Course of Study - English 2 Honors

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Course of Study - English 2 Honors

CO URSE OF STUDY - ENGLISH 2 HONORS Mrs. Silagi [email protected]

Required texts - Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes – Platinum (class copies) - Novels and plays will be assigned and distributed throughout the year (including The Catcher in the Rye, Antigone, Of Mice and Men, Othello, Anthem, and/or Nineteen Eighty-Four/Collection of Short Stories)

Other required class materials - 3-ring binder (with paper) or notebook - 2-pocket folder, if you are not using a 3-ring binder - pen and pencil -1 journal -iPad

Course description - Literature: emphasizes recognition and comprehension of universal themes found in examples of American, British, and World literature in the form of the novel, play, short story, essay, and poetry. The literature is divided into four units seeking to answer the following questions: I. How does the individual come of age within his/her society? II. Who cares for the “weak” ones in society? III. How does violence affect the individual in society? IV. How does speculative fiction question and evaluate society?

- Writing: concentrates on analysis of prose and poetry throughout the course, allowing students to identify and employ effective writing techniques and MLA format.

- Grammar: focuses on understanding sentence completion techniques, identifying sentence errors, and demonstrating understanding of basic rules of grammar and syntax.

Course requirements - Homework: Students will be assigned homework daily, either in the form of written work or reading assignments. Homework handed in one day late will earn half credit, unless we go over the assignment in class on the due date; in that case, no late homework will be accepted.

- Vocabulary: Students will be given a new list of vocabulary words regularly. Within a week of using the words in various activities, students will be tested on the meaning and usage of the words.

- Writing assignments: Writing will be assigned in connection with topics we discuss in class. Emphasis will be placed on paragraph structure, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling, and formation of a thesis statement. All writing assignments completed outside of class should be typed in MLA format and submitted through

- Presentations and projects: Students are required to complete formal and informal presentations and projects each marking period. These will be assigned individually and in groups. All presentations and projects count as quiz grades.

Class participation and Journals There are two parts of the participation grade. Preparation means that you have a pen/pencil, notebook, and any necessary books. Active participation means that you take part in class discussions, journaling, and remain on task for both individual and group assignments. Points are assigned according to your participation in class activities, your preparedness, and the quality of journal entries. You will usually receive a participation score out of 5 points. Use of Google You are required to use your Google account (first initial followed by last name and graduating year: ex. psilagi18) to stay up-to-date in this class. Assignments and reminders will be posted on Google classroom daily.

Course grading Grades will be assigned on a point system, including tests, quizzes, writing assignments, class participation, classwork, and homework. Point values are determined by the difficulty and duration of each particular assignment. Please take this system into consideration each time you look at PowerSchool, especially regarding the letter grades for each assignment. Grades in this class will not be rounded up at any point in time.

Expectations and consequences - Expectations for behavior in the classroom: - Arrive on time and prepared for class. - Respect your classmates, your teacher, and the school. - Respect yourself and your academic integrity. - Participate actively, and in turn, listen when someone else in the room is speaking. - Remain seated unless given permission.

- Consequences: - Arriving late to class three times will result in a detention. - When the previously stated expectations are not met… first time: verbal warning second time: phone call home and teacher detention third time: office detention

Cheating and plagiarism There is a zero tolerance policy in this class when it comes to cheating. Cheating includes copying assignments from another student, using cheat sheets, and copying information directly from another source and claiming it as your original work. Any and all students involved in these activities will face the consequences of a call home, disciplinary action, and zero on the assignment, which cannot be made up.

Attendance If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me for makeup work and/or check Google classroom.

- Homework/classwork: If you are absent, you will have one day to make up work. If an assignment is due while you are absent, it must be handed in the day you return or emailed to me at [email protected].

- Quiz/test: If you miss a quiz/test due to absence, you will be expected to make it up the day you return to school. Quizzes and tests will not be made up during class time. Any quiz/test not taken within two days of your return to school will result in a loss of credit.

- Writing/presentation: If you are absent the day a paper/presentation is due, you must be prepared to turn in the paper or present the day you return to school.

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