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Media, Conflict and Change Politics Honours Sarah Oates, [email protected] School of Social and Political Studies University of Glasgow 11 August 2010


No. Date Class Introduction, use news example from 3 countries NO TUTORIALS


*Oates, Sarah. Introduction to Media and Politics. (RECOMMENDED PURCHASE – this should be consulted throughout the year)

*Herman, E. and Chomsky, N. (2002). Manufacturing Consent. New York: Pantheon Books. One chapter in reading pack.

*Hallin, D. and P. Mancini. Comparing Media Systems. Three Models of Media and Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press. One chapter in reading pack.

*Siebert, Fred S., Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm. 1994. Four Theories of the Press. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Sov Stud Lz60 1984-S. One chapter in reading pack.

24 1 SUGGESTED FUTHER READING: SEPT Davis, Aeron. 2010. Political Communication and Social Theory. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415547130

Gunther, Richard and Anthony Mughan. 2000. Democracy and the Media: A Comparative Perspective . Cambridge: CUP. Theatre x170 GUN

Norris, Pippa. 2000. A Virtuous Circle: Political Communication in Postindustrial Societies. Cambridge: CUP

Schudson, M. (1995). The Power of News Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (final chapter) Theatre T65.U6 SCH Sparks, C. (1995). The Survival of the State in British Broadcasting. Journal of Communication 45(4): 140-159. – Direct access on campus and Print Stromback, J. (2005). In Search of a Standard: four models of democracy and their normative implications for journalism. Journalism Studies 6 (3):331-345. – electronic access via Athens Block One: Comparative Political Communication 2 1 OCT News Production Model including internet : UK

TUTORIAL: What does the Hutton Report tell us about democracy and media in the United Kingdom?


Hutton Report (on line at http://www.the-hutton- inquiry.org.uk/content/report/index.htm)

1 Murdoch, R. (2005). Freedom in Broadcasting. MacTaggart Memorial Lecture 1989. In Franklin, B (Ed.) Television policy: the MacTaggart lectures. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. In reading pack.

McNair, Brian. McNair, B. (2003) News and Journalism in the UK . Fourth Edition. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415307066. Available as E-book via the University Library


Hansard Society. 2010. Behind the Digital Campaign. London: Hansard Society. Available online.

Glasgow Media Group Reader , Vol. II: Industry, Economy, War and Politics. London: Routledge.

Norris, Pippa et al. (1999) On Message: Communicating the Campaign, London: Sage (chapter 2). Politics ED205 OR2

Tracey, Michael. 1998. The Decline and Fall of Public Service Broadcasting. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Theatre X200 B7 TRA Street, J. (2001). Mass Media, Politics and Democracy. Hampshire; New York: Palgrave. Especially chapter 12. Theatre X170 STR. e-book on library. News Production Model including internet: US

TUTORIAL: What are the opportunities and the risks offered by a commercialized media system?


*Graber, Doris. 2009. Mass Media and American Politics (8th edition). Washington, DC: CQ Press. ISBN-13: 978-1604264609


Bennett, W. Lance. 2003. The Burglar Alarm That Just Keeps Ringing: A Response to Zaller. 3 8 OCT Political Communication 20: 131-138. electronic access via ATHENS and Print Kwerel, E., Levy, J. Needy, C., Perry, M., Uretsky, M., Waldon, T. & Williams, J. (2004). Economic Analysis at the Federal Communications Commission. Review of Industrial Organization 25: 395–430. E-journal in library.

McChesney, R.W. (2004). Media Policy Goes to Main Street: The Uprising of 2003. The Communication Review 7: 223–258.

Morris, J.S. (2005). The Fox News Factor. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 10(3): 56-79. E-journal in library.

Project for Excellence in Journalism (2007). The State of the News Media 2007: An Annual Report on American Journalism/ Washington, D.C.: Project for Excellence in Journalism. Available online at http://www.stateofthemedia.org/2007/. 4 15 OCT News Production Model including internet: Russia and Beyond

TUTORIAL: Is there freedom of speech in Russia?


