Report of the Awf-9 Meeting

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Report of the Awf-9 Meeting

ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY The 9th Meeting of the APT Wireless Forum (AWF-9) Document AWF-9/OUT-21 (Rev.1) 13 - 16 September 2010, Seoul, Republic of Korea 16 September 2010



The Ninth Meeting of the APT Wireless Forum was held at the Renaissance Seoul Hotel, Seoul, Republic of Korea from 13th to 16th September 2010. The meeting was organized by the Asia Pacific Telecommunity and hosted by Korea Communication Commissions (KCC).

The agenda and the program of the meeting are presented in Document AWF-9/ADM-01(Rev.2) and AWF-9/ADM-02(Rev.4). Objectives of the Meeting are given in Document AWF-9/INP-05.

The Meeting was attended by 190 participants representing Members, Affiliate Members, International/Regional Organizations and Observers. Document AWF-9/ADM-04 contains the list of participants of the meeting.


2.1 Welcome Address by Mr. Toshiyuki Yamada, Secretary General, Asia Pacific Telecommunity

Mr. Toshiyuki Yamada, Secretary General, Asia Pacific Telecommunity welcomed the participants and conveyed his sincere gratitude for the large participation.. He thanked the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Korea Communication Commission for hosting this meeting and for extending their support to the APT. He also thanked the APT Affiliate Members from Republic of Korea who were sponsoring the meeting logistics, lunches, coffee breaks and dinner and for making the meeting a successful event.

Mentioning the importance of radiocommunication related activities of APT, Mr. Yamada stressed that APT is committed to promoting applications of radio technologies, facilitating members’ co-operation for spectrum harmonization and assisting Members to explore new technologies. He discussed the benefits and applications of some of these new technologies, including the rapidly advancing wireless broadband technologies.

He recalled that the APT Wireless Forum (AWF) was established in 2004 as a forum for free discussion and information exchange. Since then AWF has succeeded in achieving significant results. The AWF has already been considered by the members to be one of the major APT platforms to discuss issues relating to wireless communications. So far, the AWF has produced a number of APT Recommendations, Reports and Opinions which have been submitted to other international fora. AWF-9/OUT-21(Rev.1)

Mr. Yamada emphasized the importance of rebranding and restructuring of the AWF due to the widening work scope and heavy workload of AWF. He further mentioned that new leadership would be elected to lead the forum to a new era. He gave his sincere appreciation to Dr. Youngkyun Kim, the founding chairman of AWF, for his efforts for the development of the AWF. He also thanked other office bearers for their continuous effort and hard work for the greater achievement of AWF.

Mr. Yamada’s welcome address is contained in document AWF-9/INP-01.

2.2 Inaugural Address by Mr. Taegun Hyung, Standing Commissioner, Korea Communication Commission

Mr. Taegun Hyung, Standing Commissioner, Korea Communication Commission, in his inaugural address welcomed delegates to Seoul. He informed that the Republic of Korea has achieved significant success in the field of Information and Communication Technology by deregulation and opening of competition from the middle of 1990. Further, he added that, South Korea has become one of the best test beds in the world for wired and wireless ICT, through the first commercialization of CDMA technology in the world, wide use of super high speed Internet and international standardization of WiBro – one of the mobile WiMAX standards. He pledged Republic of Korea’s commitment to sharing its experience so that it could contribute to the development of radiocommunications that would enhance the daily life of global citizens.

He expressed that the unique and significant roll of the AWF is to discuss important issues by international cooperation for development of radio communication technology and the promotion of harmonized use of radio spectrum in the Asia-Pacific region. He hoped that the meeting would deliver its fruitful results through active cooperation and mutual understanding.

Mr. Hyung’s address is in document AWF-9/INP-02.


3.1 Adoption of Agenda:

Mr. Yamada presented the provisional agenda of the meeting which is in document AWF- 9/ADM-01(Rev.2). The agenda was approved by the meeting.

Decision no. 1 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the Agenda of the Meeting.

3.2 Election of the Chairman of AWF:

Mr. Yamada informed the meeting that the current term of chairmanship of Dr. Youngkyun Kim had been completed. He further informed that the Government of the People’s Republic of China had proposed, in document AWF-9/INP-03, the name of Mr. Sun Lixin, the current vice chairman of AWF as a candidate for the chairmanship of AWF. Since there was no other candidate proposed by members the meeting unanimously elected Mr. Sun Lixin as the Chairman of the AWF for two years term.

Decision no. 2 (AWF-9)

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Plenary elected Mr. Sun Lixin as the Chairman of AWF for the next term.

Mr. Sun Lixin chaired the plenary as the chairman on AWF.

3.3 Program of the Meeting and Agenda of the First Plenary:

Mr. Sun Lixin presented document no. AWF-9/ADM-02(Rev.4) which contained the tentative program of the meeting. He also mentioned document no. AWF-9/ADM-06(Rev.1) which comprised the agenda of the first plenary session. He informed the meeting that there would be a plenary session on Wednesday 15th September 2010 to finalize the discussions on the rebranding and restructuring of AWF and to elect the office bearers for the rebranded and restructured AWF. The program of the meeting and the plenary agenda was approved by the meeting. Decision no. 3 (AWF-9) Plenary adopted the program of the meeting and the agenda of the first plenary.

3.4 Assignment of the Documents:

The Chairman presented document AWF-9/ADM-03(Rev.1) which contained the list of documents and document attribution. He asked the floor to comment on document allocation. The list of documents and document attributions were noted by the meeting. Decision no. 4 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the list of documents and document attributions.

