Broughton and Milton Keynes Parish Council

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Broughton and Milton Keynes Parish Council

Broughton and Milton Keynes Parish Council (Including Atterbury: Middleton: Oakgrove)

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Monday 13th July 2009 in Milton Keynes Village Hall at 7.15pm

Present: Mr Alex Kidd (Chair); Mr Ian Mitchell; Mrs Jenny Brighton; Mrs Katrina Deacon; Mr Mark Aengenheister; Mr Peter Johnson; Mrs Helen Ward (clerk), and 5 members of the public.

Ward Cllr Sam Crooks from item 11

1 Apologies for Absence Councillors consented to the absence of Mr John Cropley, Mr Leslie Tallboy and Mr Richard Peters due to holidays.

2Public Open Session A resident advised that part of Worrelle Avenue is being obstructed by a number of commercial vehicles on a daily basis and footpaths are being blocked. It was suggested that blocked footpaths are reported to Nicola Ilbarra, the Police Community Support Officer.

3To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8th June 2009 The minutes were agreed by the Council and signed by Alex Kidd.

4 Report from Jill Dewick, MK Council on the new proposed Broughton Pavilion Jill Dewick, Capital Projects Officer for Milton Keynes Council reported that the Broughton Pavilion should have begun last year however the project stalled due to funding. MK Partnership has since agreed to forward fund £50,000 so that work can start on planning and design. The next step is to appoint a project manager and an architectural firm. Once this is done a steering group will be formed and the Parish Council will be asked to send a representative to join the group. Mark & Kat have both expressed an interest. Drainage and landscaping work for the playing fields is due to start in August 2009. A resident asked that a hard standing play area be considered in the plans for all year round use.

5 Matters arising from previous meetings a. Litter bins Mark & Kat proposed 11 sites in Broughton for litter bins. It was agreed in principle to proceed with 4 of the sites on a trial basis. Kat will speak to Corinna, the Broughton Community Mobiliser, about approaching local shops for sponsorship of the bins. ACTION: Kat

b. Milton Road public consultation A public consultation for Milton Road Circus to be changed into a one way roundabout has been delivered to residents in the vicinity by Milton Keynes Council. The consultation ends 31st July 2009.

c. Footpath in front of Birds Cottage A second quote has been received for £2,200 plus VAT. A third quote is required. ACTION: Clerk

d. Parish Council logo A number of designs were circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed to adopt the stylised option in green. Mark will follow up with the designer. ACTION: Mark

e. Allotment land transfer from the HCA

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 1 of 9 Jenny and Kat met with Ben Ruston from the Homes & Communities Agency on 8 th July and Ben advised that they have now seeded between the new allotment plots. It is anticipated that the allotments will be handed over to the Parish Council on 1st November. Alex will contact Ben to discuss the legal work required to undertake the transfer. ACTION: Alex

6 Finance

a. First Quarter Receipts and Payments against Budget The report is shown in appendix 1. The clerk reminded councillors that a number of financial commitments have been made which do not yet show in this report.

b. Report of income, expenditure, balances and reconciliation for June

Cheques issued following approval at the June Meeting – Treasurer’s Account Chq No. Amount VAT Total 1184 £204.44 £30.67 £235.11 A H Contracts, dog bin emptying May 1185 £213.73 £32.06 £245.79 R & P Todd , grass cutting contract May 1186 £50.12 £50.12 Mrs H Ward, expenses May 1187 £256.85 £256.85 Anglian Water, Pavilion usage to 30/4/09 1188 £400.00 £400.00 Mr P Mathison (obo MKV Hall Table Tennis Club) , grant 1189 £699.00 £104.85 £803.85 MK Council, debris removal after fire 1190 £320.00 £48.00 £368.00 MK Council, repair to Pavilion roof 1191 £523.97 £78.60 £602.57 Scottish Power, Pavilion usage 31/309 to 30/4/09 1192 £10.00 £10.00 Communicorp, Clerk & Councils Direct subscription 1193 £653.52 £653.52 Mrs H Ward - salary June (cheque dated 25th June)

NB Plus standing monthly payment of £33 + £5.78 VAT to Market Town for website hosting

Income received during June £2.60 Bank interest £600.00 Geoffrey Leaver refund £251.88 HM Revenue & Customs Online filing fee & interest

Income Outstanding:

Quarterly Pavilion licence fee £250 due 1st May. Quarterly Pavilion insurance fee £501.36 due 19th June. (A cheque has since been received and will appear in the next financial report).

