6Th Grade ELA Book Projects

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6Th Grade ELA Book Projects

6 th Grade ELA Book Projects You will be expected to read at least four books independently and complete book projects. You will complete one every six weeks. After reading your book, choose one of the following activities to complete. Book Project Guidelines  You may not choose the same Book Project to complete twice.  If you want to complete a Book Project Activity not listed below, please confirm your activity with me in advance.  All art work and illustrations should be in color.  There is a 300 word minimum and 400 word maximum for all writing in your project.  All writing, if typed, should be 12 pt. font, and double spaced.  If appropriate for the project, you may complete it on Google Slides or Google Docs.  Your writing should have NO grammar or spelling errors!!! Book Project Deadlines Book Project: Project due date: Book Project #1 2/10/17 Book Project #2 3/17/17 Book Project #3 4/21/17 Book Project #4 5/26/17 Book Project Activities Interview: Interview a character from your book. Write at least 10 questions that will give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. Then pretend you are the character and answer the questions. Questions must be thoughtful and should not be factual.

Diary: Write a diary that one of the story’s main characters might have kept before, during, or after the book’s events. You must include the character’s thoughts and feelings in the diary. Remember to tell me if the diary entries take place before, during or after the book. At least 7 entries are required.

Letter to movie producer: Imagine that you are the author of the book you have just read. Suddenly the book becomes a best seller. Write a letter to a movie producer trying to get that person interested in making your book into a movie. Explain in detail why the story, characters, and setting would make a good film. You may only use books that have not already been made into movies. NOTE: Limit the amount of summary in your letter – I want analysis.

Diorama: Construct a 3 dimensional scene that includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals of one of the main events of the book. Include a written description of the scene that explains: · the setting · characters present · when the scene took place in the book · what is happening in the scene · how the scene is important to the book.

Travel Brochure: Prepare a 3-fold travel brochure advertising the setting of your book using pictures that you have found or drawn. This brochure should persuade people to visit the setting of your book. Somewhere in your brochure you must include a detailed description of the setting of your book. Your brochure should have information on the front and back and there should not be any blank panels on your brochure.

A New Ending! Now you can choose what happens to the characters in your book by writing a new ending. Please include a short one paragraph summary of your book (including the real ending) at the beginning of your writing.

Timeline: Make an illustrated timeline showing the important events of the story from the beginning of the book to the end. Each event on the timeline should have a picture and a 1-2 sentence caption explaining what the event is. On the back of your timeline draw a map showing the locations where the events on your timeline took place. Remember, timelines are always in chronological order. (10-20 main events should be described on your timeline)

Newspaper: Create a newspaper for your book. Summarize the plot in one article; cover the weather in another, do a feature story on one of the more interesting characters in another. Include ads that would be pertinent to the story. Remember to format your newspaper so that it looks like a newspaper. All information in the newspaper must be things that you have written. You cannot copy articles or other information word for word from any other source. If you copy information you will not get credit for the project. Make a Collage: Using magazine pictures create a collage on a poster board that describes your book. Your poster board should be FULLY covered in pictures, with no poster board showing. In your writing, describe what each picture represents and how it relates to your book.

Poster: Make a poster advertising your book so someone else will want to read it. Posters must be: o The size of a full size sheet of construction paper or poster board (See me for size) o Posters should not have blank space (use the whole sheet of paper) o Illustrated with a scene or scenes from the book o The title and author must be on the poster o In your writing describe why someone should read your book. Be creative! o Comic Book: Make your book into a comic. Your comic should tell the story of your book, so don’t leave out any important events. Don’t forget to design a cover for your comic book, and remember, comic books have captions (or thought bubbles, etc.) so the characters can talk. This should include characters, setting, plot, problem/solution, etc…

Cereal Box Book Report (See me for templates for the box) The idea of this book report is to “sell” your book. You want to make others want to “buy” (read) your book using the same marketing techniques that cereal companies use to sell their cereal. You will need to use the two templates that you will cut out and paste on your box. Before you begin, you need to: a) finish your book b) get an empty cereal box c) cover the cereal box with some kind of paper (wrapping paper, brown paper bags, etc.) d) print out the templates that you will fill in and glue on your box (or get them from class) e) get scissors and a glue stick or tape FRONT OF BOX: Use a piece of white or light colored paper to cover the front of your cereal box. (You will probably want to create the cover before gluing it on your box.) Include the name of the “cereal” and a picture. Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the book. Choose a shape for the cereal as well as colors and ingredients that all relate to the book. For example, for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, you might invent a cereal called Wizard Wands, a toasted oat cereal in the shape of miniature lightning bolts. RIGHT SIDE: (Use template) Make a list of ingredients that includes the two story elements “Characters” and “Setting.” Under the heading "Ingredients," list the main characters and write a sentence about each one. Then describe the setting. You can use the template on the attached sheet or cover the side with white or light colored paper and do it in your own way. Just make sure you include the main characters and the setting. LEFT SIDE: (Use template) Write a summary that describes the main problem and the solution of the book. Try to use words that will “grab” readers’ attention and make them want to buy your cereal. You can use the attached template or do this in your own way. BACK OF BOX: Design a game that is based on the story. It can be a puzzle, a word search, a word scramble, a maze, a crossword puzzle, a hidden pictures illustration, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Make sure it includes information from the book. TOP OF BOX: (Use template) Include the title, author, number of pages, and number of stars you would give this book if you were a book critic. The maximum number of stars would be 5. You can use the template or create the top of the box yourself as long as you include all of the things listed above. PRIZE: Cereal boxes often include a prize. Your prize must be something the main character could have used in the book or something that reminds you of the main character. You can even include a picture of the prize on the front of your box to let the reader know what is inside the box.

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