Oates, Sarah and Gillian McCormack. 2009. Political Communication. In Stephen White, Richard Sakwa and Henry Hale (eds) Developments in Russian Politics 7. London: Routledge. In reading pack.

2 SUGGESTED FUTHER READING: Barany, Z. 2004 The Tragedy of the Kursk: Crisis Management in Putin’s Russia. Government and Opposition, Volume 39 (4), 647-650 - electronic access via ATHENS and Print Baumeister, Edward J. 1997. Opportunity Blown in Eastern Europe. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Winter): 104-108. Adam Smith reserve. Off campus access via ATHENS and Print

Fitzpatrick, C. A. 2004. “Officials Block Journalists, Information in Beslan Crisis,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Reports, 13 September, Volume 4(17). Available Online. http://www.rferl.org/reports/mm/2004/09/17-130904.asp

Oates, S. (2006) Television, Democracy and Elections in Russia. London: Routledge. Available online as an E-book via the University Library.

Haraszti, M. (September 16, 2004). Report on Russian media coverage of the Beslan tragedy: Access to information and journalists’ working conditions. Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe(OSCE). Available on line in English at http://www.osce.org/documents/rfm/2004/09/3586_en.pdf

Voltmer, Katrin (ed). Mass Media and Political Communication in New Democracies. London: Routledge). Theatre X170 VOL

Block Two: War and Media 5 22 OCT Modern Military Media Management: From Vietnam to the Gulf

TUTORIAL: Has there been a clear progressing of ‘military media management’ over time and across conflicts?


*Hallin, D.C. 1986. The ‘Uncensored War’: The Media and Vietnam. New York: Oxford University Press. One chapter in reading pack.

Bell, Martin. 2008. The Death of News. Media, War & Conflict 1, pp. 221-231.

*Carruthers, S. 2000. The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the 20th Century. New York: St. Martin’s Press. One chapter in reading pack. Theatre X520.W2 CAR

Goddard, Peter, Piers Robinson and Katy Parry. 2008. Patriotism meets plurality: reporting the 2003 Iraq War in the British press. Media, War & Conflict 1 (1): 9-30. Available for free download at: http://mwc.sagepub.com/content/1/1.toc


Carruthers, Susan L. 2008. No one's looking: the disappearing audience for war. Media, War & Conflict 1(1): pp. 70-76. Available for free download at: http://mwc.sagepub.com/content/1/1.toc

Christensen, Christian. Uploading dissonance: YouTube and the US Occupation of Iraq. Media, War and Conflict 1 (2): 155-175.

Dimitrova, Daniela V. and Jesper Stromback. 2008. Foreign Policy and the Framing of the 2003 Iraq War in Elite Swedish and US Newspapers. Media, War & Conflict 1, pp. 203- 220. Available for free download at: http://mwc.sagepub.com/content/1/1.toc

Glasgow University Media Group. 1985. War and Peace News. London: Open University Press. Theatre X520.N3.B7 GLA. Especially 2 chapters on Gulf War – framing of women +

3 conflict Harris, Robert. 1983. Gotcha! The media, the government and the Falklands Crisis. London: Faber and Faber. SHORT LOAN. Ch. 7.

Hoskins, Andrew. 2004. Televising War: From Vietnam to Iraq. London: Continuum.

Knightley, P. 2005.The First Casualty: The War Correspondent as Hero, Propagandist, and Myth-maker from the Crimea to the Gulf War II. London: Andre Deutsch.Gen Lit N310 KNI Philo, G. (Ed.) (1995). Glasgow Media Group Reader , Vol. II: Industry, Economy, War and Politics. London: Routledge (especially Philo, G., & McLaughlin, G. (1995). The British media and the Gulf War, pp. 146-158Thrall, A. T. 2000. War in the Media Age. Hampton Press. Theatre X300.U6 THR.

