Name: ______ Study Questions Chapters 1-3
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Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 1-3
Chapter 1
1. What happened to Camp Green Lake? ______
2. Who owns the shade at Camp Green Lake? ______
3. Why do campers try to get bitten by a rattlesnake or a scorpion? ______
4. What happens if you are bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard? ______
5. Why would anyone go to a place like Camp Green Lake? ______
6. Predict: What role will the yellow-spotted lizard play in the book? ______
Chapter 2
1. What kind of people are sent to Camp Green Lake? ______
2. Why do the Campers have to dig holes? ______
3. Why does Stanley choose to go to Camp Green Lake? ______
4. Predict: Why is Stanley being sent to Camp Green Lake? What did he do? ______
Chapter 3
1. What do Stanley and his parents pretend about Stanley going away? ______
2. What does Stanley think he is going to do at Camp Green Lake? ______
3. How is Stanley described? ______
4. Who does Stanley blame for his conviction? ______5. Why does Stanley’s family believe they have bad luck? ______
6. What is unusual about the name Stanley Yelnats? ______
7. What happened to the first Stanley Yelnats? ______
8. What project leads to Stanley’s arrest? ______
9. What does Stanley first notice about Camp Green Lake? ______
10.Predict: How are sneakers connected to Stanley’s troubles? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 4-6
Chapter 4
1. What does Stanley see when he steps out of the bus? ______
2. Why does the man in the cowboy hat eat sunflower seeds? ______
3. What is Stanley told to call the man in the cowboy hat? ______
4. What does Stanley have to do every day, including Saturdays and Sundays? ______
5. What time does Stanley have to start his day? Why? ______
6. What does Mr. Sir use his gun for? ______
7. Why doesn’t Camp Green Lake need a fence? ______
8. Predict: Is there another reason campers have to dig holes? ______
Chapter 5
1. Who is Stanley told he needs to worry about? ______
2. Why doesn’t Stanley tell Mr. Pendanski that he is innocent? ______
3. Why doesn’t Mr. Pendanski call the boys by their nicknames? ______
4. What happens when Stanley calls Armpit by his real name? ______
5. Predict: What will Stanley’s nickname be? ______
Chapter 6
1. What is Stanley’s crime? ______
2. Who is Clyde Livingston? ______3. What is the worst part of Livingston’s testimony, according to Stanley? ______
4. What does Derrick do to Stanley on the day Stanley is arrested? ______
5. According to Stanley, how does he end up with the sneakers? ______
6. What does Stanley think when the sneakers land on him? ______
7. Where were the sneakers when they were stolen? ______
8. What were the sneakers intended for? ______
9. Who does Stanley blame for his predicament? ______
10. Why does the judge tell Stanley to decide quickly between jail and Camp Green Lake? ______
11.Predict: What will happen to Stanley while he is at Camp Green Lake? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapter 7
Chapter 7
1. What does the lake remind Stanley of? ______
2. What are the boys digging for? ______
3. What should the boys do if they find anything? ______
4. What difficulties does Stanley encounter while digging? ______
5. Who is Elya Yelnats? ______
6. How does Madame Zeroni help Elya Yelnats in his quest to marry Myra Menke? ______
7. What does Elya have to do with the piglet? ______
8. What does Elya have to promise to do for Madame Zeroni? ______
9. What will happen if Elya fails to obey Madame Zeroni’s wishes? ______
10.What does Mr. Sir spit into Stanley’s hole? ______
11.What happens when Elya presents his pig to Myra’s father? ______
12.Why isn’t Elya able to fulfill his promise to Madame Zeroni? ______
13.Who is Elya constantly looking for in America? ______
14.Why is Stanley familiar with Sarah’s pig lullaby? ______
15.What happens to Stanley after he finishes his hole? ______
16.Predict: What will happen next to Elya Yelnats? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 8-10
Chapter 8
1. Describe the yellow-spotted lizard. Why does its name seem odd? ______
2. Where do yellow-spotted lizards live? ______
3. What do yellow-spotted lizards eat? ______
4. Predict: Considering the diet of the yellow-spotted lizard, why does Mr. Sir munch on sunflower seeds? ______
Chapter 9
1. What does X-Ray say about digging the second hole? ______
2. What have the boys done to the rec room? ______
3. What does Zero ask Stanley about the sneakers? ______
4. Who is Caveman? ______
5. Predict: Why is Zero able to describe Clyde Livingston’s shoes? ______
Chapter 10
