Bromley (Kent)
B rom ley (K e n t), 10$ miles from Cannon Street B. S. Early Closing—Wed. Mkt.—Thur. Including Bicklej, Bromley Common, Farnborough, Green Street Green, Keston, Locksbottom. Shortlands, Sundridge Bark, Widmore, &c. The Initials denote the abore. ACCOUNTANTS Brown, Lane, & Co., 21 East st. Croome, J., 5 Market square Masters, F. W., 137 High st. ACC UMULATOR MAKERS S topes Engineering; Co., 59 Widmoro road; repairs to all ty p e s AMUSEMENTS Grand Hall Theatre, High st. Fatal* da Lux*. High *tr**t 777 ANTIQCTH DBA1 EBB Beale, E_, Oft High st. W h ile, T. L., 59 M aaO n’s h ill) workshop And showroom, Thu Garage*. To to phono No. P av One bourne, 0500 AE0SIT3 0 TS Coa<l, Percy. 90 N ig h t ingulu lane Clod hi II & Wijfmora, n$ Old Kent road, London, S.E. l. P h o n o NO. R orin oy, 3 340 Latter, H,, Town hall, Market square A R T S A3STD C B A P T S Painphilpn, 43 H igh st, StickUnd, E,, 63 Palace road ATHLETIC OT7TEITTEBS Pomary, A. E., IB East street. Phono No. Ravensbourno, l i e s AHCTIOHHERB Maxtor, Payne, & Leppor, oppo s ite G.P.O., B ro m le y ; 14 tackvlilp street, W. 1| al*o at Bockonham and Or- plngton, Phono Not. Ravent- bourne, 0231 and 0222; Beckenham, 3404 Beaveit, 3. Anthony, l t En^t «t .; alto estate aftent; valuation* for probate. Phono No, Ravcnsbourne, 4693 C a r t e r , l a w , * l e e c h , fig Eaat street, and at Bromley South, Shortlands, and Station ap proach, Chl*ichur*t, Phono Non, Haven*bourne, 0333 and 2189 L evon s, W., & So n, F.A.I., Broadway Haute (Phono NOB.
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