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1312 E. 54th Street, Unit 3 Chicago, IL 60615 773-263-0533 [email protected]
The University of Chicago Chicago, IL Doctor of Philosophy in Social Service Administration June 2008 Master of Arts in Social Service Administration August 2003
The George Washington University Washington, DC Master of Health Services Administration in Health Policy (4.0 GPA) January 1994
Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame, IN Bachelor of Arts in Government, magna cum laude May 1988
FINALIST, Public Health Systems Research Article-of-the-Year Award for “What is the Role of 2012 Free Clinics in the Safety Net?” Public Health System Research Interest Group of AcademyHealth HEALTH DISPARITIES RESEARCH LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM, National Institutes 2009-2010 of Health GABRIEL G. RUDNEY MEMORIAL AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING DISSERTATION IN 2009 NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY ACTION RESEARCH, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action OUTSTANDING SOCIAL WORK DISSERTATION AWARD HONORABLE MENTION, 2009 Society for Social Work and Research MEDICAL CARE SECTION STUDENT PAPER AWARD, American Public Health Association 2008 MEDICAL CARE SECTION STUDENT PAPER AWARD, American Public Health Association 2007 DOOLITTLE-HARRISON FELLOWSHIP, Office of Graduate Affairs, The University of Chicago 2006 JANE B. ARON DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP AWARD (Health Care Policy and Practice), 2005 National Association of Social Workers Foundation
PRE-DOCTORAL FELLOW, Chicago Center for Excellence in Health Promotion Economics, 2005 The University of Chicago
DOCTORAL FELLOWS AWARD, Society for Social Work and Research 2005
NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARD, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality, 2002-2005 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
FULL TUITION/STIPEND SCHOLARSHIP, School of Social Service Administration, 1999-2003 The University of Chicago DEAN’S LIST, Department of Health Services Management and Policy, 1991-1993 School of Business and Public Management, The George Washington University
Julie S. Darnell Page 1 of 17 LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON FELLOW, U.S. Representative Bart Gordon 1988
Ongoing Research Support Darnell (PI) AmeriCares; Quality Improvement in Free Clinics: A Resource Guide 7/1/13-9/30/13
Freund (PI) 1/1/12-12/31/13 Avon Foundation; Supplemental Analyses to Study Patient Navigation Breast Cancer Outcomes Role: Co-Investigator (PI, Subcontract)
69685 Darnell (PI) 12/1/11 – 11/30/13 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Informing Public Decision Makers about Local Health Departments’ Successful Workforce Strategies in the Face of Budget and Personnel Cuts Role: Principal Investigator
Selected Completed Research Support
______LoSasso (PI) 07/16/08 - 07/15/12 Delta Health Alliance Collaboration Role: Co-Investigator
3P60 MD003424-03S1 (Calhoun/Kim Co PIs) 9/22/11 – 5/31/12
NIH/NMCHMD; Center of Excellence in Eliminating Disparities (Supplemental Revision Environmental Health Disparities Research) Role: Co-Investigator
______Darnell (PI) 05/10/11 – 2/28/12 UIC School of Public Health SEED Grant; Survival of the Free Clinic Sector Role: Principal Investigator
2P50 CA106743-06S2 Warnecke/Calhoun (Co-PI) 7/01/10-6/30/11 NIH/NCI; Supplement to the UIC Center for Population Health and Health Disparities Role: Co-Principal Investigator
HHSP23320095635WC Ku (PI) 06/17/10 – 09/16/11 DHHS; Study and Report to Identify Methods to Create Efficient Reimbursement Incentives Role: Co-Investigator (PI, Subcontract)
U01CA116875 Calhoun (PI) 09/01/10 – 08-31/11 NIH/NCI; Chicago Cancer Navigation Project/Secondary Analysis of Patient Navigation Research Project
U01CA116875-01 Bennett (PI)/Calhoun (Co-PI) 07/01/05 - 06/30/10 NIH/NCI; Chicago Patient Navigation Research Program Role: Co-Investigator
Julie S. Darnell Page 2 of 17 1R36HS015555-01 Darnell (PI) 03/01/05 - 02/28/07 AHRQ; What factors explain the variation in the number of free clinics? Role: Principal Investigator
U50Ccu517370 Calhoun (PI) 10/01/99 - 09/30/07 CDC; “Reach Out” Role: Co-Investigator
______Darnell (PI) 2007 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; Policy Brief on Free Clinics Role: Principal Investigator
______Darnell (PI) 2005 The California Endowment; Supplemental Dissertation Grant Role: Principal Investigator
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR & RESEARCH SCIENTIST 2008- LECTURER & SR. RESEARCH SPECIALIST, Division of Health Policy & Administration, Chicago, IL School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago 2005-2008
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, Institute for Health Services Research and Policy Studies, Chicago, IL Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University 1998-2004 Studied racial and ethnic disparities in breast and cervical cancer. Studied various issues related to enrollment and participation in Medicaid and food stamps. Examined the experiences of safety-net providers in serving low-income Medicaid beneficiaries and uninsured patients.
