90/14 Introduction: Dulcie Leach Bradford Achievement Officer (EYFS Lead)
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The Governing Body of Aire View Infant School Meeting on Tuesday 7 July 2015 at 7pm Minutes
Meeting commenced at 7.04pm
Present: Vicky Bottomley (Head), Keith Moran, Ellena Cohen (Chair), Georges Droogmans, Melissa Whitley, Ruth Crompton, Theresa O’Connor, Jane Ogston, Lesley Pickard, Alison Teasdale, Lynda Whitton, Steve Wilkinson.
In Attendance: Stuart Fildes (Clerk), Dulcie Leach (SAO)
Welcome: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and introduced Ruth Crompton Action prospective Co-opted Governor. Mrs Crompton outlined her background and explained that she is Methodist Minister for the Airedale Circuit. Mrs Crompton also informed governors that she visits school on a regular basis to lead assemblies and that she had been a governor at a school in a different area.
89/14 Apologies for Absence None
90/14 Introduction: Dulcie Leach – Bradford Achievement Officer (EYFS Lead) The Chair introduced Dulcie Leach School Achievement Officer (SAO) from the Local Authority (LA). Mrs Leach explained that she had been assigned to Aire View by the LA and that she is the lead for Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS). Mrs Leach informed governors that she had previously been a Headteacher and had worked closely with Mrs Bottomley.
91/14 Declarations of Interest for Items on this agenda None
92/14 Any Other Business and requests for agenda order changes a. Changes to Ofsted Framework b. BPIP Outstanding School Document It was agreed that item 95/14 followed by item100/14 would be taken next to allow Mrs Leach to leave the meeting.
95/14 Headteachers Report Paper attached – Self Evaluation Form (SEF) AV SE Summary June 2015 Year 2 SAT’s 2013 6 Year Comparison The Head referred to the Self Evaluation Form and informed governors that this had been written in consultation with the SAO. This has been shortened to allow Ofsted to focus on key priorities. Phrasing has been tightened to improve closely reflect the picture of the school. Q a governor stated that there are two documents and asked which one the Head was using for the meeting. The Head confirmed that the shorter self evaluation summary was being used. A governor requested that all documents should have version control to ensure that the latest version is being used. The Head stated that the next steps identified in the SEF have been incorporated in the School Improvement Plan (SIP). SAO explained that the SEF and SIP would need to be amended to reflect changes to the Ofsted Framework from September. An Ofsted inspection is not now expected until September, the inspection would be a Section 8 visit anticipating an outcome of
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good. If the inspector considers that school could be outstanding they would arrange for a separate team to return to do a full Section 5 visit.
Behaviour and Safety Q a governor asked why the self evaluation judged school as 2. SAO explained that the data is not quite good enough to be judged outstanding. There also needs to be more consistency in some areas E.g. achievement equally as high as each other in reading, writing and maths Q a governor asked if this is an objective or subjective measure. The head and SAO explained how judgements are made through observation, scrutiny, analysis of data, feedback forms from pupils and parents Q a governor asked what the measurement tool will be. SAO outlined how progress will be measured for the new curriculum from September. Q a governor asked if the current SEF had used that tool. The Head replied that this is a midterm snap shot and that. The SEF will be updated to reflect the new framework in September. Q a governor asked if the measurement would use a new scale. SAO explained that the scale has been around for a while but will be used by the new Early Excellence baseline assessment from September. Q a governor asked if some judgements may be changed from 2 to 1. The Head replied that they could but the evidence to support this would need to be solid, there will be a full review in September, based on the latest information available, including updated end of EYFS and Key Stage 1 data. The Head informed governors that historically there had been a dip in Year1.There is now a strong team in place and progress has already seen an improvement and will improve more rapidly in the long term A governor commented that as 40% of pupils will be summer births joining Reception in September and that this would be challenging. SAO stated that with the right provision this should be catered for. A governor asked if any school that have a SEF judgement of 2 are judged outstanding by Ofsted. SAO replied that outcomes from inspections do vary but that it could happen. The SAO stated that she thought that the Early Years curriculum provision is outstanding. SAO confirmed children are enthusiastic; it had been refreshing to see them; they are a credit to the school. Displays across school are excellent. A governor asked if current achievement would be judged outstanding. SAO confirmed that she had seen high quality writing and reading. The bigger picture indicates that school is getting close to outstanding. The Head commented that marking and feedback is now having a positive impact. There is a need to ensure that all areas are outstanding, writing at the higher level is a little lower at the moment compared with Reading and Maths. SAO stated that school needs to reduce variability between subject areas to ensure pupils have age related skills in all subjects. Currently 74% are at age related expectation at the end of Reception compared with 66% nationally. The Head commented that it is necessary to ensure that progress is maintained through Year 1 and Year 2. A full comparison will be undertaken when RAISEonline comes out in October. The Head informed governors that home learning is continuing to have a positive impact. The Chair FGB explained how home learning had developed following comments from parents. Governors and school staff undertook a review of home learning, seeking views from children, staff and parents. The information gathered was used to successfully improve home learning. The Head informed governors that there had been joint training with Hothfield on sustained writing and maths. There has also been training through BPIP for middle