3.5 Adoption of the Report of AWF-8:

Mr. Sun Lixin, chairman of AWF drew the attention of the delegates to the meeting report of AWF-8, presented in document no. AWF-8/OUT-24. Meeting adopted the report without any modification. Decision no. 5 (AWF-9) Plenary adopted the meeting report of the AWF-8 meeting.

3.6 Reports and Workplan for WGs/TGs:

3.6.1 Report of the spectrum working Group: Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of Spectrum Working Group presented his report (document no: AWF-9/INP-05) on the issues and objectives of the Spectrum Working Group at the AWF-9 meeting. He informed the meeting that eight sub working groups are working under the Spectrum Working Group. Details on the sub working groups’ activities can be found in the above mentioned document. He further mentioned that the work of the Spectrum Working Group at the AWF-9 meeting would continue in the established Sub-Working Groups as well as in plenary sessions of the Group and in any special groups and ad hoc groups as appropriate. The document was noted by the meeting. Decision no. 6 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the activity report and workplan of the Spectrum Working Group as described in document no: AWF-9/INP-05.

3.6.2 Report of IMT Working Group: In his report (document no. AWF-9/INP-38) to the plenary, Mr. Akira Hiroike, Chairman of WG-IMT described the work plan and objectives of the

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WG activities during the meeting. Mr. Hiroike also listed the possible deliverables of the working group at this meeting. The report was noted by the meeting. Decision no. 7 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the activity report and workplan of the IMT Working Group as described in document no: AWF-9/INP-38.

3.6.3 Report of Convergence Working Group: Mr. Wiseto Agung, Chairman, Convergence WG presented his report which is in document no. (AWF-9/INP-71(Rev.2)). He mentioned that the document contained the objectives and workplan of the working group for this meeting. It further listed the possible deliverables at this meeting. The report was noted by the meeting. Decision no. 8 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the activity report and workplan of the Convergence Working Group as described in document no: AWF-9/INP-71(Rev.2).

3.6.4 Report of Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications: Ms. Onanong Petnim, Chairman of TG-SAT stated that the objectives and workplan of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications were in document no. AWF-9/INP-33. She also listed the possible deliverables of the group at this meeting. She mentioned that the task under the group had been completed and it is necessary to indentify new tasks in order to continue the activity of the group. The report was noted by the meeting and it was also decided to continue the activity of the task group with new tasks.

Decision no. 9 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the activity report and workplan of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications as described in document no: AWF-9/INP-33. Plenary decided to continue the activities of the Task Group with new tasks.

3.6.5 Report of Task Group on ITS: Mr. Satoshi Oyama, Chairman of the Task Group on Intelligent Transport Systems (TG-ITS) presented his report which can be found in document no. AWF-9/INP-30(Rev.1). He mentioned that the TG-ITS was established at AWF-7 meeting. He mentioned that the document contained the overall objectives and workplan of the task group and progress of work of the group since AWF-8 meeting. The report was noted by the meeting.

Decision no. 10 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the report and workplan of the Task Group on Intelligent Transport Systems as described in document no: AWF-9/INP-30(Rev.1).

3.7 Report on Correspondence group on rebranding and restructuring of AWF:

Dr. Kohei Satoh, Convener of Correspondence Group on Restructuring and Rebranding of the AWF, presented his report which can be found in document no. AWF-9/INP-66(Rev.1). He reminded the meeting that the group was formed at the AWF-7 meeting in Phuket, Thailand. He mentioned that a Circular Letter on the invitation to join the Correspondence Group on restructuring and rebranding of the AWF was issued by the APT secretariat at the beginning of 2010, and an e-mail reflector was created for the correspondence activities. After several formal and informal meetings, the group had finalized a new name and a structure for AWF, which are given in detail in AWF-9/INP-66(Rev.1) for the consideration of the meeting. He further

Page 4 of 19 AWF-9/OUT-21(Rev.1) informed that the correspondence group had also drafted the terms of reference for each of the newly proposed working groups which can be found in the same document. The meeting noted the report presented by Dr. Satoh and decided to have a separate session (second session) of the plenary on Wednesday, 15th September 2010 to finalize the rebranding and restructuring of the AWF.

Decision no. 11 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the report of the Correspondence Group provided in document no. AWF- 9/INP-66(Rev.1). Plenary further decided to hold a separate session of the plenary on Wednesday, 15th September 2010 to finalize the rebranding and restructuring of the AWF.

3.8 Considerations of Documents assigned to the Plenary:

The Chairman indicated that a number of contributions had been attributed to the plenary in document no. AWF-9/ADM-03(Rev.1) which contains the list of documents and document attribution. He informed that these documents were: AWF-9/INP-14, INP-15, INP-16, INP-17, INP-55, INP-72 and INP-73.

3.8.1 Liaison Statements from ASTAP: It was brought to the attention of the meeting that document nos. AWF-9/INP-72 and INP-73 were two liaison statements from ASTAP. The first liaison statement concerned ASTAP’s reply to AWF’s liaison to ASTAP. The second statement was on “Working Document towards a Preliminary Draft APT Report on Characteristics and Requirements of Optical and Electric Components for Millimeter-Wave Radio on Fiber Systems”. The liaison statements were noted by the plenary and were sent to the Spectrum Working Group and the Task Group on ITS for further action.

Decision no. 12 (AWF-9) Plenary noted two liaison statements from ASTAP which are in documents AWF-9/INP-72 and INP-73; and assigned those statements to Spectrum WG and Task Group on ITS for further action.

