Health Final Exam Review

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Health Final Exam Review

Health Final Exam Review

Correct answers are in BOLD

What type of physical activity keeps your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and improves your overall fitness? Endurance Balance Stamina Power

If Max eats approximately the same amount of calories than he burns every day, what is the result? Max stays the same weight Max loses weight Max gains weight

_____ helps prevent falls, muscle strains, and injuries: Fitness Flexibility Strength Balance

What percent of the American diet comes from processed foods? 61% 25% 40% 85%

_____ is a reaction of the body’s immune system to something in a food or an ingredient in a food – usually a protein. Eating Disorder Chronic Disease Food Allergy Vitamin

In which food would you find the most calcium? Apples Milk Bread Swiss cake rolls

How many grams of saturated fat should a person on a 2,000 calorie diet have per day? Less than 60 grams Less than 40 grams Less than 20 grams

Why is it important to make fat-free or low-fat choices in the dairy group? Fat-free and low-fat choices are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, thus helping to keep blood cholesterol levels healthy. Fat-free and low-fat choices reduce a person’s risk of high blood pressure Fat-free and low-fat choices are lower in unsaturated fat, which are unhealthy and clog arteries

Peanuts are an example of which food group? whole grain vegetable fruit protein

Losing 2% of the body’s ______can hurt performance. Protein Calories Water Fat

A pregnant woman needs to eat roughly how much more per day than a pre pregnancy? 1000 more calories 300 more calories the same double

Many fast food restaurants cook with “bad” fats, which increase a person’s cholesterol. These include? trans fat and saturated fat unsaturated fat and saturated fat monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat none of the above

Which type of grain is high in fiber, nutrients, and allows a person to maintain a more constant energy throughout the day? refined grain whole grain yellow grain half grain

A diet high in salt increases the risk of this condition? Diabetes Anemia High blood pressure Obesity

This condition can occur when a person lacks iron in his/her diet. S/he will often feel tired and listless throughout the day and is more prone to colds and infections. What is the name of this condition? Heart disease Diabetes Anemia None of the above

Why is it so important for a pregnant woman to take a prenatal vitamin that has folic acid in it? Folic acid helps to prevent spine defects in the baby, which can result in conditions like spina bifida Folic acid helps to prevent depression for the mother Folic acid help to develop the baby’s heart

What percent of your daily food intake should be from carbohydrates? 15- 20 % 55-60% 85-90% 30%

A pre-game meal should be eaten how many hours before competition? 1 hours 3-4 hours 24 hours about 10 minutes

The first ingredient on a food label is “whole oats.” What is the food group? refined grain protein vegetable whole grain In order to keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis, a person should consume which vitamin and mineral? Iron and potassium Calcium and Vitamin D Calcium and Vitamin A Vitamin D and potassium

Joanna wants to lose weight. For lunch, she is trying to decide between a Turkey Sandwich with 450 calories and 1,000 mg. of sodium or a bagel sandwich with 600 calories and 300 mg of sodium. Which lunch option should she choose? Turkey sandwich Bagel sandwich

The first ingredient on a food label is “wheat flour.” What is the food group? whole grain refined grain all grains are the same protein

Which food group provides nutrients, such as calcium and Vitamin D, which are essential for bone growth? protein dairy fruits grains

How long did Fat Joe from Australia do the “Juice” reboot diet? 60 days 4 weeks 2 years 4 days

When losing weight you should lose no more than ______pounds per week 10-12 8 1-2 5

Beyonce is a serious athlete and has a big basketball game tomorrow morning. She is trying to make a meal the night before to provide her with enough energy for her game. What should her main source of food be? Diary: Milk, Cheese, Yogurt Protein: Chicken, Turkey, Eggs Carbohydrates: Pastas, Breads, Fruits, Veggies Oils: Butter, Vegetable oil

What eating disorder is defined by self-starvation and drastic weight loss? Bulimia Amenorrhea Anorexia Disordered Eating

What eating disorder is defined by a cycle of bingeing (eating large amounts of food) and purging (throwing up or taking laxatives)? Bulimia Amenorrhea Anorexia Disordered Eating

What eating disorder has the following effects: low self esteem, tooth decay, staining of teeth, and rupture of esophagus? Bulimia Osteoporosis Anorexia Female Athlete Triad

What eating disorder has the following effects: muscle loss, amenorrhea, osteoporosis? Bulimia Bingeing and Purging Anorexia Body Dismorphic Disorder

What is not a part of the Female Athlete Triad? Amenorrhea Body Dismorphic Disorder Osteoporosis Disordered Eating

What is a symptom of the Female Athlete Triad? Low heart rate Fatigue Brittle hair and nails all of the above

What is not a common characteristic of anorexia? They fear weight gain They get rid of calories by purging. They have a distorted view of their body size and shape They obsess over portion size and calorie intake

What is a not a possible risk factor for someone to develop an eating disorder? Anxiety Family History Depression Being a vegetarian

