2015 UPC Chapter 2 Definitions Part 1
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2015 UPC Chapter 2 Definitions – Part 1 RV 11/8/16
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Quiz 1 1. The definitions of terms are arranged 3. A control valve is installed in a new alphabetically according to the ______word installation and must be accessible. of the term. “Accessible” means that it can be ______. first accessed directly without any obstructions second accessed by cutting an opening into the wall third accessed by removing a fixture or appliance fourth accessed by removing an access door fifth none of the answers provided
2. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene is ______. 4. An installation that is required to be readily a type of material used to create conduits for accessible means that it can be ______. conveying building drains accessed by cutting into a wall a special caulking for ceramic tile accessed by removing an access panel, a toxic material that is banned for potable door or another accepted method water systems accessed by removing a fixture or appliance a chemical that is a controlled substance none of the answers provided also known as ABS in the trade
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negative pressure tap 5. The physical separation that may below the aspirator inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixture is known as ______. the specified gap 12. The AHJ shall be a ______department an air break having statutory authority. a break gap federal a space break state local 6. The unobstructed vertical distance through regional the atmosphere between the lowest opening any of the answers provided from a potable water faucet to the flood-level rim of a fixture is known as ______. 13. Can the AHJ be an individual plumbing, a water distribution air gap mechanical, labor department, health a drainage airgap department, or building official? an air break Yes indirect waste No none of the answers provided 14. A ______device is required to prevent 7. An alternate water source includes ______. backflow into the potable water system. gray water backflow preventer on-site treated nonpotable water double check valve assembly rainwater anti-flow meter reclaimed (recycled) water none of the answers provided all of the answers provided 15. A backwater valve is installed in a water 8. Anesthetizing location is an area of a facility supply system to prevent reverse flow. that has been designated to be used for the True administration of general anesthesia. False True False 16. A room equipped with a water closet and a lavatory is known as a ______. 9. Approved means acceptable to the ______. 1/4 bathroom general contractor 1/2 bathroom home owner bathroom AHJ any of the answers provided bank none of the answers provided
10. An area drain is a receptor designed to 17. A bathroom group must include ______. collect surface or storm water from an open a water closet area. a water closet and a sink True a water closet, a sink and a bathtub or False shower a bathtub or shower 11. A fitting supplied with water under a positive pressure that passes through an integral 18. Any group of two or more similar, adjacent orifice causing a vacuum is called a/n fixtures that discharge into a common ______. horizontal waste or soil branch is called a vacuum tap ______. pressure tap double bathroom
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double discharge A. building supply multiple fixture connection B. irrigation line battery of fixtures C. water service D. both B and C
Quiz 2 1. Boiler blowoff is ______. a device used reduce pressure on the high 7. A person certified by Washington State pressure side of a system Department of Health to inspect and test, a device used to discharge sediment from a maintain and repair backflow prevention boiler assemblies, devices and air gaps is known less than 2x working pressure as a ______. none of the answers provided plumber journeyman plumber 2. Bonding jumper is not a reliable conductor to certified backflow assembly tester ensure the required electrical conductivity none of the answers provided between metal parts are required to be electrically connected. 8. A cesspool ______. True holds organic solids False is a lined excavation permits liquids to seep through the bottom 3. A bottle filling station is connected to the and sides potable water distribution system and any of the answers provided sanitary drainage system that is designed none of the answers provided and intended for filling personal use drinking water bottles or containers not less that ______in height. 9. A fixture that has the same flushing and cleansing characteristics of a water closet 2 inches that is used to receive that wastes from a 5 inches bedpan is known as a/n ______. 10 inches clinical sink 17 inches bedpan sink nursing home sink 4. A building is a structure for housing, shelter hospital sink or support of persons, animals, or property of any kind. 10. Plans, specifications, written, graphic, and True pictorial documents prepared for describing False the ______of the elements of a project necessary for obtaining a permit is known as 5. The building drain must extend ______from construction documents. the outside of the building wall to the design building sewer. location 2 feet physical characteristics 4 feet all of the answers provided 6 feet none of the answers provided 8 feet 11. ______is the term used when potable water 6. The pipe that supplies potable water from that has bacteria creates a public health the water meter to a building or another hazard. point of use is known as a/n ______.