3.8.2 Input Contributions from Huawei Technologies and China Unicom: The meeting noted that the documents AWF-9/INP-14, INP-15, INP-16 and INP-17 were input contributions from Huawei Technologies and China Unicom, regarding the proposals of inclusion of new work under AWF. It was mentioned that the proposed work in those documents were not currently covered in any of the existing working groups and task groups. It was decided that these document would be carried forward to the AWF-10 Meeting. Decision no. 13 (AWF-9) Plenary noted four input contributions from Huawei Technologies and China Unicom and decided to carry forward those documents to the AWF-10 Meeting.

3.8.3 Input Contributions from Republic of Korea:

Dr. Kyu-jin Wee, Head of Delegation of the Republic of Korea presented document no. AWF- 9/INP-55 which is a proposal to include the work related to regional collaboration in sharing studies. He informed the meeting that in Region 3, there are many countries that are geographically faced with several borders with Region 1 countries and that sometimes it was difficult for those Region 3 countries to negotiate with the Region 1 countries. Countries in Region 1 have been conducting several technical studies together through CEPT which could be

Page 5 of 19 AWF-9/OUT-21(Rev.1) referred in bilateral/multilateral negotiations. Mentioning the Policy Objective C, Key Strategy 3 of the Bali Action Plan, he proposed that AWF could provide a framework to conduct compatibility/ sharing studies for Region 3 countries who are considering border coordination with Region 1 countries. The output of AWF could be used as a reference when sharing issues occur at the borders of Asia Pacific countries and Region 1 countries.

The Chairman thanked Korea for the proposal to initiate a new task on regional collaboration. Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of the Spectrum Working Group commented that the proposal can be accommodated in the Spectrum Working Group activities. He mentioned that the newly restructured Spectrum WG could include such an item as proposed by the Republic of Korea. The Meeting noted the proposal from Republic of Korea and decided to include the proposal as a new work item under Spectrum Working Group. Decision no. 14 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the proposal from Republic of Korea as presented in document AWF-9/INP-55 and decided to include the proposal as a new work item under Spectrum Working Group.


4.1 Adoption of Agenda: The second session of the plenary meeting was held from 09:00 – 10:20 on 15th September 2010. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Sun Lixin, Chairman of AWF. The Agenda of the second plenary meeting can be found in document no. AWF-9/ADM-19, which was approved by the meeting.

Decision no. 15 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the agenda of the second plenary meeting.

4.2 AWF Rebranding and Restructuring:

Dr. Kohei Satoh, Convener of the AWF Correspondence on Rebranding and Restructure presented his final report which is in document no. AWF-9/OUT-03. He informed the meeting that the correspondence group had finalized its work and that recommendations have been made in the document. The recommendations are as follows:

 To adopt a new name for AWF. The proposed name was “APT Wireless Group”(AWG)  To adopt a new structure as in Annex 2 of document AWF-9/OUT-03  To adopt the new terms of reference of the working groups under new structure as in Annex 3 of document AWF-9/OUT-03.

Dr. Satoh also described the principles of the rebranding and restructuring of AWF. The Chairman asked for comments from the floor. There were no comments and the meeting approved the recommendations as proposed in document AWF-9/OUT-03. The Chairman informed the meeting that the decisions would be sent to the 34th Session of the APT Management Committee for approval. Decision no. 16 (AWF-9) 1. Plenary decided to adopt the new name “APT Wireless Group” or AWG for the AWF subjected to the approval of the Management Committee. 2. Plenary decided to adopt the new structure for AWG as in Annex 2 of document AWF- 9/OUT-03 subjected to the approval of the Management Committee. 3. Plenary adopted the new terms of reference of the AWG as in Annex 3 of document

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It was noted that in order to maintain the continuity of work the numbering sequence of the meeting should continue even after the rebranded and restructured AWG. It was agreed by the meeting to maintain the numbering sequence of the meeting i.e. the next meeting would be labeled as the 10th Meeting of the AWG (AWG-10). Decision no. 17 (AWF-9) Plenary decided to maintain the numbering sequence for labelling the meetings of AWG.

4.3 Revision of Working Methods based on Rebranding and Restructuring:

The Chairman informed the meeting that due to rebranding and restructuring of the AWF, the existing Working Methods document needed to be modified accordingly to incorporate the changes to the structure. It was further noted that the Approval Procedure of the AWF Technical Documents also needed to be modified to incorporate the changes. The Meeting formed an ad hoc group chaired by Mr. John Lewis to revise the Working Methods and requested the group to report the changes at the closing plenary. Decision no. 18 (AWF-9) Plenary decided to form an Ad Hoc group to revise the Working Methods and Document Approval Procedure under the chairmanship of Mr. John Lewis and requested the group to report its outcome at the closing plenary.

4.4 Election of the Vice Chairs:

It was mentioned by the Chairman that one of the Vice Chairman positions had become vacant as one of the Vice Chairs had been elected as the Chairman. He further informed that APT Secretariat had received the nomination (document no. AWF-9/INP-12) of Ms. Chris Perera, Head of Delegation, New Zealand. Dr Alan Jamieson, Adviser to the New Zealand administration introduced Ms. Chris Perera, as a candidate for the Vice Chairman position. Since there was no opposition, Ms. Chris Perera was elected as the second Vice Chair of AWF. Ms. Perera gave her heartfelt thanks to the delegates for their confidence in her as a Vice Chair of AWF.

It was further informed by Mr. Yamada, Secretary General of APT that the term of vice chairmanship of Dr. Satoh would finish by the end of AWF-9 meeting. He, therefore, suggested to elect a Vice Chair for this position as well. Delegate from Japan proposed the re-election of Dr. Satoh as a Vice Chair of AWF. Since there was no opposition Dr. Satoh was reelected as a Vice Chair of AWF. Decision no. 19 (AWF-9) 1. Plenary elected Ms. Chris Perera of New Zealand as one of the Vice Chairs of AWF. 2. Plenary re-elected Dr. Kohei Satoh as the other Vice Chair of AWF.

