St. Francis Prep./Physical Education 9

Gymnastics Skills

Floor Exercise

The Forward Roll

 Spot - back of the neck and either back of the thigh (girls) or shin (boys).

1. Starting Position (Layout Position)

2. Squat on the mat with the hands on the mat.

3. Tuck the chin into the chest. 4. The hips are lifted forward to roll over immediately (hips give momentum).

5. Finish is a squat position to stand up.


The Backward Roll

Spot - tuck head and lift hips 1. Starting Position (Layout Position)

2. Assume a squat position.

3. Hands are by ears with the palms facing upward.

4. Roll backward, bringing the knees into the chest. 5. Place the hands on the floor at the shoulders with the thumbs near the neck.

6. Roll over and push off the floor with the hands (gives momentum).

7. Finish in the squat position.

The Handstand Forward Roll

Spot - grab both legs around knee area. 1. Lunge forward with dominant hand.

2. Place hands on the floor in front of you.

3. Kick up with your non-dominant foot.

4. Legs come together and hold the body in a straight position. Spot - grab both legs around knee area.

5. Tuck chin into chest.

6. Bend arms slowly.

7. Flex hips and go into tuck position. 8. Continue to roll and stand up.

The Cartwheel (right side)

No Spot

1. Stand facing forward and lunge forward with the dominant foot. 2. Bend down and place the right hand on the floor and then the left (fingers facing outward to the side).

3. The arms arms are straight and shoulder distance apart.

4. Kick the back (left) leg up and then the right.

5. Legs are apart in the air.

6. Land on the left leg, then the right leg finishing in the opposite direction that you started in.

*Sequence is hand, hand, foot, foot

Balance Beam

To the Students: The seven movements/skills that are listed below are requirements for the balance beam routine. These tasks are to be performed in the order they are presented to you for the final test. In order to help you practice for the test the tasks have been broken down for you along with some pictures (soon to come).

Keep in mind that your grade will be significantly lowered if spotting is needed during the test. Practice at a level you are comfortable with and only move on if you know you are ready.

Task #1 The Mount

 Step On - performed on: 1. the line 2. the beam on the floor 3. the 1 foot beam 4. the 2 1/2 foot beam  Front Support - performed on: 1. the 3 foot beam 2. the 4 foot beam

Stand on the side, facing the beam. Place hands on the top of the beam and jump to a front support. One leg swings over the top of the beam to complete a quarter turn so you are facing the length of the beam. From here you can do one of two things:

3. Swing legs in front and step forward to stand up. 4. Bring legs in front, swing them back and place feet on the beam behind you, finishing in a squat to stand up.  Spot - Hold the performers outstretched arm to aid them in standing up.

Task #2 Chasse

Start by standing in fifth position. Slide the dominant foot in front while back leg bends (demi plie). Step forward with the dominant foot and transfer your weight forward. Push off the dominant foot to lift the body upward to a slide. The feet meet in the air, pressed together tightly in fifth position. The knees, insteps and toes should be stretched and very straight in the air. As you come down you land on the back leg which is slightly bent (plie) to absorb the landing. After landing, the dominant foot slides in front (demi-plie) in order to be ready to go immediately into the next movement. Keep in mind that the same foot remains in front throughout the entire skill.

Task #3 The Leap

Split legs as much as possible in the air and land on the front leg.

Task #4 Pivot Turn (toe turn)

Stand with one foot in the front of the other, the feet close together. Rise up on toes and turn toward the back foot. Finish facing in the opposite direction. The arm positions may vary.

Task #5 Jump Standing in fifth position. Bend both knees and push off the beam with both feet simultaneously to jump up. When landing, the knees bend slightly to absorb the landing. You have a choice to land in the same position you started in or to switch your legs in the air and land with the opposite foot in front. Arms may vary (down, up, to the sides).

Task #6 Knee Scale

Kneel on one leg facing the beam length wise. Place the hands in front of you on the beam with the thumbs on top. Lift the free leg as high as possible to the rear, arching the back. Be sure to keep the lifted leg straight and hold this position for at least two solid seconds.

Task #7 Cross Support Dismount

Continuing from the knee scale, swing the free leg down and then back upward. The other leg pushes off the beam at the same time and swings upward as well. Both legs join together in the air in a layout position. As the legs descend to the side of the beam, lift the chest so that the body is vertical before the feet reach the mat.

Task # Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Line Floor Beam 1 ft. Beam 2 1/2 Beam 3 ft. Beam 4 ft. Beam 4 1/2 Beam

1. Mount 2. Chasse 3. Leap 4. Turn 5. Jump 6. Scale 7. Dismount

"No one needs to go to level 5 or 6 unless you wish to. If you choose to then you will be given extra credit."