Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document 5118

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Background Statement for SEMI Draft Document 5118


Note: This background statement is not part of the balloted item. It is provided solely to assist the recipient in reaching an informed decision based on the rationale of the activity that preceded the creation of this document.

Note: Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patented technology or copyrighted items of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. In this context, “patented technology” is defined as technology for which a patent has issued or has been applied for. In the latter case, only publicly available information on the contents of the patent application is to be provided.

Background SEMI MS4-1109 provides a test method to determine the Young’s modulus for a thin, reflecting film, based on the average resonance frequency of a single-layered cantilever (or fixed-fixed beam). Young’s modulus measurements are an aid in the design and fabrication of MEMS devices and ICs.

SEMI MS4 became publicly available in November of 2007 without precision and bias data. It was written for use with a single beam laser vibrometer (or comparable instrument). The MEMS Young’s Modulus and Step Height Round Robin Experiment was held from December 2008 through April 2009. The SEMI MS4 standard was rewritten to include a) the round robin precision and bias data, b) a procedure for a dual beam laser vibrometer, and c) a procedure for a stroboscopic interferometer and was published in November 2009 after a successful reballot.

Standard reference materials (SRM 2494 and SRM 2495) are being developed to aid customer’s in their use of five documentary standard test methods (including SEMI MS4). During the review process of the standard reference materials, most sections of this test method were modified as reflected by the changes in this SEMI Document 5118, resulting in what can be considered a complete rewrite of this test method. Of particular note is the following: 1. Those definitions obtained from ASTM are modified (except for the main parameters measured in the ASTM standards), 2. A calibration procedure for frequency measurements is included, 3. Double-stuffed anchor designs for a surface-micromachining process are included to provide a rigid support, 4. A frequency correction term is added to the Young’s modulus equation, and 5. The combined standard uncertainty equations are modified to obtain relative uncertainties using the propagation of uncertainty technique. This SEMI Document 5118 is now being balloted and the complete set of changes can be seen in the redlined version of this document. SEMI Document 5118 was approved for letter balloting in July 2011. Review and Adjudication Information Task Force Review Committee Adjudication Group: MEMS Materials Characterization TF NA MEMS / NEMS Committee Date: Monday, October 24, 2011 Monday, October 24, 2011 Time & Timezone: 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM, Pacific Time 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Pacific Time Location: SEMI Headquarters SEMI Headquarters 3081 Zanker Road 3081 Zanker Road City, State/Country: San Jose, CA San Jose, CA Leader(s): Janet Cassard (NIST, [email protected]) Mark Crocket (MEMSMART, [email protected]) Win Baylies (BayTech Group, [email protected]) Standards Staff: Paul Trio (SEMI NA) Paul Trio (SEMI NA) 408.943.7041 /[email protected] 408.943.7041 / [email protected] This meeting’s details are subject to change, and additional review sessions may be scheduled if necessary. Contact the task force leaders or Standards staff for confirmation.

Telephone and web information will be distributed to interested parties as the meeting date approaches. If you will not be able to attend these meetings in person but would like to participate by telephone/web, please contact Standards staff. Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and uncertainty value.) The Young’s modulus value can then be used in calculations of residual stress and stress and stress residual of calculations in used be then can value modulus standard combined Young’s higher a The to value.) due recommended uncertainty not Young’s is in approach this but used used, be is can beam cantilever fixed-fixed single-layered layered a of frequency single-resonance a of frequency resonance average the measurement, for available not resonance is cantilever a (If calculations. average modulus the The acceptable.) obtaining not of are capable layer is underlying the touch that or optical touching are that beams non-contact from instrument (Measurements out-of-plane. oscillating beam a a of comparable frequency using or imaged be interferometer can stroboscopic that materials vibrometer, (MEMS) system microelectromechanical in found as 2.1 2 in basedtest method test modulus also obtainedthis this onthein Young’s value method. calculated stress and electromigration, development process as processes. IC fabrication CMOS in such for yield the improve interest ICs to order in of monitoring in are characterization mechanisms its failure for methods to So, lead delamination. and can migration, stress residual of values high example, 1.2 measurement. this is but onlyusedfor is method available ifbeam, anot be to cantilever afixed-fixed single-layered of Young’s based frequency determine to modulus resonance method test onthe average a provides also It cantilever. single-layered a of frequency resonance average the on based films, reflecting thin, for differentmodulus Young’s determine to method test between a provides standard This compared. meaningfully be measurements cannot laboratories technique, measurement standard a Without years. many for community MEMS 1.1 1 NOTICE: RESONANCEIN OFFREQUENCY BEAMS BASEDTHE ON MEASUREMENTSFILMS OFMODULUS THIN, REFLECTING YOUNG’S SEMIMS4-1109, STANDARD METHOD TO TEST FOR REVISION Draft Document SEMI 5118 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 2 Test MEMS Structures,” Processes using 1 gap, the cantilevers, for words, theequation: shouldfollowing to layer and theadhere underlying beam other In layer. underlying its the that by such altered layer not underlying is the motion above enough high suspended be should beams the phenomena, damping other 3.1 3 the determine and practices health and safety appropriate other ofprior limitations use.applicability regulatoryor to establish to standard this of users the of responsibility NOTICE: 2.3 stiction test of also consideredtheexhibiting is outside scope this method. is beam the whether as well as density, and thickness, width, length, beam’s the of determination The method. test 2.2 gradient.

Gregory T. A. T. NewGregory York, McGraw-Hill, (1998): Kovacs, Transducers “Micromachined Sourcebook,” NY p.312. Marshall, J. C., Herman, D. L., Vernier, J. L., C., D. P. in D. Standard Herman, Marshall, Gaitan, DeVoe, T., M.,Measurements ICCMOS “Young’s and L., Modulus Scope Purpose Limitations This test method covers a procedure for measuring Young’s modulus in thin films. It applies only to films, such films, to only applies It films. thin in modulus Young’s measuring for procedure a covers method test This For ICs. and devices MEMS of fabrication and design the in aid an are measurements modulus Young’s the to challenge a provided has modulus Young’s determine to method accepted generally a of absence The To ensure that the resonance frequency of the cantilevers or fixed-fixed beams is not altered by squeeze film or film squeeze by altered not is beams fixed-fixed or cantilevers the of frequency resonance the that ensure To testlaser incorporatesa1or this 2. appliesClass theinstrument laser, Class test only ifis method the If this ofscope theoutside considered is beams, the release to steps required etching the including fabrication, The hs tnad os o prot o drs sft sus i n, soitd wt t ue I i the is It use. its with associated any, if issues, safety address to purport not does standard This This document was completely rewritten in 2009. completelyin rewritten documentThis was IEEE Electron Devices Letters IEEE Electron d Page  W , Vol.11(November 28,No. p.960–963. 2007): 3 can jn l jn 3 , 2 1 The residual stress of a thin film layer is layer film thin a of stress residual The d , between the suspended the between , Document Document Number: Doc. (1) Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 5.1 5 NOTICE: Films Taken to Reflecting TerminologyRelating onThin, Measurements E2444—Standard ASTM an Using Films Reflecting Thin, of Measurements Gradient Strain InterferometerOptical for Method Test Standard — E2246 ASTM an Using Films Reflecting Thin, of Measurements Strain Residual InterferometerOptical for Method Test Standard — E2245 ASTM an Using Films Reflecting Thin, of Measurements Length InterferometerOptical In-Plane for Method Test Standard — E2244 ASTM 4.3 Lasers Z136.1Use —Standard the Safe for of ANSI 4.2 Measurements of StepFilms —Test MethodThin for SEMI MS2 Height 4.1 4 testof this Therefore, this oflimited is by themethod assumption. beam. accuracy undercutting 3.2 the limit of the technique.)accuracy may which system, the of frequency natural to the lead in routinely shifts phenomena and damping frequencies resonance other dependent and amplitude film (Squeeze beam. the to cavity the of sides the of vicinity the vacuum. a in and the cavity of performed the depth upon dependent It is processes. bulk-micromachining in presentbe may not damping The is measurement the unless etch, backside a of use the without processes micromachining where emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Conshohocken,19428. Drive, West PA 5 Fax: 610.832.9555; 610.832.9585; 4 42ndStreet, Office: 212.398.0023; NY202.293.9287. New New York 11West York, 212.642.4900; 10036,USA. Fax: Telephone: 3 process, 5.2.1 5.2 5.1.8 5.1.7 5.1.6 5.1.5 5.1.4 5.1.3 5.1.2 5.1.1

Referenced definitions reprinted, with permission, from the with permission, reprinted, from Referenced definitions Materials,Drive, 100 Barr forHarbor West Society Pennsylvania and Conshohocken, Testing USA. Telephone: American 19428-2959, Washington, Street, 1819L DC Institute,Headquarters: 202.293.8020; National NW, 20036,USA. Fax: Telephone: Standards American Terminology Standards Referenced Documents and Abbreviations and ASTM ANSI SEMI no is there that implies which conditions, boundary clamped-free assumes method test this cantilevers, For Definitions anchor PZT MEMS LED IC FOV FFT CMP CMOS W where a structural layer is intentionally attached to its isto attached layer a underlying structural layer. intentionally where — integrated circuit —integrated can

Standard — piezoelectric transducer —piezoelectric

— fast Fourier transform —fast theversions. latestpublished otherwise documents all cited be shall Unless indicated, Standard — light emitting diode —light —field of view Standards — chemical mechanical planarization mechanical —chemical is the width of the cantilever. These damping phenomena are expected to be present in surface in present be to expected are phenomena damping These cantilever. the of width the is — complementary metaloxide —complementary semiconductor — microelectromechanical systems —microelectromechanical — in a surface-micromachining process, process, surface-micromachining a in 3 4

Acronyms Annual Book of ASTMStandards Annual Book Page

the portion of the test structure test the of portion the jn l jn 4 , copyright ASTM International, 100Barr Harbor, copyrightInternational, ASTM [ASTM E2444] , in a surface-micromachining a in , Document Document Number: Doc. 5 Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and cause(s) during fabrication have been removed yet before the constraint of the sacrificial layer (or substrate) is substrate) (or layer sacrificial the of constraint the or part). in (inbefore whole removed yet removed been have fabrication during cause(s) 5.2.11 in (in whole removed [ASTM is or substrate) part). E2444] (or layer sacrificial the of constraint the before yet fabrication after interest of layer structural the within constrained 5.2.10 5.2.9 releases that the beforebeams. after fabricationbut theetch post-processing the ambient 5.2.8 [ASTM E2444] 5.2.7 or and 5.2.6 measured sample the of height the measure [ sets 5.2.5 [ASTM E2444] 5.2.4 E2444] 5.2.3 locations. 5.2.2 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This about layer) a of gradient E2444] strain the or strain residual the as, (such information layers. 5.2.20 sacrificial and structural of part) in or whole (in removal [ASTM E2444] and addition) (or deposition the by substrate 5.2.19 process ain bulk-micromachining 5.2.18 fabrication process 5.2.17 5.2.16 is before it released.interest 5.2.15 is before[ASTM it E2444] released. interest 5.2.14 layer. E2444]underlying [ASTM 5.2.13 the during part) microstructuresallow freestanding in or whole (in removed then added) (or deposited 5.2.12 ASTM E2444 ASTM combinations thereofcombinations n - data 2-D and actuators quality factor quality area open systems microelectromechanical interferometer beam fixed-fixed cantilever micromachining bulk surface micromachining surface region support substrate layerstructural gradient stress (residual) gradient strain (residual) stiction layer sacrificial stress residual strain residual test structure test Discussion [ transitional edgestransitional ASTM E2444 ASTM , or the — adhesion between the portion of a structural layer that is intended to be freestanding and its and freestanding be to intended is that layer structural a of portion the between adhesion — ] — a a — — in a bulk-micromachining process, a region on the chip where the silicon surface is exposed to exposed is surface silicon the where chip the on region a process, bulk-micromachining a in — — — — that can be used to build to devices. be MEMS can used that — a measure of the sharpness of a resonance peak. resonance theof sharpness —a a measure of

— a non-contact optical instrument used to obtain topographical topographical obtain to used instrument optical non-contact a — — a a — and in a fabrication process, process, fabrication a in — the remaining forces per unit area within the structural layer of interest after the original the after interest of layer structural the within area unit per forces remaining the — — — h egto h apei esrdaogalong measured is sample the of height The ESMEMS — in a MEMS process, the amount of deformation (or displacement) per unit length unit per displacement) (or deformation of amount the process, MEMS a in — — a a — — a single thickness of material thickness single of material —a — — both technologies usedtheir for technologies ] in a bulk-micromachining process, process, bulk-micromachining a in fabricated fabricated — a MEMS fabrication process process fabrication MEMS a — to allow freestanding microstructures, microstructures, freestanding allow to to be to measured . MEMS MEMS test structure that consists of a freestanding beam that is fixed at one end. end. one at fixed is that beam freestanding a of consists that structure test — a MEMS fabrication process where where process fabrication MEMS a — — a through-thickness variation (of the residual stress) in the structural layer of layer structural the in stress) residual the (of variation through-thickness a — — a through-thickness variation (of the residual strain) in the structural layer of layer structural the in strain) residual the (of variation through-thickness a — . . The The . [ASTM E2444] . [ASTM E2444] test structure that consists of a freestanding beam that is fixed at both ends. ends. both at fixed is that beam freestanding a of consists that structure test component (such as, a fixed-fixed beam or cantilever) that is used to extract to used is that cantilever) or beam fixed-fixed a as, (such component — — nefrmtrsinterferometer’s in general, general, in . the thick, starting material (often single crystal silicon or glass) glass) or silicon crystal single (often material starting thick, the manufacture this Page that isthat x a -axis is typically aligned parallel or perpendicular to the to perpendicular or parallel aligned typically is -axis term term jn l jn [ASTM E2444] that removes that 5 the area that marks the end of the suspended structure suspended the of end the marks that area the present in the final MEMS device. the device. final in MEMS present manufacture is is a single thickness of material that is intentionally is that material of thickness single a used to describe micron-scale structures, sensors, structures, micron-scale describe to used T irmciigmicromachining

t where micron-scale micron-scale ehe (such as, silicon process technologies), as,process (such silicon z -axis of the interferometer the of -axis the substrate substrate the the a fbiainpoes process. fabrication components are formed on a on formed are components 3-D d 3-D micromachining traces) is removed removed is d Document Document Number: ata . Doc. (such as 3-D data 3-D as (such [ASTM E2444] Date: 

at specified at is used to used is SEMI process 5/7/2018 [ASTM [ASTM DRAFT  in a in , to ,

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and certificate meter’s onthe specified frequency as measurements measurement for specification frequency) the clock the manufacturer’s (or measurements obtain 5.3.1 5.3 not does it that such enough small is strain the assuming the material. deform irreversibly tension, uniaxial in loaded is material the when strain 5.2.26 5.2.25 5.2.24 of interest.material 5.2.23 data a asin 2-D trace. seen displacement 5.2.22 5.2.21 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This correction simply-supported assuming boundary supports. at both beam conditions conditions. boundary beam clamped-clamped assuming fixed 5.3.2 meter the frequency with taken Symbols For Calibration For Young’sModulus Measurements andCalculations f Young’s modulus Young’s vibrometer Discussion layer underlying edge transitional thickness meter f f E E E E   u u f f cal  correction can meter instrument

— cmeter certf Discussion L f meter simple init clamped Young’s thin value layer. modulus offilm the —calculated ffb — can term f — average average — .

— average — average — initial estimate for layer. modulus of film — initialthe Young’s thin estimate value

density of the thin layer. offilm density the viscosity of the ambient surrounding the ofcantilever.viscosity the ambientsurrounding


— — — — suspended cantilever length.— suspended

— for calibrating the time base of the instrument: the standard deviation of the measurements used to used measurements the of deviation standard the instrument: the of base time the calibrating for — — calculated Young’s modulus value obtained from the average resonance frequency of a fixed-fixed a of frequency resonance average the obtained from valuemodulus Young’s calculated — (or the calibrated (or — for calibrating the time base of the instrument: the uncertainty of the frequency measurement frequency the of uncertainty the instrument: the of base time the calibrating for — . — calculated Young’s modulus value obtained from the average resonance frequency of a fixed- a of frequency resonance average the from obtained value modulus Young’s calculated — measurement factor forfrequency the calibration a

o airtn h ie bs f te isrmn: te criid ucrany o h frequency the of uncertainty certified the instrument: the of base time the calibrating for — the height in the —thein height — for calibrating the time base of the instrument: the calibrated calibrated the instrument: the of base time the calibrating for — — an instrument for non-contact measurements of surface instrument of motion. measurements non-contact —an for the substrate. layercould be —This correction

[ASTM E2444] — It is also called the elasticmoduluselasticity,and also —Itcalled modulus, the is tensilemodulus. of for calibrating the time base of the instrument: the frequency setting for the calibration the for setting frequency the instrument: the of base time the calibrating for — the single thickness of material of thickness single the — uncalibrated calibrated calibrated — the side of a MEMS structure that is characterized by a distinctive out-of-plane vertical out-of-plane distinctive a by characterized is that structure MEMS a of side the — — a parameter indicative of material stiffness that is equal to the stress divided by the by divided stress the to equal is that stiffness material of indicative parameter a — term . average undamped resonance frequency of the cantilever the of frequency resonance undamped for the cantilever’s resonance frequency cantilever’s forresonance the resonance frequency of the fixed-fixed beam. of frequency the resonance z -direction ofmorethin-direction one designated or clock clock frequency Page ) taken with ameter with frequency taken (which can can (which jn l jn 6 . . be the substrate) substrate) the . .