4.5 Office Bearers of the AWG:

The Chairman mentioned the importance of nominating working group chairs by this meeting in order to transition work from AWF to AWG smoothly. Referring to the new structure, he further added that there would be three working groups under the new structure: WG Spectrum, WG Technology and WG Service & Applications. The Meeting proposed the names of Mr. John Lewis (Added Value Application), Ms. Juyeon Song (Samsung Electronics) and Dr. Wiseto Agung (Telecom Indonesia) as the chairs of the working groups respectively. Since there was no

Page 7 of 19 AWF-9/OUT-21(Rev.1) opposition, the chairs of the working groups were nominated by the meeting. It was noted by the meeting that the sub working group and task group chairs would be nominated by the respective working group. It was suggested by Mr. Yamada that each Working Group provide a complete list of the sub working group and task group chairs in the closing plenary. This comment was noted by the meeting. Decision no. 20 (AWF-9) Plenary appointed Mr. John Lewis as the chairman of WG Spectrum; Ms. Juyeon Song as the chairman of WG Technology and Dr. Wiseto Agung as the chairman of WG Service & Application.


5.1 Spectrum Working Group (Document No. AWF-9/OUT-19)

The Spectrum Working Group met twice during the AWF-9 meeting. The meetings were chaired by Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of the Working Group. The main activity of the SWG was to review the work of its eight existing Sub-Working Groups.

After the presentation of an information document in the first session allocated to the Spectrum Working Group, the work continued in the eight Sub-WGs and one Ad Hoc group where all the relevant input documents were presented and subsequently discussed. A good number of adopted working documents in the form of Temporary documents and final outcomes in the form of Output documents were adopted by the working group. List of the output documents and temporary documents which are carried forward are listed in the following tables:

Group Output Documents (Document no.) Sub-WG1 APT Common Views on Harmonised Frequency Arrangements for IMT in the band 698-806 MHz (AWF-9/OUT-12) Draft New Report: Harmonised Frequency Arrangements for the Band 698-806 MHz (AWF-9/OUT-13) Sub-WG2 Liaison Statement to ASTAP and to the APT Management Committee - APT Recommendation “Radiocommunication Systems for Early Warning and Disaster Relief Operations” (AWF-9/OUT-16) Sub-WG3 Modification to APT Guidelines on Technical Conditions for the use of Mobile Phones Onboard Aircraft (Opinion No. APT/AWF/OP-02 - Edition: April 2009) (AWF-9/OUT-14) Sub-WG7 Questionnaire on SDR (Software Defined Radio) & CRS (Cognitive Radio System) in APT Region (AWF-9/OUT-18) Sub-WG8 Liaison Statement to APG (AWF-9/OUT-17) Ad Hoc Draft Liaison Statement to ASTAP –“Working Document Towards a Preliminary Draft APT Report on Characteristics and Requirements of Optical and Electric Components For Millimetre-Wave Radio on Fibre Systems (AWF-9/OUT-20)

Group Carried Forward Documents (Document no.) Sub-WG1 Preliminary Draft Report on Sharing and Compatibility Studies of GSM MCBTS (Multi-Carrier Base Stations) and Adjacent Systems in the 900MHz and 1800MHz Bands in Asia Pacific (AWF-9/TMP-14)

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Sub-WG2 Working Document towards APT Report on PPDR Applications using IMT-Based Technologies and Networks (AWF-9/TMP-08Rev.1) Sub-WG3 Working Document towards a Preliminary Draft Framework and Guidelines on Technical Conditions for the use of Mobile Phones Onboard Vessels (AWF- 9/TMP-24) Sub-WG4 Draft modification to APT Recommendation (APT/AWF/REC-02) (AWF-9/TMP- 01Rev.2) Working Document toward new APT Report on Cross Border Coordination of Terrestrial Services (AWF-9/TMP-13) Sub-WG6 Working Document toward a new APT Report “Spectrum Management and Monitoring during Major Events” (AWF-9/TMP-03) Working Document toward a new APT Report [Case Studies_Interference] (AWF- 9/TMP-04) Sub-WG8 Working Document towards a Draft New Report on Studies In Addressing the Inefficiency associated with the Asymmetry of Existing Unplanned FSS Uplink/Downlink Spectrum in the 10-15 GHz Band (AWF-9/TMP-19)

Regarding the implementation of AFIS it was noted by the WG that implementations was on hold due to sickness of the contact person in ECO and the situation would be resolved shortly.

Consideration was also given to the APT Ministerial Meeting Bali Action Plan based on the proposal of Republic of Korea on regional collaboration for sharing studies through AWF. It was noted that AWF could provide a regular framework to conduct compatibility/sharing studies when considering border situations between APT member countries and Region 1 countries.

The Spectrum Working Group meeting considered document AWF-9/INP-73 concerning “Working Document towards a Preliminary Draft APT Report on Characteristics and Requirements of Optical and Electric Components for Millimetre-Wave Radio on Fibre Systems”. An Ad Hoc group, chaired by Mr. H. Ogawa (Japan), developed a reply Liaison Statement to ASTAP that can be found in document AWF-9/TMP-06. This was agreed in the Spectrum Working Group and was submitted in document AWF-9/OUT-20 to the AWF Plenary for consideration and approval.

