King Edward Vii School s1

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King Edward Vii School s1


Tuesday 29 March 2011: 6pm – 8pm Upper School PRESENT: Carolyn Leary, Chair of Governors (CL) Carol James (CJ) Beverley Jackson, Headteacher (BJ) Caroline Fisher (CF) Barbara Walsh (BW) Hilary Mesher (HM) Huw Parker (Deputy Headteacher HP ) Will Davey (WD) Karl Gehring (KG) Najma Khurshid (NK) Michael Williams (MW) Stuart Carvell (SC) Clare Allison (CA) Linda Gooden (Deputy Headteacher LGO) John Cornwell (JC)

IN ATTENDANCE: J Jackson, Clerk to the Governors

No. ITEM BY DATE 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from: Steve Haake (SH), Rebecca Kay (RK), Asma Khurshid (AK), Matt Naylor (MN), Rob Whittingham (Deputy Headteacher RJW), Amanda Dempsey (AD) Ghasem Norouzi (GM), Rachel Cornish (RC)

The meeting was quorate.

2. Declaration of any Pecuniary Interests Governors were asked to declare any pecuniary interests. There were no interests declared.

3. Ken Robinson – “Challenging Education Paradigms” CL introduced the film, an RSA lecture by Sir Ken Robinson. A short discussion took place afterwards.

4. Eco Council Two post 16 Eco-Council students, Lydia & Rachel updated Governors with the Fairtrade/Eco events that they are involved in. There are approximately 20 members of the Eco-Council, and a small group of eight students at Lower School. Eco-Council’s projects include:  Fairtrade cake sale  Meeting with builders to discuss what eco friendly aspects are included in the BSF re-build (Breeam Scheme)  Mobile phone recycling  Working towards the Eco Schools award  Waste management recycling in school (buying bins for cans, paper etc)  Trying to integrate recycling into the curriculum through PHSE & Y9 challenges Governors were asked for suggestions:  To work closer with KS3 students – LGO offered to be a point of contact for Lower School (Wildlife Garden project)  Encouraging cycling to school Signed …………………………….. Carolyn Leary, Chair of Governors 1  Posters displayed around school giving links to various recycling websites  Bottled water vs tap water  Beehives on the roof of the school  Y9 bird box project – link this in with Eco-Council  Selling refreshments at evening classes  Section on the school website (J Twyman)

CL offered the full support of the Governors in the Eco-Council projects and seeking the Eco School award.

5. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting(s) and report on matters arising from the minutes - decision & information Training School – BJ reported that the best way forward is a link to a bid with Tapton and Silverdale. BJ will meet next week with Heads of Tapton, Silverdale and All Saints, and will report back to Governors.

Funding Formula – No further news available – will be discussed at the next Finance, Premises & Personnel meeting on 5 April.

Student Action – Nick Clegg visited the school on 25 March to take questions from students. The event went very well and Nick Clegg reported that the students were very earnest.

University Technical College (UTC) – BJ & J Twyman attended a meeting, which shared preliminary comments. There is a follow up meeting which BJ & JT will attend.

Local Authority Review (Future Shape: Learning in Sheffield) – BJ is attending a meeting on 30 March, attended by David Hargreaves, regarding working together with the family of schools, at least two of the pyramid Heads are also attending.

BSF - HP updated that the Sports Hall will be completed on schedule (end of Easter Holidays) and the Learning Support Unit is also on schedule for completion. The STEM centre will be completed ahead of schedule. Combining of opening ceremonies to be arranged.

Air Raid Shelter – BJ said there is progress with this. She is meeting in April to discuss further feasibility as Vinci may have funds to pay for it.

Modern Governor – New Governors reported that they had logged on and found this very helpful, and had also attended some new Governor training at the Local Authority which was also useful. BJ & CL will meet to discuss costs of purchasing relevant Governor packages to avoid paying separate high charges for training.

The minutes of the meeting of 25 January 2011 were accepted as a true record.

6. Teaching & Learning Update – LGO LGO distributed a paper giving an overview of the recent lesson observations, and went through this.

Signed …………………………….. Carolyn Leary, Chair of Governors 2 7. The Importance of Teaching: The Schools White Paper 2010 BJ asked Governors to form three groups: Teaching & Leadership, Behaviour, and School Improvement, for discussions. Governors completed a template with their thoughts and ideas (copies attached).

8. Reports from Committees Curriculum & Performance Meeting of 16 March 2011. Next meeting 11 May.

9. Chairperson’s Correspondence & report on urgent decisions taken - for information CL to receive log on details to view items live on Schoolpoint and so will be able to report fully on correspondence.

Payroll – The Finance and Premises meeting on 20th January decided not to progress our own payroll system. However, in the light of new information, Stuart Carvell, Carolyn Leary, Debbie Ireland and Bev Jackson met and agreed to KES now running Payroll in-house as the risks identified had been addressed. The system will be more efficient than the current local authority system, and will save money. CL gave huge thanks and commendation to Debbie Ireland and the Finance team for their hard work in successfully implementing the system.

Chairs of Governors – CL convened a meeting with Chairs of Governors from other Secondary Schools recently to discuss issues relating to secondary education in Sheffield. It was suggested that they meet regularly.

10. Any Other Business Music Concert – Very successful event. CL registered thanks to the Music department for their hard work and organisation.

Fun Day – Very successful and well attended, a Christmas Fayre will be arranged for 4 December.

Friends of KES – BJ congratulated Friends of KES for a successful Quiz Night held in March.

11. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 17 May 2011, Venue to be confirmed as Upper School will be undergoing BSF programme

Signed …………………………….. Carolyn Leary, Chair of Governors 3

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