- average film layers. , which includes the frequency the includes which , . frequency frequency

located located Document Document Number: directly beneath the beneath directly Doc. of the calibration the Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT  s

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and resolution the frequency time of base the the calibration of the value   the ideal deviations from 5.3.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This damping the result) deviationof standard for modulus of due calculation the Young’s is uncertainty that to uncertainty standard cantilever. E conditions) attachment fQ freq max — — — — maximum Young’s modulus value as determined in an uncertainty calculation. an —maximummodulusasin uncertainty determined Young’s value For Combined Standard Uncertainty Calculations Uncertainty For CombinedStandard the the the      σ   .   L fundamped Einit u U p f E    W t Q L u freqcal fresol cantilever resol the thin —thicknesslayer. of film calibrated calibrated —

— one sigma uncertainty of the value of of —one the sigmauncertainty value W thick c diff damp support ffb min E factor of —oscillatory quality the cantilever. E calibrated calibrated can — — one sigma uncertainty of the value of uncertaintythe sigma value of of —one

f obndsadr netit uncertainty standard combined — — suspended fixed-fixed beam length. fixed-fixed beam —suspended

— estimated percent difference between the damped and undamped resonance frequency of the of frequency resonance undamped and damped the between difference percent estimated — — minimum Young’s modulus value as determined in an uncertainty calculation. modulusasin uncertainty determined Young’s value —minimum an can — the expanded uncertainty of a Young’s modulus measurement. modulus Young’s a of uncertainty expanded the —

— estimated standard deviation of deviationof — estimated standard

— component in the combined standard uncertainty calculation for Young’s modulus that is due to due is that modulus Young’s for calculation uncertainty standard combined the in component — one sigma uncertainty of the value of uncertaintythe sigma value of of one — suspended cantileverwidth. —suspended

one sigma uncertainty of the value of ofone the sigmauncertainty value — the the — — — — — one sigma uncertaintythe sigma value of of — one . .

— the estimated uncertainty in the cantilever’s resonance frequency due to a non-ideal support (or support non-ideal a to due frequency resonance cantilever’s the in uncertainty estimated the —

uncalibrated uncalibrated — — the the standard deviation of the frequency measurements (used to obtain to deviationof(used measurements standard the frequency one sigma uncertainty of the calibrated undamped resonance frequency measurements. frequency resonance uncertaintythe sigma calibratedundamped of one calibrated calibrated calibrated calibrated composition and/or geometry to due frequency resonance cantilever’s the in uncertainty standard deviation of of deviation standard . . . frequency resolution for the given set resolutionforof conditions. frequency measurement the given for which the uncertainty is assumedlinearly is scale to forthe uncertainty which standard deviation of the frequency measurements (used to obtain obtain to (used measurements frequency the of deviation standard as as standard deviation of the frequency measurements (used to obtain obtain to (used measurements frequency the of deviation standard obtained from obtained from the frequency measurements used to obtain obtain to used measurements frequency the E au value the resonance frequency of frequency the resonance init  L  . can W Page t. can . of a Young’s modulus meas modulus Young’s a of . . jn l jn 7 a cantilevera u  — component in the combined the in component — . u  f rement can f . can ) that is to that due ) damping. one one (that is, the estimated the is, (that Document Document Number: sigma uncertainty of uncertainty sigma Doc. f f can can Date: ) that is due to due is that ) ) that is due to due is that )  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 5.3.4 of uncertainty measurement of uncertainty measurement f uncertainty of the measurement beam. fixed emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This layer one of beams in excitations out-of-plane create to method test this in used is PZT A values. uncertainty standard 6.1 6 of uncertainty measurement of uncertainty measurement of forgradient due theuncertainty is measurement calculation that to stress uncertainty standard u u of uncertainty measurement u resol c c  r   ( Summary ofMethod Summary r  g

. r

— combined standard uncertainty — combineduncertainty standard This test method can be used to obtain Young’s modulus measurements of thin films and their combined their and films thin of measurements modulus Young’s obtain to used be can method test This ) — combined standard uncertainty value for stress for gradient. standard value — combined uncertainty opnn n te cmie tnad ucrany cluain fr rsda tes ta s de t the to due is that stress residual for calculation uncertainty standard combined the in component — For Residual StressFor Residual andStress Gradient s        r g rmin rmax r gmin gmax g u u u u u u U U u u u u

— residual stress of the thin stress layer. offilm —residual the

— residual strain of the thin layer. strain offilm — residual the sg E csg c c c thick L fresol E — strain gradient of the thin layer. offilm — strain the gradient — stress gradient of the gradientthin layer. of film — stress      — component in the combined standard uncertainty calculation for Young’s modulus that is due to the to due is that modulus Young’s for calculation uncertainty standard combined the in component — ( — uncertainty of a Young’s modulus measurement as obtained from the resonance frequency of frequency a thefixed- resonance obtained of modulusfrom a —uncertainty Young’s as measurement ( u  g — minimum residual —minimum calculation an asin stressuncertainty determined value r r calculation. asin uncertainty determined stressvalue —minimum an gradient — maximum residual stress value as determined in an uncertainty calculation. an asin uncertainty —maximumstress determined value residual  r g — maximum stress gradient value as determined in an uncertainty calculation. an —maximumasin uncertainty determined stressvalue gradient — the expanded uncertainty of a stress gradient measurement. stress ofgradient —the expandeda uncertainty

r — obndsadr netit uncertainty standard combined —

freq g

) the to dueis that modulus Young’s for calculation uncertainty combined standard the incomponent — — combined standard uncertainty value for residual strain. value residual — combineduncertainty for standard — combined standard uncertainty value for residual for standardstress. value — combined uncertainty — component in the combined standard uncertainty calculation for residual stress that is due to the to due is that stress residual for calculation uncertainty standard combined the in component — to due is that modulus Young’s for calculation uncertainty standard combined the in component — ) — combined standard uncertainty value for stress for gradient. standard value — combined uncertainty — component in the combined standard uncertainty calculation for stress gradient that is due to the to due is that gradient stress for calculation uncertainty standard combined the in component — sc s son i Figure in shown as (such — component in the combined standard uncertainty calculation for Young’s modulus that is due to due is that modulus Young’s for calculation uncertainty standard combined the in component — the expanded uncertainty ofthe expandeda uncertainty  t. L s E. g. r can. . f can. value for s

1 1

Calculations residual stress measurementresidual stress

residual strain residual and au o for value through Page jn l jn

8 iueFigure strain gradient strain . 2 3 . Fr ec em n otcl vibrometer, optical an beam, each For ). . . u E (  g ) — component in the combined the in component — . Document Document Number: E. Doc. Date:  SEMI comprised 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and instrument. The procedure specified in Appendix 3 is for use with a stroboscopic interferometer or comparable or interferometer stroboscopic a with use for is instrument. 3 Appendix in specified procedure The instrument. 6.5 6.4 E The layer. film thin the for value modulus Young’s ( ( supports both at conditions boundary supported simply- assuming one calculated; are modulus Young’s of values two beam, fixed-fixed the of frequency resonance resulting higher a to due recommended 6.3 damping thickness, density,length,resonance for resolution,and frequency frequency, the cantilever components value, uncertainty standard combined The value. density a assuming and conditions boundary clamped-free assuming determined is value modulus Young’s the value, this Given calculated. is cantilever the of frequency resonance undamped average the and taken are frequency resonance 6.2 appropriate,made, as obtain requiredto the data. excitation thermal example, (for excitation for 1: NOTE is frequency the resonance found. which from plot frequency versus excitation-magnitude an records instrument comparable or interferometer, stroboscopic emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Characterization pp.45–54. 2003): MEMS/MOEMS and Testing, of III(January Vol. 5343,Reliability, E.Rembe,New Characterization Hybrid System,”SPIE C., DopplerLawrence, using Video Proceedings M., Vibrometer/Strobe “MEMS Laser pp. 191–196. end-loadedstructure,” using microfabricated an metallic P.I., sensingof beam “Gravimetric deposits Oden, Vol. 5(May 40,No. pp.903–909. 1993): 6

E clamped Gabrielson, T.B., “Mechanical-Thermal Noise in Micromachined Acoustic and inSensors,” “Mechanical-ThermalMicromachined Noise Vibration Acoustic Gabrielson, T.B., clamped The procedure specified in the body of this test method is for use with an optical vibrometer or comparable or vibrometer optical an with use for is method test this of body the in specified procedure The Appendix filmin 2. calculations stressthebe thin stressResidual for layercan found gradient and not is approach this (However, used. be can beam fixed-fixed a measurement, for available not is cantilever a If of measurements Three layer. that of value modulus Young’s the obtain to used is cantilever single-layered A are three sigmavalues. arethree ). Given these two two these Given ).

Although this test method uses a PZT to excite the beams; it does not imply that a PZT is the only means available means only the is PZT a that imply not does it beams; the excite to PZT a uses method test this Although Young’s modulus modulus Young’s uncertainty uncertainty 6 is possible). For alternate means of excitation, modifications will need to be to need will modifications excitation, of means alternate For possible). is values, the average Young’s modulus is calculated and recorded as the as recorded and calculated is modulus Young’s average the values, E combined standard standard combined simple value Page ) and one assuming clamped-clamped boundary conditions boundary clamped-clamped assuming one and ) for the combined standard uncertainty standard combined the for jn l jn u 9 c E , is determined in Appendix 1 Appendix in determined is , uncertainty is calculated assuming assuming calculated is uncertainty IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE onElectron Transactions Sensors andActuatorsB from the uncertainty the from Document Document Number: .) Given the average the Given .) Doc. Date:  SEMI , 53 (1998): , 53(1998): E simple 5/7/2018 DRAFT  and . ,

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a) anchor

Page jn l jn 10 cantilever




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emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This b) C ross ross b) b) S ection alongand ain Trace ection a), NOTE:

NOTE: For For > y N 5.0 5.0 > NOTE: >

NOTE: c)

OTE 50 50 50 50 N Surface MicromachinedSurface x 


 3: The gray dark area anchor) the(the is designed in sacrificial cut the layer. m This where structuralis the layer contacts underlying the layer.  m m

structural 2: The layer included both light darkis in the and gray areas. N



OTE underlying 1: The layer beneath entireis the test structure. 4: The gray light area suspended air is in after fabrication. anchor > 50 50  m

Cantilever inCantilever Figure 1

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anchor lip anchor width of width L D can esign esign

underlying layer underlying

< D 10.0 10.0

imensions, imensions,  > m Design Dimensions forDesign Dimensions 5.0 5.0

 m

Document Document Number:

Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

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including black the dimensional is markers either in or suspended air attached to substrate.underneath the NOTE: NOTE: — Measurements from beams that are touching the aretouching underlying that accepted. —Measurements fromlayerarenot beams A schematicA of typical for single a setup a beam vibrometer laser is in shown Figure A dual beam laser vibrometer incorporates two beams. The measurement beam is positioned to a scan point on the on point scan a to positioned is beam measurement The beams. two incorporates vibrometer laser beam dual A To determine if a cantilever is adhered to the top of the underlying layer, consult ASTM E2246. To determine if a if determine To E2246. ASTM consult layer, underlying the of top the to adhered is cantilever a if determine To — Measurements from certain beams in certain ambient environments experience more damping than damping more experience environments ambient certain in beams certain from Measurements — N N 4 NOTE: OTE OTE 5 in to a oxide obtain measurementmore of accurate b). The peak contrast of the fringes, phase, or both are used in determining the sample height at that pixel that at height sample the determining in used are both or phase, fringes, the of contrast peak The b). NOTE: 3: The light remaining gray around outsidearea the of visible of cavity the portion the and 4: The dimensional black markers typically are polysiliconmade metalof or encapsulated N OTE N Top View ofFixed-FixedBeam Top View Bulk-Micromachined aal f nncnat maueet f srae mto n te the in motion surface of measurements non-contact of Capable — OTE dark areas2: The are gray visible the parts the of micromachined cavity. central1: The beam suspended is above micromachined a cavity. Figure 2 Figure Page jn l jn 12  L 8.1.6. ffb after post-processing the etch. 4 3 5 4 a. When operated in the static the in operated When a. . signal . A generator provides Document Document Number:

r a Instrument an or Doc. Date:  z SEMI -direction. 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and NOTE 7: 7: NOTE 6: NOTE 5: NOTE sample the as images 3D successive obtain to combination each through range cycles its of at motion. devices static for done is as varied, scan are PZT downward and strobe a the to performing signal drive and frequency, phase, The PZT. a of top the to it securing the after in method, actuated, in test is this sample operated The device. When the actuate FOV. to used the that as within frequency same the pixel at each strobed is light for incident the data mode, dynamic height sample collecting by found is profile surface The location. emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This a) NOTE: Schematic of a Typical Setup Vibrometer aSingle ofBeam for Schematic aTypical Laser N OTE : : PBS indicates polarizingPBS a beam BS a splitter; indicates beam splitter; P a andindicatesindicates PDa prism; photodetector. Figure 3 Figure Page jn l jn 13 b) Document Document Number: Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and the value calculated using theequation: following calculatedusing the value 8.1.5 frequency. as resonance haschosen the beam’s peak been frequency 8.1.4 be can obtained. frequency between time of 8.1.3 amount sufficient a not is there if sweep the of direction the measurements. by affected be can that frequency resonance 9: NOTE resulting the signal. of energy the maximize to adapted are phases the and window time the within all periodic is function for chirp periodic simultaneously The lines. FFT emitted are amplitude) same the of and range frequency selected the (within signals sinusoidal function, 8: NOTE and obtained be can frequency that obvious in canobtainedis is such oscillating it good be bytheresonance. 3-D inspectionthat beam images resonance reproducible a use, its from that such applicable, if function) wave sine 8.1.2 will objectivesand this describedsuffice. in of20× 4× document, beams example the of dimensions the For measured. being beam fixed-fixed or cantilever the of length the of half least at encompass can that FOV a have should objective(s) The sample. surrounding the of portion a and beam fixed-fixed 8.1.1 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Edition,” 2011 5-in-1, September MEMS The SRM 2495: for Guide User’s and Materials: Reference “Standard G., 2494 D. Seiler, and T., D. Read, V., T. Vorburger, J., Geist, M., J. Cassard, consult Also ( seconds. ( 7 for value the for if especially also cantilevers, and with 2%: isto than or equal equation greater kHz use 10 for than less recommended frequencies also resonance is estimated It beams. fixed-fixed with use for recommended 8.1.6 found §5.3and this in in §13.7. be detailsconcerningequation the parameters can where beam, fixed-fixed resonating a the for for estimate using theequation: following calculated needed An 13.7. instrument § and the 5.3 of § in frequency found maximum be can equation this in parameters the concerning details where y isrig te ipt no te cret lctos o h prpit appropriate the on locations correct the into inputs the inserting By An estimate for the maximum frequency of the instrument needed for a resonating cantilever, cantilever, resonating a for needed instrument the of frequency maximum the for estimate An correct the if ascertain to order in oscillations of images 3-D obtaining of capable be should instrument The resonance the which from plot frequency versus magnitude a producing of capable be shall instrument The a or function chirp periodic a as (such function waveform a produce to able be should generator signal The or cantilever the of resolution sufficient for allow to chosen be should objectives or objective microscope The n isrmn ht cn mk ifrnil maueet eg, wt h s f to lsr bas is beams) laser two of use the with (e.g., measurements differential make can that instrument An h ES Cluao e ie (tnad Rfrne Dtbs 6) i cesbe va te N the via accessible is 166) Database Reference (Standard Site Web Calculator MEMS The


s The periodic chirp function produces a reproducible resonance frequency. A sine wave sweep function produces a produces function sweep wave sine A frequency. resonance reproducible a produces function chirp periodic The chirp periodic the For averaging. without results quick enables above mentioned function chirp periodic The . t.

gov /gateway/ (b) Intensity an Sample Used to Envelope Obtain aPixel’s Height For a Typical Stroboscopic Interferometer (a) aTypical Stroboscopicand Interferometer aSchematic For ) with the Calculator.”) keyword with “MEMS p diff      Error: Reference source Reference Error:foundnot source 1 Error: Reference source not source found Reference Error:  f f caninit ffbinithi f IT Seil ulcto 260 Publication Special NIST f undampedn dampedn 7   Figure 4 Figure ) Page     38 , the calculations in this test method can be performed on-line in a matter of matter a in on-line performed be can method test this in calculations the , 0 100 . 946 . E 330 E Error: notsource Error: Reference found jn l jn init % init 14  t   t L 2 2 L 4     ffb 1 4 can  , , -174 1  IT MM acltr Calculator MEMS NIST 7 Ntoa nttt o tnad ad Technology, and Standards of Institute National , 4 Q 1 2 p     100 diff as calculated in the following the in calculated as % f ffbinithi . , is at least the value the least at is , Document Document Number: Doc. ITNIST I T Dt Gateway Data ST f caninit Date:  W (3) SEMI , is at least at is , w (4) beb 5/7/2018 DRAFT  P p (2) age

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and and measurementand 8.7 mounting, e.g., Anmounted. alternate 8.6 short the PZT PZT, the of top 8.5 the with pins PZT. the short electrically not does which and 8.4 above or which at kHz, 300 than greater frequency resonance it be not shall operatedwhich a has It (±20%). nF 250 of capacitance electrical 2.2 a achieve can It height. in mm 2 and mm approximately by5 dimensionsPZT 5mm ontherepresentative chip. The of are fixed-fixed beams a and cantilevers 8.3 amplify the to excitation going 200kHzinterferometer, signal the stroboscopic bandwidth the of for PZT. 8.2 method. cantilever w found sourcenot Reference factor, nth equation, above the In emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This required).(subscription 9 method,” resonance 8 this overcoming by caused be reflex staringblink and into laser. the can damage eye However, eye. the protects which seconds, 0.25 within blink generally will eye 11: NOTE generala practice,unnecessary exposure Class laser to 1 light be should avoided. 10: NOTE is source light laser a If Z136.1). ANSI (see thisClass appliesClass to only method test used, 1and 2lasers. beam laser reflected the into or beam laser the into directly look not 9.1 9 8.12 8.11 8.10 instrument. 8.9 8.8