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A. Contamination 2 feet B. High hazard 3 feet C. Non-drinkable 4 feet D. Non-sanitary 5 feet E. both A and B 3. In the designed flood elevation Coastal 12. Copper alloy is a homogenous mixture of Zone-A, wave height is between ______and ______or more metals. ______. two 1 foot – 2 feet three 1.5 foot – 3 feet four 3 feet – 4 feet five 4 feet – 5 feet
13. CPVC is ______. Cold Pressurized Valve Connection Conductor Pressure Value Coefficient 4. In the designed flood elevation Zone-A, Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride wave height is less than ______. Calculated Pressure Valve Capacity 1 foot 1.5 feet 14. A debris excluder is ______. 2 feet found on a commercial sink upstream from 3 feet an inline garbage disposal 3.5 feet unlawful to install in a 3-inch sewer line installed in a shower drain line 5. In the designed flood elevation Zone-X, a device installed on the rainwater wave height is less than ______. catchments conveyance system to prevent 1 foot the accumulation of leaves, needles, or other debris in the system 1.5 feet 2 feet 15. The elevation of the design flood relative to 3 feet the datum on the community’s designated none of the answers provided flood hazard map is known as the ______. design flood elevation 6. In areas designated as Zone AO where a flood plain depth number is not specified on the map, overflow field the depth number is equal to ______. high water area 1 foot none of the answers provided 1.5 feet 2 feet Quiz 3 3 feet 1. In describing the characteristics of a flood none of the answers provided plain, the abbreviation of BFE is used and means ______. 7. The rain leader from the roof to the building Base Flood Elevation storm drain located outside of the building is Basic Flood Evacuation known as a/n ______. Base Flood Plain Economic Zone elbow Best Flood Evacuation Route leave port leaf port 2. In the designed flood elevation Zone V, downspout wave height is equal to or greater than ______.
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8. A drain is ______pipe that carries any of the answers provided waterborne wastes in a building drainage system. 14. A fitting or arrangement of pipe and fittings an ABS that permits the contraction and expansion a 1-1/2 inch or larger of a piping system is known as an expansion a 3 inch or larger joint. a galvanized or copper True any of the answers provided False
9. Drainage systems shall not include the 15. A/n ______is between the water line to a mains of a ______kitchen sink and the main water line. public sewer system water line public sewage treatment plant auxiliary line public sewage disposal plant branch supply line any of the answers provided arterial line fixture branch
10. Drinking fountains shall incorporate a ______for chilling the drinking water. water filter 16. A drain from the trap of a fixture to the junction of that drain with any other drain cooling system pipe is known as a ______. both of the answers provided combination drain neither of the answers provided continuous drain multiple-use drain 11. An effective ground-fault current path is generally known as the ground wire. This fixture drain ground wire is ______in color. any of the answers provided black red 17. The load on a plumbing system from different kinds of fixtures is known as a white ______. green load none of the answers provided fixture unit fixture number 12. A sink used in the patient exam room of a medical or dental office with a primary load unit purpose for washing hands is known as the none of the answers provided exam room sink. True Quiz 4 False 1. The top edge of a receptor from which water overflows is known as ______. 13. On a remodel, older plumbing work was flooded uncovered that does not meet the latest flood level current code. This work is considered to be the flood-level rim ______. none of the answers provided accepted approved 2. When the liquid rises to the flood level rim, existing work the fixture is known as ______. a mess overloaded
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overflowed B. gang shower flooded C. group shower capacity excess D. both B and C
3. A ______tank is located above a water 9. Is patient care room the same as general closet for the purpose of flushing the usable care area? portion of the fixture. Yes rinse No hose storage 10. Who is responsible for the operation of a water health care facility? flush Council Administration 4. A valve located at the bottom of the tank for Governing body the purpose of flushing water closets is Committee known as a ______. basin valve 11. A gravity grease interceptor does not have tank valve the following features ______. flush valve 30-minute retention time waste valve baffle (s) a minimum of three (3) compartments a minimum total volume of not less than 300 gallons 5. A tank integrated within an air accumulator vessel that discharges a preset amount of