Test Cases - Iteration 1

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Test Cases - Iteration 1

MACtivity Test Cases - Iteration 1

Team 6 – CSE 5324 Spring 2012

Khandaker Moinur Rahman

Shwetha Narayan

Hardik Shah

Yu Xuan Zhang

Sanjay Vasudeva Iyer

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

The University of Texas at Arlington 1 INTRODUCTION

PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT This s Document documents the functional requirements of the MACtivity test cases. The intended audience is the project team and testing team. This document may be shared with the TA\Instructor and other teams whose input/approval into the testing process is needed. The first iteration of the project contains 3 important Use Cases – Login, Registration and Individual Plan. Each of these Use cases has different scenarios which are identified as test cases here. The following are the test cases scenarios possible in each of the different Use Cases 1. Login Use Case Username, Password, Login and Register 2. Registration Use Case First Name, Last Name, Username, Password and Confirm Password, Email Address, Register and Cancel. 3. Individual Plan Use Case Select Sport, Select Date, Time and Individual Plan


TEST CASE SCENARIO – LOGIN EMAIL ID Description This test case is the description of how to test the e-mail address field on the Login page of MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Login ability of the app. The test case is also triggered by the users when they try logging into the app. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the e-mail address field. Post Conditions On entering a valid e-mail address and password combination, the user should be able to view the home page of the app, which is the dashboard. Flow of Events On entering a valid e-mail address, along with the password, the user should be able to access the app. If the e-mail address is invalid, the system should not be allowed to enter the app and should be shown “Login Failed” message. Inclusion/Exclusion Points To successfully login, user should already be registered.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – LOGIN PASSWORD Description This test case is the description of how to test the Password field on the Login page of MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Login ability of the app. The test case is also triggered by the users when they try logging into the app. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the Password field. Post Conditions On entering a valid e-mail address and password combination, the user should be able to view the home page of the app, which is the dashboard. Flow of Events On entering a valid password, along with the associated e-mail address, the user should be able to access the app. If the password is invalid, the system should not be allowed to enter the app and should be shown “Login Failed” message. The password field should not display the characters entered as password. Inclusion/Exclusion Points To successfully login, user should already be registered.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – LOGIN BUTTON Description This test case is the description of how to test the Login button on the Login page of MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Login ability of the app. The test case is also triggered by the users when they try logging into the app. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the Login page on which he can find the Login button. Post Conditions On entering a valid username and its password, the user clicks on Login button, the user should be able to view the home page of the app, which is the dashboard. If the user does not click the Login button the user should not be able to enter the app. Flow of Events On entering a valid password, along with the email address, the user should be able to access the app. On clicking the Login button the credentials are validated and if the correct information is entered then the user can enter the app. If the credentials are incorrect the system should not allow accessing the app and user should be shown “Login Failed” message. The password field should not display the characters entered. Inclusion/Exclusion Points To successfully login, user should already be registered