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 91st Edition, 2010-2011 (on-line edition), Accessed August edition), 2010-2011 15,2011at ofand 91st Edition, Physics, (on-line CRC Handbook Chemistry Kiesewetter, L., Zhang, J. using –M., D., Houdeau, “Determinationthin the Zhang, Steckenborn,A., Young’sKiesewetter, L., micromechanical films of of and moduli W SafetyPrecaution calibrated calibrated here Solderless Breadboarding Socket (optional) Socket Breadboarding Solderless Slide Microscope Stress Low leads) wire two (with PZT Voltage Low (optional) Amplifier If the light source of the optical vibrometer, stroboscopic interferometer, or comparable instrument is a laser, do laser, a is instrument comparable or interferometer, stroboscopic vibrometer, optical the of source light the If Frequency Mirror Small Humidity Meter Humidity Meter Thermometer (optional)Oscilloscope The PZT can be mounted within a package using a low stress non-conductingwhich package canmountedwithinaallows movement PZT using epoxy, lowstress a be The Q

Details concerning the other parameters in this equation can be found in § 5.3 and §13.7. be parameterscan found §5.3and this concerning in the in other equation Details

, in in ,  obtained in the most accurately available fashion. This is considered outside the scope of this test this of scope the outside considered is This fashion. available accurately most the in obtained

is the viscosity is the Class 1 lasers are exempt from control measures because they do not emit harmful levels of radiation. However, as radiation.However, of levels harmful emit theynot because do measures control from are lasers exempt 1 Class red wirered Equation Equation Class 2 lasers can cause eye damage through chronic exposure. When exposed to Class 2 laser light, the human the light, laser 2 Class to exposed When exposure. chronic through damage eye cause can lasers 2 Class . undamped resonance frequency to be discussed discussed beto frequency resonance undamped It can also be used to permanently attach the PZT attach or theslide usedmicroscope permanently to the to also be It can N unless a more permanent gluing technique is preferred is technique gluing permanent more a unless Meter Sensors andActuators A , if applicable — To check the spot size of the measurement beam, if applicable. thebeam, measurement size —Tocheckthe spot of on-conducting (optional) (optional) is is evs s nncnutv sbtae pnwih h PT sis PZT the which upon substrate non-conductive a as Serves — — (4) can be estimated using the following equation: following the using estimated be can (4) f damped — With a gain of 10 and bandwidth of 8 kHz for the vibrometer and with a gain of 50 and 50 of gain a with and vibrometer the for kHz 8 of bandwidth and 10 of gain a With — driven with a voltage that is positive relative to the isblack that to driven relative a wire. with positive voltage W of the ambient , 8 — To monitor waveforms, such as the drive the —TomonitorPZT. suchto signals as waveforms, t eouincpblt capability resolution a ith because it could damage the couldPZT becausedamage it n — To record the temperature during measurement. the temperature — Torecord is the the is . E — To poxy poxy , vol. 35(1992) pp.153–159. nth nth within a within record the relative humidity during themeasurement. relative record Double-Stick Tape (for example, removable) example, (for Tape Double-Stick calibrated calibrated (in air, (in air, Q   a a    

— To cause out-of-plane vibrations in the chip and excite the excite and chip the in vibrations out-of-plane cause To — W m (±20%) displacement at 100 V V 100 at displacement (±20%) m package, can be used as long as the PZT usedshorted. electrically as asnot package, be long is the can The The — To aid stability to the the to stability aid To —  can =1.84e damped resonance frequency frequency resonance damped 24 two wire leads can provide contact to their respective package respective their to contact provide can leads wire two Page E  init fof  5 Ns/m jn l jn  15 tlatleast at     later later     . L can t 2 at 20°C) in in 10 digit/sec 10     § § 2 , 14.1 to allow movement and to not electrically not to and movement allow to Error: Reference source not found not source Reference Error: . this test method test this

9 package package and , t

W measurement measurement o from DC to 100 kHz kHz 100 to DC from

can — For mounting the chip to the to chip the mounting For — calibrate the time base of the of base time the calibrate sample assembly during setup during assembly sample is the suspended is of width the to ato . For a cantilever, the the cantilever, For a . emnnl permanently Document Document Number: package. and and Doc. (5) f Date: undamped  SEMI and has an has and securely 5/7/2018 n DRAFT

is the is Error:  Q -

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and dictated by process limitations byprocess as,dictated (such stiction). 100 least at 10.2.3 simplify measurement,right. To the or cantilevers fixed-fixed at beams least times minimum are ten this width preferable. a with the that estimated is to It question. comparison in be 1.5 would in measurement the then beam cantilever, the than fixed-fixed background the from or came signal cantilever more if the However, result. should measurement good a light, off any reflect not did cantilever the reflected of background the if and cantilever light of 1.5 a given example, amount For beam. fixed-fixed or the cantilever the of “background” is factor limiting The beam. 13: NOTE for stuffed modified double anchor such the designs as one in shown Fig stiction exhibiting 12: NOTE used notminimize from to (Suchareoften thestiction.) thebeamdimples bottom allowed. areprotruding that are of Also dimples the beams). release successfully to (e.g., requirednot are beam along the the layer openings in or holes that such enough small be shall beam the of width The lip. anchor the on width projected 50 beam’s the along stresses than beamless fixed-fixed (e.g., or enough cantilever The small beam. be measurement the should of width size spot the third one than less no be shall it and 10.2.2 calculations. 10.2.1 Micromachining 10.2 method. test ofscope this the outside considered are section, this in specified beams the realize to necessary steps, process specific The 10.3. § in specified is design the process, bulk-micromachining a For 10.2. § in below specified is process micromachining 10.1 10 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 5 least at extend should and interest 10.2.7 cantilever the of end free ofin mirror the one be should image shown Figure a beam) the to added anchor additional the beam, fixed-fixed 1a Figure in shown as 5 10.2.6 in and 8 direction shown one the of image mirror a be should beam) Figure fixed-fixed a it making (thereby cantilever the of end free beam). fixed-fixed a for E2245 ASTM (and cantilever Figure interferometer stroboscopic vibrometer beam dual a with use for beam 50 cantilever a for 2 Figure in shown as t 10.2.5 measurement. for peak in Q 10.2.4 he

-  Equation Equation factor using using factor Each  m and 10.0 10.0 and m  TestSpecimen m × 50 50 × m 0.5 around is measured be can that beam fixed-fixed or cantilever smallest the size, spot m atlvr ad FxdFxd Ba et Srcue Dsg opie f Oe Lyr i Surface- a in Layer One of Comprised Design Structure Test Beam Fixed-Fixed and Cantilever beam fixed-fixed or cantilever representative a of design The 1 1 Anchor Lip Anchor Anchor Dimensions Combined Length Width Layer Structural Additional Additional anchor anchor a. 2 a

, however the cut in the sacrificial layer for this extra anchor can be reduced in size to 50 50 to size in reduced be can anchor extra this for layer sacrificial the in cut the however ,

determine if the beam has adhered to the top of the underlying layer as ascertained in ASTM E2246 for a for E2246 ASTM in ascertained as layer underlying the of top the to adhered has beam the if determine (4) is kept as small as possible (e.g., less than 2%) in order to get a reasonable size resonance frequency resonance size reasonable a get to order in 2%) than less (e.g., possible as small as kept is (4)  

The cantilever or fixed-fixed beam width shall be no less than one third the optical spot size of the measurement the of size spot optical the third one than less no be shall width beam fixed-fixed or cantilever The The width of the beam should be at least 5 5 least at be should beam the of width The — m if the beam thickness is 2 2 is thickness beam the if m m (as shown in Figure Figure in shown (as m

—  Equation Equation —  to p1 (called anchor1) anchor1) (called p1 to The final beam width shall be greater than the beam thickness. The width should be at least 5 5 least at be should width The thickness. beam the than greater be shall width beam final The

, if applicable, if , m, inclusive m, m inm the Process The beam length shall be significantly greater than the beam thickness (e.g., the length should be should length the (e.g., thickness beam the than greater significantly be shall length beam The

For a representative anchor, such as as such anchor, representative a For Underl

— h it fteaco i rmwihtesseddlyretnssol ebtenbetween be should extends layer suspended the which from lip anchor the of width The with — The beam consists of the thin-film layer under investigation for Young’s modulus Young’s for investigation under layer thin-film the of consists beam The — (5). Values for for Values (5). x ying ying -direction the the . , as shown in Figure 2 Figure in shown as , using ASTM E2246 or ASTM E2245, respectively. E2245, ASTM or E2246 ASTM using — For each cantilever geometry under consideration, calculate an estimate for the for estimate an calculate consideration, under geometry cantilever each For — The dimensions for the other layers in the double stuffed pad design are given in given are design pad stuffed double the in layers other the for dimensions The Layer specified .] s  . The cut in the sacrificial layer that defines the the defines that layer sacrificial the in cut The .

1 m beyond the outermost edges of this patterned, structural layer (as shown in shown (as layer structural patterned, this of edges outermost the beyond m — shall extend beyond the width of the beam in the ± the in beam the of width the beyond extend shall 2 W a

The underlying layer shall be unpatterned beneath the structural layer of layer structural the beneath unpatterned be shall layer underlying The design dim design ) to to ) can ,

 , , and resemble an inf an resemble m). The maximum length of both cantilever and fixed-fixed beam is beam fixed-fixed and cantilever both of length maximum The m). L can

to to , and and , . The  ensions) ensions) provide a provide m) such that there are no curling issues due to compressive to due issues curling no are there that such m)  Page a m to ascertain whether or not the cantilever or fixed-fixed beam is beam fixed-fixed or cantilever the not or whether ascertain to m t [For a fixed-fixed beam, the additional anchor added to the to added anchor additional the beam, fixed-fixed a [For double stuffed anchor for p1 cantilevers shown in Figure 1 Figure in shown cantilevers p1 for anchor stuffed double [used in in [used anchor lip is anchored on either side of the cantilever the of side either on anchored is lip anchor jn l jn 1 16 a such that these additional anchors are also included. such these that are anchors a additional to make a more rigid support rigid more a make to i possible nite support nite ure Equation Equation 1. area for the reference reference the for area  m spot size, if you try to measure a 1 1 a measure to try you if size, spot m , to to , (5)] should be such that that such be should (5)] opie f oe lyr layer one of comprised provide an area to place the reference the place to area an provide The stiction criteria may need to be to need may criteria stiction The (thereby making it a fixed-fixed a it making (thereby p1 p1  m, assuming the conditions are conditions the assuming m, anchor should be at least least at be should anchor y for the cantilever the for -directions at least 5 5 least at -directions Document Document Number: region Doc. p diff for use with a with use for Date: n a surface- a in as calculated as   m in the the in m SEMI .  5/7/2018

m wide m DRAFT [

(such For a For    m ] y m - , ,

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and the edge of the nitride layer be as close to the pad design as can be successfully fabricated without being within the within being without fabricated successfully be can as design pad the to close as be layer nitride the of edge the measurement modulus Young’s placement this is method. test etch of backside consideredthe outside scope This fabrication the by specified or service guidelines design the follow case, which in issues, damping film squeeze and stiction 10.2.10 at the longer against stiction safeguard lengths.order to in layer same the of designed be beams fixed-fixed width) same (yet length different six least at that recommended that fabrication after beam obtain fixed- fixed one to least at obtain which to from order in structure fabricated be test can beams the fixed-fixed of as number sufficient recommended a modulus, Young’s not Although desired. if length, of function a as results modulus Young’s the of consistency the verify potentially to also and lengths longer the at stiction against safeguard to order in layer same the of designed be cantilevers width) same (yet length different six least at that recommended that fabrication after 10.2.9 the affecting adversely resonancemeasured frequency of beam interest.This the potentially of shall thus lip, anchor the in vibrations additional create can beam additional the beams, two hosts 14: NOTE 10.2.8 the fabrication for facility that 2. Figure in given dimensions outermost the within layer underlying the on designed cantilever suspended the cantilever Figure in shown design pad the of µm E2246). ASTM or E2245 ASTM (see necessary if layer, underlying the of top the to adhered has beam the not or whether of determination a permit to figure) this in shown (as direction 2). Figure emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This The5-in-1, MEMS 2011Edition,” 2495: 10 10.4 model cantilever single-layered Therefore, the Young’s would considered resulting modulus be an Young effective a from deviations causing thus properties material different have design) 15: NOTE CMP areexpected for processes.) specifications these to Modifications 10.3.1–10.3.5. ¶¶ in below given specifications the to adhere Also, structure. test micromachined Process 10.3 outside scopethis fabricationis method. test of considered the after 10.2.12 test this of scope the outside considered method is etch backside This any layers. make design to other and the etched be to to modifications areas necessary the locate to facility fabrication the by specified guidelines design the follow method. test this case, which in issues, damping film squeeze and stiction of eliminate to processes micromachining surface for required scope the outside considered is fabrication after 10.2.11 designorderto in orpad elim minimize

Cassard, J. M.,J., Geist, Vorburger, Materials: G., Read,and D. User’sGuideSRM2494 andCassard, V., T., T. D. Seiler, Reference for “Standard

is Cantilever and Fixed-Fixed Beam Test Structure Design Design Structure Test Beam Fixed-Fixed and Cantilever is consists of four layer four of consists . Number one support anchorshall only beam.Each used to eliminate stiction stiction eliminate to used Apy h seiiain ie n ¶ 0211.., ¶ 0281.., n ¶ 10.2.1 ¶ and 10.2.8–10.2.9, ¶¶ 10.2.1–10.2.4, ¶¶ in given specifications the Apply — Post-Processing Etch Post-Processing Etch Post-Processing Etch Backside . . oee,teudryn ae hudetn tlat5 50 least at extend should layer underlying the However, facility to locate the areas to be etched and to make any necessary modifications to the other design layers. tothe other anyto modifications areasbe and necessary to make locateetched facility to the

fayany of , However, if the beam width is greater than 30 µm, no other layers should be patterned within within patterned be should layers other no µm, 30 than greater is width beam the if However, will be used, be will If the anchor lip vibrates, the measured resonance frequency of the beam of interest can be affected. If this anchor this If affected. be can interest of beam the of frequency resonance measured the vibrates, lip anchor the If T he bulk micromachined micromachined bulk he — A sufficient number of cantilevers should be fabricated in order to obtain at least one cantilever one least at obtain to order in fabricated be should cantilevers of number sufficient A — design or subsequently fabricated subsequently or design s val n and viable is — A backside etch may be required for surface micromachining processes to eliminate to processes micromachining surface for required be may etch backside A — follow the the follow . Teerlsrules These s of of s — The post-processing etch that removes the sacrificial layer (in whole or in part) in or whole (in layer sacrificial the removes that etch post-processing The — part) in or whole (in layer sacrificial the removes that etch post-processing The — oxide or or NIST Special Publication 260-174 Special Publication NIST is viable and and viable is concerns b) b)

(the field oxide, two deposited oxides, and a glass layer) glass a and oxides, deposited two oxide, field (the design guidelines for for guidelines design fixed-fixed fixed-fixed coincident with the edge the with coincident a o dee o te tp o h nelig layer underlying the of top the to adhered not has in do not apply to any layers associated with a with associated layers any to apply not do 1 ate any residual damping effect due the residual to ate effect damping any a and no other layers should be patterned within 10 µm of the suspended the of µm 10 within patterned be should layers other no and and squeeze film damping phenomena. Contact the the Contact phenomena. damping film squeeze and has not adhered to the top of the underlying layer underlying the of top the to adhered not has beam

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, As a general guideline, avoid or As minimize a general

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eodteaco i ntemnsminus the in lip anchor the beyond m specified below specified ’s modulus. structural layer structural the underlying layer as specified as layer underlying the presence No other other No . — A backside etch may be may etch backside A — Also, it is recommended that recommended is it Also, However, However,

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10 in a Bulk-Micromachining a in

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LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and ieso my ed t e icesd i te ecat i ihy stoi uh ta h ae o nectig is undercutting of rate the that such of amount isotropic the if decreased highly be may is dimension is the giventhis undercutting for etch. insignificant Likewise, etchant etch. vertical the the of if rate the to increased equal approximately be to need may dimension 90 to close designed typically 10.4.5 16: NOTE dependent. be corners well defined can directionally of fabrication the since cantilevers these of one least at for fabrication quality high adversely a ensure to orientation degree 180 a not and measurement with designed cantilever a including consider length orientation, degree zero a example, for with, accurate designed cantilever each an enabling For corners.) defined well more have defined, to tend areas open larger (The well beam. the of frequency resonance the be affecting should region support the from protrudes beam the where area open the of corners 90° the addition, In it. beside and beneath both silicon remaining [ beam designed the underneath as well as area open designed the beneath directly silicon enough remove can choice 10.4.4 process CMOS or service a For glass. and fabrication the with more), consultation in determined or be should design the (one steps, process CMP via more the or one contact, incorporating from area, active acquired layers: be design following must the construct of consists a such for rules and fabrication layers design The etch. post-processing subsequent a for air to exposed be will silicon raw the where beam) fixed-fixed the of sides unsupported two the (or cantilever 10.4.3 10.4.2  10.4.1 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This asthe manufacturer’s in instructions. specified stable, 11.1 11 etch. undercuttingfor insignificant dimensionis if decreased theof this amount given may be Likewise, etch. vertical the of rate the to equal approximately is undercutting of rate the that such isotropic highly is etchant the if increased be to need may dimension this etch, given the For together. merge not do areas open the that 90 to close designed typically is structures test neighboring of areas open the between distance The for the consult design rules the latestdimensions. side. However, 4 by area active the overlap can implant the for layer design The area. open the of edge outer the from in etchant. pictured not Although Figureof of consisting neighboring shielding thereby structure, test the from 10.4.8 the newbeam measured (usingE2244) ASTM calculated. reduction and lengthof be this can size, in reduced becomes region support the on oxide the if etch, post-processing the during example, For beam. the length of post-processingthe b) and etch post-processing the of completeness the a) ascertain to used be can markers 16 approximately designed are and oxide in Figure in shown (positioned as beam the of region 10.4.7 10.4.6 ( m), if applicable. see Equation (1) Equation see Preparation of Preparationof Apparatus If a laser light source is to be used, it should be allowed to warm up for sufficient time to become thermally become to time sufficient for up warm to allowed be should it used, be to is source light laser a If Etch Stop Etch Markers Dimensional Areas Open Between Distance Dimensions Area Open Construct Area Open Region Support facility.

service or or service The choice etchant affectof can the of open design the area. n -implant designed to surround the active area is typically used; however, it depends upon the choice the upon depends it however, used; typically is area active the surround to designed -implant

— ] ) An etch stop can be designed around the outer parts of the open areas to inhibit the etch away etch the inhibit to areas open the of parts outer the around designed be can stop etch An such that the resonance frequency of the beam will not be affected by the presence of the of presence the by affected be not will beam the of frequency resonance the that such facility. For a CMOS process that does not utilize any CMP steps, the open area typically area open the steps, CMP any utilize not does that process CMOS a For facility.