RESEARCH SCIENTIST, 1996-1997 RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, 1994-1995 RESEARCH ASSISTANT, 1990-1993 Center for Health Policy Research, The George Washington University Washington, DC Analyzed federal legislation, with a particular focus on Medicaid policy, affecting low-income, minority, and vulnerable populations. Studied issues related to Medicaid and managed care and their impact on beneficiaries. Monitored and conducted analyses on Medicaid-related legislation and safety-net providers.
STAFF ASSISTANT, Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health, Washington, DC U.S. House of Representatives 1988-1990 Responded to Member, constituent and press inquiries regarding Medicare legislation. Coordinated hearings, mark-up sessions and briefings. Monitored health legislation and Federal regulations. Served on Subcommittee after passage, and during repeal, of the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act.
With a background in health policy and social work, my research is focused on access to, and the financing and delivery of, health care services for poor and vulnerable populations.
Health care safety-net providers, Medicaid, nonprofit organizations, organizational theory, community- based participatory research, racial and ethnic disparities in health, faith-based services, cancer prevention
Julie S. Darnell Page 3 of 17 RESEARCH SKILLS
Quantitative research skills: (1) survey research methods, including questionnaire design, sampling, data collection and analysis; (2) health measurement using traditional methodologies and basic Rasch analysis using WINSTEPS; (3) multiple regression methods using continuous, categorical and count data in Stata and SPSS Qualitative research skills: (1) focus group research, including planning, conducting and analyzing results using NVIVO; (2) case study research, including planning and conducting case studies, interviewing key informants, and examining case study evidence
INSTRUCTOR, Critical Thinking in Public Health Chicago, IL Division of Health Policy & Administration, School of Public Health, Fall 2012-2013 University of Illinois at Chicago Developed and teach required undergraduate course in new undergraduate in public health degree program.
CO-INSTRUCTOR, Advanced Health Services Research Chicago, IL Division of Health Policy & Administration, School of Public Health, Spring 2011 University of Illinois at Chicago Presented three lectures in elective course designed for doctoral students.
INSTRUCTOR, The Contexts of Clinical Research Chicago, IL Division of Health Policy & Administration, School of Public Health, Spring 2010-2012 University of Illinois at Chicago Teach required on-line course in Clinical Research Methods certificate program.
INSTRUCTOR, Management of Population Health Risks Chicago, IL Division of Health Policy & Administration, School of Public Health, Fall 2006-2010 University of Illinois at Chicago Taught required course for graduate students in the Master of Health Administration program. Designed new course and developed syllabus.
INSTRUCTOR, The Health Services System Chicago, IL School of Social Service Administration/Harris School of Public Policy Studies, Spring 2006-2007 The University of Chicago Taught required introductory course for graduate students from the School of Social Service Administration, Harris School of Public Policy Studies, the Graduate School of Business, and the Pritzker School of Medicine enrolled in the Graduate Program in Health Administration and Policy. Developed new syllabus.
CO-INSTRUCTOR, Social Intervention: Programs and Policies Chicago, IL School of Social Service Administration, The University of Chicago Winter 2007 Co-taught required course for graduate social work students.
TEACHING ASSISTANT, Policy Analysis: Methods & Applications (Prof. Eddie Lawlor) Chicago, IL School of Social Service Administration/Harris School of Public Policy Studies, 2001-2003 The University of Chicago Julie S. Darnell Page 4 of 17 Prepared and presented lectures on cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, argumentation, problem definition, and microsimulation models to graduate students. Assisted in the selection of required readings and development of syllabus. Co-graded assignments. Assisted in counseling students.