Reconciliation – Treasurer’s Account Bank Statement – 30 Jun 09 £19,823.38 £1,053.52 Cheques issued, not yet cleared £0 Payments received, not yet on statement £18,769.86 Balance after above 1 April 09 £3,077.69 Opening balance £27,409.98 Cash book receipts Apr 09 – Jun 09 £11,717.81 Cash book expenditure Apr 09 – Jun 09 30 Jun 09 £18,769.86 Closing Balance

30-day Account – 6263475 Bank Statement – 10 Jun 09 £36,478.92

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 2 of 9 1 April 09 £36,473.84 Opening Balance £5.08 Interest received Apr 09 – Jun 09 30 Jun 09 £36,478.92 Closing Balance *

* Includes Pavilion Fund balance of £6,180.75

c. The following payments were authorised

Treasurer Account

Net VAT Total Payee £255.55 £38.33 £293.88 A H Contracts, dog bin emptying June £213.73 £32.06 £245.79 R & P Todd , grass cutting contract June £274.71 £274.71 HM Revenue & Customs PAYE/NI 1st Quarter £49.13 £49.13 Mrs H Ward, expenses June £833.75 £123.77 £957.52 Mrs H Ward, computer system reimbursement* £73.39 £73.39 Anglian Water, allotment 25th Dec 08 to 18th Jun 09 £21.46 £21.46 Anglian Water, paddock 25th Dec 08 to 18th Jun 09 £392.00 £55.50 £447.50 Geoffrey Leaver – land swap £1080.00 £39.00 £1119.00 Laser Printing Solutions – Summer issue newsletter printing & delivery AskCon UK – village garden contractor 17th May to 4th June including initial £775.00 £116.25 £891.25 clearance work £653.52 £653.52 Mrs H Ward - salary July (cheque dated 25th July) £653.52 £653.52 Mrs H Ward – salary July (cheque dated 25th August)

d. Grant requests  Friends of Middleton School Alex, as Chair of Governors, and Ian and Kat, as parents of children attending the school, declared an interest. Other councillors felt that grants had been awarded previously for playground equipment so declined this request. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the applicant with the decision and to state that support for other projects would be considered in the future. ACTION: Clerk

 Willen Hospice Peter proposed donating the £500 that is budgeted for this financial year in other grants (ED10). Kat proposed £250. Mark and Ian seconded the proposal to award £250. This clerk confirmed this was section 137 funding and the rate for 2009/10 is £6.15 per elector. ACTION: Clerk

 Trading Standards It was agreed that this request did not meet the grants criteria.

 Oakgrove Cluster Schools summer activities Kat proposed that the £900 being asked for is granted. This was agreed and would be taken from the budget for community projects. ACTION: Clerk

 Time to Share Club This grant request was withdrawn at the meeting as the tenant of the pavilion and the club had since reached an agreement.

7 PO Box address It was agreed to accept the clerk’s proposal for a PO Box address at a current annual cost of £125.75. ACTION: Clerk

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 3 of 9 8 Policy on sale of Parish Council land Jenny had drafted a policy proposal, which had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed to adopt the draft as formal policy document, and to write to the residents of 1, 2 and 3 Meadow Lane following their recent requests to acquire parish council land. ACTION: Clerk

9 Phoenix Lodge Site Jenny and Kat met with Ben Ruston on 8th July. The idea for a skateboarding/BMX park was well received but it was felt would be more suited to a larger location. Ben is to respond on the proposal before the next Parish Council meeting.

