Summary of Responses to Maryland Survey on Animal Carcass Disposal

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Summary of Responses to Maryland Survey on Animal Carcass Disposal

Summary of Responses to Maryland Survey on Animal Carcass Disposal

State Contact Pick Up Disposal Comments Alberta, Steve Otto, Operation Standards By contract In Alberta, our standard practice is to remove and dispose The link to our highway maintenance specifications for carcass Canada Engineer, Alberta Infrastructure & of larger roadkill in a convenient landfill; we haven't had to disposal is Transporation, 780-422-9972 consider use of composting facilities. In some areas of the in Section in: [email protected] province, it is still isolated enough that roadkill can be removed to the edge of the right of way and left for 'natural recycling' 039.pdf Arkansas Pat Sullivan Arkansas Arkansas highway workers usually bury road-kill on the Staff Maintenance Engineer highway highway right of way. If this is not possible the animal is Ph. 501-569-2569 workers transported to a local landfill. In the past, way back, there [email protected] had been a directive to bury livestock where found and not to transport. British Rob Buchanan, Senior Geoscientist Privatized The province of British Columbia and the Ministry of In the past, disposal methods were the same as you have Columbia, TRAN:EX, Transportation have privatized all maintenance operations described, with most of the carcasses going to roadside gravel Canada [email protected] 250- for highways and the secondary road network. Within these pits. Approximately 7-8 years ago, this method of disposal was 387-7702 contracts dead animals on the road come under the discontinued due to health and water quality issues. definition of debris.

