The Changing Landscape of Disaster Volunteering: Opportunities, Responses and Gaps in Australia

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The Changing Landscape of Disaster Volunteering: Opportunities, Responses and Gaps in Australia

NSW Rural Fire Service Library

New books, articles and reports in your library this month

Quite an astonishing selection of new books, reports and journal articles listed below, so don’t hesitate in sending through your requests to the librarian, Katie, or use the library’s online catalogue cart.

A reminder that the latest online issues of the Australian Geographic and Good Health magazines have just been published. These magazines are available as part of our health and safety initiative, access using the Flipster link and then just click on the title you are interested in. (A polite reminder to not share with any non- NSW RFS members or post anywhere online as part of our subscription agreement.)


Climate change and the NSW/ACT There has been a new range of books (as detailed bushfire threat: update 2016 (Online below) added to our Learning and Development report) collection. This report provides an update to the previous Climate Council report on The complete collection of L&D recommended reading bushfire risk and NSW and the ACT. may be easily browsed using this link. We begin this report by describing the background context of fire and its history in NSW and the ACT. We then outline the link between bushfires and climate Several of the books are also offered in eBook format, change, before considering how bushfire danger for use at home or work. Similar to our library’s weather is intensifying in NSW and the ACT, and what hardcopy books, our eBooks are available for all NSW this means for the immediate future. We explore the RFS Members. impacts of fire on people, property, water supply and biodiversity, before considering the future implications of bushfires for NSW and ACT fire managers, planners and Making comics : storytelling secrets emergency services. of comics, manga and graphic novels Please use this Australian Policy Online link to access (Book) the report. Scott McCloud’s book isn't really about how to draw comics: it's about how to make Responses to, and lessons learnt from, the January drawings become a story and how cartooning choices and February 2016 bushfires in remote Tasmanian communicate meaning to readers. wilderness (Online report) Please contact the library to borrow this book. Senate Environment and Communications References Design for how people learn (Book) Committee, December, 2016 Whether it's giving a presentation, writing This report examines the response to, and lessons documentation, or creating a website or learnt from, recent fires in remote Tasmanian wilderness blog, we need and want to share our affecting the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage knowledge with other people. In Design Area. The report examines the impact of climate change For How People Learn, you'll discover how to create on fire frequency and magnitude, the financial, human materials that enable your audience to both gain and retain and mechanical resources that were available and the knowledge and skills you're sharing. Please contact the library to borrow this book. Australia’s obligations under the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Michael Allen's guide to e-learning : building interactive, fun, and effective learning programs for and the adequacy of the TWWHA's fire assessment and any company (Book) modelling capacity. Presenting best practices for building Please use this Australian Policy Online link to access interactive, fun, and effective online the report. learning programs, this updated edition offers insight regarding what makes great e-learning and features history lessons that assist you in avoiding common pitfalls. DISASTERS AND EMERGENCY Please contact the library to borrow this book. MANAGEMENT Training excellence : a comprehensive guide to creating and delivering exceptional training courses (Book) Emergency Management Australia This book covers everything for successful training - from Podcast setting up the course, creating the right environment, Attorney-General's Department, building rapport to gaining and maintaining participation, December 2016 and the application of simple yet effective techniques. The last episode of EMA Podcast for Please contact the library to borrow this book. 2016 celebrates the winners of this year’s Resilient Australia Awards including a chat with this year’s national winner, the Sunshine Coast Council for their Urban myths about learning and education Disaster Hub project. (Book) Please use this EMA Podcast link to access the 35 Many things people commonly believe to be true about education are not supported minute recording. by scientific evidence. Urban Myths about Learning and Education examines Defining disaster resilience: comparisons from key commonly held incorrect beliefs and then provides the truth stakeholders involved in emergency management in of what research has shown. Victoria, Australia. (Journal article) Please contact the library to borrow this book. Disasters, January 2017 Three years after the introduction of the National Evidence-based training methods : a guide for training Strategy for Disaster Resilience there remains no unanimously adopted definition of disaster resilience professionals (Book) within Australia's emergency management sector. The Ruth Clark connects research to practice and offers aim of this study is to determine what the concept means concrete training guidance in this second edition of to key stakeholders in the emergency management Evidence-Based Training Methods. sector in the Australian State of Victoria, and how these Please contact the library to borrow this book. conceptualisations overlap and diverge. Please contact the library to request a copy of this Scenario-based learning : evidence- article. based guidelines for online workforce e-learning (Book) Shall we wake the president? : two Ruth Clark gives a wealth of kick-off centuries of disaster management from alternative research-based examples and describes the Oval Office (Book) various types of case data in her book. The book also In Shall We Wake the President?, Tevi includes tutorials, action templates, and online Troy, a presidential historian and former references. senior White House aide and deputy secretary of the Please contact the library to borrow this book. Department of Health & Human Services, looks at the evolving role of the US president in dealing with disasters, and looks at how US presidents have handled Working minds : a practitioner's guide to disasters throughout their history. cognitive task analysis (Book) Please contact the library to borrow this book. A handbook, offering a set of tools for performing Cognitive Task Public values for integration in natural disaster Analysis (CTA): methods for management and planning: A case study from collecting data about cognitive processes and events, Victoria, Australia (Journal article) analysing them, and communicating them effectively. It Journal of Environmental Management, January 2017 covers both the "why" and the "how" of CTA methods. Values can be useful for identifying what is important to Please contact the library to borrow this book. individuals and communities, yet there is currently not a coherent way to conceptualise, identify, and organize the breadth of values that can be affected by a natural E-learning and the science of instruction : Proven disaster. The framework is applied in two studies of guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia bushfire in Victoria, Australia: 112 submissions from learning (Book) individuals to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Digital courses often fail to reach their potential for Commission and interviews with 30 members of the learning effectiveness and efficiency. This updated fourth public in bushfire risk landscapes. edition provides research-based guidelines on how best to Please contact the library to request a copy of this present content with text, graphics, and audio as well as the article. conditions under which those guidelines are most effective.