One interesting presentation associated with Spectrum WG activities was made during this AWF-9 Spectrum WG meeting by NICT, Japan, on “Research and Development on the Millimetre Wave Band Communication System for Airplane”. This presentation foreshadows a potential new work item for the SWG at future meetings on the selection of suitable frequency bands in the millimetre wave range for this new application.

Spectrum WG also considered the new rearranged structure and appointed chairs for the sub WGs and task groups. Under the new structure Spectrum WG would have 2 sub WGs and 4 Task Groups. The consolidated work plan of the sub working groups can be found in document AWF-9/OUT-15(Rev.1).

Substantial progress was made on a number of tasks at the AWF-9 meeting. The complete meeting report of Spectrum Woking Group can be found in document no. AWF-9/OUT-21.

5.2. IMT Working Group (Document No. AWF-9/OUT-04)

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The IMT Working Group met three times during AWF-9 meeting. Meetings were chaired by Mr. Akira Hiroike, Chairman of the IMT WG. Thirteen input documents, AWF-9/INP-14, 15, 16, 23, 26, 36(Rev.1), 37, 38, 39, 50, 54, 64, 67 were allocated to the group.

During these meeting the working group finalized the draft APT report on Information of Mobile Operators’ Frequencies, Technologies and License Duration in Asia Pacific Countries. This report was sent to plenary as an outcome of the WG. Regarding future maintenance of this new report, WG-IMT’s view is that WG-Spectrum under the new structure might be an appropriate WG for this work taking AFIS into account.

The working group also considered a number of presentations related to the ITU-R WP5D activities related to IMT. Those presentations are very informative and help AWF members understand recent IMT related standardization activities. As for review of latest status of introduction/deployment of IMT system and related services, the following documents were presented. - Country Report on the Introduction of Mobile and related Services in Australia (AWF- 9/INP-39) by Australia - Trends of Mobile Communication Systems in Japan (AWF-9/ INP-50) by Japan These presentations are very informative and help AWF members understand recent situations in these countries.

The working group also considered the input documents no. INP-14, INP-15 and INP-16 from Huawei Technologies and China Unicom. It was basically agreed that these proposed studies are useful and can be initiated in AWF. Following this WG’s decision, WG developed the draft questionnaire to APT member countries on Heterogeneous-Network to gather useful information for the new work. This draft questionnaire was merged with another questionnaire on Femto-cell developed by WG-CONV taking into account technical relevance between Heterogeneous- Network and Femto-cell. WG-IMT asks for AWF plenary approval of initiation of these three new studies and sending out draft questionnaire relating to Heterogeneous-Network.

Regarding the future work plan and possible deliverables, the following document was presented. - Proposal for Starting the Consideration of the Future IMT (AWF-9/INP-54) by Japan During the meeting, the proposal was discussed and it was basically agreed that this proposed study is important in APT member countries and can be initiated in AWF. Following this WG’s decision, WG developed the draft questionnaire to APT member countries on future IMT to gather useful information for the new work. WG-IMT asks for AWF plenary approval of initiation of this new study and sending out draft questionnaire.

5.3 Convergence Working Group (Document No. AWF-9/OUT-11Rev.1)

The Convergence Working Group met three times during AWF-9 meeting. The meetings were chaired by Dr. Wiseto Agung, Chairman of the WG. During these meetings, the WG considered its ongoing activities under two sub WGs. The WG received a good number of input presentations from members which were presented at the meetings. Presentation topics were as follows:

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- Convergence Business in Korea: IPTV case of KT - Mobile IPTV Development Trends in Korea - IPTV standard activities - M-Commerce in Convergence World: Implementation and Regulation - IPE Business Overview - Finding New Drivers for Femtocell Deployment - Spectrum Fee-based on Bandwidth License Approach

During the meetings it was decided that the WG would collect information regarding femtocell solution via a questionnaire and the results can be utilized by APT members. Furthermore, the questionnaire results can be used to improve the draft report of “FMC Business Model” and update the “Report on the Regulatory Aspect of Fixed Mobile Convergence”. Convergence WG developed a survey questionnaire on heterogeneous network including femtocell which can be found in document AWF-9/OUT-08. The list of the output documents and working documents of the WG are listed in the following table: Document No Title of the Documents AWF-9/OUT-06 Report of the Standardization Progress of Fixed Mobile Convergence AWF-9/OUT-08 Circular Letter on APT Wireless Forum Questionnaires from -IMT Working Group and Convergence Working Group- AWF-9/TMP-30 Working Document Towards Draft report on “FMC Business Model” AWF-9/TMP-31 Working Document Towards Preliminary Draft new Report on “Telecommunication-Broadcasting Convergence”

Convergence WG also considered the approved new structure of AWF. It was noted that the WG would be known as Service and Application WG in the new structure with four task groups.

5.4 Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications (Document No. AWF-9/OUT-10)

The Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications (TG-SAT) met three times during the AWF-9 meeting. The meetings were chaired by Ms. Onanong Petnim, chairman of the TG. The meetings discussed 4 input documents received at AWF-9 and a working document carried forward from AWF-8. At AWF-9, TG-SAT completed the new Survey Report on Modern Satellite Applications. This Report is available in document no. AWF-9/OUT-05. It was reported at the meetings that the initial task for TG-SAT had been completed. Therefore, new terms of reference, work plan and deliverables for TG-SAT needed to be defined for continuation of the work of the group as proposed in document AWF-9/INP-13 from China. The meeting agreed that the terms of reference, work plan and deliverables for TG-SAT would be discussed at the next meeting based on contributions received at that meeting.