1. What does Stanley find near his hole? ______
2. What does Stanley think his discovery will do for him? ______
3. Predict: What type of discovery would the Warden consider “interesting”? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 11-12
Chapter 11
1. What does X-Ray want Stanley to do the next time he finds something interesting? Why? ______
2. Why does Stanley agree? ______
3. Why does Stanley agree that X-Ray is the leader? ______
4. What does Stanley realize about his own size? ______
5. While digging, what does Stanley imagine to distract himself? ______
6. Predict: What type of friendship will Stanley establish with the boys at Camp Green Lake? ______
Chapter 12
1. What are the boys discussing in the circle with Mr. Pendanski? ______
2. What is Mr. Pendanski’s advice about life? ______
3. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley that he is at Camp Green Lake because of one person. Who does Stanley think he is talking about? ______
4. What does Zero say he likes to do? ______
5. Predict: Why doesn’t Zero fit in with the rest of the group? What will happen to him in the future? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 13-14
Chapter 13
1. How does Stanley envision himself a year and a half from now? ______
2. What does Stanley find while he is digging? ______
3. What do the boys think it is? ______
4. What does Stanley suggest X-Ray do with the find? ______
5. What happens to Stanley while the boys wait in line for water? What is the significance of this? ______
6. Predict: What did Stanley find? ______
Chapter 14
1. What happens when Stanley tries to talk to X-Ray the next morning? ______
2. How does Mr. Pendanski think the Warden will feel about the tube? ______
3. What is the Warden like? ______
4. How does the Warden treat Mr. Pendanski? ______
5. Predict: What is the Warden looking for? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 15-17
Chapter 15
1. How does the Warden change the way the boys dig? ______
2. What happens if they find something? ______
3. According to Zigzag, how does the Warden know the boys’ names? ______
4. Why doesn’t X-Ray talk to Stanley at breakfast? ______
5. What does Stanley realize about why they dig holes? ______
6. Predict: Why does Stanley memorize the location of the hole where the tube was found? What will he do with this information? ______
Chapter 16
1. What does Zigzag say he is watching in the “wreck” room? ______
2. Why is that strange? ______
3. What is it that Zero has never heard of? ______
4. Predict: What happened in Zero’s past? Why is he different from other boys his age? ______
Chapter 17
1. Why is the Warden losing patience? ______
2. What does the Warden do to Armpit? Why? ______
3. What does the Warden tell Mr. Pendanski about the boys’ water? ______
4. What happens to Stanley while he digs? ______
5. Predict: How long will the Warden make them dig in the same spot? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 18-22
Chapter 18
1. Why does Stanley stay in the tent to write to his mother? ______
2. Who looks over his shoulder? Why doesn’t Stanley care? ______
3. What is Zero unable to do? ______
4. How does Stanley reply to Zero’s request? ______
5. What has happened to Stanley’s heart (figuratively)? ______
6. Predict: Will Stanley decide to help Zero? ______
Chapter 19
1. Why aren’t there any racial problems at Camp Green Lake? ______
2. Where did the sunflower seeds come from? ______
3. What happens when Zigzag throws the seeds to Stanley? Why is this bad? ______
4. How does Stanley explain the presence of the sunflower seeds? ______
5. What do the boys begin to do once Stanley takes the blame? ______
6. Predict: Why does Stanley take the blame? Will he now feel differently about the boys? ______
Chapter 20
1. What is Stanley surprised to see at the Warden’s cabin? ______
2. What does Mr. Sir think about Stanley’s confession? ______3. What is the secret ingredient in the Warden’s nail polish? ______
4. What does the Warden do to Mr. Sir? ______
5. Predict: How will Mr. Sir treat Stanley now? ______
Chapter 21
1. What happened to Stanley’s great-grandfather? ______
2. What does Stanley discover when he returns to his hole? ______
3. Who dug Stanley’s hole? ______
4. Predict: Will Stanley’s idea of Zero change? ______
Chapter 22
1. According to the other boys, why did Zero dig Stanley’s hole? ______
2. What reason does Zero give for digging the hole? ______
3. What does Stanley agree to do for Zero? ______
4. What subject is Zero good at? ______
5. What deal do Stanley and Zero make? ______
6. Why does Stanley reconsider the deal? ______
7. What dose Stanley realize about the metal tube? ______
