Graduate Programs Committee

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Graduate Programs Committee

Minutes Graduate Programs Committee Northern Michigan University February 6, 2008 - Cohodas 414A - 7:30 am

Present: Anthony Guerriero, Cindy Prosen, Melissa Romero, Steve Smith, Mike Strahan, Aura Syed, Jim Suksi, Phil Watts, Ray Ventre

Excused: K. C. Holder

1. Approval of Agenda – Hutchinson and Reichard removed from Graduate Faculty Status list since they were previously approved - Approved

2. Approval of January 16th minutes - Approved

3. Dean’s Report (Cindy Prosen) 3.1. New partnership in Education between NMU and CMU for Doctorate under consideration.

4. Chair’s Report (Ray Ventre) 4.1. PE 475 met with some concern at the Senate but was approved. 4.2. Senate was notified by Registrar that any unit may offer Special Topics courses. This will be an issue for GPC. GPC feels that the option to offer Special Topics courses resides with GPC and not with the Registrar.

5. Graduate Student Association Report (Anthony Guerriero) 5.1. Surveys on health insurance status have been returned and will be analyzed. 5.2. Issue of graduate student only housing is being looked at and a report will be drafted.

6. Discussion Items: 6.1. Graduate Faculty Status: 6.1.1. Peter Holliday Education Level 1 3 years 2008-11 - Approved 6.1.2. Barbara Ojibway Education Level 2 2 years 2008-10 – Not approved Some question about qualifications to teach courses ED 568 and ED 569. 6.1.3. Teresa Schafer Social Work. Level 1 3 years 2008-11 – Approved Application submitted after faculty was teaching the course.

6.2. Course Proposals 6.2.1. CJ 454 - Request withdrawn 6.2.2. CH440 - Pending response from chemistry

6.3. Guideline revision for Graduate Faculty Renewal 6.3.1. M. Strahan question about necessity for submission of faculty vita for renewals. 6.3.2. Motion made to require vita for renewal requests – Approved.

6.4. Course Proposal Guidelines 6.4.1. M. Strahan is still working on a template for this.

6.5. MPA Revisions 6.5.1. Question about computer proficiency requirement and how this is determined. Sayed reported that testing for this requirement is no longer part of the proposal. GPC needs a revised proposal document. 6.5.2. Certificate Program proposal – GPC needs a revised proposal document.

6.6. Subcommittee Assignments: 6.6.1. Curriculum Committee - K.C. Holder, M. Strahan, A. Syed 6.6.2. Faculty Committee - M. Romero, S. Smith, J. Suksi 6.6.3. Policy Committee - P. Watts, R. Ventre

6.7. Program reinstatement for Jolaine Bishop (M.S. Nursing program) 6.7.1. Student has been dismissed according to Department guidelines. 6.7.2. Student may appeal course grade through the normal route beginning with the Department. 6.7.3. There are questions regarding the rubric used for grading by the Preceptor. The Preceptor is not NMU Faculty. This is not an issue for GPC until the grade appeal has been settled, but may be discussed more thoroughly at a later point.

7. Old Business

8. Good of the Order

Adjourned 9:07 am

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