Sedgwick County Commissioner s3
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Meeting was called to order by Chairman Beck with, Sandquist, Bauerle and Beckman present. Donna Wall joined the meeting as a guest.
Sandquist moved to approve the agenda with the following additions: Welcome Center under unfinished business, Randy Peck will be gone and Alan Harris is on excused funeral leave. Bauerle second, carried.
Let it be known that the Board will be talking to Howard McCormick, Ambulance, about the ambulance bill at the drag strip.
Vouchers were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the vouchers as presented. Bauerle second, carried.
The minutes of the April 29, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the minutes as presented. Sandquist second, carried.
The Treasurer’s April 2014 Financial report was reviewed.
Bauerle reported on the judge selection committee. The purpose of the committee is to choose the top three people vying for the office and there are some concerns that the qualifications do not require any experience.
The report submitted by Tracy Kizer explaining upgrades needed to meet Health Department kitchen code was reviewed and discussion was held.
Bauerle moved to transfer $17,806 from County General to Welcome Center for insurance. Sandquist second, carried.
Randy Renquist, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. Bauerle told Renquist that there are some issues in the county that he would like Renquist to address with the constituents who are not in compliance, as with pivots that are watering the roadways and sprayers getting too close to the county property. Beck suggested putting an ad in the paper. Renquist will talk to Gary Price and will put an ad in the paper. Discussion was held on the dead trees removed. Discussion was held on the County Line Road project. Renquist left the meeting.
Lori Zeilinger, Zeilinger Law Office, joined the meeting by phone to discuss the letter she is putting together concerning the personnel issue.
Beck moved to approve an honorary proclamation to have May, 2014 as Mental Health Month. Bauerle second, carried.
Discussion was held on the old sale barn at the fairgrounds. There is concern that the building is sitting in a hole and about 80% of the seal plates are rotten along with other problems. The building is used for storage and there will need to be another building to move the items stored in to before any work can be done. Jimie Ridnour, Communication Center Director, joined the meeting. Ridnour reported on the progress of the communication center and that training will be held this month so the transformation can take place in June. Ridnour told the Board that she will be sending McCormick to training in July and there is some concern about the lack of money in the training line. Discussion was held on E-911 charges and the possibility of raising the current rate. Ridnour will look into this issue and will report back to the Board. Ridnour left the meeting.
Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. Discussion was held about the old sale barn and the kitchen at the fairgrounds. Kizer reported that he finished the grant for the floor at the exhibit building. Kizer left the meeting.
Connie Juhl, Economic Development and Amy Miller joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the grant writer / assistant position for Economic Development. There was discussion held on Pedal the Plains and why it would not come as far as Julesburg with the South Platte River Trail. Juhl explained that you have to apply for this event the year prior and that you can’t ride bikes on the river trail. Juhl has been looking into a project to get bike trails on the river road trail with an 80/20 grant. Miller and Juhl discussed what is needed to help facilitate economic development with current and future plans. The Board suggested that the economic development board come up with a business plan and present it to the Stretesky Foundation. Miller asked if Juhl can meet with her Board and have them come up with a business plan to present at the Stretesky Foundation meeting in June. The Board will have a work session tomorrow, May 7th at 8:30 a.m. to discuss the Economic Development letter. Juhl asked the Board if they could give her a deal for fairground use with the youth entrepreneurship camp coming up in June. Beck moved to allow the youth entrepreneurship camp at the fairgrounds for $50 total to be held June 23rd and 25th, 2014. Sandquist second, carried. Juhl and Miller left the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned.
______James Beck, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board