10 Matters Relating to Wards a. Fallen and diseased tree at Broughton Road allotments It was agreed to accept the quotation from Mark Aitkens Landscape Services for £600 plus VAT to attend to a fallen tree and another diseased tree at the Broughton Road allotments. ACTION: Clerk

b. Broughton allotment proposal Councillors had no objection to the plan supplied from MK Partnership for access and parking to a new allotment site in Broughton. A proposal for a community allotment association from MKCVO was considered, councillors would be keen to hear more on the idea when the area has been developed.

11 General Planning Applications Planning applications received June 2009 Date Comment Ref No Description valid s 09/01029/MKPC 08-Jun-09 ERECTION OF 3 NO. 15M HIGH (19.4M TO TIP OF ROTOR) No further WIND TURBINES WITHIN SCHOOL GROUNDS at Brooklands action Farm Primary School Site, Land adjacent to Newport Road, Brooklands Eastern Expansion Area 09/00977/FUL 12-Jun-09 ENCLOSURE OF FIRST FLOOR BALCONY AREA ON FRONT No further ELEVATION at (Plot 85) 21 Watercress Way, Broughton, MK10 action 7AJ 09/01056/TPO 16-Jun-09 REMOVAL OF TWO BIRCH TREES AND ARISING STUMPS No further TO BE CUT CLOSE TO GROUND LEVEL at 10 Kingsoe Leys, action Middleton 09/01093/MKCOD3 23-Jun-09 ERECTION OF NEW CHILDREN'S CENTRE BUILDING No further (RESUBMISSION OF 09/00573/MKCOD3) at Broughton Fields action Combined School 09/01115/MKPC 24-Jun-09 APPLICATION TO VARY CONDITION 13 - LOCATION OF No further AFFORDABLE HOUSING at Broughton Gate Parcel F, Off action Warwick Avenue, Broughton Gate

09/01129/FUL 26-Jun-09 TWO STOREY FRONT AND REAR EXTENSIONS, Plans EXTENSION TO EXISTING GARAGE WITH LOFT received – CONVERSION INCLUDING DORMER WINDOWS at 2 Meadow no further Lane, Milton Keynes Village action 09/01185/MKPC 03-Jul-09 CONSTRUCTION OF 76 DWELLINGS WITH ASSOCIATED Plans ACCESS, PARKING AND SEWERS INCLUDING LOCAL received – AREAS OF PLAY at Land adjacent to Tollgate Cottage Off passed to A5130 Newport Road and Broughton Grounds Lane Mark

Decision Permission Granted Date 09/00696/FUL 22-Apr-09 SINGLE STOREY FRONT EXTENSION at 59 Wrens Park, 09-Jun-09 Middleton

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 4 of 9 09/00788/TCA 08-May-09 NOTIFICATION OF INTENTION TO FELL AND REMOVE ONE 18-Jun-09 CHERRY TREE at The Barn, Home Farm, Milton Keynes Village 09/00549/FUL 26-Mar-09 VARIATION OF PLANNING CONDITION 21 ATTACHED TO 26-Jun-09 PLANNING PERMISSION 06/02036/FUL TO ENABLE CONTINUED ACCESS TO THE SALES AREA at Land at Claridge Drive, Middleton 09/00768/FUL 11-May-09 CHANGE OF USE FROM OFFICE (USE CLASS B1) TO MIXED 06-Jul-09 USE OF OFFICE AND PLACE OF WORSHIP (USE CLASSES D1/B1) at World Vision House, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, MK15 0ZR 09/00856/FUL 26-May-09 ERECTION OF A REAR CONSERVATORY at Plot 26 Newport 08-Jul-09 Road, Broughton Gate Parcel E

12 Reports on meetings attended

Neighbourhood Action Group

Richard attended the meeting on Wednesday 10th June. Richard circulated notes prior to the meeting that PC Tony Scott wants to try and generate interest in a new set of objectives.

The meeting scheduled for 8th July was cancelled.

Kat suggested that the NAG needs more publicity. It was suggested that the next meeting could be advertised on the Parish Council notice boards once the date is known. ACTION: Clerk

Parishes Assembly

Alex attended the meeting on Thursday 18th June. The update from MK Partnership had been circulated to councillors.