— The layer comprising the beam should extend well within the support region (e.g., 20 (e.g., region support the within well extend should beam the comprising layer The — The designed “open area” is adjacent to the three unsupported sides of the designed the of sides unsupported three the to adjacent is area” “open designed The — — It is recommended that markers be designed near the open area of the support the of area open the near designed be markers that recommended is It —

 — m initially so that the open areas do not merge together. For the given etch, this etch, given the For together. merge not do areas open the that so initially m The open area shall be large enough such that the post-processing etchant of etchant post-processing the that such enough large be shall area open The

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LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and f take considered. maximum the 12.2.1 12.2 recommended the and by guidelines adjustment alignment an for require maint manufacturer and instrument alignment the of with out Consult become manufacturer. may instrument beams the However, measurement. each with 12.1 12 aligned“tight.” andis everything isthat the microscope sure mechanically make specifies, manufacturer 11.3.2 beam. beam the reference system,also focus screen,Fora the adjust focus. dual computer 11.3.1 as microscope the through looking while this do to try procedures. occurduring alignment §9.Most researchsettings in precaution in theaccidents safety in laser specified not Do screen. computer the on seen image spot’s the on 11.3 is that voltage instructions). a with driven is wire PZT red the have polarity(seethe some manufacturer’s black amplifiers to reversed wire; relative may PZT positive however the that means this Typically, polarity. correct the with connected 11.2.2 thatPZT shorted. electrically can not epoxy. is the non-conducting twocoats ensure Applying (see mounted 11.2.1 11.2 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This For objective.microscope data. required the obtain to 13.1 appropriate, as made, be to need will modifications measurements with stroboscopic taken a interferometer comparable or instrument Appendix consult 3. therefore instruments, all to pertain 18: NOTE 13 17: NOTE 12.2.1 1. Appendix neglig is uncertainty the that being measured the frequency for certificate 12.2.2 meter Procedure Calibration , at least least at To calibrate the time base of the instrument, the following steps are taken: thefollowing instrument, the time of the steps base are To calibrate performed automatically is calibration internal an beam, reference a to compared is beam measurement the If observations all base used, is source light laser a If applicable. if spot, source’s light the of diameter the Check upthe apparatus.Set Adhere to the safety precaution in § 9 by making sure the laser beam can not be viewed through the through viewed be not can beam laser the sure making by 9 § in precaution safety the to Adhere e and the standard deviation of theseand measuremen deviationof the standard nance Calculate the calibration factor, the calibration Calculate Record ensure to manufacturer instrument the Contact beam measurement the of size spot the If the on beam measurement the of size spot the observing While microscope. the under mirror small a Place is PZT the that Ensure PZT. the and generator signal the between used, be will it if amplifier, the Connect already not if and appropriate if slide, microscope the of center the near or at PZT the mount Permanently

Therefore, given the maximum frequency, frequency, maximum the given Therefore, Calculate the uncertainty of a frequency measurement for use in Appendix 1 as follows: use Appendix for in uncertaintyameasurement 1as frequency Calculate of the recalibration three measurements with a calibrated frequency meter and and meter frequency calibrated a with measurements three The The following steps are for measurements taken with an optical vibrometer or comparable instrument and may not may and instrument comparable or vibrometer optical an with taken measurements for are steps following The one ¶ u Note c measurements frequency ertf frequency (from which all other signals are derived) needs to be measured and this case will be will case this and measured be to needs derived) are signals other all which (from frequency meter 8 .5

). (the (the intervals. Perform any additional calibration that the manufacturer may recommend. calibration Perform additional themay that manufacturer intervals. any Alternatively, the PZT can be mounted mounted be can PZT the Alternatively, certified certified i b l e for th for e uncertainty of of uncertainty cal are multiplied is rqec, frequency, f , using the equation: following , using u (that is, is, (that cmeter cal f   the o h eeec em fapial)applicable) if beam, reference the (or f by meter t Page s that the appropriate signal(s) are measured. Typically, only Typically, measured. are signal(s) appropriate the that  e set f , a f

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 ( 7 (6) 6 ’s s ) ,

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and particular setup, an oscilloscope can monitor the amplifier output when connected to the PZT. Select to take an take to Select PZT. the to connected when point. scan at least per 3measurements of average output amplifier the monitor can oscilloscope an setup, particular a for settings voltage optimum obtain To function.) chirp periodic be specified the for will V 40 PZT and V the 0 between used, activated is 10 of gain a with amplifier an if that implies (This generator. signal the for V) 2 of offset 13.4.1 13.4 breadboarding stage. microscope 13.3.2 resonance frequency 20: NOTE non-conductingmay be a preferred.using epoxy, lowstress beam. the to possible as perpendicular as chip the and PZT the on centered that recommended epoxy conducting 13.3.1 13.3 value larger a that understanding the with used be can beam fixed-fixed a measurement, for available not is cantilever a if the record (d) file, data 19: NOTE a to scan data a record (c) instrument, the calculation and theinputs. (e)obtain other values, frequency resonance prepare (b) chip, the mount (a) inclusive): 13.2 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 13.4.2 the for value smaller resolution, frequency a if range) frequency smaller slightly a choosing by and lines FFT of number maximum the for where and § 13.7, and § 5.3 infound be equation can this in the parameters concerning details where of average for estimate the around kHz ¶ 23: NOTE scan appropriate.measurements may per be point 22: NOTE 21: NOTE

13.4.8) during ¶and 13.5.2)(in taking the the of If measurements.occurs,choose clipping the higher next measurement range. E init for Prepare the InstrumentPrepare Mount the 13.3–13.7, §§ in (given steps five following the using cantilever a for values frequency resonance the Obtain Ensure that the PZT is not electrically shorted. electrically not is PZT the that Ensure in in If the previous settings settings, ¶ thein previous were13.4.9,load these If saved otherwise: the to applicable, if slide, microscope the clamp and microscope the under assembly sample the Place PZT the of top the to mounted already not is chip the If Focus the sample using a low magnification objective (e.g., 4× using lowmagnification objective). objective a theFocus sample a u Choose a relatively large frequency range. For example, for cantilevers, choose a range ±10 kHz to ±20 to kHz ±10 range a choose cantilevers, for example, For range. frequency large relatively a Choose is whichsignal in theclipped. theoutput smallestnot the velocitydecoder rangefor Select possible and V 2 of amplitude an with function chirp periodic the as (such function waveform appropriate an Select c

Equation Equation will result. f ffbinithi The chirpperiodic function discussed Note is in is It recommended Young’s is from that averagemodulus found the resonance frequency a of cantilever.However, For peaks that can be difficult to locate (for example, higher frequency peaks), taking an average of 100 or more or 100 of average an taking peaks), frequency higher example, (for locate to difficult be can that peaks For Tape should not be used for mounting because the heat from the optics the from heat the because mounting for used be not should Tape For some instruments, the clipping of the signal can be monitored by observing LED lights both before (in before both lights LED observing by monitored be can signal the of clipping the instruments, some For socket to increase the assembly stability during ofsocket increase the sample to


If the chip and PZT are mounted within a package, the package can be inserted into a a into inserted be can package the package, a within mounted are PZT and chip the If as calculated in calculatedin as . Tetocas feoywl will epoxy of coats two The peak lc ml qaeo obesiktp ls ihtetpo h Z.PZT. the of top the with flush tape double-stick of square small a place , (3) and and (3) f resol and c and mounted mounted , is possible. Record th possible.Record , is Equation Equation f reate caninit additional Equation Equation

calculated in in calculated flush with the top of the the of top the with flush ( 8 7 f 6 ffbinitlo ), if available. Modify the instrumental settings (for example, by choosing by example, (for settings instrumental the Modify available. if ), peaks (3) and z - axis of the instrument, where the the where instrument, the of axis  . Equation Equation is uncalibratedis f ffbinitlo 4 ephelp . Page 864


s Note that a more permanent gluing technique, for example for technique, gluing permanent more a that Note init and 6

(2) and for fixed-fixed beams, a range ±20 kHz around the around kHz ±20 range a beams, fixed-fixed for and (2) as calculatedbelow: as  jn l jn ensure that the PZT is not electrically shorted. It is It shorted. electrically not is PZT the that ensure t PZT 20 L 2 4 ffb e Note , , frequency resolution, frequency double-stick tape double-stick mount the chip using chip the mount , 7. setup and Error: Reference source not source found Reference Error: can unglue the tape which can alter the alter can which tape the unglue can z -axis is parallel to the measurement the to parallel is -axis , , centered on the PZT, and and PZT, the on centered two coats of a low stress non- stress low a of coats two f measurement. resol . Document Document Number: on Mount Doc. E Date: is substitutedis  h hpchip the SEMI uncertainty solderless 5/7/2018 making DRAFT (  6 7 7 be 8 )

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and shown Figure in 13.4.6 support or anchor other the on added be can points alignment additional two FOV, region. the within fit does it If FOV. the within 27: NOTE with instrument Consult the manufacturer eliminateways minimize the foror to reflections the screen.on computer qualify. should beam one Only trench. a over traverses it when disappear reflections whose beam the to respect with coordinates 26: NOTE thebeam. measurement location of 13.4.5 are objectives magnification higher recommended beams excessivefor with curl. addition, In to peaks. easier frequency is resonance it larger Also, satisfactory. enabling is thus alignment magnification the higher that at sure focus be to easier be will it words, other In measured. being beam the on 25: NOTE anchor support an or region be.should 24: NOTE more described supportin beam region detailbelow. onthe anchoror as system, also, position the reference beam dual a For activated. be will lights LED more chosen, instrument the to applicable if and, focus while in is it when chosen, diameter smallest its have instrument will beam measurement The the taken. be to expected to are measurements which applicable at beam alongthe point if farthest the and region or, support or anchor an screen between midway location a computer at lights) LED the monitoring viewing (while beam measurement the 13.4.4 FOV. 13.4.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This points of shownFigure in cantilevers,the arrangement shorter Figure in 13.4.7 Test the alignment by ensuring that the measurement beam reaches several key locations (such as those as (such locations key several reaches beam measurement the that ensuring by alignment the Test Figure in given points the to respect (with instrument the of coordinates the Align focus and objective) 20× a (e.g., feasible and available is that objective magnification highest the to Switch the within it center and microscope the under measurement for beam fixed-fixed or cantilever the Locate Define the scan points for the measurement. For cantilevers, a recommended scan point arrangement is givenis arrangementpoint scan recommended cantilevers, a measurement. For the forpointsscan the Define 6

7 a if the entire beam does not fit within the FOV or if there is excessive curvature to the cantilever. For cantilever. the to curvature excessive is there if or FOV the within fit not does beam entire the if a For a fixed-fixed beam, the alignment points shown in Figure Figure in shown points alignment the beam, fixed-fixed a For actually are points data scanned the that ensure help will 20×) example, (for objective magnification high a Using It is not necessary that the entire length of the cantilever or fixed-fixed beam be within the FOV, but a portion of portion a but FOV, the within be beam fixed-fixed or cantilever the of length entire the that necessary not is It utpe bas my apa n te cmueie mg u o mlil elcin. Teeoe lg the align Therefore, reflections. multiple to due image computerized the on appear may beams Multiple 5 6 ) on the sample. If the alignment is off, repeat from ¶ is onthe13.4.4. sample.alignment If repeatfrom ) off, Aligning the Coordinates on theCantileverAligning Coordinates aBulk-Micromachined Figure 5 Figure Page jn l jn 21 6 7 b is recommended. 6 6 5 5 can be used if the fixed-fixed beam does not fit not does beam fixed-fixed the if used be can 5 6 ) to further ensure the ensure further to ) Document Document Number: Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and NOTE 29: 29: NOTE Figure 28: NOTE emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 13.4.9 the applicableand, if to instrument,a the significant of lights activated.number LED are alter or beam measurement the defocus slightly then use, in sample the of positioning already is range measurement highest the If ¶ in 30: NOTE locate. difficult to may be and amplitude in decreases peak frequency resonance the focus, in not is beam measurement the If activated. be will Figure lights LED more chosen, instrument the to applicable if and, focus in is it when diameter smallest its have will beam (see beam the along measurement The points. scan selected the all for collection data ensure help will location this at beam measurement points scan the of locations 13.4.8 6 Save the instrument settings use the instrument future ¶ in for 13.4.1. Save highest and lowest the between midway point scan a on beam measurement the focus and Position 7 c.Additional scan are necessarypoints not on other or region. the anchor support

If narrow a cantilever fixed-fixed or beam being is measured, include one two only of or points.rows scan If the instrument indicates that the output signal is clipped, choose the next higher measurement range as specifiedas range measurement higher next the choose clipped, is signal output the that indicates instrument the If For a fixed-fixed beam, a recommended scan point arrangement would be similar to the arrangement given in given arrangement the to similar be would arrangement point scan recommended a beam, fixed-fixed a For Recommended Scan PointRecommended aTypical Scan for Bulk-Micromachined Arrangement (a) Cantilever, (b) Shorter and(a) Cantilever, (c)Fixed-FixedBeam (b) Length Cantilever, assembly (while keeping the sample in close contact with the PZT) the with contact close in sample the keeping (while Figure 6 Figure Page jn l jn 22 6 7 . Sne te ba a b oe, fcsn the focusing bowed, be may beam the Since ). until the output signal is not clipped not is signal output the until Document Document Number: Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT  z z - -

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and informational purposes. informational 13.5.1 13.5 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This the as smaller getting vibration of amplitude the with cantilever the along points all for place A takes comparable. motion appear similar would vibration of amplitudes negative and positive The again. cycle the repeat to position cantilever positive maximum a of base the vibrometer, laser beam (at dual stationary appear a would for example, [For instrument. given the for resonance, in 13.6.2 plots. 34: NOTE of the frequency eachpeak. Record frequency. magnitude versus 13.6.1 13.6 13.5.3 33: NOTE,record the ¶ range in frequency the check, ¶ in specified as range measurement higher next the to switch scan, the stop occurred, 13.5.2 once.least 32: NOTE sound.pitched 31: NOTE Record a Data Scan to aDataScan aData Record Record the Resonance Frequency Values the Resonance Record Animate the vibration at each frequency peak to ascertain if the beam is oscillating as expected, for a beam a for expected, as oscillating is beam the if ascertain to peak frequency each at vibration the Animate of plot a in software, instrument’s the of aid the with peaks, frequency resonance potential any Locate is the scan if still active, off, complete. the waveform generator after Turn has clipping If occurred. has clipping if determine to scan data the during instrument the monitor possible, If done, already not if scan, data the Start

If highest is the measurement range already use,see 2 in Note After the save operation in ¶ 13.4.9, the signal generator may automatically turn on and the PZT may have a high- a have may PZT the and on turn automatically may generator signal the 13.4.9, ¶ in operation save the After The measurement beam follows the scan points while measuring and storing data until all points are measured at measured are points all until data storing and measuring while points scan the follows beam measurement The For optical vibrometry, the resonance frequency peaks are most easily found in the velocity versus frequency versus velocity the in found easily most are peaks frequency resonance the vibrometry, optical For Recommended Scan PointRecommended aTypical Scan for Bulk-Micromachined Arrangement z (a) Cantilever, (b) Shorter and(a) Cantilever, (c)Fixed-FixedBeam (b) Length Cantilever, -value, back through its resting position to a minimum negative negative minimum a to position resting its through back -value, . z =0 =0 uncalibrated uncalibrated  m). The tip of the cantilever would go from its resting position (at (at position resting its from go would cantilever the of tip The m).

