Please Attach School S Current Tracking Data to Back of PEP
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Leicester City
Early Years PEP
For: Year Group: PEP Plan Co-ordinator: Next PEP date: Education Establishment:
Please attach school’s current tracking data to back of PEP. Using the child’s chronological age, please answer the following questions using the key provided.
ATTAINMENT 1 = below age related expectations 2 = at age related expectations 3 = above age related expectations
Physical Communication PSED Literacy Numeracy
PROGRESS – since last term / last PEP 1 = below expected progress 2 = at expected progress 3 = above expected progress
Physical Communication PSED Literacy Numeracy
ATTENDANCE Actual Possible %
Please attach attendance printout
1 Leicester City Early Years PEP
PEOPLE ATTENDING: Child invited: YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
Please tick and name if present:
Social Worker / YPA ☐
School ☐ Role:
Carer ☐
Other ☐
Other ☐
Other ☐
2 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 1 - Child’s Views
1. Child’s views
Child’s name: Name of adult assisting: Designation: Date :
Do you like coming to nursery/school? YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
3 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 1 - Child’s Views
Can you draw a picture of yourself at nursery/school? (Or attach a drawing/photograph/photocopy of a drawing the child has created recently)
4 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 1 - Child’s Views
What makes you happy at nursery/school?
What makes you sad at nursery/school?
What do you like to do at nursery/school? Is there anything you don’t like?
Who helps you at nursery/school?
Who do you play with at nursery/school? Do you have a special friend?
What do you like doing best when you are not at nursery/school?
5 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 2 - School /Education Establishment
2. School information
Child’s name: Date of Birth: Name of Year group: school: Designated Class Teacher / Teacher/ LAC Key Person: Lead: Date Started at Nursery:
3. Child’s Strengths
What are the child’s strengths? a) Education
b) Personal
c) Social
Can the child swim? YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
What activities/clubs does the child attend (or would like to attend)?
6 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 2 - School /Education Establishment 4. Attendance & exclusions
Are there any issues around attendance, punctuality, detentions or YES / NO (delete as appropriate) exclusions? If yes, please give details and plan to address issues.
If yes, has the Virtual School for LAC been contacted? YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
5. Special needs
Does the child have Special Educational Needs? YES / NO (delete as appropriate) Has the child got a Statement of Special Needs / EHC Plan? YES / NO (delete as appropriate) (If so please attach) Does the child have a current Individual Plan (IEP) / Individual YES / NO (delete as appropriate) Provision Map / interventions?
When is the next review of Statement or IEP etc?
Who will attend?
Are there any plans to assess/reassess the child or YES / NO (delete as appropriate) amend the Statement/EHC Plan?
Have copies of the Statement/EHC the social worker YES / NO (delete as appropriate) Plan been given to: the carer YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
VSLAC YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
Have copies of the plan been given to: the social worker YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
the carer YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
VSLAC YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
7 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 2 - School /Education Establishment Please give details of any specialist services involvement (please attach reports as appropriate) Specialist Service Most recent involvement Outcomes
Educational Psychology
Counselling Service
6. Interventions
Does the child have access to support? YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
Is the child receiving 1:1 tuition from a teacher at their school? YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
Pupil Premium spend (when applicable) to date
Previous use of Pupil Premium Impact Estimated Cost
8 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 2 - School /Education Establishment 7. Educational Achievement & Progress Early Years Foundation Stage Individual Summative Comments Record
Please use the pro-forma below to comment on the child’s recent achievements. Alternatively attach a similar version used in your setting. Brief bullet points are sufficient but comments should be specific to the particular child and not a list of curricular statements.
Child’s Name Date of Review: Child’s age in months: Parent’s/carers voice
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Communication and Language Physical Development
Literacy Numeracy
Understanding of the World Expressive Arts and Design
Other contributors
Next Steps
9 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 2 - School /Education Establishment 8. Tracking progress throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage - from age 2 years through to summer half term of Reception Class. The EYFS profile will be completed at the end of Reception.
