Register of Specific NSP Exemptions

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Register of Specific NSP Exemptions

Register of network service provider exemptions (updated 30 June 2005)

Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption

Cairns Port Authority Cairns Seaport and Cairns 20 January 1999 Full  energy prices must be negotiated under normal International Airport commercial arrangements or be the same as the relevant tariff for that class of customer

 customers must be able to resort to normal dispute mechanisms for network charges, where franchise pricing is not applied

 the network must be maintained to the standard specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor

 the Cairns Port Authority must remain exempt from the requirement to have an operators licence for the two networks

30/04/18 1 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption

Rail Access Corporation Networks maintained by 15 June 2000 Full  RAC must only connect customers on the rail (RAC) RAC in relation to the corridor or related to the rail industry and NSW rail corridor adjacent to the corridor

 non-contestable customers must be charged the equivalent franchise tariff or less

 contestable customers must have access to retailers and be charged the lesser of the direct cost of their connection to the network of the equivalent network charge

 customers must have access to the NSW Ombudsman Scheme

 the network must be maintained at least to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and

 RAC must remain exempt from the requirement to have an operators licence for the network

Rowville Transmission Rowville transmission 3 July 2000 Full  VENCorp must be registered as the NSP for Facility Pty Limited services facility this facility

30/04/18 2 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption

Ford Company of Sydney Road, 5 January 2001 Full  AIPL being able to purchase electricity from a Australia Limited Campbellfield retailer of its choice or directly from the national electricity market;  network charges levied on AIPL being restricted to a proportional share of the network charges levied on Ford, based on energy usage;

 the contract between AIPL and Ford containing appropriate mechanisms for resolving disputes regarding network pricing and retailer access;  the network being maintained to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and  Ford remaining exempt from the requirement to hold a license for the distribution, supply or sale of electricity under clause 160 of the Electricity Industry Act 1993 (Vic) in relation to the site.

30/04/18 3 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption

OneSteel Limited OneSteel’s distribution 4 June 2001 Full  OneSteel only serving customers connecting to network assets at the the existing OneSteel Newcastle site; former BHP site at Newcastle, New South  customers having unrestricted access to the Wales retailer(s) of their choice and retailers being permitted to serve customers connected to the OneSteel Limited network;

 network charges being applied to customers in accordance with the methodology set out in paragraph (e) of OneSteel's letter of 25 May 2001 including applicable TransGrid charges at cost;

 customers having access to an external dispute resolution mechanism equivalent in function to that available to customers under the National Electricity Code;

 the network being maintained at least to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and

 OneSteel at all times remaining compliant with the relevant requirements of the New South Wales jurisdiction for the licencing or exemption from licencing of the network.

30/04/18 4 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption

BHP Steel (AIS) Pty BHP Steel’s distribution 8 May 2002 Full  BHP Steel only serving customers connecting Limited (BHP Steel) network assets at the to the existing BHP Steel Port Kembla site; former BHP site at Port Kembla, New South  customers having unrestricted access to the Wales retailer(s) of their choice and retailers being permitted to serve customers connected to the BHP Steel network;

 network charges being applied to customers in accordance with the methodology set out in paragraph (e) of BHP Steel's letter of 29 April 2002 including applicable TransGrid charges at cost;

 customers having access to an external dispute resolution mechanism equivalent in function to that available to customers under the National Electricity Code;

 the network being maintained at least to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and

 BHP Steel at all times remaining compliant with the relevant requirements of the New South Wales jurisdiction for the licencing or exemption from licencing of the network.

30/04/18 5 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption Port of Brisbane All of PBC’s distribution 13 December 2002 Full The exemption granted is subject to: Corporation (PBC) network assets at the Fisherman Island site at  PBC only serving customers connecting to the Brisbane, Queensland existing Port of Brisbane network;

 customers having unrestricted access to the retailer(s) of their choice and retailers being permitted to serve customers connected to the Port of Brisbane network;

 network charges being applied to customers in accordance with the negotiated lease agreements between PBC and the tenants of the site;

 customers having access to an external dispute resolution mechanism equivalent in function to that available to customers under the National Electricity Code;

 the network being maintained at least to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and

 PBC at all times remaining compliant with the relevant requirements of the Queensland jurisdiction for the licencing or exemption from licencing of the network.