File frequency resolution, frequency after and Figure 7 Figure Page record jn l jn 23 ing f resol the room temperature room the , and continue with 13.5.1. , and continue ¶ 8 7 6 . z -value, then back to its resting its to back then -value, and relative humidity relative and Document Document Number: Doc. Date: z  =0 =0 SEMI  5/7/2018 m) to a to m) DRAFT  for

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and frequency peak (e.g., if there is a data spike or a higher mode of vibration) or if no peaks can be found, one or more of the of more or one found, be can peaks no if or vibration) of mode higher a bulleted mayfollowing items be to the helpful locate resonance frequency peak: or spike data a is there if (e.g., peak frequency 36: NOTE be cannot considered data a spike. peak frequency for beam.If the there two largerare peaks, the peak typically is the frequencyresonance peak,assuming peak that 35: NOTE in calculated value. the beam. this frequency Record chosen of frequency wouldbe resonance This the resonance fundamental the of estimate the near is 13.6.2 ¶ in recorded peak 13.6.3 frequency.) th extract and data the out smooth to cursor band a using (Consider peak(s). the of frequency the record expected, invalidate to necessary be may it oscillations, good To obtain oscillation.] entire the throughout rigid be to appear would cantilever The approached. is cantilever the of base emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This                to the of PZT,the to top the sample accurate an of expense the at and focus sharp a of expense the at accomplished be can This ¶ in decoder velocity the for range possible smallest low with beams For is point two beamswith laser that be at can positioned strategic is locations) recommended. scan per together p averaged measurements of number the of calculation the recheck cantilevers, For the more) or 100 recommended. (to increasing if used, being is Also, function) chirp periodic the applicable. as (such function waveform appropriate an sure make, ¶ at Starting assembly 13.3.1, ¶ at Starting the that laser sufficiently warmed applicable), on, turned is it that sure make used, being is amplifier an If peakssimilar frequency resonance the on in narrow to help can support beam the on taken measurements Additional Check for using E2246 Check cantileversstiction ASTM for and E2245 fixed-fixed ASTM for beams,if appropriate. differential of capable instrument an measurements.beam Using fixed-fixedstrange. for recommended is look locations) strategic at positioned can be can that beams resonance laser two with one in (e.g., measurements beam fixed-fixed a of oscillations 3-D The the which in used signal not clippedoutput is being during measurement. the being is decoder velocity the for range measurement possible smallest the sure make 13.5, § at Starting and lowest the between midway approximately is beam measurement the highest that so focus the recheck 13.4.8, ¶ at Starting from continue ¶ than data background more the recorded in beam beam ¶ fixed-fixed or measurement cantilever the the reposition so perhaps data beam narrow, fixed-fixed or is cantilever beam fixed-fixed or cantilever the If used.being Figure in shown arrangement an to similar arrangement an to points scan the redefine 13.4.7, ¶ at Starting its of one not and used being is beam measurement reflections. correct the sure make to coordinates the realign 13.4.5, ¶ at Starting at sure Starting highest ¶ 13.4.4, the magnification make is used lens being that appropriate these is for measurements. a choose relatively frequency large range. from [found beam fixed-fixed the for range frequency resonance [using cantilever the of frequency resonance expected the for calculations sample the Recheck

diff 13.4.7 (using only one row of scan points, if not already done), or choose a wider cantilever or fixed-fixed beam and beam fixed-fixed or cantilever wider a choose or done), already not if points, scan of row one only (using 13.4.7 Determine the resonance frequency of the beam. For cantilevers, ascertain whether or not the frequency of a of frequency the not or whether ascertain cantilevers, For beam. the of frequency resonance the Determine

as calculated in in calculated as

z -locations the for scan along beam.points the so is alignedit better perpendicular the to measurement beam. For fixed-fixed beams, if there is only one peak recorded in ¶ 13.6.1, that would be the chosen resonance chosen the be would that 13.6.1, ¶ in recorded peak one only is there if beams, fixed-fixed For For cantilevers and fixed-fixed beams, if uncertain whether or not you have chosen the correct resonance correct the chosen have you not or whether uncertain if beams, fixed-fixed and cantilevers For that the PZT is operational with the red wire driven with a voltage that is positive relative to the black wire, and wire, black the to relative positive is that voltage a with driven wire red the with operational is PZT the that . Equation Equation make sure that tape is not used for mounting, that the PZT is not shorted, and and shorted, not is PZT the that mounting, for used not is tape that sure make Q -factors, a small value for for value small a -factors, z -alignment of the sample the of -alignment (4) less than 2%? If not, using an instrument capable of differential measurements (e.g., one (e.g., measurements differential of capable instrument an using not, If 2%? than less (4) still should flush the of remain with top the PZT Q -factor in in -factor f resol

Page assembly is required. Therefore, emphasis should be placed upon finding the finding upon placed be should emphasis Therefore, required. is Equation Equation that the the that jn l jn 24 one or more or one ; however, ; Equation Equation (5). (Cantilevers with low low with (Cantilevers (5). sample is centered and flush with the top of of top the with flush and centered is sample if double-stick tape was used to mount the chip the mount to used was tape double-stick if a (3) and and (3) data point data . Equation Equation s . If the beam is oscillating as oscillating is beam the If . y- ( Q Equation Equation 8 direction and continue from continue and direction -factors have low peaks.) Is peaks.) low have -factors 7 6 )]. Starting at ¶, ¶ at Starting )]. Document Document Number: reposition the sample the reposition Doc. by eliminating any eliminating by (2)] or the expected the or (2)] 6 Date: 7 Equation Equation , if not already not if ,  SEMI the PZT (if PZT the 5/7/2018 DRAFT  (2). e is

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and 14.1.1 14.1 14 air, 13.7.5 fashion. available accurately most 13.7.4 of consideredthe outside scope this is This method. test 13.7.3 this method. test of the scope outside considered is This fashion. available accurately most the in 1), Appendix in use (for length cantilever the of 13.7.2 Reference not source found 37: NOTE fashion. available accurately most 13.7.1 13.7 record vacuum, a the in If 13.5. performed § to were continuing before measurements 13.4.8 ¶ in specified as beam the focusing time each range, frequency smaller 13.6.5 for value smaller a f in resulting range, smaller a within lines FFT more obtain to order in above) found frequency 13.6.4 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This required).(subscription 12 Processes,” MEMS in Thickness Beams,” Systems Layer Measuring for Polysilicon Technique Optomechanical “New C., Micromechanical J. Marshall, of Measurements Property “Material in MEMS,” and Structure Nonidealities Test Properties D., Material Determine to Microcantilevers Actuated of S. “Interferometry A., D. LaVan, and F., Bitsie, D., N. Masters, P., M. Boer, Senturia, de D., B. Jensen, and M., P. Osterberg, in Micromachining II and Metrology Microlithography K., R. Gupta, of Research J. 11 frequencies resonance undamped if hand, other the On 13.7. § in obtained inputs calculation the with time this (5), trailing the where below: corresponding each For respectively. by multiplying (by them resol

CRC Handbook ofand 87 Physics, CRC Handbook Chemistry Marshall, J. C., and Vernier, P. T., “Electro-physical technique for post-fabrication measurements of measurements for P.processthicknesses,” technique layer andCMOS Marshall, post-fabrication “Electro-physical T., J.Vernier, C.,  Calculations (for example, ≤2 Hz). Record this value Record the Hz). ≤2 new for (for example, =1.84e If a cantilever is used in § 13 or § A3-1 to obtain resonance frequency measurements: is frequency in §A3-1 resonance obtain aused to §13or If cantilever Calculation Inputs the Other Obtain , Vol. 10(March pp.153–157. 2001): ed Error: Reference source not source found Reference Error: If damped resonance frequencies were recorded as as recorded were frequencies resonance damped If viscosity, the Obtain density, the Obtain cantilever, the of width suspended the Obtain cantilever, the of length suspended the Obtain thickness, the Obtain three record and Take resonance the around kHz ±1.0 or kHz ±0.5 to (e.g., instrument the of range frequency the Decrease them

, Vol.5(2007): 112,No. p.223–256.  5 Ns/m SEMI MS2 can be used to obtain step-height measurements, which can be used in thickness calculations thickness in used be can which measurements, step-height obtain to used be can MS2 SEMI as as airtdcalibrated f undamped1 n in the subscript of of subscript the in 2 . airtdcalibrated for surface-micromachining both and bulk-micromachining processes , napdrsnnefeuny frequency, resonance undamped  f cal undamped2  , of the suspended layer and the standard deviation, deviation, standard the and layer suspended the of , t , of the suspended layer and the standard deviation, deviation, standard the and layer suspended the of , , of the ambient and the standard deviation, deviation, standard the and ambient the of , f ) nairtduncalibrated n eod te as them record and 12 11 damped resonance frequency value ( value frequency resonance damped Error: Reference source Reference Error:foundnot source this is This method. test of consideredthe outside scope , and th Edition, 2006-2007 (on-line edition), Accessed February 28, 2007 at Edition, (on-lineAccessed 28,2007 at February edition), 2006-2007 f f dampedn 7 undampedn f undamped3 , SPIE, Vol. 2880 (October 14–15, 1996): pp.39–45. , SPIE,14–15,1996): Vol. 2880(October Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems ofJournal Microelectromechanical resonance frequency measurements ( measurements frequency resonance and and airt calibrate .  , respectively. f undampedn Page L W eae tee measurements these rename This is considered outside the scope of consideredthe outside scope this is This method. test 1 f can can dampedn  uncalibrated uncalibrated h esrmnsmeasurements the , or fixed-fixed beam, beam, fixed-fixed or , jn l jn , and the standard deviation, deviation, standard the and , 4 f 25 meas1 is is Q f 1 undamped1 2 1 , , , , f , 2 meas2 , or or , , frequency resolution, frequency , and and , f 3 undamped2 and and f  damped1  b utpyn multiplying (by (for use in Appendix 1). Appendix in use (for f meas3 where where , Vol. 10 (September 2001): pp.336–346. 2001): , Vol. 10(September n and , , L  in ¶ 13.6.5 or § A3-1.5, A3-1.5, § or 13.6.5 ¶ in  ffb f thick damped2 f  meas1 , and the standard deviation, deviation, standard the and ,

(for use in Appendix 1) in the in 1) Appendix in use (for Q f (for use in Appendix 1) in the in 1) Appendix in use (for damped1 f is calculated using Equation using calculated is Journal of Microelectromechanical of Journal undamped3 . ,  n and , f W meas2 f , for use in Appendix 1. Appendix in use for , resol , b Document Document Number: f y n and , damped2 using the equation the using . f damped3 cal Doc. f ) 1 Date: n and , f 0 meas3 and ,11 ) calculate a calculate )  At 20°C in 20°C At SEMI should be should ) for this for ) calibrate 5/7/2018 f damped3 DRAFT ( Error:

 9

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LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and where where following the equation: using vibration) of mode natural first its in is cantilever the assuming (and conditions boundary free 14.1.1 composition correction frequency where equation:following the and the single-layered cantilever, of frequency 14.1.2 measurements as A3-1.5 § or 13.6.5 f ¶ in recorded were vacuum) a in performed were measurements the if example, (for emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This and obtained ¶ in 13.7.2), (as where usingvibration) the equation: following supports both at conditions 14.2.2 38: NOTE uncalibrated 14.2.1 recommended): 14.2 be thincan found Appendix layer in this 2. film 14.1.2 measured, 13) of was consisting multiple (seeNote layers and 13.7.2), ¶ meas2 E simple n and , f a fxdfxd ba s ue n § 1 r § A- o oti eoac rqec esrmns (not measurements frequency resonance obtain to A3-1 § or 13 § in used is beam fixed-fixed a If  t f aclt h on’ ouu au,value, modulus Young’s the Calculate average the calculate A3-1.5, § or 13.6.5 ¶ in obtained values frequency resonance three the From Calculate 13.7.1), ¶ in obtained (as layer suspended the of thickness the is Given for 14.1.1 ¶ in obtained values three the With can calibrated calibrated is the density of the thin film (as obtained in ¶ 13.7. ¶ in obtained (as film thin the of density the is Error: Reference source not source found Reference Error: is the is 

f meas3 . 48 resonance frequency of frequency the resonance The is madeassumption being that is for damping negligible the beam.fixed-fixed  f  f can  undamped1 is the density of the thin film layer (as obtained in ¶ 13.7. ¶ in obtained (as layer film thin the of density the is 4 average calibrated undamped resonance frequency of the cantilever, which includes the resonance the includes which cantilever, the of frequency resonance undamped calibrated average hnthen , from ¶ 14.1.2, calculate the Young’s modulus value, value, modulus Young’s the calculate 14.1.2, ¶ from u 2 standard deviation deviation standard c     E using the method presented in Appendix 1. Residual stress and stress gradient calculations for calculations gradient stress and stress Residual 1. Appendix in presented method the using  term ( , calibrate these mea these calibrate f f undamped2 ffb ,

cal using f t correction t E is the thickness of the suspended theobtained ¶ thickness is in of 13.7.1). layer(as 2 f  f ) , and , and undampedav 1 f 2 ffb 48 . L 875 from ¶ 14.2.1 14.2.1 ¶ from , 4 ffb   intending to correct for deviations from the ideal cantilever geometry cantilever ideal the from deviations for correct to intending f f Error: Reference source not source found Reference Error: undamped undamped3 2     single-layered single-layered 4     e f 7 c  s undampedave 4  u f . f re 864 can can req 2 t f . men E , respectively. undamped 2 (for use in Appendix 1). Appendix in use (for L simple   4 can (and assuming the fixed-fixed beam is in its first natural mode of mode natural first its in is beam fixed-fixed the assuming (and t ( b (by s f f an f Page undamped ,    undampedav fixed-fixed beam, fixed-fixed beam, , ffb t  sn using 1 using theequation: following using 2 cal 38  E jn l jn multiplying would be considered an effective Young effective wouldbe considered an 26 4 . f f n 330 undamped 3 , calculate the average average the calculate , f ) ffb e ), ), 2 3 from ¶ 14.2.1 and 14.2.1 ¶ from  L L t  ffb 4 2 ffb f f

correction can is the suspended length of the fixed-fixed beam fixed-fixed the of length suspended the is 2 2 ,  E L yby , of the suspended layer assuming clamped- assuming layer suspended the of , L 4 can f 7 Given Given f ffb can undamped 4 cal . , 3


is the suspended length (as obtained in obtained (as length suspended the is ). f If a bulk-micromachined cantilever bulk-micromachined a If n eodte sas them record and )

f 3 undampedave

for calibrated calibrated ,

simply-supported boundary simply-supported

, calculate

Document Document Number: undamped resonance undamped Doc.

’s modulus.


rename these rename f  can SEMI using the using

5/7/2018 ( 1 ( DRAFT 3 1 f  meas1 and 10 2 (1 (10) 9 9 8 1 ) ) ) ,

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and prxmtl nfrl uniformly approximately 15.1.1 15.1 15 r 14.2.5 measured, analysis. B Type a is This and foundsource not 14.2.4 the equation: following conditions 14.2.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This J.NIST Res 14 CG 4,“Quantifying UncertaEUROCHEM / CITACGuide Note1297 Technical 13 a and vibrometer beam dual a (e.g., instruments unique multiple, with equipped researcher single a is, That researcher. and setup 39: NOTE modulus were robin. participants eight theof Young’s portion for the respectively). round MS2, There (using 2009 April to 2008 December from 16.1 16 the interval in in specified (as distributed 15.1.2 distribution factor (expansion combined e

Marshall, J., Allen, R. J.,McGray,D., Allen, A., J., Geist, Marshall, C. and placing placing Precisionand Accuracy ResultsReporting alr .N,adKyt,C . Gieie o vlaigadEpesn h netit fNS esrmn eut, Results,” Measurement NIST of Uncertainty the Expressing and Evaluating for “Guidelines E., C. Kuyatt, and N., B. Taylor, Report the results as follows: Report the The Round Robin The If a fixed-fixed beamusedthe measurement: is structure for atest If fixed-fixed test usedthe measurement: ais structure for If cantilever calculations gradient stress and stress Residual Calculate value, modulus Young’s the Calculate E Since it can be assumed that the estimated value of the uncertainty component uncertainty the of value estimated the that assumed be can it Since the that assumed be can it Since ., Vol.5,pp.303-342, 115,No. 2010. clamped u standard standard E using using

cE . would be considered an effective Young’s effective modulus wouldbe considered an with with This test method uses the term participant to refer to a single data set from a unique combination of measurement of combination unique a from set data single a to refer to participant term the uses method test This E ± ± , National Institute of and, National Standards Technology1994). (September Institute  7 f ffb E u u 4 k n and from ¶ 14.2.1 14.2.1 ¶ from E E 48 uncertainty 1 ersnig representing =1) . (expansion factor (expansion . 730 .  — SEMI conducted a MEMS Young’s Modulus and Step Height Round Robin ExperimentRobinRound Height StepandModulus Young’sMEMS a conducted SEMI — Error: Reference source not source found Reference Error: 2 u 4 rGusal Gaussianly or c ¶ 14.2.4 ¶ E

    (assuming a Gaussian distribution) using the following equations: following the using distribution) Gaussian a (assuming

 If a bulk-micromachined cantilever consisting of multiple layers (see Note 13) was 13) Note (see layers multiple of consisting cantilever bulk-micromachined a If ( deviation f ffb (and assuming the fixed-fixed beam is in its first natural mode of vibration) using vibration) of mode natural first its in is beam fixed-fixed the assuming (and 13 ) with approximate uncertainty uncertainty approximate with )

cal u E t 2 E ihwith k  f

=1) representing a level of confidence of approximately 68%. of ofapproximately representingconfidence a=1) level  u ) itiue distributed c 2 possible possible E E E L h on’ ouu au sblee olei h nevlinterval the in lie to believed is value modulus Young’s the , ee f cniec f apoiaey 68% approximately of confidence of level a the original the simple simple 4 ffb “MEMS Young’s Modulus andwith RoundResults,” Measurements “MEMS Modulus Step Robin Young’s Height i E nty in Analytical Measurement,nty in Analytical     clamped    2 estimated values values estimated 6 E 0 E rGusa Gaussian or Page . clamped , , 946 clamped using using versions of of versions o hsti imlyrlayer film thin this for 7 jn l jn  27 ( , f f ffb . . ffb t from ¶ 14.2.1 14.2.1 ¶ from 2 cal (as specified in Appendix 1) with approximate with 1) Appendix in specified (as u E of the uncertainty components components uncertainty the of revised documents for for documents revised , the Young’s modulus value is believed to lie to believed is value modulus Young’s the , f ) ” Second Edition, QUAM: 2000.1. SecondQUAM: ” Edition, 2 L 4 ffb

for can be found in Appendix 2 Appendix in found be can and is clamped-clamped boundary clamped-clamped .