East Flank Interagency Group

Richard attended the meeting on Wednesday 1st July. Minutes of the meeting have yet to be supplied.

13 Forthcoming events / meetings  Neighbourhood Action Group - Mark will attend the next meeting if available. Date to be confirmed.  East Flank Parishes / MKC Youth Service, Monday 14th September - Mark to attend.

14 Correspondence

Correspondence received 6th June – 12th July

Date Sent by Item received Update from Paul Newman new homes that the compound in Tanfield Lane will be taking 8 Jun 09 MK Partnership place over the next few weeks Littlethorpe of 8 Jun 09 Trade introduction – hardwood bus shelters Leicester 8 Jun 09 Sutcliffe Play Trade introduction – community play areas Safe & Sound – Health Safety and Reducing Risk day course on Tuesday 7th July at Harben 8 Jun 09 SLCC House, Newport Pagnell, cost £95 8 Jun 09 MK Council June 2009 Parish & Town Council newsletter Trading 9 Jun 09 Funding request to support alcohol education Standards The pre meet of the Place making group to discuss Brooklands Design Code 2 will be on 24th 10 Jun 09 MK Partnership June at 2pm, and the main meet on 8th July at 2pm 11 Jun 09 HFL Displays Trade introduction, display boards 12 Jun 09 MK Council Parishes assembly agenda for 18 June and minutes from 12 March (forwarded to Alex)

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 5 of 9 13 Jun 09 Mr O Long Allotment enquiry (added to waiting list) Conferences – Putting People First 4th & 5th September in London, and Empowered 15 Jun 09 NALC Communities 2nd December in London 15 Jun 09 Fastsigns Trade introduction, Graphics and Signs Company based in Bletchley Bedford & MK 15 Jun 09 Newsletter June 2009 Waterway Trust SE England Formal submission of partial review in relation to Somewhere to Live: Planning for Gypsies, 15 Jun 09 Partnership Board Travellers and Travelling Showpeople in the South East 16 Jun 09 MK Council Weekly news 24, plus attachments Invite to attend event at 6.30pm on 23rd July 2009 for an overview of recent and forthcoming 16 Jun 09 MK NHS Trust nursing and patient care developments, and of site developments and the improvements that are being made to enhance patient privacy and dignity Council working on a scheme to install a cycling key route on the redway running along the 17 Jun 09 MK Council H6 – Childs Way 17 Jun 09 HMRC Employer budget pack 2009 Agenda for the 25 June 2009 (6.00pm Room 4, Civic Offices) Standards Committee is 17 Jun 09 MK Council available via the internet at the following web link http://cmis.milton- Prohibition of U-turn order with effect from 19 June 09 on all vehicles from eastbound 18 Jun 09 MK Council carriageway of A5130 at its junction to the coach station 19 Jun 09 MK Council Weekly news 25, plus attachments 20 Jun 09 PC Tony Scott Minutes of NAG meeting 10th June, next meeting 8th July (forwarded to all councillors) National energy 24 Jun 09 Articles on Energy Saving for Websites centre Milton Keynes 25 Jun 09 Flu Friend Letter PCT The council proposes to impose a 40mph speed limit on the A5130. Any objections to be 25 Jun 09 MK Council received in writing no later than 16th July 25 Jun 09 Willen Hospice Asking the council to encourage community fundraising for the hospice 26 Jun 09 MK Council Heritage Open Days article for newsletter – events taking place 10th – 13th September Milton Keynes Council’s External Scrutiny Panel is holding a public meeting on 16 July to discuss the performance of London Midland Train Services. The meeting is on Thursday 16 26 Jun 09 MK Council July 2009 from 7.30pm at Christ the Cornerstone Church, Central Milton Keynes. All are welcome Introduction to Playbuilder, a government scheme, part of the national Play Strategy that aims to change the way play spaces are commissioned, designed and built. Milton Keynes has £1 26 Jun 09 MK Council million to spend refurbishing a minimum of 22 play spaces over the next 2 years – the sites have already been chosen by MKC’s parks and landscapes team, they are not in our Parish Change to grant making policy allowing Parish & Town councils to directly apply for grants MK Community 26 Jun 09 provided that the project is of community benefit and not a statutory responsibility. Offered to Foundation visit a meeting of the Parish Council to give a short talk about the work of the foundation 26 Jun 09 MK Council Weekly news 26, plus attachments 29 Jun 09 MK Council Report on the Local Government working together conference held on 24th April Clerks & Councils 29 Jun 09 Newsletter 64, July 2009 Direct Annual satisfaction survey 2009 (2 copies – one for clerk and one for councillor or group of 29 Jun 09 MK Council councillors). Deadline to return 5th August. MKC Youth Invitation to send representative to East Flank Parishes meeting to discuss provision of youth 29 Jun 09 Service facilities and activities within the area (forwarded to all councillors) 1 Jul 09 Discover MK Exhibition opportunity at the centre:mk Bucks Community 1 Jul 09 In Focus Newsletter 46 Summer 09 Action Paul Newman Letter advising that part of Tanfield Lane will be closed on 13th July for road and footpath 2 Jul 09 Homes works, anticipated re-opening 10th August (forwarded to Kat & Mark) 2 Jul 09 MK Partnership Broughton allotment access and parking proposal 3 Jul 09 MK Council Draft statement of Gambling Licensing Policy 2010-2013 - Consultation 3 Jul 09 MK Council Working Together Project – IDeA Report 3 Jul 09 MK Council Weekly news 27, plus attachments 3 Jul 09 MK Partnership Agenda and papers for next meeting 13th July 4 Jul 09 Mr J Green Allotment enquiry 6 Jul 09 MK Council Parish & Town Council newsletter – July 2009 issue (forwarded to all councillors) Neighbourhood Meeting scheduled for 8th July has been cancelled due to number of apologies and 6 Jul 09 Action Group unavailability of usual venue. New date to be advised 7 Jul 09 Mrs T Spence Allotment enquiry (added to waiting list)