If a person has PTSD they most likely developed it from which of the following? a big sporting event birth a six month term in Iraq a school play

A person with OCD is most likely to do which of the following? study extra for a test feel tired watch a lot of tv wash their hands every 5 minutes

What mental disorder has the following two characteristics? -stops going to social events -sweats and shakes when strangers look at them

post-traumatic stress disorder bipolar disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder social phobias

What mental disorder has the following two characteristics? -person has terrifying flashbacks -person avoids places that remind them of the scary event

generalized anxiety disorder post-traumatic stress disorder bipolar disorder None of the above

Research indicates that the Type A personality might actually relieve stress by: Having how stress tolerance c. being “laid back” Holding on to the stress d. working

A grieving person who has reached the last stage of loss is likely to deal with the loss by: Being withdrawn c. being demanding and critical Feeling helpless d. acting in constructive ways

The second stage of the five stages of loss is: Denial c. anger Depression d. bargaining

During the acceptance stage of loss, a person typically feels: Anger c. helpless A sense of power d. disbelief

Tiredness that results from the buildup of wastes in muscles is: Resistance c. pathological fatigue Psychological fatigue d. physical fatigue

The stage of the stress response in which the body tries to repair its damage from the stressful event is: Resistance stage c. fatigue stage Alarm stage d. eustress stage

Which statement is NOT true for prolonged or repeated periods of stress? It can lead to stress-related illnesses It can help you achieve your goals It can wear down the body and mind It can be life-threatening

When a person assures others that he or she is “just fine” immediately after suffering a traumatic loss, he or she may be experiencing: A delayed grief response c. closure Acceptance d. eustress

Better time management involves: Physical activity c. setting goals Rechanneling d. eliminating stressors

A person who welcomes change, seeing it as a chance to grow would be classified as a: Hardy personality type c. Type B personality Type A personality d. weak personality type

When a person cannot believe that a loss has occurred, he or she is experiencing: Bargaining c. denial Acceptance d. closure

Moving to a new school in the middle of the year that is a source of stress is a ______stressor. Eustress c. alarm Life situation d. distress

Worrying about your performance in the school play is considered ______if it causes you to learn your lines. Adrenaline c. eustress Distress d. Life situation stressor

By talking about a loss over and over, a person may be able to end the most intense part of grieving and reach a sense of: Closure c. denial Depression d. anger

The measure of stress that a person can handle before reaching a state of too much stress: Stress tolerance c. acceptance Coping strategy d. closure

In the United States, fetal alcohol syndrome is the leading cause of Sudden infant death syndrome Mental retardation Alcoholic hepatitis Stillbirth

When alcohol is consumed along with other depressant drugs or medicines, it can result it An antagonistic effect Withdrawal symptoms A lowered blood alcohol concentration A multiplier effect

People who chew or sniff smokeless tobacco Have fewer health risks than smokers Become addicted to nicotine Will not get tobacco-related cancers Can quit whenever they want

Nicotine contributes to plaque buildup in blood vessels, increasing the chance of Lung cancer Diabetes Hardening of the arteries Oral cancer

Because alcohol dilates blood vessels, a person who goes outside in cold weather after drinking risks Blood loss Blood clots Low blood pressure Hypothermia

Blood alcohol concentration is measured to determine whether someone is A designated driver Driving while intoxicated Eligible for insurance An alcoholic

The alcohol found in beverages is: Ethanol Alcohol Isopropyl Alcohol Methyl Alcohol

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is: The brain damage resulting to the fetus from heavy maternal drinking The physical and neurological damage resulting to the fetus from heavy maternal drinking. The physical and neurological damage resulting to the mother from heavy maternal drinking.

12 ounces of beer is considered 1 drink. The equivalent of 12 ounces of beer is 10 ounces of wine 1.5 ounces of 150 proof liquor 1 ounce of 100 proof liquor 1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquor

Which of the following is not commonly referred to as LSD? Sugar cubes c. Acid Mary Jay d. Blotter

What is NOT a slang name for Ritalin? Diet Coke Skittles Kiddie Coke Snow White Where did cocaine originally come from? South America Asia Europe North America

Ritalin is abused by teens for its ______effects. Long Term Depressant Healthy Stimulant

Prescription drugs are the most commonly abused drug among what age group? 12-17 17-25 25-31 Over 40

What is Ritalin prescribed for? ADHD Alcoholism Painkiller Nerve Pain

When a person smokes a marijuana joint they feel its peak effects within the first ______minutes? 60 90 30 45

What is NOT a common way to get heroin into the body? Inhale Eat Inject Smoke

Marijuana is the word used to describe the dried flowers, seeds, and leaves of the ______? Indian Hemp Plant Cannabis Opium Plant Cocoa Plant

What is a type of abused prescription drug? Antidepressants Stimulants Opioids All of the above

Which is an example of a physical change resulting from LSD? Dilated pupils c. Weight gain Weight loss d. Lowered Blood Pressure

