Information Gap Game. Two Vowels out Walking
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Information Gap Game. Two vowels out walking.
Teacher’s notes
Information gap game.
Elevene går rundt i rommet og spørre den de møter om de kan lydere og lese to ord, og lage to setninger hvor de bruker hvert av ordene.
Ved hjelp av lydering og ved å bruke regelen «two vowels out walking», skal elevene klare å uttale ordene riktig. Ved hjelp av bildene skal de forstå hva ordene betyr.
Repeter regelen:
When two vowels are out walking, the first one does the talking.
Når vi ser to vokaler sammen midt I et ord, sier den første vokalen navn på bokstaven sin. Den andre vokaler sier ingenting.
Øv på å uttale /eΙ/. Lydere noen ord f eks aim, pain, paint og snakk om hva ordene betyr.
Lek Information Gap Game. Klipp opp spillekortene med /eΙ/ slik at det er et kort til hver elev.
Gjentar forarbeid og leken med de andre lydene:
/Ι:/ (tree, week, treat, seat)
/ɑΙ/ (pie ti) (Denne stavemønster er ikke brukt så ofte i høyfrekvente ord.)
/ƏƱ/ (oak, boat, road)
/u:/ (blue, glue) (Denne stavemønster er ikke brukt så ofte i høyfrekvente ord) /eΙ/
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a train rain
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a chain a brain
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a drain a jail Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
hail an e-mail
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
nail hail
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
paint pail
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
jail paint
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a tree a bee Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a bead a lead Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
green tea three fleas
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a queen fourteen Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
green peas the sea Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
clean teeth a bleeding knee
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a leaf jeans Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
meat meet
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a coat a boat
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences: a moat a goat Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a sail boat a speed boat
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
soap toad
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
goat toad
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
sail boat soap
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences: road oak
/ɑΙ/ (pie ti) og repetisjon av /eΙ/ /Ι:/ og /ƏƱ/
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a pie a tie
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a train rain
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a tree a bee Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a bead a lead
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a coat a boat
Find three people who can read the words and make two sentences:
a queen fourteen