Taylor, Philip. (2004). War, Media and Propaganda in the Gulf Wars. Abstract. Presented for the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, USA. Copy on Moodle (no copyright issues).

Taylor, P. 1993. War and the Media: Propaganda and Persuasion in the Gulf War. Manchester: Manchester University Press. History BR980 TAY Military Media Management II: Diffused War

TUTORIAL: An in-depth discussion of the role of images, compassion, witness, genocide, memory, vectors, radicalization and legitimacy in conceptualizing ‘diffused war’.

REQUIRED READING: 6 22 OCT *Hoskins, Andrew and Ben O’Loughlin. 2010. War and Media: The Emergence of Diffused War. London: Polity. ISBN 9780745638508. One chapter in reading pack.


See WEEK 5 list. Block Three: Terrorism, Media and the Politics of Fear 7 29 OCT ‘Oxygen of Publicity’? or ‘Cascading Activation’: Terrorism Coverage Pre and Post 9/11

TUTORIAL: What has changed and what has remained the same about terrorism coverage since 9/11?


Sparre, K. (2001). Megaphone Diplomacy in the Northern Irish Peace Process: Squaring the Circle by Talking to Terrorists Through Journalists. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 6(1): 88-104. Off campus access via ATHENS and Print

Entman, Robert M. 2003. Cascading Activation: Contesting the White House's Frame after 9/11. Political Communication 20: 415-432 – electronic access via ATHENS and Print

Miller, David. (1995) The Media and Northern Ireland: Censorship, Information Management and the Broadcasting Ban. In Greg Philo (ed.), Glasgow Media Group Reader , Vol. II: Industry, Economy, War and Politics. London: Routledge. In reading pack. Mogensen, Kirsten. 2008. Television journalism during terror attacks, Media, War &

4 Conflict 1 (1): 31-49. Available for free download at: http://mwc.sagepub.com/content/1/1.toc


Hewitt, C. (1992). Public’s Perspective. In Paletz, D.L., & Schmid, A.P. (Eds.), Terrorism and the Media. London, SAGE. Theatre X520.T4 PAL

Ismai, Amani. 2008. Mission statehood: portraits of the second Palestinian intifada in US news media. Media, War & Conflict 1, pp. 177-201. Philo, Greg and Mike Berry. 2004. Bad News from Israel. London: Pluto. Theatre X520.W2 PHI Philo, Greg and David Miller. 1996. The Media Politics of the Irish Peace Process. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Fall): 116-134. available in Print

Rolston, Bill (ed.). 1991. The Media and Northern Ireland: Covering the Troubles. London: Macmillan. GUL + ASL Theatre X520.N6 ROL Schlesinger, P. et. al. 1983. Televising Terrorism. London: Comedia. Theatre X520.T4.B7 SCHLE Shpiro, Sholomo. 2002. Conflict Media Strategies and the Politics of Counter-terrorism. Politics 22 (2): 76-85 - electronic access via ATHENS and Print

Wilkinson, Paul. 1997. The Media and Terrorism: A Reassessment. Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Summer), pp. 51-64. Available on-line http://www.st- andrews.ac.uk/academic/intrel/research/cstpv/pdffiles/The Media and Terrorism.pdf

Wolfsfeld, Gadi. 1997. Media and Political Conflict: News from the Middle East. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Theatre X170 WOL

Wolfsfeld, Gadi. 2004. Media and the Path to Peace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Theatre X520.P3 WOL 8 12 NOV Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: Security threat, elections and the public

Tutorial: What are the ‘politics of fear’ and is this a relevant concept for understanding the relationship between politicians, the media and the public in a range of countries?


*Norris, Pippa, Montague Kern and Marion Just (eds.) 2003. Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government and the Public . London: Routledge. One chapter in reading pack.

*Oates, Sarah, Lynda Lee Kaid and Mike Berry. 2009. Terrorism, Elections and Democracy: Political Campaigns in the United States, Great Britain, and Russia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780239613577.