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 6 of 9 8 Jul 09 Mrs M Bushby Allotment enquiry 8 Jul 09 Mr B Murgatroyd Allotment enquiry 8 Jul 09 Miss P Deane Allotment enquiry (added to waiting list) A decision on the application to the Youth Work Fund for summer activities in Broughton has 9 Jul 09 MK Council been delayed, the funding is not currently able to be allocated A funding opportunity from the Big Lottery for villages 10 Jul 09 MK Council 10 Jul 09 MK Council Weekly news 28, plus attachments Laser Printing 11 Jul 09 Newsletter delivery complete. 1,960 copies delivered, some flats inaccessible in Broughton Solutions 11 Jul 09 BALC Matters Arising Summer 2009 issue 12 Jul 09 Ms M Berry Allotment enquiry (added to waiting list) 12 Jul 09 Mr P Havers Allotment enquiry

MK Council Annual Satisfaction Survey

Two copies of the survey were received, 1 for the clerk and 1 for councillors. It was agreed that Alex would complete on behalf of councillors. The deadline is 5th August. ACTION: Alex / Clerk

A5130 40mph proposed speed limit

Councillors had no objection to the proposal.

Milton Keynes Community Foundation

A letter had been received and it was agreed to invite the foundation to the September Parish Council meeting. ACTION: Clerk

Allotment land reclamation

An old photograph showed that the allotment land west of Walton Road may have been bigger than it is now. It was agreed that the clerk obtains a copy of the plans from land registry. ACTION: Clerk

Brooklands Farm Primary School turf cutting ceremony

This is to take place at 11am on Monday 20th July. Mark will attend. ACTION: Mark

Meeting with MK Partnership

Kat had proposed a meeting with Cheryl Montgomery to discuss issues in Broughton. ACTION: Kat

Community Emergency Plans

Mark had been in touch with Malcolm Boscott, Senior Emergency Planning Officer at MK Council following the article in the April issue of the Parish & Town council newsletter. It was agreed to invite Malcolm to the Parish Council meeting in October. ACTION: Mark

The Councillor responsible for reading correspondence in July/August will be Richard Peters.

