Owls Play First Game
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• -Sw ""V.':.Vf#: pU i#r/..***'.« 1HN " . * g >• VOLUME XII RICE INSTITUTE, HOUSTON, TEXAS, SEPTEMBER 21, 1926 NUMBER 1 OWLS PLAY FIRST GAME TjlOR lllM't Honor, * H> H> H> # * ******* ******* ******* " Rlet't glory, Wo will fight on; Wo will bo fighting MEET STEPHEN Whon thio d«y io gone; And. when tho dawn comet, Wo will still be fighting on Rlee Rice Registers Largest Student Body F. AUSTIN IN For the Grey «nd Blue, We'll all be loyal INITIAL GAME To Rlee be true. • • * "For Rice's Honor" once more will Rice Ready for Conflict With hold sway over thousands at the Strong Invaders games, and on other occasions, this CAPTAIN AND COACH scholastic year. CLUB TO FIGHT HARD » • » Let's all get together big on that Practices Show Eleven Is in familiar old tune this year. Let us AND FRIDAY continue to revere it; to love it; to Fine Playing Form cherish it; and to make it represent Five-Class Day Schedule once again and for always the best Coach John W. Heisman's that is Rice. Gives School More flock ol Owls go into action for • * • Room the first time this season next And Saturday, when our fighting Saturday when the team meets flock of Owls go onto the field to play NEARLY 1300 ENROLLED Stephen F. Austin college. The Stephen F. Austin college, put that contest is scheduled to start at unshakable confidence in our players Sophomores Put Freshmen d. 3:30 p. m. by really feeling that find old song of With one of the best squads in ours when it is being sung. Through Paces First the history of Rice, Heisman is Freshmen, learn it! And upperclass- confident his men will show up men polish up on that old voice-box. Day in great form for the. first game. Let's go! Nearly 1300 students went Practically every player on the squad —O—O—O— through the mill'of registration is in fine trim, the workouts of the ELCOME* back, gang. And con- past ten days having put the Blue and Thursday and Friday mornings. Grey segregation in excellent form. W gratulations, you new students, This is the largest number of for your foresight in picking Rice as students ever to register at the Stephen P. Austin is coining to Rice your university. Institute. to avenge last year's defeat. The * * » Lumberjacks were trounced at that Both scholastically and athletically This incrotoe in the number time by a 33-0 score. It was the first the university is progressing at an admitted is due to two reasons, intercollegiate game tile Nachadoches astounding clip. Many new courses; tlje first being an increase in ac- school ever played, and quite a num- new faces in the faculty group; fine commodations caused by the ber of players had but a few day's athletic material; and many other im- greater, number of class periods and 1 training. provements have been noted in the therefore an increase in the number But this year the Austinites are short span of a few months. of classes available to students. The bringing to Rice field an aggregation • * • classes are to'begin at 8, a. m. and of pigskin pushers that can be ex- And it is reasonable to presume that last until 1 p. m. This is somewhat pected to push the Owls to the limit. added improvements are forthcoming of a change from the old 8:30-12:30 With a year's experience behind the system. % in the future. club. Stephen F. Austin is capable of Another {actor in the large registra- giving Rice's Sophomore team a hard tion Is the great number of desirable But Rice, at the # Un- K»C£. tussle. * "plgMr admissionvto Rioe A starting team for Rice is the least 1 yL*s *-1 of Heisman's worries at present. All J 1 , '•*—li'ourtcy HfHjst*® y?o*t-Dispt>;tch. this week he will drill and scrimpiage ing, students are flocking to surround- his men, stressing team play to the necessary to carry on the far-visioned ing houses to get a temporary bed to limit. Friday will be a day of compara- scope of the school. await that day when certain unfortu- Captain Heavy Underwood, left, and Coach John W. Heisman, right, will lead the tive rest, and Saturday the team will * * • nates will have to leave on account Owls against nine opponents this season. The Rice crew of pigskin pushers play eight take, the field for the first time this It fs gratifying to see the Houston of scholastic difficulties. season, playing under tin added strain newspapers in their editorial columns home games and one abroad. The first game of the. season is set for next Saturday at The new Slimes were greeted