What is the most common form of painkillers? Tablets Syrup Powder Smoke

How many kids who take Ritalin end up with obsessive compulsive disorder? 1/3 1/2 1/4 None

What is the chemical in marijuana that creates distortion? THC PCP LSD Demoral

______is the 2nd most trafficked illegal drug in the world. Marijuana LSD Heroin Cocaine

Which drug is known as the date rape drug? Opiods PCP Rohypnol Oxycodone

What is the original main ingredient of Ecstasy? MDMA THC Opium Oxycodone

Which 3 long term effects are possible for use of LSD? Flashbacks, depression, and schizophrenia HPPD, depression, migraines Flashbacks, fainting, and weight gain Weight gain, schizophrenia, and depression

Which is an example of a long term effect of crystal meth use? Hallucinations hyperactivity insomnia memory impairment

What is the most powerful group of painkillers? Opioids Acetaminophen Naproxen Excedrin

Cocaine was originally developed as a ______? Hallucinogen c. Painkiller Depressant d. Anesthetic

Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome can occur ______? After more than 10 uses After 3 uses After 100 uses Any time

What is NOT a street name of ecstasy? Love Pill Elephant Kiddie Coke California Sunrise

Small amounts of ecstasy act like ______? Depressants Inhalants Sedatives Stimulants

All of these are inhalants except? Liquids sprays nitrites powders

What do inhalants starve the body of? Water Iron Oxygen Hydrogen

Which is not one warning sign of painkiller dependency? Blackouts Social withdrawal Increased sensitivity Shakiness

Low doses of crystal meth can be found in ______Pill form injections powdered form (snorting) any form, doesn’t matter

In its purest form, heroin is a ______. Tablet Syrup Fine white powder Plant seed

Females often take crystal meth to ______Lose weight Sleep better Become depressed Eat more TRUE (A) of FALSE (B) – True statements are in BOLD. Statements not in bold are False. A person who drinks alcohol very fast will get intoxicated (drunk) quicker. If a person has not eaten food in the last couple of hours and then chooses to drink alcohol, he will get intoxicated (drunk) quicker. Sally weighs 130 pounds. John weighs 180 pounds. If both drink the same amount of alcohol, Sally will get intoxicated quicker. It can be extremely dangerous to mix alcohol with other drugs. Binge drinking is the heavy consumption of alcohol in a 3 hour time period. For women and men, it is 3 or more drinks during this 3 hour time period. The addictive drug in a cigarette is carbon monoxide. Cigarette smoke contains at least 43 carcinogens. Smoking increases blood pressure which leads to an increased risk of stroke. Irritation to the tissues in the mouth from direct contact with tobacco juices is responsible for lung cancer. Many adults who began smoking as teens are still smoking because of peer pressure. Nicotine substitutes can help a person who is quitting smoking reduce withdrawal symptoms. Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug. 1 in 10 high school seniors in the US admits to abusing prescription painkillers. Inhalants can cause muscle weakness. Heroin is made from the resin of the sunflower plant. Crystal Meth was created in Japan in 1939. Ecstasy is a gateway drug. A LSD “trip” can last up to 12 hours. Heroin manipulates the opioid receptors when it enters the brain. More than 15 million Americans abused prescription painkillers in 2005. Inhalants are only psychologically addictive. Ritalin is a sleeping aid. Crack is the most potent form in which cocaine appears. The first effects of LSD are often experienced 2 hours after taking the drug. The effects of Crystal Meth usually last 6-8 hours, but can last up to 24 hours. Freebasing is heating crack until it liquefies and inhaling the vapors through a pipe. Many teens thing prescription drugs are safe because they were prescribed by a doctor. Withdrawal from a depressant drug cannot be life threatening. Ecstasy is called the love pill because it reduces awareness of inhibitions and enhances the senses where one touch can ignite the whole body. Ritalin gives the same effects as cocaine. It has been found that consuming one marijuana cigarette gives as much exposure to cancer-producing chemicals as smoking five tobacco cigarettes. Sports drinks are the best kinds of fluids for athletes. Sugary foods eaten before or during a workout supply quick and sustained energy. Drinking liquids during exercise causes cramps. All people with diabetes must take insulin through pills, shots, or pumps in order to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Diabetes only affects older people. A pregnant woman should be eating twice as much food as she did pre-pregnancy, because she is eating for two people. You do not need extra protein to build stronger muscles. You do not need vitamin supplements to provide extra energy. Sugars, such as table sugar, do not raise blood sugar any faster than other carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, or pasta. Insulin is a hormone naturally produced by your body to help regulate blood sugar. A person can suffer from anorexia and bulimia at the same time. Amenorrhea is disordered eating that results in weakening of the bones. Guys don’t worry about their body image. 1 or 2 out of every 100 students are affected by eating disorders. Losing weight always guarantees an improved athletic performance. Most people develop eating disorders between the ages of 13-17. A previous family history of eating disorders is the only cause.

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