5.5 Task Group on Intelligent Transport System (Document No. AWF-9/OUT-07)

The Task Group on Intelligent Transport System (TG-ITS) met twice during AWF-9 to consider the eight input documents. The meetings were chaired by Dr. Satoshi Oyama, chairman of the task group. At the meeting chairman presented the status report of ITU-R SG5 WP5A WG5 SWG2 on ITS. There were several questions on the status of ITS projects. It was suggested by the chairman that more contributions from APT member countries to WP5A on ITS radiocommunications would be required.

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Regarding the “Circular Letter with questionnaires on ITS frequency spectrum usage and ITS technologies in APT member countries”, the AWF secretariat received responses from seven countries. The Chairman of TG-ITS, with editing assistance of Rep. of Korea, submitted the summary of the responses. The chairman of TG-ITS requested AWF secretariat to remind APT member countries/regions again to respond to this Questionnaire, since this survey is important as the base information of TG-ITS to understand the status of ITS radiocommunications in Asia- Pacific Region. Dr. Choong-Keun Oh, TTA, Republic of Korea was appointed to edit this report. It was reconfirmed that the target completion date of this report is by the next meeting. Presentations were made by the delegates of Japan and the Republic of Korea on recent activities on advanced ITS Radiocommunications and short range high resolution radar. Those presentations included recent ITU-R WP5A activities in this regard. These presentations helped delegates to have a better understanding of the activities related to ITS.

5.6 Ad hoc Group on document Working Method and Document Approval Procedure (Document No. AWF-9/OUT-01)

The Ad Hoc group met once and was chaired by Mr. John Lewis who was appointed as the chair of the ad hoc group. The group reviewed document AWF-8/OUT-02, and in particular, reviewed the AWF Working Methods .The group discussed the document “Working Methods of the APT Wireless Forum” and a number of issues were raised. It was noted that there were a number of areas in the document that needed to be changed as a result of the consideration of the restructuring and rebranding of AWF. It was also suggested to modify the Document Approval Procedure of AWF to take restructuring and rebranding into consideration.


6.1 Approval of Agenda (AWF-9/ADM-22Rev.1)

Chairman asked comment on the agenda of the final plenary meeting. The Agenda was approved by the meeting. Decision no. 21 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the agenda of the final plenary meeting.

6.2 Report of the Working Groups, Task Groups and Ad Hoc groups

6.2.1 Report of the Spectrum Working Group (Doc. AWF-9/OUT-19)

Mr. John Lewis, Chairman of the Spectrum Working presented his report to the plenary meeting and noted that substantial progress has been made on a number of tasks at this meeting of the AWF. The Chairman, SWG, thanked all participants, as well as the Chairpersons of the eight groups, for their enthusiasm and excellent contributions to the work. He indicated that there are 8 output documents that need to be considered and approved by the Plenary (OUT-12, OUT-13, OUT-14, OUT-15, OUT-16, OUT-17, OUT-18 and OUT-20).

The plenary noted and approved the report of the Spectrum WG. Decision no. 22 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the report of Spectrum WG.

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6.2.2 Report of the IMT Working Group (Doc. AWF-9/OUT-04)

Mr. Akira Hiroike, Chairman of the Working group on IMT presented his report for approval of the plenary. He thanked all participants for their active participation at the WG activities. He informed the meeting that IMT WG has one output document (no. AWF-9/OUT-02) which needed the approval of the plenary.

The plenary noted and approved the report of the IMT Working group Decision no. 23 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the report of IMT WG.

6.2.3 Report of the Convergence Working Group (Doc. AWF-9/OUT-11Rev.1)

Dr. Wiseto Agung, Chairman of the Working Group on Convergence presented his report. He thanked all the delegates who participated in the activities of the WG. He mentioned that Working Group had developed three output documents (no. AWF-9/OUT-06, OUT-08, OUT- 09) which needed the approval of the plenary.

The plenary noted and approved the report of the Convergence Working group. Decision no. 24 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the report of Convergence WG.

6.2.4 Report of the Task Group on Modern Satellite System (Doc. AWF-9/OUT-10)

Ms. Onanong Petnim, Chairman of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications presented her report. She informed the meeting that the task group has developed one output document (no. AWF-9/OUT-05) which needed approval of the plenary.

The plenary noted and approved the report of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications. Decision no. 25 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the report of the Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications.

6.2.5 Report of the Task Group on ITS (Doc. AWF-9/OUT-07)

Dr. Satoshi Oyama, Chairman of the Task Group on ITS presented his report. The plenary noted and approved the report of the Task Group on ITS.

Decision no. 26 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the report of the Task Group on ITS.

6.2.6 Report of the Ad Hoc Group on Working Methods (Doc. AWF-9/OUT-01)

Mr. John Lewis Chairman of the Ad hoc Group on Working Methods presented his report. He informed the meeting that the Working Methods had been revised and finalized based on the rebranding and restructuring of AWF. It had been submitted to plenary for approval.

The plenary noted and approved the report.

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Decision no. 27 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the report of the ad hoc group on Working Methods.

6.2.7 Report of the Corresponding Group on Restructuring and Rebranding (Doc. AWF- 9/OUT-03)

Dr. Kohei Satoh, convener of the Corresponding Group on Restructuring and Rebranding presented his report. He informed the meeting that the recommendation of the group had been submitted and accordingly second session of the plenary already decided the restructuring and rebranding of AWF. He thanked all the delegates who participated in the activities of the group.

The plenary noted and approved the report of the Corresponding Group on Restructuring and Rebranding.

Decision no. 28 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the report of the Corresponding Group on Restructuring and Rebranding.