approximately Gaussianly approximately suig a Gaussian a assuming SEMI MS4 and SEMI and MS4 SEMI Document Document Number: Doc. Error: Reference Error:

are are Date:  either either SEMI

( ( ( 5/7/2018 E 1 1 1 DRAFT ± ± 6 5 4 either after  1 1 1 NIST 3 2 1 u 2 1 0 c

14 E ) ) )

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and frequency measurements as calculated in § 14. The eight participants used a variety of instruments to obtain the obtain to resonance instruments of three variety of a used average participants eight the The from 14. § determined in was calculated as value measurements modulus frequency Young’s Each inspection. it as visual long as a chip test the passed on available were that length given the of cantilevers five of one any measure to choose 200 of lengths design with cantilevers three from value modulus 16.5 with cantilevers different four were with cantilevers from values were modulus values Young’s these 48 Therefore, of 14. Sixteen § obtained. in calculated as measurements frequency resonance three of average the from determined value modulus Young’s each with times, four cantilevers different twelve from found 16.4 equation in uncertainty standard set robin round the in (A1-1) Equation t This 16.3.1 values) uncertainty absolute uncertainties. uses standard combined resulting comparable produces (which robin round the in used MS4-1107) [ accuracy. pre-determined a parameters assume the to accurate be how determine must to one allowing as well as parameters sensitive most the determine easily 16.3 oflengths 200 oxide of only consisting cantilevers include chips CF post-processing a by followed 16.2 this round “participants” multiple as serve could excitation) thermal and PZT (e.g., excitation of forms different or vibrometer) beam single emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This the participant, each for the by followed first, plotted 16.6.2 results betweenthe fall ofcomfortably all the reproducibility observation, E Figure of top the data repeatability the for value modulus Young’s average The plotted. are data reproducibility 16.6.1 Next, the zero. equal components uncertainty other the that ( assumed deviation standard is it limits, % 95 approximate these For values resulting the (c) and distribution), mea modulus results ca uncertainty 16.6 the on chip. same measurements excitation PZT with comparison for included are measurements In excitation interferometer. thermal stroboscopic addition, a and vibrometer, beam single a vibrometer, beam dual a including measurements Equation (A1-1) Equation ave measurements , a comparable value for the combined standard uncertainty ( uncertainty standard combined the for value comparable a , combined standard combined uncertainty ±3 The Reproducibility Data Reproducibility The Data Repeatability The Uncertainties Relative Chips Test Robin Round The Precision able . . u h on’ ouu on oi eut r lte n Fgr Figure in plotted are results robin round modulus Young’s The Table In Figure Figure In Following this, Following this, cEave

loicue includes also are

se quantities quantities se 1 s  is ur — The repeatability and reproducibility data for Young’s modulus modulus Young’s for data reproducibility and repeatability The — provides m, 300 m, lculated Young’s modulus values modulus Young’s lculated L , for which it is assumed that that assumed is it which for , presented in Table Table in presented e 7 7 ] =300 ments . uses relative uncertainties whereas the combined standard uncertainty equation (from SEMI (from equation uncertainty standard combined the whereas uncertainties relative uses 8 8

along with with along σ , the repeatability data data repeatability the , Also, it is assumed that that assumed is it Also, E ) ) T  of these measu these of  s L example example t m, and 16 from four different cantilevers with and m, 16from different cantilevers four m, andm, 400 he 95 he =200 =200 h the are are is — — ee fud b th (b) found, were — At one laboratory using a dual beam vibrometer, Young’s modulus values were values modulus Young’s vibrometer, beam dual a using laboratory one At — L eutn resulting also also =300 =300

— Each participant was supplied with a test chip and asked to obtain the Young’s the obtain to asked and chip test a with supplied was participant Each —  the average average the % limits limits % SEMI MS4-1107 Relative uncertainties are used in this test method because it allows one to more to one allows it because method test this in used are uncertainties Relative m data data m 4 relative uncertainty uncertainty relative values values — The round robin test chips were fabricated in a commercial CMOS process, CMOS commercial a in fabricated were chips test robin round The — plotted in this figure with both the repeatability and reproducibility data. As an As data. reproducibility and repeatability the both with figure this in plotted + 2 O   1 m data, then the the then data, m 2 m. There are five cantilevers designed at each length. designed at each Therearefivem. cantilevers and Table Table and r etch, followed by a XeF a by followed etch, em combined standard uncertaint standard combined are for for ( is e u are is n 3 were cEave E f t u plotted first, followed by the the by followed first, plotted correction s is given. Then, the ±2 the Then, given. is s a is c cal E were calculated as follows: (a) the standard deviation standard (a) the as follows: calculated were grouped according to the cantilever length with the the with length cantilever the to according grouped ave ) is turned into a percent by dividing by by dividing by percent a into turned is providedis The combined standard uncertainty equation in this test method test this in equation uncertainty standard combined The f with with 3 (as specified in Note 13) 13) Note in specified (as =1 and and =1 s value ese

and and uncertainty uncertainty 2 , respectively =0 kHz, kHz, =0 Page values from a a from values L σ E =400 =400 W ave  =0.1 µm, =0.1 µm, jn l jn freqcal 28 is the average of the Young’s modulus measurements modulus Young’s the of average the is . is reported as percents. reported σ  support error error ee mlile y 2. by multiplied were s m data. In like manner with the reproducibility data, reproducibility the with manner like In data. m =0.0 Hz since frequency calibrations were not done not were calibrations frequency since Hz =0.0 2 . In th In . etch. The etch. u  cE σ =0 Hz, and and Hz, =0 m, 300 300 m, bars for this value this for bars = 3. = Enit round robin robin round y σ value E L =5 GPa, =5 ese limits are listed followed by by followed listed are limits =200 se 2 L GPa) table with a design width of 28 28 of width design a with boundsof se bulk-micromachined se  =300 =300 m, and 400 400 and m, (  u m. σ and L 7 s cE was obtained using using obtained was cantilever 40=400 8 , , bulk 

hr oh rpaaiiy and repeatability both where , , where , where m data, then the the then data, m . P)GPa) 3.1 =

σ and for the combined standard combined the for and µ . The - E E =0.01×10 micromachined CMOS chip CMOS micromachined  ave =0 Hz. Hz. =0 ave 0 m, 16 from four different four from 16 m,  asmn Gaussian a (assuming 8

n and multiplying by 100. by multiplying and ± m. The participant could participant The m.

se indicates the number of number the indicates plus minus or repeatability values values repeatability Document Document Number: ( Using the same data same the Using as calculated using calculated as

 E Doc.

5 Ns/m ave round robin test robin round L of the Young’s the of ) L  Date: is specified at specified is =400 =400 the the =200 =200 the combined the m and designand m 

2 . SEMI average average 3  u  5/7/2018 m data. m c m data m DRAFT E ave  the . of of .

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and consists of four layers (field oxide, two deposited oxides, and a glass layer) where the material properties of each of properties material the be to different.layer areexpected where layer) glass a and oxides, deposited two oxide, (field layers four of consists because modulus Young’s 16.7 7 and #4 participant Figure in while seen is measurements these data for results the in required difference significant No excitation. the PZT used #6 obtain participant to excitation thermal used #5 participant robin round however, 16.6.5 given Figure in results The respectively. interferometer, stroboscopic a andvibrometer, beam single a vibrometer, beam dual a using 16.6.4 shorter errors for lengthcantilevers.cause larger would which support, beam the to cantilevers the of corners attachment the in debris including things of number a the same have compared, methodstheshould length. cantilevers excitation are or instruments measurement different by extracted values modulus Young’s when that suggests This considered. are ± than less all are of value 16.6.3 for lengthcantilevers. shorter errors larger would cause which support, the beam to cantilevers the of corners attachment the in debris including things of dependency. length a indicate both data reproducibility the and data repeatability The emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 8 . Accuracy Round robin participant #4, participant #5, and participant #6 took data from the same chip (chip #2); (chip chip same the from data took #6 participant and #5, participant #4, participant robin Round #1) (chip chip same the on measurements took #3 participant and #2, participant #1, participant robin Round Figure in data repeatability The the

±2 — No information can be presented on the bias of the procedure in this test method for measuring for method test this in procedure the of bias the on presented be can information No — σ 7 E 8 95 1.5 indicate that comparable results were obtained instruments. from comparable that results these were indicate

% 2 %, which is much less than the ±1 the than less much is which %, limits limits there is not a certified MEMS material for this purpose. this for material MEMS certified a not is there for for no material havin no material E

at each length (which are plotted in this figure along with with along figure this in plotted are (which length each at 7 8 show s a clustering of the data at each length. In other words, the the words, other In length. each at data the of clustering a g an accepted reference value available. reference is accepted g an Page 0 4 jn l jn 29 . 3

40 % value value % ( as given in Table 2 Table in given as This length dependency can be due to lengthbe This can due dependency This This I diin h the addition, In could Document Document Number: ) ) E when all the lengths the all when be due to a number a to due be ave Doc. for each length) each for Date:  SEMI SiO absolute 5/7/2018 2 DRAFT beam 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and Table 1 Table 1 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 2c. 2b. 2a. 2. 1. 4. 3. 2e. 2d. 2  u c

cE d   E   . / thick L   fcan E /        / Example L   cantilever support / fundamped fundamped freqcal fresol E / can t [( f  can 16 /  / / ( f   / / f can f Relative can  / / can [( f L  can ) f f  / can can 2 L ( fundamped   can 4 suppor Uncertainty Values From a Round Robin Bulk-Micromachined CMOSChip UncertaintyValuesFromaRoundRobinBulk-Micromachined ) ( (  support and support attachment to ideal,assumed be 2  t fcan / 4 / and using ( f f /  can can f uncertainty thick can ) ) 2 2 )  /  2  t =1.84  ( ) (   2 ] cantilever (using (using 1 fresol / such that  2 and 10 (using using (using

 /

5  t  =2.743 =2.743 Ns/m f Page =1.84 / =2.2 g/cm=2.2 can E L W f init f can can undampedave (using ) can and using

2 =70 GPa and =70 2 jn l jn  and =300 =300 30 )  =28 =28 10  (using 2 m and ]

 (using ( (using 1


3 f   (using Ns/m / meas1 and   f f (using cal 2  meas3 meas2 m and m m and m =0.01 freqcal can  f  f correction cantilever  =1, and=1,  =26.82625 kHz,=26.82625  thick =26.8296 kHz=26.8296 E

2 =26.8251 kHz,=26.8251 kHz,=26.8351 support f  ) freqcal = 65.35 GPa) = resol  W E   =0.05 g/cm=0.05  /  =0.058 =0.058 init Einit 10 can W L freq f =1.25 Hz) =1.25 =0.2 =0.2 =70 =70 GPa,

 =0.1 can =0 =0 kHz =0.0 Hz) =0.0 Hz) =0.0 Hz) =0.0 =28 =28

5 Q =5 =5 GPa, Ns/m / =65.8, ) 2 f     can m) m) m, m,

3 2 , ) ) ) Type A B Type or A  B   B B B B B B B A Document Document Number: Doc. example valueexample Date: 0.000013 0.0002 0.00067 3.1 3.1 GPa  0.0002 0.0211 0.0002 0.023 0.048 SEMI 0.0 0.0 0.0 5/7/2018 9 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and cantilevers) Table 2 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Table 3 σ E n E n u ±2 E cEave ave ave σ E

95 (in GPa) (in GPa)

(in GPa)

% Reproducibility Data (eight participants, five laboratories, seven instruments, fourchips fivelaboratories,seveninstruments, Reproducibility Data(eightparticipants, onelaboratory, oneinstrument,chip, Repeatability Data(oneparticipant,

a limits

Fabricated in a bulk-micromachining CMOS aFabricated process. bulk-micromachining in for E L ± L= can (±1.4 0.40GPa 59.8 58.7 0 2.9 (4.9 (4.9 %) 1 =200 =200 200 . 81 GPa 81 16 GPa 8 GPa GPa 4 %   m m ) L L= ±0.33 GPa ±0.33 can ( 63.7 0.17 0.17 GPa 65.4 ±0.5 3.2 (4.8%) =300 =300 300 16 Page GPa 8 GPa GPa 1 %   m m ) jn l jn 31 L L= ±0.76 GPa ±0.76 can 66.0 0.38 0.38 GPa 67.5 ( 3.3 (4.8%) ±1.1 ±1.1 % =400 =400 400 16 GPa 8 GPa GPa   m ) m

a twelve different twelve L L= can Document Document Number: = 0 200 200 Doc. ( 62.8 ±6.6 GPa ±6.6  64.2 ±10 3.1 3.3 GPa (4.8 (4.8 %)  

 m to m 400 24 Date: 48

a GPa m 400 to GPa .3 GPa )  % SEMI ) 5/7/2018  DRAFT  m  m

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 95% for limits u 95% for limits E n u 95 ±2 σ E cave cEave ave

σ % limits % for E (in GPa) limits (in GPa)

(in GPa)

a Fabricated in a bulk-micromachining CMOS aFabricated process. bulk-micromachining in u E E c chip, twelve differentcantilevers) chip, twelve Repeatability L=200 L=200 L= (4. ±2.6 GPa ±1.897% (±4.4 (±4.4 %) 2.8 1.3GPa ±1. (4.9%) ±4.4 ±4.4 % 2. 59. 200 848 16 89 GPa 89 79 9 %)  %  m m Precision L= L=300 L=300 ±3.5 GPa ±3.5 (4.8 (± ±0.712% 3.1 1.8 GPa ±0. (4.8 (4.8 %) ±5.5 % ±5.5 Data (one participant,onelaboratory, oneinstrument, Data (one 65. 3. 300 5.5 16 GPa Page 16 39 71 35 %) 2  %)  % m m jn l jn 32 L= L=400 L=400 ±2.9 GPa ±2.9 (±4.4 %) (±4.4 (4.8 ±1.602% 3.2 1.4 GPa (4.9 (4.9 %) ±1. ±4.4 % ±4.4 67.5 3. 400 16 GPa 266 38 59 1  %)  % m m L= =0 L=200 Document Document Number: 0 200 Doc. ±14.159% ±6.9 ±6.9 GPa  (4.8 ±1  ±11.0 % ±11.0 (± 3.0 3.4 GPa (4.9 (4.9 %)   64.2 3.1 11 to m 400 4 m 400 to Date: 48 GPa 41 . 40 09 %)  2 %) % SEMI 5/7/2018   DRAFT m m 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 95% for limits u 95% for limits E n cave ave (in GPa) (in GPa) u E c instruments, fourchips) instruments, Table 4 L=200 L=200 (4. ±6.182% ± 2.8 58. 6.18 848 8 44 6 7 %)  % Reproducibility m L=300 L=300 (4.8 ±7.721% ± Precision Precision 3. 63. 7.70 082 Page 39 8 69 %)  % m jn l jn 33 Data (eight participants, five laboratories,seven Data (eightparticipants,five L=400 L=400 (4 ±6.233% ± 3.2 6 . 6.09 84 5.99 8 00 9%)  % m =0 L=200 Document Document Number: Doc. ±15.341% (4. ±1   3.0 62. 845 5.33 m 400 to 24 Date: 42 79  %) % SEMI 5/7/2018  DRAFT m 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Page jn l jn 34 Document Document Number: Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This

E (GPa) 95 % limits for E same beam 30 40 50 60 70 80 ave =65.20GPa 0 95% limits for E L=200ave L E =200 =200 = E  =59.79 GPa L=200 % =  m Young's Modulus vs. Plot # Plot vs. Modulus Young's % m 20 (For repeatability: 95 % limits for E L=300ave L Young’s Modulus Round Robin Results repeatability =300 =300 with 3 = 65.35GPa E L=300 m = u  m cave

% 40 = 9.33 GPa) E Figure 8 Figure 95 % limits for E Page L ave L=400ave =400 =400 = 64.2 GPa Plot# jn l jn E = 67.51GPa 35 L=400 m =  m % 60 beam dual #1 single beam #2 chip#1 strobe #3 participant reproducability #4 80 chip#2 thermal #5 Document Document Number: #6 Doc. chip #3 #7 Date: 100 #8  chip #4 SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and W where givenis by theequation: following where equation: value, combined uncertainty in 14.1.3,determinestandard asconditions obtained ¶ the a cantilever of frequency A1.1 4,2009. onSeptember procedures NOTICE: CANTILEVER RESONATING MEASUREMENT MODULUS AYOUNG’S OBTAINEDFROM A UNCERTAINTY CALCULATIONOFCOMBINEDFOR THESTANDARD 1 APPENDIX emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This where given the as equation:in following where foundnot deviation) standard the with here 2: NOTE uncorrelated. multiply that 1: NOTE respectively.A1-1.6, of analysis the type respectively. A1-1.3, through A1-1.1 in below here a y where where modulus( For the calculatedYoung’s value  is a function of of function a is , , , n

1 7

1 ,and 

Error: notsource Error: Reference found as given the as by The material in this appendix is an official part of SEMI MS4 and was approved by full letter ballot letter full by approved was and MS4 SEMI of part official an is appendix this in material The  u o to , , Equation (A1-1) (A1-1) Equation F cE L or a function, function, a or  m can f qainEquation undamped  are const , ,   L used used E , , x t  , and and , req 1 , , ( a following equation: following E ( x 1

for each component. for each nt i 2 2 f f s , , consisting of uncorrelated input par input uncorrelated of consisting , can s 9 …, …, was obtained obtained was obtained in obtained  , , Equation  n suigta that assuming and )     ) ,

thick  Error: notsource Error: Reference found that that can be cal be can fcan  x  N  . Therefore, given the uncorrelated input parameters parameters input uncorrelated the given Therefore, .

fundampeda are     

2 includes a frequency correction includes acorrection frequency obtained in § 13.7 § in obtained  ( u A1-  c cy 4 ¶ 14.1.2 ¶ by applying applying by u     2 fundampeda l ve 4  ated  3 f  )  can fcan be can rewritten follows:as

u using the the using y Table 1 provides example example provides 1 Table z thick u   cE     and where where and  1 ve , 2 E

1 seult to equal is 2 2 the the fundamped ax u ) obtained from the average average obtained from) the     i , N 16  Page u n  propagation of uncertainty technique uncertainty of propagation 1 law of of law , , y L        , u where where 2 fcorrectio m   L  jn l jn x , freq f

36  can a i L  meters, meters, , propagation of uncertainty of propagation      fre u 2     f E n  fresol can

sol 2 fresol . 2 The parameters in Equation ( Equation in parameters The

x 2 , 

i  , and , and is term  the combined standard uncertainty (which is equated is (which uncertainty standard combined the , 4

f , calculated  Q

  