30/04/18 6 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption Tarong Energy The 66kV line from 11 April 2003 Full The exemption granted is subject to: Corporation and Starfish Yankalilla to Cape Jervis Hill Wind Farm Pty Ltd (a connection asset) and associated infrastructure  no network charges being applied to ETSA in respect of periods Utilities or any other person for the supply of when those assets are the emergency backup service; used to provide backup supply to the Cape Jervis  the network being operated and maintained by and Kangaroo Island a distributor licenced to operate in South regions of South Australia; and Australia  the arrangements at all times remaining compliant with the relevant requirements of the South Australian jurisdiction for the licencing or exemption from licencing of the network.

30/04/18 7 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption WMC (Olympic Dam All of WMC’s network 12 September 2003 Full  WMC will ensure that connected users will Corporation) Pty Limited assets connecting from have the opportunity to purchase electricity Davenport to Olympic from a retailer of their choice; Dam and the township of Roxby Downs and  WMC will take no action which prevents a surrounding area and as retailer from selling electricity to any of the described in appendix 2 connected users; of WMC’s letter dated 16 April 2003.  WMC will allow access to their network on reasonable commercial terms to be negotiated with each party seeking access;

 To the extent that charges are not dealt with under the Indenture granted under the South Australian Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982, WMC will apply charges to users of the WMC network determined in accordance with such mechanisms imposed by the ACCC or ESCOSA, as appropriate, as are considered necessary to ensure the proposed charges are fair and reasonable;

 WMC will notify NECA and ESCOSA if a third party seeks access either to its 275kV or its 132kV network assets; and

 WMC will allow all users access to a dispute resolution mechanism.

30/04/18 8 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption Melbourne Water All of Melbourne Water’s 16 September 2004 Partial  Melbourne Water must register with electrical network at its under NEMMCO as a network service provider in Werribee Sewage clause respect of the embedded generation facility at Treatment Plant. 2.5.1(d)(2) that site. of the Code.  there being no material variation to the occupancy arrangements for the site as they exist at the date of this approval without the further approval of NECA;

 the network being maintained at least to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and

 Melbourne Water at all times remaining compliant with the relevant requirements of the Victorian jurisdiction for the licencing or exemption from licencing of the network.

30/04/18 9 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption Anglo Coal (Capcoal Network assets in and 30 June 2005 Partial  Anglo Coal (Capcoal Management) must Management) Pty Ltd around German Creek under register with NEMMCO as a network service Coal Mine clause provider in respect of the embedded generation 2.5.1(d)(2) facility at that site. of the Code.  there being no material variation to the occupancy arrangements for the site as they exist at the date of this exemption without further approval;

 the network being maintained at least to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and

 Anglo Coal at all times remaining compliant with the relevant requirements of the Queensland jurisdiction for the licencing or exemption from licencing of the network

30/04/18 10 Applicant Facility covered by Effective date Type of Conditions for exemption exemption exemption Oaky Creek Coal Pty Ltd Network assets in and 30 June 2005 Partial  Oaky Creek Coal Pty Ltd must register with around Oaky Creek Coal under NEMMCO as a network service provider in Mine clause respect of the embedded generation facility at 2.5.1(d)(2) that site. of the Code.  there being no material variation to the occupancy arrangements for the site as they exist at the date of this exemption without further approval;

 the network being maintained at least to the standards specified in the connection arrangements with the local distributor; and

 Oaky Creek Coal at all times remaining compliant with the relevant requirements of the Queensland jurisdiction for the licencing or exemption from licencing of the network

30/04/18 11

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