CO-INSTRUCTOR, Uninsured and Underserved: Health Policies Affecting Washington, DC Low-Income and Minority Americans (Prof. Sara Rosenbaum), Summer 1996 School of Public Health and Health Sciences, The George Washington University Prepared and presented lectures on the uninsured, underserved, and the Medicaid program to graduate students. Assisted in the selection of required readings and development of syllabus. Co-graded assignments.
TEACHING ASSISTANT, Oregon Rationing System (Prof. Sara Rosenbaum) Barcelona, Spain University of Barcelona/Johns Hopkins University June 1995 Prepared and presented two hour-long class lectures on Medicaid to senior government health officials for weeklong course. Assisted in the selection of course materials and development of syllabus.
TEACHING ASSISTANT, Health Care Delivery Systems (Prof. Sara Rosenbaum) Washington, DC The National Law Center, The George Washington University Fall 1994 Assisted in selecting course materials, counseling students on assignments, and grading exam.
Topical courses: U.S. health care system, health care for poor and vulnerable populations, organizational analysis and theory, nonprofit organizations, social programs and policies Methods courses: Policy analysis, planning, needs assessment, critical thinking
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Ko, N., Julie S. Darnell, et al. Can Patient Navigation Improve Receipt of Recommended Breast Cancer Care? Evidence from the National Patient Navigation Research Program? Submitted to Journal of Clinical Oncology. Revise and Resubmit.
Tejeda, S., Julie S. Darnell, Young I. Cho, Melinda R. Stolley, Talar W. Markossian, Elizabeth A. Calhoun, (2013). Patient barriers to follow-up care for breast and cervical abnormalities. Journal of Women’s Health.
Julie S. Darnell. (2013). Navigators and assisters: Two case management roles for social workers in the Affordable Care Act. Health and Social Work.
Andrews, C., Julie S. Darnell, Timothy D. McBride, Sarah Gehlert. (2013). Social work and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Health and Social Work.
Markossian, T., Julie S. Darnell, Elizabeth A. Calhoun. (2012). Follow-up and timeliness after an abnormal cancer screening among underserved, urban women in a patient navigation program. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 21, 10, 1691-700.
Julie S. Darnell Page 5 of 17 Roetzheim, R.G., Karen M. Freund, Don K. Corle, David M. Murray, Frederick R. Snyder, Andrea C. Kronman, Pascal Jean-Pierre, Peter C. Raich, Alan E. C. Holden, Julie S. Darnell, Victoria Warren-Mears, Steven Patierno. (2012). Analysis of combined data from heterogeneous study designs: an applied example from the patient navigation research program. Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials, 9, 2, 176-187.
Darnell, J.S. What is the Role of Free Clinics in the Safety Net? (2011). Medical Care, 49, 11, 978-984.
Darnell, J.S. A Free Clinic Paradox—Reply. (2011). Archives of Internal Medicine, 171, 8, 789.
Jean-Pierre, Pascal, Kevin Fiscella, Karen M. Freund, Jack Clark, Julie Darnell, Alan Holden, Doug Post, Steven R. Patierno, and Paul C. Winters. Structural and reliability analysis of a patient satisfaction with cancer-related care measure: A multi-site patient navigation research program study. (2010). Cancer, 117, 4, 854-861.
Darnell, J.S. Free clinics in the United States: A nationwide survey. (2010). Archives of Internal Medicine, 170, 11, 946-953.
Darnell, J. S. (2008). Free clinics: What are they and why does the number vary geographically? [Ph.D.]. United States -- Illinois, The University of Chicago.
Darnell, J. S. (2007). Patient navigation: a call to action. Social Work, 52, 1, 81-84. Matthews, A., Berrios, N., Darnell, J., & Calhoun, E. (2006). A qualitative evaluation of a faith-based breast and cervical cancer screening intervention for African American women. Health Education and Behavior, 33, 5, 1-21. Darnell, J. S., Chang, C. H., & Calhoun, E. (2006). Knowledge about breast cancer and participation in a faith-based breast cancer program and other predictors of mammography screening among African American women and Latinas. Health Promotion Practice, 7 suppl, 3: 201S - 212S. Note: The article was one of two articles in the July 2006 issue selected by the Society for Public Health Education for Certified Health Education Specialist self-study. Darnell, J., & Baird, L. J. (1998, January/February). Counting down. Community Health Center Management. Darnell, J., & Rosenbaum, S. (1997). Welfare reform: Unanticipated but inevitable consequences for health insurance coverage for the poor. Nutrition: The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences, 13, 5, 490-1.