6.2.8 Report of the Ad Hoc Group on Technology (Doc. AWF-9/TMP-36)

Ms. Juyeon Song who chaired the Ad Hoc Group on Technology presented her report. The Ad Hoc group was formed in order to smoothly transition to the new structure of AWF. She informed the meeting to consider the new structure of the Work Group Technology which will include a Task group on Technology. She further informed that the task group leadership had also been decided. Plenary noted the report of the Ad Hoc Group on Technology. Decision no. 28 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the report of the ad hoc group on Technology.

6. 3 Approval of Output documents

6.3.1 Spectrum WG Document no. AWF-9/OUT-12: APT Common Views on Harmonized Frequency Arrangement for IMT in the Band 698-806 MHz

It was mentioned that this document would be submitted to ITU-R WP5D meeting as a document from APT. Meeting approved the document and asked APT Secretariat to submit this document to ITU-R on time. Decision no. 29 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the document and instructed APT Secretariat to submit to ITU-R on time. Document no. AWF-9/OUT-13: New APT Report on Harmonized Frequency Arrangements for the Band 698-806 MHz

The document was approved by the meeting. The APT Secretariat was instructed to publish this report on the website. Decision no. 30 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the document and instructed the APT Secretariat to publish this report on website.

Page 14 of 19 AWF-9/OUT-21(Rev.1) Document no.AWF-9/OUT-14: Modification to APT Guideline on Technical Conditions for the Use of Mobile Phones on Board Aircraft

It was informed that this document was intended to modify existing APT Opinion (APT/AWF/OP-02) which was adopted by the AWF-6 meeting. Plenary approved the modification. Decision no. 31 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the modification to APT Opinion APT/AWF/OP-02 and instructed APT Secretariat to publish this revised version on website. Document no.AWF-9/OUT-15: Consolidated Workplan of the Spectrum SWGs

It was mentioned the document contained the workplan of the eight SWGs of the spectrum Working Group. Plenary noted the documents. Decision no. 32 (AWF-9) Plenary noted the consolidated workplan of the sub working groups of Spectrum Working Group. Document no. AWF-9/OUT-16(Rev.1): Liaison Statements to ASTAP and To APT Management Committee

It was mentioned that the intention of this document was to request ASTAP and APT Management Committee to defer the approval of APT Recommendation “Radiocommunication Systems for Early Warning and Disaster Relief Operations” adopted by ASTAP. Concern was raised that AWF is not mandated to send liaison statement to APT Management Committee. Therefore it was decided that the issue would be raised to MC through the AWF Chairman’s report to MC. Decision no. 32 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the document with modifications and decided to include this issue in the AWF Chairman’s Report to MC. Document no. AWF-9/OUT-17: Liaison Statement to APG

This liaison statement to APG intended to draw the attention of the APG to the possibility of a draft new Agenda Item for the next WRC to address the inefficiency associated with the asymmetry of existing unplanned FSS uplink/downlink spectrum allocation in the 10-15 GHz band. It was commented that 4th and 5th APG meetings would consider the agenda for future WRCs. Therefore, this issue needs to be communicated to the APT Member Administrations so that they have sufficient time to study this matter prior to the 4th APG meeting from 13-18 December 2010 in Hong Kong. Decision no. 33 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the liaison statement to APG and instructed APT Secretariat to send a circular letter to APT Members pointing out this issue well before the 4th APG meeting. Document no. AWF-9/OUT-18: Questionnaire on SDR and CRS

The questionnaire on SDR and CRS in the document was approved by the meeting. Decision no. 34 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the questionnaire.

Page 15 of 19 AWF-9/OUT-21(Rev.1) Document no. AWF-9/OUT-20: Liaison Statement to ASTAP

This document contained the liaison statement to ASTAP seeking ASTAP’s cooperation on developing APT Report on “Characteristics and Requirements of Optical and Electric Components for Millimeter-Wave Radio on Fiber Systems”. The Meeting approved the liaison statement. Decision no. 34 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the liaison statement to ASTAP.

6.3.2 IMT WG Document no. AWF-9/OUT-02: New APT Report on Information of Mobile Operator’s Frequencies, Technologies and License Durations in Asia Pacific Countries

The document was approved by the meeting. The APT Secretariat was also instructed to publish this new Report on the APT website. Decision no. 35 (AWF-9) Plenary approved this new report and instructed APT Secretariat to publish this report on website.

6.3.3 Convergence WG Document no. AWF-9/OUT-06: New APT Report on Standardization Progress of Fixed Mobile Convergence

The document was approved by the meeting. The APT Secretariat was also instructed to publish this new Report on APT website. Decision no. 36 (AWF-9) Plenary approved this new report and instructed APT Secretariat to publish this report on website. Document no. AWF-9/OUT-08: AWF Questionnaires of Convergence WG and IMT WG

It was noted that this document contained three sets of questionnaires of which one was from IMT WG and the other two from the Convergence WG. The Meeting approved the document.

Decision no. 37 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the questionnaires as contained in the document. Document no. AWF-9/OUT-09 Liaison Statement to ITU-R WP5A and 5D

This document contained a liaison statement to ITU-R WP5A and 5D informing the initiation of work within the AWF in the areas of heterogeneous networks and machine-to-machine communications. However, the meeting noted that the purpose of any liaison statement was among APT work programs; and not outside organization. It was decided by the meeting the content of this document could be included in the Dr. Satoh’s report to ITU-R WP5D, as the Region 3 Rappateur of ITU-R WP5D. Decision no. 38 (AWF-9) Plenary did not approve the liaison statement as it was out of scope of the purpose of liaison

Page 16 of 19 AWF-9/OUT-21(Rev.1) statements. Plenary requested Dr. Satoh to include the content of the document in his report to WP5D as the Region 3 Rappateur of ITU-R WP5D.