Evaluations of post-disaster recovery: a review of The business of corporate learning practice material (Online report) (Book) A review of evaluations of disaster recovery efforts, Based on first-hand experience, mostly focusing on grey literature. Advocates for a Shlomo Ben-Hur (yes, that is his national post-disaster recovery evaluation framework. name) provides a practical guide to There is significant investment in post-disaster recovery programs, with little known of their effectiveness. This setting up or restructuring a corporate learning function review identifies useful case studies and methods to within a company, covering its seven key activities. evaluate post-disaster recovery efforts, and informs the Please contact the library to borrow this book. development of a national post-disaster evaluation framework. Job aids and performance support : moving from Please use this Australian Policy Online link to access knowledge in the classroom to knowledge everywhere the report. (Book) Due to its popularity, more copies of AIIMS 4 (the fourth The authors, Allison Rossett and Lisa Schafer, have edition of The Australasian Inter-service Incident created a comprehensive guide about job aids. Management System: A Management System for any Please contact the library to borrow this book. Emergency) have been purchased and are now available in the library to borrow. Performance consulting : a strategic process to improve, measure, and sustain organizational results (Book) In America, organisations spend $US175 FIRE BEHAVIOUR billion in training initiatives and more than $500 billion in human resource solutions The role of weather, past fire and topography in every year yet often have little to show for it. One reason is crown fire occurrence in eastern Australia. (Journal that people “jump to solutions” before they identify the article) causes of the problem. This third edition introduces International Journal of Wildland Fire. 2016, Vol. 25(10) performance consulting, partnering with clients to clarify business goals and determine root causes for gaps Our results suggest prescribed burning to maintain an between desired and current results. average of 10 years' TSF may actually increase crown Please contact the library to borrow this book. fire likelihood, but burning much more frequently can be effective for risk reduction. Our results also suggest the effects of weather, TSF and slope are not adequately Now available as eBooks... represented in the underlying equations of most fire behaviour models, potentially leading to poor prediction The title link provided below allows NSW RFS Staff to of fire spread and risk. open the eBook directly when at work. Volunteers and Please contact the library to request a copy of this for those wishing to use the eBooks at home, please article. contact the library for a password-embedded link.