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leaders; this is now having an impact on performance. Use of the Cambridge Pen Pals resource is being considered. There has been strong scrutiny in EYFS and this has shown an increase in confidence. A change in the staffing structure from September 2015 will enable a full time equivalent teacher to lead interventions including the Nurture Group and Literacy and Numeracy. Parent Evaluation Responses The Head informed governors there had been a very good response from parents, indicating that parents fully support the school. A small number of parents had indicated that they did not know how school deals with bullying; this was because it had not been an issue for them. One parent had indicated that they would like a monthly report on progress. The SAO commented that it would be helpful to have the percentage of families who responded. SAT’s Results 2015 The Head informed governors that school is delighted with the SATs results as these indicate a rising trend for 7 years with a dip in 2014. Interventions have worked well to improve the number of pupils achieving 2b and higher. Q a governor asked if the improvement was down to the interventions put in place. The head confirmed that all staff work closely together to ensure progress. The bespoke interventions in literacy have worked well as has the work on phonics in EYFS. Targeted pupils have made accelerated progress to make them ready for Key Stage 1. Q a governor asked if staff that had delivered interventions have left, what will happen in September. The Head replied that staff will be trained and interventions will continue. Q a governor asked what percentage has achieved 2b across the board. The Head stated that she did not have that data to hand but it will be fully reviewed at the next Pupil Progress and Welfare committee meeting. Q a governor asked if the data would be enough to make the school outstanding. SAO replied that that the information could tip the balance. Q a governor asked if the results are above national average would this make school outstanding. SAO commented that it would be necessary to know attainment and progress of all cohorts. Ofsted do compare against all pupils nationally using RAISEonline. Q a governor asked if the SAO would have an ongoing role in school. SAO replied that school will have received a letter confirming its priority level from September; the LA will have agreed prioritisations. Q a governor asked if the improvement in data would mean less support. SAO confirmed that the LA will be re-focusing on Priority 1 and 2 schools giving them more support and so less support will be available for Priority 3 and 4 schools. Chair FGB commented that the targets set had been aspirational but good progress has been made towards making the school outstanding. The Head thanked governors for their support during the past year.
100/14 Review Governing Body Objectives 2014/15 Papers attached – SIP and GB self review Governors considered the outcome of the Governing Body Review key points identified were; Continuing Self Evaluation, all governors to continue to make an effective contribution. Work load needs to be more equally shared. Succession Planning for Full Governing Body and Committee meetings to ensure a smooth transfer of responsibilities. It has been suggested that there should be Vice-Chairs for committees. The work load will not will not decrease there will be continuing high levels of close scrutiny.
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Engagement with the Community; There are significant issues around the proposed merger and the possible new build. Close links are in place with Hothfield to ensure a smooth transition. The Head suggested that there could be a link to parent evaluation it is probable that parents do not fully understand the role of governors. The profile of governors should be raised in school and to parents. The Chair FGB informed governors that at the NGA Summer Conference five questions for governing bodies to consider had been suggested. One concerns sharing information publicly. The Chair FGB suggested that governors could focus on these questions during the next year. A governor suggested a buddy system to help newer governors develop. SAO suggested that governors could have an external review to validate the work being done. It was agreed that the Head would obtain quotes for a review. Head The Chair FGB suggested that Governor Mark could be considered and there could also be a link to a Teaching School that would give school to school support. It was noted that to be a Teaching School the school must be judged Outstanding. SAO noted that the governors section in the School Improvement Plan shows governors making effective scrutiny through visits to school. The Chair FGB thanked Mrs Leach for her support to school and for attending the meeting. Mrs Leach left the meeting at 8.20pm
93/14 Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record.