, and   and and u

thick damp 2 t freqcal relative uncertainty uncertainty relative   assuming clamped-free boundary clamped-freeassuming boundary are found below in § A1-1.1 through § below §A1-1.1 in arefound freq    2 obtained calibrated

cal x

. and and


, and and , technique y

u in a mult a in

c (see Note Note (see in ¶ 14.1.2 ¶ in E , using the following, using the  undamped resonance resonance undamped


Document Document Number: 1 Error: Reference source Reference Error: 2 values and specifies and values i 9 plicat Doc. 39 ) are assumed to be to assumed are ) and and

, and and , 3

8 Date: ive ) )

for parameters for  are obtained are relationship, where where SEMI

(A1-2) 5/7/2018 (A1- (A1- (A1- (A1-1) DRAFT   fcan 5 4 3 4 3 ) ) )

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and ( “ letters the where ( Equation in recorded were vacuum) damping. Determine uniform distribution. w todue A1.1.1 where the And, given uncorrelated par input emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This offilmwhere the thin value layer,and A1.1.4 (A1- A1.1.3 38 Q A1.1.2 N Calculate  The damped The damped f is given given is ote here can A1.1.5 ) ) fQ to Equation ( Equation to 1

38   1 a

the f and ) resol ) w where Calculat  f f more than once than once more undampedav can here here Calculate Calculate  Q frequency resolution, frequency 8

H  in Equation ( Equation in b ) was obtained in ¶ 1 ¶ in obtained was fQ constants,are ( Equation  fQ owever can be written be can

and undamped and undamped     using the following equation as obtained by applying the propagation of uncertainty technique technique uncertainty of propagation the applying by obtained as equation following the using , the the ,  W Q fdamped e e  f 5 can dampedave  ) e ave fdamped , such that:, such     , fresol calibrated calibrated 

 , W  i napdrsnnefeunis(o xml,i h the if example, (for frequencies resonance undamped if  freqcal is the the is ” at the end of of end the at ” W f can W , the the , , , dampedave 5  to Equation ( Equation to )         , the ¶ 13.6.5or §A3-1.5, ¶ , and and , , and where where and 2 2 as follows calibrated calibrated calibrated calibrated measurements were recorded in in weremeasurements recorded   standard deviation deviation standard 3 calibrated calibrated  0 using theequation: following using  0  . 1 . 6 a 0625 .  .  m 5 A3-1.5.1) ¶ (or 4 A1- are found in § 13.7 § in found are  e 0 2 ters    : a . A1-      4 25 standard deviation of the of deviation standard  subscript implies that an average of the measurements is being considered. being is measurements the of average an that implies subscript  standard deviation of the damped resonance frequenc resonance damped the of deviation standard      3   Einit E z Q ) be can rewritten follows:as x Q fresol z Q standard deviationof measurementsstandard the frequency and Enit 9 is found by applying the propag the applying by found is z init    )

3   is the is the : 2  2 1     is is y    z   2 in additive an relationship,as in given set 1  due to the calibration of basedue the thetime calibration to  n   / a 0 of the frequency measurements (used to obtain obtain to (used measurements frequency the of f 2 estimated 2  . Q resol  ax 

25    2 0

fQ and and x  .

Page  5 Q x cal equal 0.0 to  2 3 x ,  where where by  2     cal 2     2 f jn l jn    b 37

 standard deviationof estimate.standard this initial     f 

w ¶ ,  2 

, 14.1.1. m

y     frequency measurements (used to obtain obtain to (used measurements frequency E as


 2 init

2     obtained in § 12. § in obtained

 Hz and skip Hz 

is the initial estimate for the Young’s modulus Young’s the for estimate initial the is y . 2

) y


       2

. thick

at t

ion of uncert of ion (A1-    ¶¶ m (A1- 2 aueet eewere easurements

the A1-1.2.1 

The above equation assumes a assumes equation above The 9

   

) , following equation:

 using the followingusing the equation:   a     1

in –

0 2

(used to obtain to (used y measurements y A1-1.2. )

t  y technique technique y Document Document Number: 2 Doc. 2 f can    

2 L  performed ) that is due due is that )

Date: . can

L 

SEMI f     can (see N (see 2 f (A1- 5/7/2018

can ) that is that ) , (A1- (A1- (A1-

DRAFT where ) that) 

(see a in 9 ote 8 7 6 8 to 7 6 5 ) ) ) )

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and u where used: be equationfollowing can A1.1.6 scales the uncertainty that linearly.assumes where emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Calculate where thick , given f u u can cm Calculate cmeter where the a was found in was14.1.2and found ¶ u eter ssuming   , given and and thick n and A1-2 The expanded uncertainty for Young’s for modulus, expandedA1-2 uncertainty The from ¶ 13.7.1,assuming fromGaussian ¶ a distribution,theequations: following using f  meter f k meter uncorrelated input parameters. If the parameters are correlated, arecorrelated, parameters. the parameters input If uncorrelated  fc value of 2 approximates a 95 % level of confidence. 2approximates 95% value level of a orrection  from ¶ adistribution,theequations: 13.7.4,assuming following using Gaussian from are found in in found are are found in § 12 § in found are , the estimated standard deviation of the correction factor, factor, correction the of deviation standard estimated the ,  E 12 § E L min can max fcorrectio E , E . The above equation assumes that the the that assumes equation above The t E  max  u , and min n and  thick u 38 38  U  38   n 38 . . 38     330 330 E freqcal . 330 f were found §13.7. in were  E undampedave .  E .  t 330 t 330  max  max    3 ku t    3  2 cantilever  2 Page f  6      6 can cE  thick 2 f E thick t t f 3 can 2 E 3 2 can 2 f L  min 2   undampedav is calculated in Equation (A1-3) Equation in calculated is min jn l jn 4  can L   L 38 2  2 2 4 can 

4 can   u


f can uncertainty uncertainty cE  can 2



suppor 2


4 can

, 4 e can

u . U

t f


E meter

, is calculated using the following using, is the equation: calculated  ,

associated with the support with associated



uncertainty uncertainty

 set


f undampedav

correction σ support

scale (A1-3) =0 . The above equation above The . (A1-4) . For this estimate, the estimate, this For .

Document Document Number: e

u Hz

s f Doc. cmeter linearly.

meter (A1-12) (A1-1 (A1-1 (A1-6) , and Date: into (A1-2) 


SEMI include theinclude (A1-8) Calculate (A1-7)

σ A1.1.7 A1.1.7 (A1- 5/7/2018 cantilever DRAFT  1 2 1 0 ) ) ) .

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and distribution, theequations: following using Calculate Calculate Calculate emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This where: equations: Calculate u u u u freq L damp fresol , given , given , given given , ie given ,   L from ¶ adistribution,theequations: 13.7.2,assuming following using Gaussian from freq  f W resol from ¶ adistribution,theequations: 14.1.2,assuming following using Gaussian from , ,  rm ¶ 1.. r § A-., asmn nfr ta s etnua) probability rectangular) is, (that uniform a assuming A3-1.5, § or 13.6.4 ¶ from L , ,    ,  E E E fQ  E max max min thick  min E E E E min max , and and ,    max min  38 u 38 38 38  W  2 u u   . . . u ( freq 330 330 fresol 38 . u 330 38 38  38 f 330 damp ) L  from § 13.7, assuming a Gaussian distribution, using the following the using distribution, Gaussian a assuming 13.7, § from  .  . . .  330 330 330 330    E u   E       L max 2    max ( f f E   f  E  f f can can can  ) 6 max f can  f Page max  t t t  6 can  can t E f f 2 2 2 2 2  2   can 2 can E  t t u min 3 3 6  t   t  2 2 f   min  L 2 2 L 2 f 3 jn l jn E  E  resol ( resol 2 39 can can 2

f freq freq min 3 min 3 )

             3 3


fQ u 2 2 2 2   L L t L L 2   ( 2 L 2 4 L 4 can can 4 4 f can can L L . . )  

4 4 4 can 4  can .


E 2 ( f )


 2 ( f )

Document Document Number:


(A1-10) (A1-9) Date: (A1-21)  (A1-14) (A1-13) (A1-12) (A1-17) (A1-15) SEMI (A1-20) (A1-16) (A1-11) (A1-19) (A1-18) 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and where where Determine then 13.6.5orset §A3-1.5, ¶ in recorded were vacuum) a in performed were measurements the if example, (for frequencies resonance undamped and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Determine Determine infound ¶ ( values frequency resonance damped three the u W(f) E , , was calculated in ¶ 14.1.3 and and 14.1.3 ¶ in calculated was u

14.1.2. L(f) u u u L(f) W(f)  , , (f) u using theequations: following using theequations: following using using theequations: following using  (f) , , u t(f) , , u E(f) f f f undampedav f f undampedmi undampedma , and and , undampedma undampedmi u damp u  equal to 0.0Paand ¶¶ to skip A1-1.6.1–A1-1.6.6. equal e u (f) n x n W  x are found below in ¶¶ A1-1.6.1–A1-1.6.6, respectively. respectively. A1-1.6.1–A1-1.6.6, ¶¶ in below found are u    (  L f W ( f ) 1 f dampedave ) can 1  1  1 1   , ,    4 f L Error: Reference source Reference Error:foundnot source Q undampedma 1 4 f 4 can 4 4 undampedma f     damped1     2         , ,   W W W W t, t,  can can  can can 24 24 , Page

, , 1 and   x   f x f f  damped2 E E f 24 24 f dampedave 6 dampedave  3 6  3 dampedave dampedave   4    jn l jn  40  f     f were obtained in § 13.7. Also, Also, 13.7. § in obtained were W W         undampedmi W undampedmi 1 1 L L , and and ,   1 1 can can can f 24 dampedave E E      t t E f damped3 3 3 n  n         1  


    L L . can t can t

L         can t ) found in ¶ 14.1.1 and and 14.1.1 ¶ in found ) 2 2                 2 2 2 2             2

2 2

   


f dampedave Document Document Number: On the other hand, if hand, other the On (A1-22)


f is the average of average the is (A1-28) undampedave Date:  SEMI (A1-23) (A1-24) (A1-27) (A1-26) (A1-25) is is 5/7/2018 DRAFT f  can as

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and Determine Determine emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Determine u u E(f) t(f) using theequations: following using using theequations: following using f f f f undampedmi undampedma undampedma undampedmi f f undampedmi undampedma u c n x 0 n x  u    n  x u    ( t ( f 1 1 1 ) f u 1 )    thick 1  2  1   4  4 4 4 f     undampedma     f     4      4 W undampedma W W W         u W W can can can can  2 can can Page 24 24  E E  u  x f 24  24 f f  f 24 f E 24 f E dampedave E dampedave ( x dampedave L ( E dampedave 6 2 dampedave  dampedave jn l jn   6         41   f   undampedmi 3 3     u f     1 1 1 1 undampedmi u u 1 1 3 t 3 t 2 freq c c     0 0   L   L 3 3    can ) )  can  u         n         thick thick 2 n fresol L L L

L can can t t can t can . t

        .

2 2                        

2 2 2 2 2 2

                2 2

2 2

(A1-34) Document Document Number:


(A1-33) (A1-32) (A1-31) Date:  SEMI (A1-37) (A1-30) (A1-29) (A1-36) (A1-35) 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and Determine Determine emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This 2d. 2c. 2b. 2a. u  (f) using the following using the equations: f undampedma f undampedmi x u n   u (  E f ) ( 1 f  ) 1    f 4 f undampedma 4     undampedma     24 24 W W ( Page can  ( f can  dampedave  f x dampedave  x 3 jn l jn E 6  6   42 3 E   1 f f   1 undampedmi undampedmi  ) )         L L can t can t     n n 2    

   


2     2

A B B B .

Document Document Number: 0.000013 0.0002 0.0002 Doc.


(A1-38) Date:  SEMI (A1-39) (A1-41) (A1-40) 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and which becomes (after equating (after becomes equating which A2.1.1.3 where foundsource not A2.1.1.2 resonance of cantilever frequency a due a resulting to lower average the from obtained be value modulus Young’s the that recommended is it However, E2245. ASTM Consult measurement. 1: NOTE beam structure test fixed-fixed A2.1.1.1 A2.1.1 found is below §A2-1.2. in calculation A2.1 4,2009. onSeptember procedures NOTICE: ANDSTRESS GRADIENT STRESS CALCULATIONS RESIDUAL 2 APPENDIX emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This the where A2.1.1.4 to (A2-1) the multiply Equation where parameters Equation are in (A2-1) assumed be to uncorrelated. 3: NOTE frequencyaverage resonance of fixed-fixed a beam. 2: NOTE value of the absolute where E h eiulsrs aclto calculation stress residual The u Residual StressResidual cE is the Young’s isvalue modulus the

Calculate the expanded uncertainty for stress, expanded uncertainty residual Calculate the where 1, Appendix in found is for stress, combined uncertainty standard residual Calculate the stress residual the Calculate strain residual the Find k The material in this appendix is an official part of SEMI MS4 and was approved by full letter ballot letter full by approved was and MS4 SEMI of part official an is appendix this in material The value of 2 approximates a 95 % level of a of confidence. 95% 2approximates value Equation (A2-2) was found by applying the propagation of uncertainty technique (see Note Note (see technique uncertainty of propagation the applying by found was (A2-2) Equation replace (A2-3), Equation In ti osbeta h ie-ie emue ofn find to used beam fixed-fixed the that possible is It 7 Cal x culate the combined standardresidual for stress, the combined uncertainty culate .

Calculation u c  comprised of that layer layer that comprised of u r cE of a thin film layer film thin a of  u u with with c c    r r u r   cE of the thin film layer film thin the of of that thin that layer film of fati imlyrlayer film thin a of  with with   E     and and U   r u r r and E cE    u r  E u      [from Equation (16)] if the Young’s modulus value was obtained from the from obtained was value modulus Young’s the if (16)] Equation [from u c  2 r  r c r r with with    ku r

    E are found in ASTM E2245 for residual strain, and where | where and strain, residual for E2245 ASTM in found are , , Page       uncertainty u using E2245. ASTM  c      r c  E E , and its combined standard uncertainty value, value, uncertainty standard combined its and , r r  r r E E  , r jn l jn     ):        43 2 as calculated in ¶ 14.1.3or ¶as ¶ 14.2.4. calculated in 2 2 is found below in § A2-1.1 and the stress gradient stress the and A2-1.1 § in below found is 2

,   f

ffb u U  value         in ¶ 14.2.1 may also be used for this residual strain residual this for used be also may 14.2.1 ¶ in r c    , using the following equation: following the using ,    r , using the following, using the equation: r   r r r r for ,

        2 2 , u


c c . , , 

r , using theequation: following , using

u c  r , using the following, using the equation:

Document Document Number: 39 (A2-2)

Doc. ) for parameters that parameters for ) Error: Reference Error: (A2-3)

Date:  u SEMI

c  r , from a from , 5/7/2018 (A2-2) (A2-4) (A2-1) DRAFT  x | is |

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This where foundsource not A2.2.1.2 ASTM Consult E2246. 4: NOTE test structure cantilever A2.2.1.1 A2.2.1 A2.2


where where where where Equation (A2-2) was prop found (A2-2) Equation by applyingthe E eplace eplace Stress Gradient Calculation is the Young’s isvalue modulus the

Calculate the stress gradient stress the Calculate gradient strain the Find that multiplythat ( Equation to u u It is possible that the cantilever used to find find to used cantilever the that possible is It cE E u (  cE is found Appendix is in 1 r ) 7 with with is belowand ¶ in A2-1.1.4 found u comprised of layer that comprised E

in Equation (A2-3) Equation in u c  r u u  of a thin film layer film thin a of  E r Calculate  Calculate ( (  A2-1  where where r r r ) ) of that thin that layer film of u of the thin film layer film thin the of   c     ) where the parameters in Equation ( Equation in where the parameters ) r        u ASTM E2245 for residual E2245for ASTM strain, u  if the Young’s modulu if the Young’s E rmax cE rmax u c rmin rmax rmin rmax g is found in Appendix is| in 1or ¶ in 14.2.4and found u  using ASTM E2246. ASTM using E r     ( ( u   2 6  6  r r   E   2 ) ) Es , assuming adistribution,, assuming theequations: following Gaussian using , assuming adistribution,, assuming theequations: following Gaussian using  u  (     E  E r     r E ( E rmin g , , rmin )  Page  f u  r can

s a  )   which becomes ( becomes which   is below ¶ in A2-1.1.5 found  g c g , r  , and its combined standard uncertainty value, value, uncertainty standard combined its and , r in § 14 may also be used for this strain gradient measurement. gradient strain this for used be also may 14 § in r ati u 3 r 3   jn l jn  u  2     u  r 44 on of uncertainty on of technique u u ( cE 2 where cE as calculated in ¶ 14.1.3or ¶as ¶ 14.2.4. calculatedin 3  3 cE c r u

, u   )  r

c  c   

E   r r r g r r  , using the following equation: following the using , u 



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) c Date: for parfor  d u r 

-fixed beam.-fixed (A2-2) c are found in are found u (A2-8) (A2-5)  SEMI r (A2-3) (A2- c (A2-7) (A2-6) (A2-4) with with resonance sg , from a from , 5/7/2018 a

(A2-3) me DRAFT  9  te 5  r 4 rs x x ): ) . .

