Unapproved Minutes Of s6
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The Moody County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 in the County Commissioners' Room in the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Chairman Rick Veldkamp, Jerry Doyle, Tom Ehrichs, Dan Miles, and Tom Peper, with Kay Peterson, Interim Auditor as Clerk of the Board.
Chairman Veldkamp called the meeting to order. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Peper to approve the agenda as amended. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to approve the minutes of July 1, 2014. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to conduct business as Joint Board of Commissioners and Planning at 9:05 AM. All voted “aye”. Also present was Brenda Duncan, Director of Equalization. One plat was reviewed. Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following resolution, with all members voting “aye”:
“BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commission of Moody County, South Dakota, that the plat of TRACT 1 OF LEASE’S ADDITION IN THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 106 NORTH, RANGE 50 WEST OF THE 5 TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MOODY COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA be and the same is hereby approved.”
I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the County Commission, at a meeting held on the date adopted.
Adopted this 15th day of July, 2014.
Kay Peterson Interim Auditor, Moody County, South Dakota
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Miles to resume regular session at 9:15 AM. All voted “aye”.
Kari Anderson, Deputy Auditor and Paul Lewis, State’s Attorney met with the Board to discuss payroll policy regarding overtime, comp and vacation hours. Also present was Troy Wellman, Sheriff.
Rick Veldkamp, Chairman advised the Board of a possible basketball tournament taking place during the County Fair week. Attorney Lewis left the meeting.
Amanda Stade, 4-H Advisor met with the Board to present the Moody County 4-H Quarterly Report.
Linette Christensen, Treasurer met with the Board to review the County finances and tax properties.
Mark Bonrud, Ambulance Supervisor presented the June 2014 ambulance report. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve new hire Paige A Buhr for a PT EMT-Basic position, Grade 7 Step A at $11.89/hour, effective July 15, 2014. All voted “aye”. A discussion was held regarding adjustments made to the Ambulance.
Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Peper to authorize Jim Delay to attend the VSO Annual School in Pierre, SD., August 25-27, 2014. All voted “aye”.
Gail Meyer, ROD and Linette Christensen, Treasurer updated the Board on the County Celebration.
Marc Blum, Highway Superintendent met with the Board. Motion by Peper, seconded by Miles to approve new hire Alexander Bakkedahl for the Seasonal Light Equipment Operator position, Grade 6 Step A at $11.55/hour, effective July 14, 2014. All voted “aye”.
Terry Albers, Emergency Manager advised the Board of additional work that was needed on the roofing project of the communication shed. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to amend the original motion that was made on June 17, 2014 to approve the invoice in the amount of $1059.50 (instead of $994.50) from David Smith. All voted “aye”. Discussion was held regarding the Next Generation 911 roll out date of December 31, 2016 and the potential equipment needs and costs. Albers will check into potential grant funding. Albers advised of the need for an additional desk for the 911 department.
Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to enter into executive session at 11:30AM, pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2. Reason: personnel. All voted “aye”. Motion by Miles, seconded by Peper to resume regular session at 12.00 PM. All voted “aye”.
Motion by Peper, seconded by Doyle to hold a special Commission Meeting on July 21, 2014 at 9:00 AM. All voted “aye”. Interim Auditor Peterson distributed the 2014 expenditure and revenue budgets.
Rick Veldkamp discussed the Budget process. Jean Larson will present the proposed Provisional Budget at the July 21, 2014 special meeting. The Board will make any final adjustments to the Provisional Budget on July 29, 2014. Motion by Peper, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following claims and issue warrants, all voted “aye”: General: A&B Business, supplies/copier maintenance 159.69, Alco, supplies 28.04, Avera/Flandreau Medical, jail-blood alcohols/supplies 867.54, Barnes & Noble, books 175.83, Bob’s Electric, service 346.74, Mark Bonrud, reimbursement 750.00, Bruning & Lewis, office expense 2307.69, CenturyLink, telephone 322.49, Ciavarella Design, service 1831.40, Community Counseling, 3rd qtr appropriation 1200.00, Culligan, water cooler 10.00, Cybercoach, supplies 49.99, Dakotabilities, 3rd qtr distribution 540.00, Dept. of Revenue, blood alcohols/drug test 840.00, Doubleday Book Club, books 17.99, Dust-Tex, supplies 65.66, Ekern, supplies 3.39, Eng, services 340.00, Enterprise, publications 333.49, ICAP, service 541.67, Knology, telephone 511.69, Krulls, service 292.99, Lincoln County Treasurer, BMI hearing 36.00, Matheson Tri-Gas, oxygen 46.55, Maynards, supplies 16.78, McLeods, supplies 362.91, Dan Miles, mileage 14.06, Neve’s, supplies 155.80, Bob Pesall, ct appt atrny 4266.67, Radar Shop, supplies 392.00, Reader Service, books 74.18, River’s Edge, gas/diesel 2216.79, Santel, supplies/equipment/data processing 5915.00, SD Achieve, service 60.00, SDACC, CLERP 1599.42, John Shaeffer, ct appt atrny 4269.67, David Smith, services 1059.00. Highway: B & H Contractors, gravel 14648.93, Marc Blum, reimburse meals 38.00, C & B operations, supplies 49.68, City of Colman, utilities 72.14, Concrete Materials, G2 Hotmix 47636.68, Dells Diesel Service, repairs 4430.96, Dust-Tex, supplies 82.50, Eng, service 100.00, Jebro, MC800 4864.50, Myrl & Roys, G2 Hot Mix, 17731.50, Powers Oil, gasoline 1015.80, Ramsdell F&M, propane 202.97, RDO Equipment, repairs 155.29, River’s Edge, oil/diesel 24893.39, SDDOT, bridge inspection 267.40, Sheehan Mack, repairs 77.41, Titan Machinery, repairs 5.46, Wheelco, supplies 445.14. 911: Centurylink, telephone 61.28, Knology, telephone 21.31. Emergency Management: Knology, telephone 21.31. 24/7 Sobriety: Alcopro, pbt tubes 1040.00. Modern & Pres Relief: Tyler Technologies, DocPro 125.00. Water Conservation Fund: EDWDD, monthly remittance 62.99. State Remittance: State Treasurer, monthly remittance 167544.83. Sales & Excise Tax: SD Dept. of Revenue, 1st half distribution 51.64. State 24/7 Fund: SD Attorney General’s Office, 2nd qtr distribution 219.00. Modern & Pres: SDACO, monthly remit 226.00.
Motion by Doyle, seconded by Peper to adjourn the meeting at 12:55 PM. All voted “aye”.
ATTEST: Kay Peterson Rick Veldkamp, Chairman Moody County Interim Auditor Moody County Board of Commissioners