Make it stick : the science of successful learning HAZARD REDUCTION Drawing on cognitive psychology and other fields, Make It Stick offers techniques for A risk framework for operational risks associated with becoming more productive learners, and prescribed burning : National Burning project: Sub- cautions against study habits and practice routines that turn Project 3, October 2016 (Book) out to be counterproductive. AFAC has engaged with prescribed fire practitioners throughout Australia to derive a common framework for Show your work addressing operational risks associated with prescribed Show Your Work offers dozens of real burning. The Risk Framework for Operational Risks examples of showing work, supported with tips for how to Associated with Prescribed Burning, together with three help it happen, how leaders can lead by showing their own existing risk frameworks (for smoke, fuel hazard and work, and how L&D can extend its reach by showing its ecological risks) completes the risk management own work and helping others show theirs. component of the National Burning Project. Please contact the library to borrow this book. The art of explanation The Art of Explanation is for business people, educators and influencers who want to improve their explanation skills FIREFIGHTING and start solving explanation problems. Beyond telling ain’t training fieldbook Extinguish to rescue (Journal This book provides readers with concrete article) actions and support materials to help Crisis Response, December 2016 transform telling to training. You will find In the second article in this series on useful worksheets, assessments, tools, and fire operations in tunnels, Christian Brauner presents the advice that will enable you and your organisation to realise the true value of workplace learning. specific challenges of operations in road and railway tunnels and the general tactical approach that should be Please close the eBook when you have finished with it to adopted. allow other readers to open it. Please contact the library to request a copy of this article and/or part 1 of the series.

Truck company operations (Book) Author John Mittendorf has completely LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT rewritten his best-selling book, Truck Company Operations, a must-have for all The politics of crisis management : public firefighters who are assigned to the truck leadership under pressure (Book) and who have responsibilities for the truck on the In the latest edition of this book, the fireground. authors examine how strategic leaders Please contact the library to borrow this book. deal with the challenges they face, the political risks and opportunities they encounter, the Realizing the Vision of Smart Fire Fighting pitfalls they must avoid, and the paths towards reform IEEE Potentials 34(1), 2015 Fires in the wildland urban interface are but one of the they may pursue. common challenges faced by today's emergency first Please contact the library to borrow this book. responders. For the Yarnell Hill Fire, and any challenging emergency response event today, the following question is inevitably asked: “Was there information that could have made a difference?” Smart MAPPING fire fighting has significant potential to use sensor-rich data to make the tasks of fire fighters more effective and A maximal covering location-based model for analyzing efficient, with direct improvement to their safety and the vulnerability of landscapes to wildfires: Assessing health. the worst-case scenario. (Journal article) Please contact the library to request a copy of this article European Journal of Operational Research, 2016 In this research, we study the vulnerability of landscapes to The global wildland fire network : 2016 in review wildfires based on the impact of the worst-case scenario (magazine article) ignition locations. Using this scenario, we model wildfires Wildfire Magazine, Nov-Dec 2016. that cause the largest damage to a landscape over a given A round-the-world reflection on working with and facing time horizon. off fire: where we are at, and directions we are headed. Please contact the library to request a copy of this Please contact the library to request a copy of the article. article.

AVIATION MEDIA What’s the buzz on delivery drones? (Online video) Social Media: The new frontier (Journal article) Rand Corporation, December 2016 Crisis Response, December 2016 This 5 minutes video highlights issues explored in detail Ludovic Blay and Patrick Lagadec describe how a volunteer in a series of forthcoming RAND reports on the future of network in France is helping the emergency authorities to commercial delivery drones. These issues include embrace social media for emergency management. technical matters — vehicle design, air traffic control, Please contact the library to request a copy of the article. and energy consumption — as well as locations where drone use makes the most sense (e.g., in urban versus Using tweets to support disaster planning, warning rural environments); their impact on emissions, traffic and response (Journal article) congestion, and noise; privacy, data, and liability Safety science, Vol 90, December 2016 concerns; and the need for new regulations to deal with all of the above. Twitter is increasingly of interest as a social media that Please use this RAND corporation link to watch the can be used to help mitigate disasters. In this paper, we online video. describe the strength and limitations of Twitter in this context, and identify the features needed in a twitter system to support disaster planning, warning and COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT response. Please contact the library to request a copy of the article. Animal Ownership Among Vulnerable Populations in Regional South Australia: Implications for Natural Disaster Preparedness and Resilience (Journal MENTAL HEALTH article) Journal of public health management and practice, Mental Health and You - our library's collection. September 2016 Emergency services and associated agencies need to A drop down list of a selection of books that focus on consider how the unique needs of vulnerable the topic of mental health is found on the library populations that keep animals, and their potential homepage under Lists or by using this link. differences in risk perception, relate to their bushfire Contact the library to borrow any of these books. survival planning and preparedness requirements. Please contact the library to request a copy of this On death and dying : what the dying have to teach doctors, article. nurses, clergy & their own families (Book) The five stages of grief, first formulated in this hugely influential work, are now part of our common understanding of loss. Ideal for CONDUCT AND ETHICS all those with an interest in bereavement, this classic text is reissued with a new Conduct and ethics - our library's collection. introduction looking at its influence on A drop down list of recommended reading that focus on contemporary thought and practice. Please contact the library to borrow this book. the topic of conduct and ethics is found on the library homepage under Lists or by using this link. Contact the library to borrow any of these books. METEOROLOGY Human values and ethics in the workplace (Book) The title link provided below allows NSW RFS Staff to Glenn Martin’s book describes a open the eBook directly when at work. Volunteers and framework of human values as the for those wishing to use the eBooks at home, please foundation for addressing ethics in the contact the library for a password-embedded link. workplace. Please contact the library to borrow a copy of the book. Climate change : What everyone needs to know (eBook) This book offers the most up-to-date examination of climate change's ECOLOGY foundational science, its implications for our future, and the core clean energy solutions. Alongside detailed but highly accessible Tree-bark thickness indicates fire-resistance in a descriptions of what is causing climate change, this entry in hotter future (Online article) Princeton University, Science Daily,January 2017 the What Everyone Needs to Know series answers A new study has found that trees worldwide develop questions about the practical implications of this growing thicker bark when they live in fire-prone areas. The force on our world. findings suggest that bark thickness could help predict Please close the eBook when you have finished with it to allow other readers to open it. which forests and savannas will survive a warmer climate in which wildfires are expected to increase in frequency. Please use this Science Daily link to access the report. VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT

The changing landscape of disaster volunteering: GENERAL opportunities, responses and gaps in Australia (Journal article) Victory at Villers-Bretonneux : why a French Natural Hazards, Volume 84, 2016. town will never forget the Anzacs (Book) There is a growing expectation that volunteers will have Peter Fitzsimmons relates the events On a greater role in disaster management in the future Anzac Day 1918, when the town of Villers- compared to the past. This is driven largely by a Bretonneux falls to the British defenders, it is the growing focus on building resilience to disasters. This Australians who are called on to save the day, the town, and the entire battle. paper considers implications of this changing landscape Please contact the library to borrow this book. for the resilience agenda in disaster management, with a focus on Australia. Please contact the library to request a copy of the article. HEALTH AND SAFETY

Fire fighter safety and survival (Book) Fire Fighter Safety and Survival is an US Summer Opening Hours in the Library guide designed to keep fire fighters safe from the many hazards they will face on- the-job. Developed around the 16 The librarian, Katie, will be away and the library closed Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, this textbook provides to the public from Saturday, 21st January until Monday, scores of real-life examples from the fire service and 30th January, 2017. The library is still open for NSW other high-risk industries to illustrate the dangers of fire RFS members to use. Please leave details of books fighting. borrowed in the book on the middle desk or email Please contact the library to borrow this book. details to [email protected]

The fast diet (Book) In this fully updated and expanded edition for 2015, Dr Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer revisit the health phenomenon of the decade, the radical new approach to weight loss and started a worldwide health revolution, intermittent fasting and the 5:2 programme. Please contact the library to borrow this book. Don’t forget the library also has copies of Dr Michael Mosley’s book Fast Exercise available for loan.

The great Aussie bloke slim-down (Book) Ever struggled with your weight? Or did you stop struggling years ago and let the pies win? Peter FitzSimons has been there and eaten that. In The Great Aussie Bloke Slim-Down, he will lead you through the fads that failed him, the diets that died fast and left him furious, and the ways his waistline kept the belt industry in business. Please contact the library to borrow this book. Firefighting, cancer and PPE (Journal article) Crisis Response, December 2016 The potential link between firefighting and cancer is now putting the spotlight on the cleaning and maintenance of their personal protective equipment, writes David Matthews. Please contact the library to request a copy of the article.

Borrowing books More than loans... Improve your search! Your Librarian Your NSW RFS Library Your NSW RFS Library Your NSW RFS Library is able Katie Vandine catalogue is online. It is easy to subscribes to numerous to search for material relating to Phone: 02 8741 5455 search. The collection holds journals and online databases. your topic of research. TOCs Email: [email protected] books, DVDs and training These include EBSCO, Emerald may be set up for your favourite publications. and Australian Standards. journal. The librarian also The library also has an eBook These are available to NSW provides training in information collection for all NSW RFS RFS Staff at work. literacy for using our online Members. Contact NSW RFS Library for resources. Contact NSW RFS Library for further assistance. Contact NSW RFS Library for further assistance. further assistance.

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