8. To whom does he think the tube belonged? ______
9. Predict: What will Stanley do with his information about the metal tube? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 23-26
Chapter 23
1. What was Green Lake like one hundred and ten years ago? ______
2. What does Miss Barlow make better than anyone else? ______
3. Who is Miss Barlow expected to marry? ______
4. What does Miss Barlow do to make Charles “Trout” Walker mad? ______
5. Predict: How will the story of Miss Barlow connect to Stanley’s story? ______
Chapter 24
1. What happens to the boy who asks about Mr. Sir’s face? ______
2. What does Mr. Sir do when it is Stanley’s turn to get water? ______
3. Predict: What will Stanley do now that he is on Mr. Sir’s bad side? ______
Chapter 25
1. What does Sam sell? ______
2. Who is Mary Lou? ______
3. What deal does Sam make with Miss Barlow? ______
4. Why can’t Sam attend class? ______
5. Why is Miss Barlow unhappy when she runs out of things for Sam to fix? ______
6. How does Sam respond when Miss Barlow tell him that her heart is breaking? ______7. Why is Hattie Parker angry when she sees Katherine and Sam together? ______
8. Predict: How will Miss Barlow be punished? ______
Chapter 26
1. What happens at the schoolhouse the day after Sam kisses Miss Barlow? ______
2. What does the sheriff do about the situation at the school? ______
3. Who are the townspeople planning to hang? Why? ______
4. What deal does the sheriff try to make with Miss Barlow? ______
5. What happens to Sam and Mary Lou? ______
6. What hasn’t happened in Green Lake since? ______
7. Who does Miss Barlow become? ______
8. Predict: Has Stanley really found the lipstick case of this Kate Barlow? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 27-28
Chapter 27
1. Why does Mr. Pendanski give Stanley more water? ______
2. What do the boys say about Zero helping to dig Stanley’s hole? ______
3. What does Stanley do with his canteen after Mr. Sir fills it up? Why? ______
4. What is Zero’s real name? ______
5. Predict: Who is Zero a descendent of? Will Stanley recognize Zero’s last name? ______
Chapter 28
1. Who barges into Kate’s cabin? Why? ______
2. What happened to Trout’s money? ______
3. What do they force Kate to do? ______
4. What happens to Kate? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 29 - 32
Chapter 29
1. What is the weather like at Camp Green Lake? ______
2. What does Stanley think he sees when the sky lights up? ______
3. Predict: What might be the significance of the turquoise-studded black boots that Kate leaves beside her bed? And the cabin where she lives? ______
Chapter 30
1. What does Stanley realize about Kate Barlow? ______
2. What do the other boys say to Stanley about Zero digging Stanley’s hole? ______
3. What do they make Stanley do in line? ______
4. What does Mr. Pendanski tell Stanley to do to Zigzag? ______
5. What happens when Stanley obeys? ______
6. What does Zero do? ______
7. What happens when the Warden discovers the deal between Stanley and Zero? ______
8. What does Stanley realize about the Warden’s reason for making the boys dig hole? ______
9. What does Zero do to Mr. Pendanski? ______Chapter 31
1. Why is Stanley angry with himself? ______
2. What does Stanley hope for Zero? ______
3. Where was Zero living when he was arrested? ______
4. What does the Warned tell Mr. Pendanski to do about Zero? ______
5. Predict: Will the Warden’s plan get her into trouble in the future? ______
Chapter 32
1. What worries Stanley most about Zero? ______
2. What does Stanley do while Mr. Sir is filling canteens? ______
3. What happens while Stanley is driving? ______
4. Predict: Will Stanley be able to survive? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 33 – 39
Chapter 33
1. What is Stanley’s plan ? ______
2. What does Stanley see in the hole? ______
3. Predict: Will Stanley encounter any more yellow-spotted lizards? ______
Chapter 34
1. What is Stanley walking toward? ______
2. What does Stanley find in the middle of the lake? ______
3. Who did the boat once belong to? ______
4. Predict: Who is in the hole by the boat? ______
Chapter 35
1. What has Zero been drinking? ______
2. What does it taste like? ______
3. What does Stanley find out about Barf Bag? ______
4. Predict: What will Stanley ask Zero to do? ______
Chapter 36
1. What keeps happening to Zero? ______
2. What does Stanley fear most about dying? ______
3. What do they have to do when they reach the end of the lake? ______4. What happens to Zero as he helps Stanley up? ______
5. Predict: Will Stanley and Zero make it to the top of the mountain? ______
Chapter 37