15 Date of next meeting Monday 7th September 2009

Signed……………………….…………… 7th September 2009

Appendix 1

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 7 of 9 Budget and actuals 2009-10 YTD Income Code Budget Quarter 1 Precept I01 42,750 21,375.00 Allotment rent I03 500 3.10 Allotment - deposits I04 0 25.00 Paddock Rent I05 0 0.00 Bank Interest (30-Day) I09 1,000 5.08 Partnership Grants I10 0 0.00 Refunds I11 0 600.00 Pavilion Insurance I12 1,800 0.00 Insurance claims I14 0 4,365.00 Online filing fee I15 0 250.00 Pavilion licence fee I16 1,000 750.00 Others I20 0 41.88 VAT Refund IVATR 0.00 VAT Refund (Pavilion) PIVATR 0.00 Total 47,050 27,415.06

YTD Expenditure Budget Powers under which spending made Quarter 1 Running the Council Clerks Salary (gross) EA01 8,550 2,001.96 LGA 1972, Sect 112 Employers NI EA02 240 85.20 LGA 1972, Sect 112 Clerks Expenses EA03 600 167.81 LGA 1972, Sect 111 and 112 Councillors Expenses EA04 100 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 175 and Sect 15 (5) Office Equipment EA05 0 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 112 Duty: Audit Commission Act 1998 s3 and Audit EA06 300 0.00 7 Training EA07 300 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 111 Stationery EA08 0 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 111 Subs/Fees EA09 500 10.00 LGA 1972, Sect 111 and 143 Rent EA10 200 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 111 Insurance EA11 2,700 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 111 and 140; also Duty Legal expenses EA12 1,000 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 111 Other Admin expenses EA20 0 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 112 Subtotal 14,490 2,264.97

Communications Newsletters EB01 4,000 0.00 LGA 1972, Sect 142 Website EB02 400 99.00 LGA 1972, Sect 142 Noticeboards EB03 0 135.00 LGA 1972, Sect 142 Subtotal 4,400 234.00

Maintaining Land & Assets Paddocks EC01 0 0.00 Open Spaces 1906, Sect 10b Smallholdings & Allotments Act 1908 Allotments EC02 500 602.26 s26

0495f4ebb0625f0e95dffdd208d67187.doc Page 8 of 9 Village Garden EC03 1,000 0.00 Open Spaces Act 1906, Sect 10b Grass Cutting EC04 3,000 641.19 Open Spaces Act 1906, Sect 10b General Maintenance EC05 3,000 699.00 LG Misc Prov Act 1953, Sec 4 Dog Bin emptying EC07 2,700 652.08 Public Health Act 1936 Sect 260 Subtotal 10,200 2,594.53

Community Projects & Grants Village Hall ED01 0 0.00 LGA 1972, Section 133 LG Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 School Projects ED03 4,000 0.00 s19 Safety, Youth & ED04 0 0.00 LGA 1972 Section 145 Community LG Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 Sports Facilities ED05 0 0.00 s19 LG Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 Community Projects ED06 30,000 400.00 s19 Other Grants ED10 500 0.00 LGA 1972 Section 137 Subtotal 34,500 400.00

Parish Council Projects Dog Waste Bins EE06 0 0.00 Litter Act 1983, sections 5 and 6 Tree planting EE07 1,000 0.00 Other Projects EE10 0 0.00 Subtotal 1,000 0.00

Refunds EF01 25.00

Pavilion LG Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 Capital expenditure PE03 0 0.00 s19 LG Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 Repairs & maintenance PE07 0 711.00 s19 LG Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1976 Rates / Utilities PE08 0 4,447.45 s19 Subtotal 0 5,158.45

TOTAL Expenditure 64,590 10,676.95 of which Section 137 is 0.00 LGA 1972 Section 137 VAT 1,040.86 TOTAL including VAT 11,717.81

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