Thurs- Rice Stadium, with Stephen F. Austin college furnishing the opposition. as most of the men have never he- call attention to actual conditions at day with every courtesy by the Sopho- fore played to packed stands. Rice and the needs of the school. With more class, bent on revenge. Moth ball such support, it is safe to say that in races were popular events on the pro- Coach Heisman will, in all proha the near future the school will receive gram. Various other indignities were bility, use as many men as possible several sums of money from local busi- performed on the ignorant "greenies" in the opening encounter. With so ness men for the purpose of adding to who didn't know which end was up many Sophomores on the squad, it is the facilities of the university. half the time. Some of the Freshmen Heisman's intention of giving as man;, —o—o—o— | were used on the first aid squad to men as possible experience before lie render assistance to those shocked CO-OPERATION NEEDEDharde r games of late season. EVEREND FRANCIS A. OS- R by the actual appearance of the Cam- Both line and hack field men hav- bourne, formerly chaplain at the panile, year book. »i? Sam Bennett Makes Plea to worked to the limit since September University of the South, will take over his duties at the Autry House shortly. The new students received their RALLY CLUB PLANS COLLEGE NITE TO lo by t'oa.::h Heisman and his assist- * * • first impression of an extremely ef- Students in First Open ants. The early days of training saw Reverend Osbourne comes to Rice ficient institute when they were rush- the men sticking close to fundament- with a reputation of being an excellent ed from one desk to another with FIRST MEETING OF Letter BE HED TUESDAY als and getting into perfect condition. worker among students. He takes amazing clerty and found themselves To the Student Body: (Continued on Page Six.I over the duties of Reverend Harris registered before they knew it. SCHOLASTIC YEAR During the past few years Ftice In- ON COMMONS LAWN Masterson, who leaves for student New and old students both found stitute has undergone some of the Episcopal work « in *Franc * e next week. the cost of registering slightly higher Pep Organization to Start Ac- most remarkable periods of achieve- College Spirit Keynote of (Continued on Page Six.) ment that any University or college CO-OP OPENS WITH The new Autry House chaplain will tivities Soon could undergo and at the same time Men's meeting find that Rice needs him, and that his keep the wonderful spirit, and loyalty RUSH; DODSON HEAD work among the students will be a joy. The Rally Club, Rice's own pep or- that is so necsesary. For men only! • * * The annual College Night will be ganization, will hold its first meeting Like a great many universities she SAM BENNETT staged on the lawn outside the com- New Counters and Shelves He should get hearty co-operation of the school year sometime this week, has not in the least let that spirit of mons at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, it has from the entire student body; and he it has been learned. While no definite progress overbalance any necessary Added to Store been annuonced by Sam Bennett, yell will serve the students with his heart date has has yet been fixed, it is element. Being situated in the most CALLS FIRST thought the club will meet late in the leader. The Rice Institute co-op opened foi progressive city in the State of Texas, and soul. To him it is a pleasure to business Monday morning*, Walker week. she has, as she should, stood proudly Pep and college spft-it will be the associate with students of all de- Dodson, senior academ, is manager, nominations, and Rice will, in all prob- John Sutton, member of the board on her own feet, never flinching at keynote of the meeting, which will be PEP MEETING of directors/and secretary last year, the official start of campus activities. filling the place left vacant by the criticism, because she has no legisla- ability, find they will enjoy working graduation of Bert Hitson last June. with him. The first pep meeting of the- year requests all members to watch the ture to account to, and no political The men will be led through yells * • • will be held in the Physics Amphithe- ,bulletin board for the date of the band to cater to, and she is run more by Bennett and his assistant, Harry According to Dodson, the co-op this ater at 1 p. m. Wednesday. The band meeting. A full attendance is desired. McCormick, slime leader last fall.