1. What happens to Zero while walking? ______
2. What do the plant and bugs indicate to Stanley? ______
3. Predict: Will Zero survive? ______
Chapter 38
1. What does Stanley do with Zero? ______
2. What does Stanley realize as he lies in the mud? ______
3. As Stanley digs deeper, what does he find? ______
4. What does he do with it? ______
5. Predict: Why is an onion buried in the mud on the mountain? ______
Chapter 39
1. What is the problem with the water? ______
2. What must Stanley do to fix the problem? Why can’t he? ______
3. What does Zero confess to Stanley? ______
4. Predict: Why is an onion buried in the mud on the mountain? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 40 - 44
Chapter 40
1. What does Sam do for Becca? ______
2. What does Stanley set off to find? ______
3. Why is Stanley unsure of whether he is going the right way? ______
4. Predict: Is there a connection between Sam and the onion Stanley finds? ______
Chapter 41
1. What was Zero’s life like before Camp Green Lake? ______
2. Why did Zero take Clyde Livingston’s shoes? ______
3. What did Zero do with the shoes when he discovered the truth? ______
4. Why was Zero arrested? ______
5. Predict: How does Stanley feel about Zero now? ______
Chapter 42
1. What does Stanley know they will eventually have to do? ______
2. How long have the boys been on the mountain? ______
3. Why does Stanley wonder if he is delirious? ______
4. How does Stanley feel about where he is? ______
5. What does Stanley consider doing instead of returning to Camp Green Lake? ______
6. What does Stanley decide to do instead? Why? ______
7. Predict: Will Stanley’s idea turn out to be a good one? ______
Chapter 43
1. What does Zero say about the song his mom sang? ______
2. What plan do the boys make? ______
3. Why do they each decide to take a drink at the same time? ______
4. What did Zero’s mother do? ______
5. Where do the boys wait? ______
6. Predict: Will Stanley and Zero get caught? ______
Chapter 44
1. What does Zero return to the hole with? ______
2. What does Stanley hit while digging? ______
3. What happens when Stanley attempts to climb out of the hole? ______
4. Predict: What will happen to the boys now? What is in the suitcase? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 45 - 48
Chapter 45
1. Why does the Warden stop talking? ______
2. What does Stanley discover about his hole? ______
3. What did the Warden watch her parents do when she was little? ______
4. What did she have to do as she got older? ______
5. Predict: Who is the “A.G”? What is the real identity of the Warden? ______
Chapter 46
1. What happens to Mr. Pendanski? ______
2. What are the adults going to say about Stanley? ______
3. What about Zero? ______
4. What did Stanley miss the day before? ______
5. Why doesn’t the Warden care if the boys never dig anymore holes? ______
6. Predict: How will the boys escape from the lizards? ______
Chapter 47
1. What does Zero say as he sits with the lizards? ______
2. What happens when Stanley tries to climb out of the hole? ______3. What does Zero ask Stanley? ______
4. Who shows up at Camp Green Lake? ______
5. How does the Warden explain Stanley’s and Zero’s situation? ______
6. Who is the woman? ______
7. According to the Warden, why didn’t she release Stanley the day before? ______
8. What name is on the suitcase? ______
9. Predict: Who does the suitcase belong to? How did it end up in the hole? ______
Chapter 48
1. Who is the tall man? ______
2. What does the Warden say about the suitcase now? ______
3. What does the warden tell Stanley to do? ______
4. Why is Stanley told not to worry about Zero? ______
5. What does Stanley’s lawyer ask to see? ______
6. What do all the boys from camp come to do? ______
7. Why is Zero able to leave with Stanley and his lawyer? ______
8. Predict: What lies ahead for Stanley, Zero, and the Warden? ______Name: ______Study Questions Chapters 49 - 50
Chapter 49
1. Where did the lizards live before the lake dried up? ______
2. According to Sam, what is it that lizards do not like? ______
3. What did Stanley’s father invent? ______
4. What does the invention smell like? ______
5. Predict: Why is rain falling on the empty lake now, after 110 years? ______
Chapter 50
1. Who is the great-great-great-grandson of Madame Zeroni? ______
2. When did Stanley’s father invent his cure? ______
3. What will Camp Green Lake become? Why is this humorous? ______
4. What is in the suitcase? What is most valuable? ______
5. What do Stanley and Zero each end up with? ______
6. What does Stanley do with his money? ______
7. What does Zero do with his money? Why? ______
8. What is the name of the foot odor cure? ______