Additional reading: Barnett, B., Reynolds, A., Roselle, L., & Oates, S. (2007). Journalism & Terrorism Across the Atlantic: A Qualitative Content Analysis of CNN and BBC Coverage of 9/11 and 7/7. Paper prepared for the International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Convention, Washington, D.C. On moodle.

Bucy, Erik P. 2003. Emotion, Presidential Communication, and Traumatic News: Processing the World Trade Center Attacks. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 8 (4): 76- 96. Off campus access via ATHENS and Print

5 Croft, Stuart. 2006. Culture, Crisis and America’s War on Terror. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sociology X1180 CRO

Dobkin, Bethani A. 1992. Tales of Terror: Television News and the Construction of the Terrorist Threat (Media and Society Series. New York: Praeger.

Gartner, Scott Sigmund. 2004. Making the International Local: The Terrorist Attack on the USS Cole, Local Casualties, and Media Coverage. Political Communication 21: 139-159 - electronic access via ATHENS and Print Hallin, D. and Mancini, P. (2004) Americanization, Globalization and Secularization, in F. Esser and B. Pfetsch (Eds.) Comparing Political Communication. CUP Hoskins, Andrew and Ben O’Loughlin. 2007. Television and Terror: Conflicts Times and the Crisis of News Discourse (New Security Challenges series). London: Routledge. E-book in library. Hutcheson, John et al. 2004. U.S. National Identity, Political Elites, and a Patriotic Press Following September 11. Political Communication 21: 27-50 - electronic access via ATHENS and Print Kaid, LL and A. Johnston. 2001. Videostyle in Presidential Campaigns: Style and Content of Televised Political Advertising. London: Praeger. Politics GK95 KAI

McDonald, Ian R. and Regina G. Lawrence. 2004. Filling the 24x7 News Hole: Television News Coverage Following September 11th. Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, USA. On Moodle.

Miller, Warren and J. Merrill Shanks (1996). The New American Voter. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ASL + GUL GH350 MIL. Patterson, T. 1993. Out of Order. New York: Vintage. Politics GA95.M3 PAT. SHORT LOAN.

Scammell, M. (1997). The Wisdom of the War Room, Research Paper, Joan Shorenstein Center Press Politics, Harvard University. Available at: http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/presspol/Research_Publications/Papers/Research_Papers/R17. pdf

Swanson, D. and Mancini, P. (Eds.) (1996). Politics, Media, and Modern Democracy: an International Study of Innovations in Electoral Campaigning and their Consequences. Westport, CT: Praeger (especially chapters 1 and 13). Politics DF140.C3 SWA

Van Zoonen, E. (2005). Entertaining the Citizen. When Politics and Popular Culture Converge. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. History TD480

Block Four: Internet and Politics 9 19 NOV The Internet, Society and Politics

TUTORIAL: Group work on research methods – choosing a web platform/tool to analyse.


*Chadwick, Andrew 2006. Internet politics: States, Citizens, and New Communication Technologies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Relevant chapters – one chapter in reading pack..

*Norris, Pippa. (2001) The Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet Worldwide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Relevant chapters – one chapter in reading pack.


6 Anstead, N. and A. Chadwick (2008) Parties, election campaigning, and the Internet. In A. Chadwick and P. Howard (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics. Available at: http://rhul.net/politics-and-IR/About- Us/Chadwick/Pdf/Nick_Anstead_Andrew_Chadwick_Parties_Election_Campaigning_and_Int ernet.pdf

Barnes, Marion, Janet Newman and Helen Sullivan. Power, participation and political renewal: Case studies in public participation. Dawson Books. E-book in library, ISBN 9781861346674

Caral, J. (2004). Lessons from ICANN: Is self-regulation of the Internet fundamentally flawed?. International Journal of Law and Information Technology Issue 12(1): 1-31.

Fox, S. (October 5, 2005). Digital Divisions: The Internet and Campaign 2004. Washington, D.C.: Pew Internet & American Life Project. Available online at www.pewinternet.org.

