles. This should be followed by a written inspection report within five (5) days of the return of the vehicle. 2. Include all other applicable fees and charges in the monthly price, including end-of-lease inspection fees, and any applicable taxes. The University is sales- and excise-tax exempt. 3. Vendor shall maintain vehicle bumper-to-bumper for the duration of the lease. Complete maintenance shall be included if/when mileage exceeds manufacturer warranty allowance. 4. Define reporting capabilities including monthly management reports, comprehensive invoicing, maintenance notification, and electronic capabilities. D. Bumper-to-Bumper Service, Maintenance, and Repair Requirements – The University requires that each vehicle be maintained bumper-to-bumper in normal operating condition with all service, maintenance, and repairs performed not only to maintain the warranty but throughout the life of the lease.

Vehicle Leasing Services 6 RFQ #NS14-166 1. Due to estimated mileage, warranty will likely expire before the end of the lease. Nevertheless, maintenance and repair program costs are to be fixed and guaranteed throughout the life of the lease. i. Describe what is not included in your bumper-to-bumper maintenance and repair program. 2. Provide detail on the program including, but not limited to: i. Location of facilities that will perform maintenance and repair in California and Washington. ii. Monitoring, tracking, and service-required notification capabilities / procedures. iii. Compatibility with manufacturer’s warranty. iv. Qualification requirements for those performing work on leased vehicles. E. Other Requirements - The Contractor shall establish and maintain an appropriate organizational structure to enable University management of this contract. Documentation supporting the Contractor’s ability to service the contract (including but not limited to office locations) should be included with your quotation. All ordering will originate directly from the University. 1. Vehicle Quantities and Locations: The University expects to lease two (2) vehicles; one that will be used in the State of California and one that will be used in the State of Washington. THIS IS NON-GUARANTEED AMOUNT CONTRACT; the University reserves the right to order any amount of leased vehicles and additional services it deems in the best interest of the University. 2. All vehicles provided under this contract shall be new from the factory. Vehicles will be registered to Boise State University. The University will obtain license plates following delivery to the University and acceptance by a University representative. 3. Vehicle Mileage and Term: Vendors shall propose a desired timeframe or mileage interval different than levels requested by the University, if such intervals provide advantages to the Vendor, the University, or both, such as lower lease prices due to better vehicle resale potential. 4. California Emissions: Both vehicles shall comply with California emissions standards. 5. Vehicle Inspection: All vehicles leased under this contract shall be inspected by the University upon delivery, and if acceptable, vehicle inspection documentation will be provided indicating the general condition of the vehicle and acceptance that it meets ordering specifications. F. Optional Services and Equipment 1. Vehicle Insurance – The University may choose to provide vehicle insurance separately from this contract but is requesting insurance quotes from vendors in the following amounts: i. Automobile Liability. $1 million Combine Single Limit (CSL). ii. Collision and Comprehensive. Full coverage, optionally would consider $250 or $500 deductible. iii. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist. $1 million. iv. Towing Coverage. Vehicle Leasing Services 7 RFQ #NS14-166 v. Rental Car. Available in the event of a breakdown or more than 1- day repair. 2. Rolling Lease (NTE 15K/yr) – Considering the estimated annual mileage, the University is concerned with end-of-life value. Complete the column on the Cost Schedule – Attachments A-1, A-2 and A-3 if you have such a program to replace the vehicles every 15,000 miles and provide and explanation of the process. The University is interested in a level month-to- month cost. 3. Bumper-to-Bumper Service, Maintenance, and Repair Requirements – This is listed as a Pass/Fail requirement in Section VI (D); however, if a Rolling Lease option is available, then the better of the two plans will be selected. 4. AWD, Hybrid or E-85 Flex or Other Alternative Fuel.

Section IX. Description of Minimum Requirements - (Scored Pass/Fail). A. All vehicles shall have the following features: 1. New from factory. 2. 2WD 3. 4-door sedan that can comfortably seat four (4) adults. 4. Intermediate size 5. Two (2) key sets per vehicle. 6. Vehicles will be registered by the University in ID. 7. Air Conditioning. 8. To the extent possible, each vehicle should be best in class for fuel efficiency. 9. Exterior Color of both vehicles to be blue (Boise State University blue). B. Invoicing: Monthly. Net 30 upon receipt of invoice. C. End-of-Lease Options. At the end of lease term, the University may: 1. Purchase the vehicle from the Contractor for the end-of-term obligation (Reduced Book Value plus other charges). or 2. Return the vehicle to be disposed of by Contractor.

When the University returns vehicles to the Contractor, the Contractor will: 1. Check vehicle in with a written report. 2. Within four (4) weeks, Contractor will communicate to the University a minimum market value for vehicle based on at least three (3) offers or bids. 3. Funds received by the Contractor for disposing of the leased vehicle shall be used to reconcile the remaining reduced book value of the vehicle. Any further credits or debits will be returned to the University. 4. If vehicle(s) returned prior to end of lease, early termination fees shall not apply.

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