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and hr where gradient,stress the where A2.2.1.4 to (A2-5) the multiply Equation where parameters Equation are in (A2-5) assumed be to uncorrelated. 6: NOTE frequencyaverage resonance of fixed-fixed a beam. 5: NOTE where (after becomes equating which A2.2.1.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This Calculate ( Equation to multiply that a fixed-fixed beam. of frequency where (after becomes equating which   u u u c c c gmin gmax    R Equation (A2- Equation g g g eplace eplace    u u     cE cE u  u  is found Appendix is in 1 where founds Appendix is in 1and

 Cal for gradient, combined uncertainty standard the stress Calculate the u g E E E k g ( E E u 2  value of 2 approximates a 95 % level of confidence. of level % 95 a approximates 2 of value ( Equation (A2-6) was found by applying the propagation of uncertainty technique (see Note Note (see technique uncertainty of propagation the applying by found was (A2-6) Equation replace (A2-7), Equation In g   cE (   )  for the expanded uncertainty culate stress    g s fud blw i 2124 ad and A2-1.2.4 ¶ in below found is ) g with with , assuming adistribution,, assuming theequations: following Gaussian using 3  u 3 ) u u E u cE c  g 5  cE cE g ) was found by applying the propagation of uncertainty technique (see Note Note (see technique uncertainty of propagation the applying by found was ) u , using theequation: following , using      u    sg 2 2 s s E  g (  g

 E in in


E     ) u Equation ( Equation A2-   

s 2 csg g  4     u u ) where the parameters ( Equation ) in where     cE cE 2  and and u s with with with

c sg g 

g A2-6 u u     where  c cE 2    g with with  , E E ) if the Young’s modulus value was obtained from the average average the from obtained was value modulus Young’s the if )

and and and  U  g

 s  g g  u and and g g E u u  [from Equation (16)] if the Young’s modulus value was obtained from the from obtained was value modulus Young’s the if (16)] Equation [from csg c  sg g    with with u u with ku u csg c E sg   

cE Page gradient are found in ASTM in strain arefound gradient. E2246for arefoundE224 ASTM in c   E      g E 2 sg sg jn l jn      ): ): 45 2     2 

(A2-12) (A2-11) u , u s U     csg g c    culate the combined standard uncertainty for the for uncertainty standard combined the culate u s g A2- g     , using the following, using the equation: sg sg g 2 , ( 

g    

(A2- (A2-10) ) 4 s fud blw i A2-1.2.5. ¶ in below found is 2 , ) areassumed be to uncorrelated.)




c  g 6 5 , using theequation: following , using

for strain ) 6


gradient Document Document Number: 39

Doc. 3 ) for parameters that parameters for ) 8 (A2-7) ) for parameters for ) . Date:  (A2-6) SEMI (A2-8) resonance 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and where Calculate where emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This   u u sg E gmin gmax ( (   g g ) u ) u    c c  is found in Appendix is in 1or ¶ in 14.2.4. found was found in was strain gradient. found E2246for ASTM E u E   sg   gmax s ( s gmax  g g g ) , assuming adistribution,, assuming theequations: following Gaussian using   6  6  3 3  u u  csg csg gmin gmin  

 

u u cE csg s E g

Page jn l jn 46

(A2-16) (A2-15) (A2-14) (A2-13) Document Document Number: Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and FOV. A3.1.2.2 the FOV of within thefit recommended,sampleinstrument. more is assuming can the in smaller is spacing pixel-to-pixel A3.1.2.1 A3.1.2 A3.1.1.1 A3.1.1 uncertainty for value larger a that understanding the with used be can beam fixed-fixed a measurement, for available not is cantilever a if 2: NOTE other the obtain (g) and oscillation, 3-D the of movie inputs.calculation a view the (f) for measurements, up frequency set resonance (c) the (e) measurements, obtain frequency, resonance static approximate preliminary an and take angle phase (b) a determine chip, (d) measurements, the dynamic mount comprehensive (a) inclusive): –A3-1.7, A3-1.1 ¶¶ A3.1 an vibrometerwith optical instrument,or § comparable consult 13. taken measurements For data. required the obtain to appropriate, as made, be to need may modifications that such instruments all Figure in shown as such interferometer, 1: NOTE 4,2009. onSeptember procedures NOTICE: COMPARABLEOR INTERFEROMETER INSTRUMENT MEASUREMENTS USINGMODULUS ASTROBOSCOPIC YOUNG’S 3 APPENDIX emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A3. still is there if and thoughbe even theincluded beam FOV. in magnificationbe a lessmay can used of missing higher data, were they If sample. the of part uppermost the past just are fringes the measurement the before A3. sample. the of parts critical the on obtained is data that Fig ensure to window intensity in the in fringes shown the monitor measurement, (as pit etch the of bottom the reaches cantilever the of top on data quality high obtain To A3.1.2.7 to offixed-fixed past thebeam). themidpoint tip cantileveror just ofvery the A3.1.2.6 A3.1.2.5 A3. beam. fixed-fixed systematic errors.) for account helps to fringes or cantilever the to parallel are and sample) micromachined surface a for layer underlying the on or sample micromachined bulk a for support beam the A3. A3.1.2.4 A3.1.2.3 bantersnnefeunyvle o atlvruigtefloigsvnses(ie eo nin below (given steps seven following the using cantilever a for values frequency resonance the Obtain Take Measurements Preliminary Static Mount the

Take one or more static measurement to determine the appropriate objective, FOV lens, scan length, etc. length, scan lens, FOV objective, appropriate the determine to measurement static more or one Take past the just to example, for be, (This could sample. of the part uppermost past the justto the fringes Move alignment.Recheck the sample intensity.Adjust the resolution. the best lateral size achieves Select that thearray detector sample the includes barely just that lens FOV and objective the Choose the Orient Follow mount the§13.3to steps in the chip.

 u ballot letter full by approved was and MS4 SEMI of part official an is appendix this in material The If data is missing on top of the beam support, for example, the scan length can be support,If missing forlengthcan increased. of is the ontop scan the beam example, data that sure make curvature, excessive to due example, for cantilever, a of tip the on missing is data If the intensitysaturation.Set just a to point below on example, (for sample the of portion flat a on visible are fringes the so FOV the in sample the Focus c It is recommended that Young’s modulus is found from the average resonance frequency of a cantilever. However, cantilever. a of frequency resonance average the from found is modulus Young’s that recommended is It An attempt is made in this appendix to specify how to obtain Young’s modulus measurements with a stroboscopic a with measurements modulus Young’s obtain to how specify to appendix this in made is attempt An result.So,fixed-fixed will beams also mentioned this will be in section.

Chip egho h embeam the of length 4 5 , or a comparable instrument. Therefore, this appendix may not specifically pertain to pertain specifically not may appendix this Therefore, instrument. comparable a or , x -direction, an orientation of the the of orientation an -direction, apesample Ensure that the fringes are not drifting. arenot the that fringes Ensure nteisrmn’ instrument’s the in or fixed-fixed beam fixed-fixed or Page ure

. Ensure that the fringes are not drifting. not are fringes the that Ensure A3-1 jn l jn 47 for a bulk-micromachined cantilever bulk-micromachined a for x drcino or -direction length of the beam beam the of length , it may be best to halt the scan before it before scan the halt to best be may it , area area y -direction. If the instrument’s the If -direction. to be measured within the within measured be to sample sample Document Document Number: Doc. ( in the the in The presence of presence The Date: ). During the During ).  SEMI x -direction 5/7/2018 DRAFT  the

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and A3.1.3.3 A3.1.3.3 amplifier whenthe output connected the to PZT. 3: NOTE 7000Hz. and voltages areobtained), negative A3.1.3.2 may amplifiers some that and wire PZT reversed have the to relative positive is that voltage a with driven be should wire A3.1.3.1 A3.1.3 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This A3.1.3.6 A3. A3. A3. or just to verythe fixed-fixed ofpast thebeam). midpoint the tip cantilever of past the A3. A3.1.3.5 A3.1.3.4 5: NOTE (to approximately is 300mA) below the200mAto it theLED sothat current to saturation. just setting A3. A3. A3. 4: NOTE software. A3. Set up for the Comprehensive Dynamic Measurements theDynamic Set Comprehensive upfor

Create aCreate template. onethe strobe. with Take staticmeasurement upaSet template file. adjust the illuminator intensityEngage visibleflat and of theportion its fringes with the sample. ona if theCheck PZT see to PZT red the that mind in keeping done already not if amplifier), the (via generator the to PZT the Connect Save the acquired file. Save the acquired a the illuminator. with Take staticmeasurement the illuminatorStart the software. using just to example, for be, could (This sample. the of part uppermost the past just to fringes the Position by and 4%) and 2% between be (to cycle duty the setting by illuminator the of intensity the Adjust visible redLEDbecome the illuminatorStart the software.fromwill using onthe dot sample. A the the staticmeasurement. it for theKeep intensity was knobwhere the with activated be can LED) (the illuminator the that so selector strobe the of shaft the out Pull The the(forsmaller duty as to example the cycle to 2% opposed 4%) better blurring minimize any effects. The light no be white will longer visible the on sample. If uncertain that 10V (with 0V offset) is the optimum voltage configuration, an oscilloscope can be used to monitor to used be can oscilloscope an configuration, voltage optimum the is offset) 0V (with 10V that uncertain If Defining the Regions of Interest for aBulk-Micromachined Interest for theDefining Regionsof Cantilever vibration is barely audible when it is activated at 10V, 0V offset (that is, offset itat 10V,no audiblesothat activated 0V (that when barely is is Figure A1.1 Page jn l jn 48 Document Document Number: Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and example, from 0 degrees to 350 degrees in 10 degree steps) while for each phase varying the frequency (for frequency the varying phase each for while steps) degree 10 in degrees 350 to degrees 0 from example, A3.1.4.1 A3.1.4 the and average of versus height R02 phase. phase, versus area) reference (the R01 of height average the frequency, versus R02 of height average the frequency, versus area) 6: NOTE A3.1.3.10 of height R02,theR03. average of and height the average area), reference A3. sample phase. and frequency, A3. A3.1.3.9 measurement. A3. the sample. of A3.1.3.8 A3.1.3.7 allfrequencies. befor can obtainedR02 in the data not or whether uncertain if A3-1, Figure in shown R03 as such regions, other Create beam. mid- fixed-fixed the the of near point or at rectangle a with defined be can R02 beam, fixed-fixed a For cantilever. the of part furthermost A3. of top on or layerunderlying samples) bulk-micromachined of case the (in support beam the of A3. analyzed. A3. emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This f frequency, resonance approximate the record to interpolate peak, resonance a indicating data the in trend ais there If A3.1.4.5 the record to necessary, if interpolate, the maximum ofminus for R02 phase value R01. A3-3, Figure From frequency. resonance a of existence the confirms A3-2 Figure A3-3. Figure in shown as such phase, versus and A3-2, Figure in shown as such frequency, versus (R01) #1 A3.1.4.4 temperaturethe room A3.1.4.3 they donotsignificantlythe ensurethat comprehensive session to dynamicdata drift during measurement. A3.1.4.2 9: NOTE f 8: NOTE 7: NOTE 10V).(for example, from example, ffbinitlo resapp . calculated in Determine a Phase Angle andanApproximate ResonanceFrequency Determine aPhase Angle

At or near the recorded phase value plot R02 minus R01 versus frequency, such as shown in Figure A3-4. Figure in shown as such frequency, versus R01 minus R02 plot value phase recorded the near or At region of height average the minus (R02) #2 region of height average the of plots make data, the all With Record temperature. room constant a maintaining while measurement dynamic comprehensive the Take the during periodically monitored be can fringes the that so displayed is window intensity the sure Make (for phase the vary to software the up set taken, be to measurement dynamic comprehensive first the For Define the database options. areas pass amake the to fringes throughTake singledynamicthe sure all pertinent measurement,watching an appropriate screen. display Choose (or create) Select key plots dynamicSelect view measurement. key to during the comprehensive Choose from the possible analysis options to record, for example, the average height of R01 (the R01 of height average the example, for record, to options analysis possible the from Choose sample amplitude, sample the example, for record, to measurements dynamic possible the from Choose dynamic single the during updated gets screen display selected the on data the that see to Check data have to which within A3-1) Figure in shown as (such interest of regions more or two Define The and frequency sizes to range step may adjustedneed bedepending the for upon value For cantilevers, For the comprehensive dynamic measurements, the key plots could be the average height of R01 (the reference (the R01 of height average the be could plots key the measurements, dynamic comprehensive the For For fixed-fixed beams, the average of of average the beams, fixed-fixed For Create region #2 (R02). For a cantilever, R02 can be defined with a rectangle within the FOV near the near FOV the within rectangle a with defined be can R02 cantilever, a For (R02). #2 region Create top on area rectangular a as it defining same, the be to region reference the and (R01) #1 region Create f resest or within theanchor or double stuffed Equation minus 5 kHz to to kHz 5 minus and the relative humidity the relative and f caninit ( 8 7 6 ) calculated in Error: ReferenceError: source found not f resest  plus 5 kHz in 50 Hz steps). Select an appropriate setting for the voltage the for setting appropriate an Select steps). Hz 50 in kHz 5 plus Equation for informational purposes for informational f ffbinithi (in the caseof samples). surface-micromachined (in the (2) Page calculated in in calculated Error: Reference not source found jn l jn 49 7 be can used for Equation Equation . (3) f resest Error: Reference source not found not source Reference Error: a a . relatively flat flat relatively 7 can used be for f resest Document Document Number: Doc. . layer such as as such layer Date: f resest  SEMI . 5/7/2018 DRAFT

 7 and the

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and beginning frequency, ending frequency, frequency step size, beginning phase, ending phase, and phase step size until it is it until size step phase and phase, ending phase, beginning size, that approximateobvious resonance the frequency been has located. step frequency frequency, ending frequency, beginning 10: NOTE emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This

If it is not obvious that the approximate resonance frequency was located, return to ¶ A3 ¶ to return located, was frequency resonance approximate the that obvious not is it If R02-R01 (mm) 10 11 12 13 R02-R01 ( m)

7 8 9 m 10 11 12 13 7 8 9 0 Plot of R02-R01 Versusfor R02-R01 Phase Angles Frequency Plot 36Different of 26.0 Plot of VersusFrequencies 101Different RO2-R01 Phase for For 50 For L (choose phase = 255 degrees) =300 L 26.5 =300 100 m m, R02 m Phase (degrees) m, R02 Figure A1.2 Figure A1.1 Frequency (kHz) Frequency 150 Page - z jn l jn 27.0 R01 vs. Frequency 50 - R01 vs. Phase 200 250 27.5 300 28.0 Document Document Number: 350 - 1.4.1 with a modified a with 1.4.1 Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and the room temperaturethe room A3.1.5.3 they donotsignificantlythe ensurethat comprehensive session to dynamicdata drift during measurement. A3.1.5.2 resolution, frequency encompassing A3.1.5.1 A3.1.5 emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This and stress if appropriate.stress, gradient, A3.2 A3.1.7.1 A3.1.7 the Use steps. thenot resultingplot If repeatfromphase. sinusoidal, does look degree versus 10 R01 minus R02 in plot beam, degrees resonating a produce 350 not does to movie the If degrees movie. the compose 0 to data from acquired angle phase the varies (b) and measurements take to A3.1.6.1 A3.1.6 this For thecycle, third record first this record cycle, the For obtained. is R01 minus R02 of value maximum the which at frequency the find to interpolate appear, A3.1.5.5 from ¶ A3-1.5.1. significant drifting, repeat A3.1.5.4 Go to § 14 to continue with the calculations for Young’s modulus, combined standard uncertainty, residual uncertainty, standard combined modulus, Young’s for calculations the with continue to 14 § to Go Obtain the OtherObtain Calculation of3D aMovie OscillationView the the ResonanceFrequencyObtain Follow theinputs. obtain other the§13.7 to steps in calculation of average the uses (a) that measurement dynamic a Take may point data extraneous an that mind in Keeping frequency. versus R01 minus R02 plot cycle, each For reveals data the If plot. same the in included cycles three the with frequency versus R01 minus R02 Plot Record temperature. room constant a maintaining while measurement dynamic comprehensive the Take the during periodically monitored be can fringes the that so displayed is window intensity the sure Make range frequency a use to (b) A3-1.4.4, ¶ in obtained angle phase the use to (a) software the up Set f resapp

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Inputs L 26.5

=300 Measurements R02 frequency asfrequency f ( meas1 f resapp for informational purposes for informational - m R01 vs. Frequency . For the second cycle, record this this record cycle, second the For . m, Phase = 250 degrees Frequency (kHz) Frequency Figure A1.3 Page = 26.820 kHz) f meas3 jn l jn 27.0 51 . ¶ A3-1.4.1 ¶ f meas1 , , . f Note Note meas2 f 27.5 resol , and and , 51 . 4 7 uncalibrated uncalibrated f . meas3 as the frequency at which at frequency the as Document Document Number: 28.0 frequency as as frequency Doc. Date:  uncalibrated SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT f  meas2 .

LETTER (YELLOW) BALLOT Informational (Blue) Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) Ballot Ballot1000AInformational (Blue) (Blue) Informational Phone: 408.943.6900, Fax:408.943.6900, Phone:408.943.7943 CASan 95134-2127 Jose, 3081 Zanker Road Equipment Semiconductor InternationalMaterials and the risk of infringement of such rights are entirely their own suchresponsibility. infringementareentirely rights their the of risk of this in mentioned item any with connection and copyrights, or rights patent such any of determination in that advised expressly are standard this of Users standard. asserted copyrights or rights position patent no any of takes validity (SEMI) the International respecting Materials and Equipment Semiconductor standard, this of publication By other and change to sheets, subject notice.without are data standards These product herein. mentioned labels, equipment product or materials instructions, any respecting manufacturer’s literature relevant to refer to cautioned are the Users of responsibility user. the solely is standard(s) the of suitability the of determination The application. particular any NOTICE: emsin i rne t erdc ado itiue hs dcmn, i woe r i pr, ny wti h soe f EI nentoa Sadrs cmite (document committee Standards International SEMI of scope the within only part, in or whole in document, Guideline. this Safety or distribute Standard adopted or and/or official reproductiondevelopment) All and/oractivity. other theprior withoutconsent distribution SEMI written prohibited.ofis an reproduce as construed be to to is granted page this is on material No Permission program. Standards International SEMI the of Document Draft a is This SEMI makes no warranties or representations as to the suitability of the standard(s) set forth herein for herein forth set standard(s) the of suitability the to as representations or warranties no makes SEMI Page jn l jn 52 Document Document Number: Doc. Date:  SEMI 5/7/2018 DRAFT 


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