flushing water is known as a ______. hydraulic tank 12. A/n ______is a device that is installed in a pressure water tank sanitary drainage system to intercept non- flushometer tank petroleum fats, oils and grease from a single flush tank wastewater discharge. metered flush tank grease interceptor NPF disposal system 6. A ______valve discharges a predetermined effluent separation interceptor quantity of water to fixtures for flushing and FOG disposal system is actuated by direct water pressure. rise 13. A Grease Removal Device (GRD) that flood automatically, mechanically removes non- flushometer petroleum fats, oils and grease (FOG) from the interceptor, is a device. dump True fast-acting sweep False 7. FOG is an abbreviation for ______. Quiz 5 fats, oils, grease 1. A grounding electrode through which a floating on grease direct connection to ______is established. flood on grade earth flush on grade water pipe fuse box 8. Two showers that are installed in the same panel box custom bathroom are known as a ______. none of the answers provided A. customized shower
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2. Heat-fusion welding includes ______. 8. A drain that dumps into a drainage system, socket-fusion but does not make a physical connection electro-fusion with the drain and has a physical gap between itself and the drainage system is saddle-fusion known as a/n ______. all of the answers provided air gap air break 3. Heat-fusion welding involves the application of ______to the components to fuse them indirect waste pipe together. direct waste pipe heat pressure 9. An individual vent is ______. both of the answers provided a pipe that terminates in the open air neither of the answers provided a pipe that connects to a vent system that is above the fixture that it serves 4. Any pipe that is installed at an angle less a pipe that vents a fixture than 45 degrees from vertical is considered all of the answers provided ______. none of the answers provided crooked vertical 10. Any and all liquid or water-borne waste from horizontal industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage, is referred to as ______. bent sewage 5. Hot water is defined as water greater than or waste equal to ______. industrial waste 100°F commercial waste 120°F 130°F 140°F
6. A Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor incorporates which of the following except? External flow control, with air intake (vent), 11. A device that separates hazardous wastes directly connected. from normal wastes and permits normal External flow control, with air intake (vent), wastes to discharge into the disposal indirectly connected. terminal by gravity is called a ______. External flow control, without air intake A. retention tank (vent), directly connected. B. clarifier Without external flow control, directly C. interceptor connected. D. both B and C Without external flow control, indirectly connected. 12. The lowest portion of the inside of a horizontal pipe is known as the ______. 7. An indirect-fired water heater consists of a bottom storage tank equipped with ______heat BDC exchanger which transfers heat from an external source in order to heat potable invert water. convert an internal an external 13. A joint obtained by joining 2 metal parts with alloys which melt at a temperature above an internal or external 840°F is known as a ______.
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sweat joint one soldered joint two brazed joint three welded joint four
14. Flared joint is a metal-to-metal compression 18. The exterior vertical drainage pipe that joint in which c conical spread is made on conveys storm water from roof or gutter the end of the tube that is compressed by a drains is called a ______. flare nut against a mating flare. rain drain riser True leader False conductor gutter drain 15. A joint obtained by the joining of metal parts with metallic mixtures or alloys which melt at 19. Liquid waste includes fecal matter. a temperature up to and including 840°F is True known as a ______. False sweat joint soldered joint 20. A legally recorded individual area of land brazed joint that is built or being built, is regulated by this welded joint code, and is in possession of the owner is called a ______. 16. A welded joint is ______. lot a gastight joint obtained by the joining of plot metal parts in the plastic molten state short plot a gastight joint obtained by the joining of property metal parts with molten plastic headache a watertight joint obtained by the joining of metal parts with molten plastic 21. A macerating toilet system ______. a watertight joint obtained by the joining of grinds the effluent and pumps it to an metal parts in the plastic molten state approved point of discharge cannot be installed on a private sewer/ disposal system is insanitary originally was designed and installed in 17. A maximum of ______lavatories in sets can Macedonia be serviced by a single trap.