6.4 Task Group on Modern Satellite Applications

6.4.1 Document no. AWF-9/OUT-05: New APT Report on Trends and Technical Requirements for Modern Satellite Applications

The document was approved by the plenary and the APT Secretariat was instructed to publish this new report on APT website. Decision no. 39 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the new report and instructed APT Secretariat to publish this report on APT Website.

6.5 Document no. AWF-9/OUT-01: Working Methods of AWF

It was mentioned by Mr. John Lewis that the annex to this document contained the revised Working Methods which took into consideration the rebranding and restructuring of AWF. The revised Working Methods was approved by the meeting. Decision no. 40 (AWF-9) Plenary approved the revised Working Methods in consideration of the rebranding and restructuring of AWF.

Mr. Lewis informed the meeting that there would be consequential editorial changes in the Document Approval Procedure of AWF considering the rebranding and restructuring of AWF. It was also indicated by China that the AWF Document Approval procedure did not include “Liaison Statement” as a document type. China suggested including this type in the document approval procedure. Meeting accepted the proposals from China and instructed APT Secretariat to make editorial modification and include the comments from China in the Approval Procedure document. Decision no. 41 (AWF-9) Plenary decided to revise the Document Approval Procedure to take in to account the rebranding and restructuring of AWF. It was also decided to include “liaison statement” as a new type of document. APT Secretariat was given the responsibility to make the modifications and submit to the APT Management Committee for approval.


As requested by the Mr. Yamada, a listing table of the office bearers for the proposed structure was introduced to the meeting. The list includes the proposed chairs of various sub working groups and task groups on provisional basis.

WG Spectrum Chair: Mr. John Lewis (Added Value Application, New Zealand)

Sub Working Groups of WG-SPEC 1. Spectrum Arrangement and Harmonization: Ms. Zhu Keer (P.R. China) 2. Spectrum Monitoring: Mr. Qinzhu Liu (P.R. China)

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Task Groups of WG-SPEC 1. Sharing study on IMT Systems: Ms. Julie Welch (Qualcomm Inc. Hong Kong) 2. Public Protection and Disaster Relief: Mr. Bharat Bhatia (Motorola India Ltd.) 3. Broadband Wireless Access: Dr. Euntaek Lim (Samsung Electronics, Rep. of Korea) 4. FSS Spectrum in 10-15 GHz Range: Mr. Kevin Seow (SES World Skies, Singapore)

WG Technology Chair: Ms. Juyeon Song (Samsung Electronics, Rep. of Korea)

Task Groups of WG-TECH 1. Short Range Devices: Dr. Masazumi Ueba (Japan) 2. IMT: Mr. Akira Hiroike (ARIB, Japan) 3. ITS: Dr. Sathoshi Oyama (Hitachi Ltd., Japan) 4. SDR/CRS: Dr. Lang Baozhen (P. R. China)

WG Service and Application Chair: Dr. Wiseto Agung (Telecom Indonesia)

Task Groups of WG-S&A 1. Fixed Mobile Convergence: Mr. Arief H. Gunawan (PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia) 2. Radiocommunication Convergence: 3. Modern Satellite Applications: Ms. Onanong Petnim (Thaicom Public Co., Thailand) 4. Aeronautical and Maritime: Mr. Song Qizhu (P.R. China)

The list of the office bearers was provisionally approved by the plenary.

Decision no. 41 (AWF-9) Plenary provisionally approved the list of the office bearers as shown above.


It was mentioned by the Chairman that there would be two regular meetings of AWF (AWG) in year 2011 as usual. Mr. Yamada informed the meeting that Cambodia had shown interest to host the 10th Meeting of AWF (AWG) in the first quarter of 2011. He further added that APT Secretariat is communicating with the Government of Cambodia to finalize the date and venue of the meeting. He invited APT Administrations to express their interest to host the 11th Meeting of AWF (AWFG). The meeting noted the comments by Mr. Yamada.

Decision no. 42 (AWF-9) Plenary noted that there will be two meetings in year 2011. It was also noted that APT Secretariat would communicate with Cambodia for hosting the 10th Meeting.


Chairman indicated that the draft report will be prepared by APT Secretariat with the help of Ms Chris Perera, Vice Chairman of the AWF. Chairman also informed that the draft report will be placed for comments on the APT server for 4 weeks and any comments received will be suitably considered. He also invited comments on any errors or corrections so that these could be suitably incorporated. The final version of the report will be made available thereafter.

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The Chairman mentioned that the AWF-9 had completed its work successfully and adopted a new name and new structure for AWF. He also noted that a substantial number of output documents have been approved by this meeting. He thanked the vice chairs, working groups, task group and ad hoc group chairs for their very hard work. He also thanked all the delegates for their contributions to the meeting. Finally, he thanked Korea Communication Commission and Government of the Republic of Korea for being an excellent hosting and supporting the APT. He wished all a safe journey back home.

Mr. Yamada presented a token of appreciation to Dr. Yong Kyun Kim, the former chairman of AWF for his outstanding contribution to the work of AWF.

Delegates from New Zealand congratulated the chairman and two vice chairs for their new positions and thanked them and all the working group and TG chairs for their hard work. New Zealand also thanked Republic of Korea for the excellent facilities during the meeting.

On behalf of the host country, Dr. Kyu-jin Wee thanked the chairman, vice chairs, WG and TG chairs and all the delegates for their hard work.

The meeting was adjourned.


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