Debris: "litter, rubbish, vegetation, fallen rocks, dead animals, spilled materials, brush, branches or other tree components or other items, which are not part of the Highway by intention." California Herby Lissade, Caltrans Maintenance Hwy Reference: Maintenance Manual, Each Local animal control agencies handle injured, dying, or Division Maintenance Superintendent should establish a procedure for the dead animals where available. When not available, the from State R/W when removal of dead animals from the State right of way Superintendent should select the most reasonable form of local disposal, including authorized dumps or burial, disposal not considering local rules and regulations. available Disposal methods vary throughout the state depending on District and geographical region. Florida Richard C. Long, Director Highway Florida DOT Maintenance Units disposes of animal Research and Development Center maintenance carcasses in compliance with local ordinances in (850)414-4617 force [email protected] their geographical area. Georgia David Crim, State Maintenance Hwy No specific written policy; Utilize the same procedures as Engineer, (404)635-8734 maintenance mentioned. We are also experiencing difficulty in the urban [email protected] force areas but thus far have only used land fills for disposals. Illinois David B Johnson, Maintenance Hwy The Illinois Department of Transportation does not have any Operations Engineer, Illinois DOT maintenance formal policy on disposing of road kill. Past practices include 126 East Ash Street, 217/782-2984 burying on ROW, disposal at land fills and incineration. Springfield, Illinois 62704-4766 State Contact Pick Up Disposal Comments [email protected] Iowa William Zitterich, Assistant [DOT They are buried in the Right of Way or taken to a unseen part of We have considered purchasing incinerators at maintenance Maintenance Director, Iowa DOT the Right of Way or taken to a landfill. They may also be brought garages to dispose of carcasses but this is not cost effective. [email protected] to a rendering plant or an installation furnishing incineration in 515-239-1396 urban areas. Kentucky Mike A. Smith State Like many states, the KY. Dept of Highways is struggling with the We have not generated a sizeable amount of compost so far, but Roadside Environment Consultant Highway issue of how to dispose of the tens of thousands of road kill we plan to use the compost as a soil amendment to improve a (502) 564-4556 animals we must pick up each year. 95% of our work involves roadside site. We have investigated purchasing our own [email protected] deer. We currently use a variety of methods to dispose of road incinerator units for each county to use, but the cost to buy one kill animals. When possible, we try to dispose of them on the of them for each of our 120 counties is not palatable at this time. ROW either by burial or if they are out of the view of traffic in a rural area-- we will lime them and allow natural decomposition to Our environmental policy manual is being updated at this time, occur. In one district, they are taken to a municipal incinerator. so we hope to include composting as an alternative disposal We only have one district that is composting at this time and this method. is used to handle the overflow from weekends since landfills and municipal incinerators are closed then. Our people are using wood chips as a composting medium and the composting bin was constructed using obsolete barrier wall segments. They report no problems with odors and the process Louisiana Karl Finch State Bury the carcasses on state owned right of way or dispose of them [email protected] at county landfills. First we try to ascertain the name of the owner because of liability and legal issues plus knowing who to bill for the removal. Maryland Charles Bull Hwy Bury on state r/w, landfill where available and compost in 1 Office of Maintenance maintenance district Hanover, MD staff [email protected] Minnesota Bob Wryk, Northwest Region Hwy If the deer is in a urban area, as most of them are, we Superintendent, Metro Division maintenance have three options: #1 load them up and take them to a 651-775-0369 staff couple designated Truck Stations were we compost them [email protected] with wood chips and then use the compose out on the roadside in some of our landscape areas. #2 Load them up and take them to a designated landfill. We don't do this very often it is quite expensive and the haul time also adds to the cost. #3 is something that we are just experimenting with, it is called "The Dutch Composter". It looks like a silo which can hold up to 2000 pounds of material What the machine does is it heats, grinds , and mixes any road kill with wood chips and straw and in 48 to 96 hours you end up with a very fine dirt like looking compost. Mississippi John Vance, P. E. State hwy Bury the carcasses on state owned right of way or State Maintenance Engineer force dispose of them at county landfills [email protected] Missouri Tim Jackson, Technical Support State hwy Missouri Dept. of Transportation has a policy on the disposal  Missouri policy Engineer, Missouri DOT force of animal carcasses in our Maintenance Policy Manual.  Bury the carcass on highway right-of-way, provided it is not P.O. Box 270 prohibited by local ordinances Jefferson City, MO 65102  Dispose of the animal carcass at a state-approved sanitary landfill, State Contact Pick Up Disposal Comments 573-526-1884, 573-526-4868 Fax with the landfill operator's approval. [email protected]  Dispose of the carcass in an animal compost bin, which can be built at a maintenance facility.  Dispose of the carcass at a site and in a manner pre-approved by the MDC.  Where available, the carcass may be taken to a city or county animal control facility equipped to dispose of animal carcasses Nebraska Dalyce Ronnau, Operations & State hwy The Nebraska Department of Roads, for the most part, Nebraska doesn't have any formal program to deal with this. Maintenance, Nebr. Dept of Roads force simply drags the dead animal into the tall grass along the P.O. Box 94759 roadside and lets nature take its course. Being a rural state, Lincoln NE 68509-4759 this generally does not pose any problems. Tel. (402)479-4544 In some cases, larger animals may be disposed of in landfills [email protected] if accepted. New Jersey Nicholas P. Vitillo, Ph. D. uses Due to the "Mad Cow Scare" the contractors are required to A copy of the contract can be viewed at the Treasury web site: Manager, Bureau of Research contractors landfill all the carcasses. NJ Department of Transportation Key word "deer". PO Box 600 Trenton, NJ 08625-0600 Contact [email protected] [email protected] (609) 530-5637 (609) 530-3722 FAX New Virgil N Valdez or Walter Adams State hwy No Written Policy but has an established procedure for pets, Wildlife hits. We will contact our Game and Fish Department for Mexico (Quality Bureau - 827-5451) force or livestock and wildlife hits. Owner responsible for pets and documentation. Game and Fish will occasionally contact a local Tom Raught, State Maintenance Game & livestock if can be determined or hall to a disposal site. person on fresh kills, (Deer, Analope and Elk) to collect the Engineer Wildlife animal for processing [email protected] (Butchering). Most of the time we haul it to a disposal site. North Scott Capps, Maintenance Operations State Hwy We either bury on-sight or dispose of at an accepting Facing problem of landfills not accepting animal carcasses, so we Carolina Engineer, [email protected] force or County landfill. are very interested in the results of your survey to see if other county alternatives exist. Wake County has a contract for $24.75/carcass. The contractor is then responsible for disposal and any associated tipping fees at disposal locations. Pennsylvania Jonathan Fleming, Roadside Contract PennDOT can account for approximately 45,000 deer carcasses PennDOT contracts with private vendors for the removal of RKD on Specialist removed from state highways per year. Utilizes a combination of selected traffic routes. They ‘re responsible for the disposal of the deer Penn DOT, (717) 772-1771 removal strategies, each associated with a different method of in certified landfills. The vendor must provide a receipt of delivery [email protected] disposal. from the landfill to in order to bill for their services. Atthe present time, the average price of removal and disposal is $36 per carcass. We also PennDOT has considered and researched the option of composting work through agreement with the PA Game Commission (PGC.) In RKD. At the present, the Pennsylvania Department of rural areas or residential properties are referred to the PGC for removal Environmental Protection is working on the application and and disposal. PGC utilizes deer pits as their disposal method. We permit requirements for composting sites. The future of RKD remove from the travel lanes and allow to decompose naturally. RKD composting in Pennsylvania still remains an option. located in limited right of way areas and watershed areas are relocated to forested areas or removed to a landfill. South John C. Forman, P.E. Contracts for Shares the cost 50/50 with the Dept of Game, Fish & The carcasses are generally taken to a landfill, but we do State Construction & a large Parks for animals picked up on state highways not direct where these carcasses need to be taken. Our Dakota portion of Maintenance Engineer deer kill average cost is between $25-$30/carcass. South Dakota DOT pickup 700 East Broadway Ave. State Contact Pick Up Disposal Comments Pierre, SD 57501, (605) 773- 3704; Fax (605) 773-6600 [email protected] Texas Zane Webb, TxDOT, TxDOT TxDOT has specific legislation allowing us to bury dead See Section 361.117(b), Texas Health and Safety Code: [email protected] animals. In urban areas, we dispose in landfills. TITLE 5. SANITATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 005.00.000361.00.htm

Vermont Mike Morissette, VTrans picks Vtrans is only responsible for disposing of road kill animals Has a policy developed by the veterinarian, but doubts [email protected] up small smaller than deer. The Fish and Wildlife Department takes that it is used. animals. care of larger animals. Our general practice in rural areas, away from homes is to simply drag the animal off the road into the woods. Washington Rico Baroga, [email protected] State Our past practices include burying on ROW, disposal at land The Washington State DOT does not have a formal policy or fills and incineration procedure to direct the disposal of roadkill from state highways. A variety of practices are used dependent on the area and related circumstances. West Virginia Robert A. Amtower, P.E., Assistant Hwy forces Our district which is the seven counties of the Eastern Panhandle District Engineer - Maintenance of West Virginia have a composter in each county to handle "road P.O. Box 99 kill". We have been doing this since 1997. We dispose of about Burlington, West Virginia 26710 3,500 dead deer in the panhandle, seven compost buildings. Phone: (304) 289-3521 [email protected] Wisconsin John Kinar, 608.266.1202, Combined Small animal carcasses are either taken to a sanitary landfill [email protected] or they are disposed of beyond the ditch line, preferably in the woods (the latter method is limited to rural areas). Department of Natural Resources contracts with private contractors to remove deer carcasses from the highway and take them to sanitary landfills.

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