94/14 Matters Arising 55/14 taking a lead on Fund Raising; A governor explained the role would be to take a strategic view of fund raising, considering charitable status for the group and to build on what is happening in school. There could be contact with Aldi to ask for sponsorship of the breakfast Club. Some governors have had training and would be able to help. Work had been put on one side due to the pressure of other issues in school. It was agreed that Mr Moran would take the lead. A group consisting of Mr Moran, Mr Droogmans, and Mrs Ogston would meet in September. 61/14 complete 80/14 the Head confirmed that all information is on the website, governors can subscribe to have newsletters by e-mail, action complete. 81/14 complete 85/14 complete 87/14a Clerk to confirm Safer Recruitment training cost. Clerk 87/14b complete
96/14 Committee Reports a. Pupil Progress and Welfare Chair of Committee gave a verbal update; There had been an end of term review, there were no major issues but there has been a dip in attendance. The Head explained the issues with attendance and confirmed that school works actively with other agencies. The child of a family who had left the area had not been placed in a school and remained on role at Aire View. This has had a detrimental effect on attendance. SATs had been reviewed. The parental questionnaire had been reviewed.
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The committee Terms of Reference had been reviewed. It is recommended that committees have Vice-Chairs to help with workload and succession planning. The Transition Policy had been reviewed and approved. b. Resources Chair of Committee reported that the committee would meet 9 July. A verbal update was given; Building issues following the storm were discussed; classrooms 8 and 9 are out of action. The loss adjuster has been in school, the insurance will cover furniture and resources but not the repair of the roof. Full costs are awaited. The Head stated that all work will be completed for the next term. Q a governor asked if this would create a cost pressure for school. It was confirmed that the insurance should cover most of the costs. c. Fund Raising Working Party No report at this time. d. Silsden Schools Development Group It was confirmed that the group would be meeting Monday 13 July to receive feedback on the consultation from Nina Mewes. The Head informed governors that a letter had been received from the local MP supporting the merger of the two schools and a new build. The Chair FGB informed governors that she had sent the consultation response EC/ of the FGB to Nina Mewes, a copy to be e-mailed to governors. Clerk 97/14 Annual Report on Safeguarding – Steve Wilkinson Paper attached Mr Wilkinson informed governors that the report fulfilled the statutory requirement of the Governing Body; Safeguarding features highly in governing body meetings. Safeguarding is well resourced and staff are well trained. The Safeguarding Policy has been reviewed several times in the last year to reflect changes in legislation. The next review of the policy will be in September 2015.
98/14 Chairs Action/Correspondence The chair FGB reported that no action had been taken since the last meeting. Correspondence included; An invitation from South Craven School to meet with the Head and Chair of Governors to discuss the consultation. The Chair FGB reported that she and Chair Hothfield attended a meeting at South Craven. They received confirmation that South Craven would be able to cope with the increase in numbers (an additional 15 children per year). A consultation letter from Parkland primary about school expansion. There are ongoing discussions with the Chair and Head at Hothfield about the consultation. There had been further discussions with Ian Smart. If the schools do not combine for September 2017 there will be a consultation on admissions by March 2016. A letter from Countryside Properties concerning new building in Silsden. There will be a display at the Methodist Centre 14 July 4pm to 7pm. Mrs Crompton informed governors that the plans are for 190 new homes.
99/14 Training a. Course attended The Head had attended that MARAC conference.
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b. Course booked The Chair outlined the content of the Born in Bradford Conference to be held in September. A Governor commented that training locations are not easy to get to. Governor Induction Packs were provided. Mr Droogmans agreed to maintain the information packs. Governors agreed that consideration should be given to receiving agendas and papers by e-mail when the Service Level Agreement with SGS is next considered.
101/14 Preparation for 2015-16 a. Review committee structure and Terms of Reference Papers attached – ToR Resources and Pupil Progress and Welfare (PPW) committees Terms of Reference to be approved at the next meeting. b. Appoint committee members Resources Committee Melissa Whitely Alison Teasdale Jane Ogston Ellena Cohen Vicky Bottomley Pupil Progress and Welfare Committee Steve Wilkinson Lesley Pickard Georges Droogmans Ruth Crompton Theresa O’Connor Ellena Cohen Vicky Bottomley c. Appoint named governors Safeguarding Steve Wilkinson SEN Steve Wilkinson, Lynda Whitton Pupil Premium Georges Droogmans d. Agree meeting Dates and times Resources Committee 1.30pm Wednesday 21 October 2015 1.30pm Wednesday 20 January 2016 1.30pm Wednesday 20 April 2016 Pupil Progress and Welfare Committee 1.30pm Wednesday 11 October 2015 1.30pm Wednesday 27 January 2016 1.30pm Wednesday 27 April 2016 1.30pm Wednesday 22 June 2016
102/14 Any Other Business from 91/14 above Governors were informed that the School Prom would be held Wednesday 15 July.
103/14 Date(s) of next meeting(s) 7pm 29 September 2015
Meeting closed at 9.50pm
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Item Action Person responsible 87/14a Safer Recruitment Training for FGB by SGS Clerk 96/14 e-mail FGB consultation response to all governors EC/Clerk 100/14 Quote for Governing Body Review Head
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