(The Settlers Of) Catan by Klaus Teuber Games in One Page by Steve Lewis

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(The Settlers Of) Catan by Klaus Teuber Games in One Page by Steve Lewis

(The Settlers of) Catan by Klaus Teuber Games In One Page by Steve Lewis Published by Mayfair Games (US), 1995-2015 v1.0 pub5/25/16 The goal of (Settlers of) Catan is to be the first player to have ten or more victory points. Points are earned by building settlements (1VP each) and upgrading them into cities (2VP each), buying development cards (1VP or another helpful effect), and owning the largest army and longest road on the board (2VP each). During the game, dice rolls will determine what numbered tiles produce resources for players who have settlements and cities touching them. You often can’t generate enough resources on your own to build what you need, so you’ll need to trade your goods with other players. Roll to determine which player goes first. The first player places one of their settlements at the corner of a hex tile (possibly touching one or two other tiles), then places a road branching out from that settlement along the edge of a hex. In clockwise order, the remaining players also place a settlement with a road on the game board. New settlements must always be placed at least two corners away from the closest settlement/city. Then, players place a second settlement and road on the board in reverse order (starting with the last player, ending with the first player). Players also receive resource cards matching the tiles their second settlement touches. Each player’s turn starts by rolling the dice. If a 2-6 or 8-12 is rolled, look for all instances of that number on the tiles on the board. Players who have a settlement touching one of those tiles receive one of that resource per settlement touching it. The current player may perform any of the following actions in any order:  Trade goods – The current player may offer one or more of their goods in exchange with the other players, who may agree to trade or make a counteroffer. Players can only trade with the current player.  Trade with the bank/Maritime trade – A player can also trade directly with the bank, turning in four matching resources for one of their choice. If a player has a settlement/city touching the ocean with a harbor on it, they can trade three matching goods to the bank for one of their choice, or two of a specific good for one of their choice, as indicated.  Build a road (cost: 1 wood, 1 brick) – A player can place a road along the unoccupied edge of a tile, so long as it connects to one of their own settlements/cities or roads.  Build a settlement (cost: 1 wheat, 1 wood, 1 sheep, 1 brick) – Must be placed along a road the player owns, and must be at least two corners away from the next closest settlement/city.  Upgrade a settlement into a city (cost: 3 stone, 2 wheat) – A player can replace a settlement with a city. Cities produce two of a resource when a number is rolled.  Buy a development card (cost: 1 wheat, 1 stone, 1 sheep)  Play a development card – Reveal one of your development cards and gain the benefit listed. You can only play one development card per turn, and you cannot play a card on the same turn that you buy it. Important: This is the only action that can be performed before rolling the dice on one’s turn. Development cards worth 1VP do not need to be played; they can be kept secret and revealed all at once when a player has 10VPs total. If the player rolls a 7, the robber is activated. All players who have more than seven resource cards in hand (do not count development cards) must immediately discard half of them, rounded down. The active player must move the robber to a new tile, covering up the number on that tile; if that number is rolled, the tile does not produce resources until the robber is moved off of it. In addition, the active player must take one random resource card from one player who has a settlement or city touching that tile. The player may then perform the above actions as normal. After a player ends their turn, play passes to the left, and continues until a player reaches a total of 10 or more victory points; that player is the winner.

The text on this page: © 2016 Steve Lewis. The game described on this page is the property of its creator and/or publisher; no challenge to ownership is implied. http://firstgamerule.com Twitter: @FirstGameRule

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