Either use the pro-forma below. Alternatively attach a similar pro-forma used by your setting. Please indicate for each area of learning which Developmental Matters Band best describes the child. These bands have been sub-divided to enable tracking of progress. Emerging describes a child who is beginning to work within the Developmental Band. Developing describes a child who is mainly working within the Developmental Band. Secure describes a child who is independently demonstrating competency at a Developmental Band. Also indicate whether this is below, inline or above what would be expected in relation to the child’s chronological age
EYFS Development EYFS Development EYFS Development Indicate whether this Matters Band: Matters Band: Matters Band: is below, inline or 22 to 36 months 30 to 50 months 40 to 60 months above what would be expected in relation to the child’s chronological age
Personal Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Understanding of the World
Expressive Arts and Design
10 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 2 - School /Education Establishment 9. Assessment at the end of the Early years Foundation Stage – (EYFS) Profile (Reception age children only)
Please indicate below by whether a child has met the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS for each ELG, has exceeded that level or not yet reached it (emerging). Please make comments as appropriate.
Areas of Aspect Emerging Expected Exceeding Learning
Personal, Social Self-confidence and and Emotional self-awareness Development: Managing feelings and behaviour
Making relationships
Communication Listening and and Language attention
Physical Moving and handling Development Health and self-care
Literacy Reading
Mathematics Numbers
11 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 2 - School /Education Establishment Areas of Aspect Emerging Expected Exceeding Learning
Shape, space and measures
Understanding People and the World communities
The world
Expressive Arts Exploring and using and Design media and materials
Being imaginative
12 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 3 - Social Worker / Carer
10. Child’s details
Name: Date of Birth:
Social Worker: District: Status: Foster Carer/ (CO, ICO, ACC) Key Worker: Is this document If NO, date of YES / NO (delete as appropriate) the initial P.E.P.? last P.E.P.
11. Information
Does the carer/social worker have access to all relevant information YES / NO (delete as appropriate) with regard to nursery/school, prospectus, calendar etc?
To whom will all school correspondence such as relevant reports, school trips be sent?
Are the carers aware of the behaviour/anti-bullying policy of the YES / NO (delete as appropriate) nursery/school?
Who has parental responsibility?
Who will attend meetings at nursery/school?
Does the nursery/school have emergency contact numbers? YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
How does the child travel to nursery/school?
If by taxi, who funds it?
How long will this continue?
When will this be reviewed?
Reasons for providing a taxi
13 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 3 - Social Worker / Carer 12. Changes of provision
Are there any plans to: change the nursery/school in the future? YES / NO (delete as appropriate) change care placement? YES / NO (delete as appropriate change legal status? YES / NO (delete as appropriate
YES contact Virtual School for LAC on 0116 454 4226
If YES give reasons what provision has been identified and how the planned changes will take place and is everyone including the child in agreement?
13. Any change of school?
Name of new school: Local authority:
14. Out of school learning a) What activities/clubs does the child attend out of school?
b) What hobbies, interests and talent does the child have?
Is the child an active member of the public library YES / NO (delete as appropriate)
14 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 3 - Social Worker / Carer Computer & Internet Access
Does the child have access to the internet at home? YES / NO (delete as appropriate) Does the child have access to any other new technology which YES / NO (delete as appropriate) could support their educational progress?
c) What are the child’s strengths – (educational, personal and social)?
15. Other agency involvement
Named Worker CAMHS Advocacy Therapist Other
If there are any specific medical issues that may have an impact on the child’s learning please record it here. Does the child need glasses or are there hearing problems etc?
15 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 4 - To complete at the meeting
16. Review of previous targets and actions
If this is not an intial Pep then record progress on targets from previous PEP.
16 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 4 - To complete at the meeting 17. Future short term educational targets / actions to address issues raised within PEP.
The details of these targets should be held within standard plans such as IEP, PSP and recommendations of the statement of Special Educational Need.
(Use the back page for further comments)
Targets/Actions to be taken Action by whom Timescale Link to other plans
17 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 4 - To complete at the meeting
Additional Comments
18 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 4 - To complete at the meeting
Virtual School for LAC at [email protected].
19 Leicester City Early Years PEP Section 4 - To complete at the meeting
PEP checklist for schools and social workers To be filled in by Virtual School only
Page Information Yes/No Reason, if no VS Action
1 Next PEP date
Front page Attainment and Progress
3/4 Child’s Views
6 Attendance and Exclusions
12 All of section 3 – social worker section
15 All of section 4 – targets and action