TEST CASE SCENARIO – REGISTER BUTTON Description This test case is the description of how to test the Register button on the Login page of MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Registering to app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user uses the app for the first time, to register into the system. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the Register button. Post Conditions On clicking of Register button the user\tester should be led to the Registration page where the user\tester can enter details to register into MACtivity system. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. It contains the Register button at the bottom. On clicking this button the app should lead the user into the Registration page. The user can enter details in this Registration page to register into the MACtivity system.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – REGISTRATION, REGISTER FULL NAME Description This test case is the description of how to test the Registration functionality of the MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Registration to app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user uses the app for the first time, to register into the system. The user can identify him in the app using this full name. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the Register button. On clicking the register button the registration page opens up. Post Conditions On clicking of Register button on the Registration page, the user\tester should be registered into MACtivity system, the user should be identified by this Full Name. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. It contains the Register button at the bottom. On clicking this button the app should lead the user into the Registration page. The user can enter Full name in details on the Registration page to register into the MACtivity system.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – REGISTRATION, USER PASSWORD AND CONFIRM PASSWORD Description This test case is the description of how to test the Registration functionality of the MACtivity app. This use case tests the setting of password for particular user functionality. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Registration to app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user uses the app for the first time, to register into the system. The user can set a password for a newly created user profile. The user can set a password in the registration page by entering the password he wishes in the password field. He must enter the same password in the confirm password field to confirm this particular password as his password. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the Register button. On clicking the register button the registration page opens up. On the registration page he can find both the fields – Enter Password and Confirm Password. Post Conditions On clicking of Register button on the Registration page, the user\tester should be registered into MACtivity system with this password. When the user logs into the system he has to enter his email id and password entered here. The password should be accepted only if both the fields have the same values. If the values are not same, the system should show a validation message that they are not the same. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. It contains the Register button at the bottom. On clicking this button the app should lead the user into the Registration page. The user can enter User password and Confirm Password in details on the Registration page to register into the MACtivity system. While login again the user must use this password against his email ID to log into the MACtivity system.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – REGISTRATION, EMAIL ADDRESS Description This test case is the description of how to test the Registration functionality of the MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Registration to app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user uses the app for the first time, to register into the system. The user can log into the system Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the Register button. On clicking the register button the registration page opens up. The registration page has email address field. The user shall use this email id at all times to log into the application. The email id is also used to retrieve the password incase the user forgets it. Post Conditions On clicking of Register button on the Registration page, the user\tester should be registered into MACtivity system, the user should be identified by this email address as his username. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. It contains the Register button at the bottom. On clicking this button the app should lead the user into the Registration page. The user can enter email address in details on the Registration page to register into the MACtivity system. This email address is used for Login in later.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – REGISTRATION, REGISTER BUTTON Description This test case is the description of how to test the Registration functionality of the MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Registration to app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user uses the app for the first time, to register into the system. The user can enter all the details of his profile and then click on this button to complete registration. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the Register button. On clicking the register button in login page, the registration page opens up. Post Conditions On clicking of Register button on the Registration page, the user\tester should be registered into MACtivity system, the user should be identified by this Full Name, should be associated with the email address entered, password should be set as entered in the enter password and confirm password boxes. The user should be able to login using the email address and password entered in this field. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. It contains the Register button at the bottom. On clicking this button the app should lead the user into the Registration page. The user can enter Full name, email address, enter password, confirm password on the Registration page and click on the Register button to register into the MACtivity system. If the email id is already used or the password boxes don’t match each other, an error occurs and the registration does not go through. The user can cancel the action or opt to enter credentials which can get accepted by the system.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – REGISTRATION, CANCEL BUTTON Description This test case is the description of how to test the Registration functionality of the MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Registration to app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user uses the app for the first time, to register into the system. If the user decides to cancel his registration without completing it, he can click on the button to cancel the registration process. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app. On entering the App the user can find the login page on which he can find the Register button. On clicking the register button the registration page opens up. Post Conditions On clicking of Cancel button on the Registration page, the registration should be cancelled and should be directed to login page. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. It contains the Register button at the bottom. On clicking this button the app should lead the user into the Registration page. The user can click on the cancel button to cancel registration.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – INDIVIDUAL PLAN – SELECT ACTIVITY Description This test case is the description of how to test the making an Individual Plan on an activity on the Plan flow of MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Individual Plan of the app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user wants to make a Plan in the MACtivity app. On clicking on the Plan menu item on the home page, the user can select an activity. Activity is a list of all the activities at the MAC. All the activities are shown as buttons on clicking one of whom it is directed to a date picker. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app and should be logged into the system. Post Conditions On clicking an activity the user should be made to select a day to which this plan should be made. After the dashboard feature is implemented, this Individual plan will appear on the dashboard once the user logs in. The user should also be added as a count to the number of participants in that time slot for that sport. Flow of Events On clicking a time slot, an individual plan should be made – Activity on the selected day at the selected time. After the dashboard feature is implemented, this Individual plan will appear on the dashboard once the user logs in. The user should also be added as a count to the number of participants in that time slot for that sport. Inclusion/Exclusion Points To successfully plan, user should be logged in.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – INDIVIDUAL PLAN – SELECT DATE Description This test case is the description of how to test the making an Individual Plan on an activity on a particular date in the Plan flow of MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Individual Plan of the app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user wants to make a Plan in the MACtivity app. On clicking on the Plan menu item on the home page, the user can select an activity and then a date on which activity has to be scheduled. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app and should be logged into the system. Post Conditions On clicking a date and clicking on SET button, it should be directed to the time slots screen to complete making an individual plan. After the dashboard feature is implemented, this Individual plan will appear on the dashboard once the user logs in. The user should also be added as a count to the number of participants in that time slot for that sport. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. He can login there and select on the Plan menu button at the bottom of the app. He can then see a list of activities at the MAC. On selecting one of them he is given a date picker which will allow to select a date to which he can plan. Date can be in the range from the current date to next possible 7 dates. Inclusion/Exclusion Points To successfully plan, the user should be logged in.

TEST CASE SCENARIO – INDIVIDUAL PLAN – SELECT TIME Description This test case is the description of how to test the making an Individual Plan activity on the Plan flow of MACtivity app. Resources This test case is the used by the testing team for testing Individual Plan of the app feature. This test case is triggered while a particular user wants to make a Plan in the MACtivity app. On clicking on the Plan menu item on the home page, the user can select an activity and then a date on which activity has to be scheduled. After selecting the date, the user is shown a time slot screen. On clicking on a time slot, that particular activity on that selected date at that time slot is made as a Plan for that user. Preconditions The tester should have entered into the MACtivity app and should be logged into the system. Post Conditions On clicking a time slot, an individual plan should be made – Activity on the selected day at the selected time. After the dashboard feature is implemented, this Individual plan will appear on the dashboard once the user logs in. The user should also be added as a count to the number of participants in that time slot for that sport. Flow of Events On entering the MACtivity app, the user can see the Login page. He can login there and select on the Plan menu button at the bottom of the app. He can then see a list of activities at the MAC. On selecting one of them he is given a date picker which will allow to select a date to which he can plan. Date can be in the range from the current date to next possible 7 dates. On selecting the date, he can choose a time slot. On clicking of a time slot his plan is made and confirmed. Inclusion/Exclusion Points To successfully plan, the user should be logged in.

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