Hall, E. (2009) Politics In The Youtube Age: Transforming The Political And Media Culture?. http://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/documents/Publications/fellows__papers/200 8-2009/Hall_-_Politics_in_the_YouTube_Age.pdf Howard, P.N. and S. Jones (eds). 2004. Society Online: The Internet in Context. London: SAGE. Sociology A435 HOW2 Oates, S., D. Owen and R. Gibson. 2005. The Internet and Politics: Citizens, Voters and Activists. London: Routledge.

Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. (November 11, 2004). Voters Liked Campaign 2004, But Too Much ‘Mud-Slinging’. Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. Available online at http://people-press.org/reports/display.php3? ReportID=233

Polat, R.K. (2005). The Internet and Political Participation: Exploring the Explanatory Links. European Journal of Communication 20(4): 435-459.

Rainie, L., Cornfield, M., & Horrigan, J. (March 6, 2005). The Internet and Campaign 2004. Washington, D.C.: Pew Internet & American Life Project. Available online at http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/r/150/report_display.asp.

Reilly, P. (2006). Civil society, the Internet and terrorism: case studies from Northern Ireland. In Oates, S., Owen, D.,& Gibson, R.K. (Eds.) The Internet and Politics: Citizens, activists and voters (pp. 118-135). London: Routledge.

Uslaner, Eric M. 2004. Trust, Civic Engagement and the Internet. Political Communication 21: 223-242.- electronic access via ATHENS and Print Ward, S. (Eds.). Reinvigorating Democracy?: British Politics and the Internet. Aldershot: Ashgate. Politics E155.T4 GIB

Weinmann, G. (2004). www.terror.net: How Modern Terrorists use the Internet. Washington D.C.: United States Institute for Peace. Available on line.

10 26 NOV Analyzing the Internet

TUTORIAL: Presentations of Group Work


*Chadwick, Andrew and Philip N. Howard (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Internet

7 Politics. London: Routledge. Relevant chapters – one chapter in reading pack.

*Hindman, Matthew. 2009. The Myth of Digital Democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Politics GH80 HIN One chapter in reading pack.


Bruns, Axel. 2997. Methodologies for Mapping the Political Blogosphere: An Exploration Using the IssueCrawler Research Tool. First Mondon 12(5), 7 May: URL here http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/1834/1718

Krasnoboka, N., & Semetko, H. (2006). Murder, journalism and the web: how the Gongadze case launched the Internet news era in Ukraine. In Oates, S., Owen, D., & Gibson, R.K. (Eds.) The Internet and Politics: Citizens, activists and voters (pp. 183-206). London, Routledge.

Kahn, R., & Kellner, D. (2005). ‘Oppositional Politics and the Internet: A Critical/Reconstructive Approach. Cultural Politics 1(1): 75-100.

Hartford, K. (2000). Cyberspace with Chinese Characteristics. Current History (September).

Harwit, E., & Clark, D. (2001). Shaping the Internet in China: Evolution of Political Control over Network Infrastructure and Content. Asian Survey 41(3): 377-408.

Open Net Initiative. (April 14, 2005). Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005: A Country Study. Available online at http://www.opennetinitiative.net/studies/china/.

Semetko, Holli and Natalya Krasnoboka. 2003. The Political Role of the Internet in Societies in Transition: Russia and Ukraine Compared. Party Politics 9 (1): 77-104.

Polumbaum, J. (2001). China's Media: Between Politics and the Market. Current History (September): 269-277.

Reporters Without Borders [Reporters Sans Frontières]. (November 17, 2005). The 15 Enemies of the Internet and Countries to Watch, available online at http://www.rsf.org/print.php3?id_article=15613.

Taubman, G. (1998). A Not-So World Wide Web: The Internet, China, and the Challenges to Nondemocratic Rule. Political Communication 15(2): 255-272.

www.digitalicons.org Fitting the Internet into Media Models 11 3 DEC TUTORIALS: A focus on review and summing up of the theories presented over the course.


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