A.L.I.C.E Script for Educators

Pre-K – 5th grade

This is a basic outline for all staff members to follow so that student’s schools-wide are taught in a similar fashion. This will ensure that students have a similar knowledge base in the future.

Directions: Below is a script to assist you in teaching your students about the ALICE concepts and drills. There are not scenarios to act out as you did in your ALICE training. Please conduct this training in and age appropriate manner as you would conduct any other drill (Fire or Tornado)

Script: (Be prepared, scripts and video may prompt discussion that will vary by classroom and age group.)

Teacher: Today we are going to talk about safety. What are some of the things that we do to keep you safe?

Student examples could be: Visitor sign in, practicing drills, keeping doors locked, stranger danger etc

Teacher: Very good. So , let’s talk about how students should never open a door at school to let someone in the building. This is a hard one because we are taught to be courteous and help others, but in school, ALL people who come into the building should go through the main office doors and check in at the office. And, what do we do in the classroom when we have a lockdown drill? (Student examples)

Teacher: Ok , let’s review those steps one more time.

Teacher: Very good- we all know what to do during a lockdown drill.

So Today we are going to practice another way that we are going to be able to stay safe in the school if we have an intruder in the building OR on school gounds. This new way is called ALICE. You will here students and staff talking about this, but ALICE is not a person, it is a way of describing the steps to stay safe. Before we talk about ALICe, I would like to see if anyone can tell me what an intruder is?

Teachers: Age appropriate (discuss as you see fit) Students can give you answers and you can give positive affirmation using the PBIS methodology. Then give the definition: An intruder is someone who is on school grounds or in the school who does not have permission to be there. How might you recognize someone who does not belong in our building?

Student examples could be someone who does not have on a visitors badge or someone who is walking around the building without someone we know. Or someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Teacher: Good, an intruder could be anyone, couldn’t it? Trust yourself and trust your tummy! If someone is making you feel uncomfortable or doesn’t belong, tell an adult right away. An example of how to do this is to find an adult you know and tell them “ I think there is someone on school grounds or in the school who should not be here.

Teach ALICE concepts to students

Explain each letter in ALICE. At this point take what you have learned in ALICE and use it to help guide the discussion. Structure your responses around the information below.

ALERT – tell everyone what is going on

LOCKDOWN- Use the lockdown procedure we have already

INFORM- Keep telling people what is going on

Counter – do what you can to stay safe

Evacuate- get out of the building

Sometimes we will do a lockdown drill to keep someone OUT of our school and, or to keep someone at our location (Classroom) because of some other situation that is NOT about an intruder in our building. What that happens, it is important that you are quiet, listen to me and remain calm. We will wait for more information (INFORM) and I will tell you what to do. (Discussion if necessary)

In the case of a lockdown when there is an intruder, either I or another adult will tell us that there is an intruder and to Lockdown. ALICE

1. We will go to our identified safe place in the classroom

2. Remember we stay away from windows and doors

3. You will all follow my instructions, remain calm and quiet

Have further discussion if necessary

Teacher: there are a couple of different directions that I might give depending on the situation. It is important that you LISTEN to what I say. I may say that we need to barricade, evacuate or I may tell you we are going to counter. It will depend on what I tell you to do. We will talk about these in a minute. As we wait for further information we remain quiet and calm. It is important that you listen to my instructions at all times.

- If during a lockdown I tell you that we are going to barricade the door, I need you to follow my directions to stay safe. This is NOT a time to run around to act silly, even though it may seem like what we are doing is silly. It is to keep us safe.

If during a lockdown I tell you we need to evacuate, you will be quiet and follow my directions. We might do out the door, or we might have to go out another way, such as through a window. Again, this might sound funny, but you MUST remain calm and listen to my directions. I am in charge of what we do. (Discussion if necessary)

TEACHER: At this time discuss what this means, you may practice what evacuating or barricading might look like. Remember – this is where you decision-making in the situation plays out. YOU ARE IN CHARGE.

Discussion of C- Counter may resemble “Stranger Danger”. How might a student react to someone trying to harm them? How might they get away? What might they yell? Etc.

Answer student questions

What to do if :

If they are in the hallway when a lockdown starts?

If they are in the bathroom?

Where are your rally points if you evacuate?

Discuss where the exits are located

Discuss other student concerns.

REMEMBER: Keep the conversation AGE APPROPRIATE. Reassure students that school is a safe place and we practice so we can be prepared for an emergency just like Fire, Tornado etc.