Book Chapters
Gorin, S., Darnell, J. S., & Andrews. Forthcoming. The ACA and social work practice. Social Workers’ Desk Reference. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Inc.
Darnell, J. S., & Lawlor, E. F. (2011). Health policy and social work. Handbook of Health Social Work. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Darnell, J.S. (2009). Free Clinics. Encyclopedia of health services research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Julie S. Darnell Page 6 of 17 Darnell, J. S., & Lawlor, E. F. (2006). Health policy and social work. Handbook of Health Social Work. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Rosenbaum, S., Darnell, J., Keenan, P. S., & Simon, L. (1999). Section 1115 Medicaid waivers: charting a path for Medicaid managed care reform. In Lillie-Blanton, Martinez, Lyons, and Rowland, eds. Access to Health Care: Promises and Prospects for Low-Income Americans. Washington, DC: The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.
Darnell, J. (1997). Financing health care for drug-dependent women and their children. In Haack, M.R. ed., Drug-Dependent Mothers and their Children: Issues in Public Policy and Public Health. New York: Springer Publishing.
Papers and Reports (non peer-reviewed)
Darnell, J.S., Susan Cahn, et al. (2013). Local health department workforce recruitment and retention challenges and opportunities: A practitioner briefing. Washington, DC: Center for State and Local Government Excellence.
Darnell, J.S. and Marty Hiller. (2012). “Free Clinics” in Quality Incentives for Federally-Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics and Free Clinics: A Report to Congress. Washington, DC: U.S. Congress.
Darnell, J.S. & Atwood, A. (2012). Delta community health worker program evaluation. Stoneville, MS: Delta Health Alliance.
Darnell, J. (2011). The evaluation of the 21st century primary care model for chronic disease. Stoneville, MS: Delta Health Alliance.
Rosenbaum, S., Shin, P., & Darnell, J. (2004). Economic stress and the safety net: A health center update. Washington, DC: Kaiser Family Foundation.
Maloy, K. A., Kenney, K. A., Darnell, J., & Cyprien, S. (2002). Can Medicaid work for low-income working families? Washington, DC: Kaiser Family Foundation.
Darnell, J., & Nagatoshi, C. (2002). State of Connecticut: Strategies for improving food stamp, Medicaid, and SCHIP participation. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Merrill, A., McHugh, M., Schott, L., & Darnell, J. (2002). State of Arkansas and Hennepin county, Minnesota: Improving participation in food stamps: Strategies and challenges. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Merrill, A., & Darnell, J. (2002). Hennepin county, Minnesota: Improving food stamp, Medicaid, and SCHIP participation: Strategies and challenges. Washington, DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Maloy, K. A., Darnell, J., Nolan, L., Kenney, K. A. & Cyprien, S. (2000). Effects of the 1996 welfare and immigration reform laws on the ability and willingness of immigrants to access Medicaid and health care services. Washington, DC: Center for Health Services Research and Policy, George Washington University Medical Center.
Darnell, J., Lee, H. S., Murdock, J., & Medicaid and Welfare Reform (1999). States’ use of the $500 million federal fund. Washington, DC: Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Julie S. Darnell Page 7 of 17 Darnell, J., Maloy, K. A. & Nolan, L. (1999). States’ use of options under section 1931 to account for the effects of diversion on access to Medicaid. Washington, DC: Center for Health Services Research and Policy, School of Public Health and Health Services, George Washington University Medical Center.
Maloy, K. A., Pavetti, L. D., Darnell, J., & Shin, P. (1999). Diversion as a work-oriented welfare reform strategy and its effect on access to Medicaid: An examination of the experiences of five local communities. Washington, DC: Center for Health Policy Research, George Washington University Medical Center.
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1998). Medicaid managed care: An analysis of the health care financing administration’s notice of proposed rulemaking. Washington, DC: Center for Health Policy Research, George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services. Prepared for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.
Maloy, K., Silver, K., Darnell, J., & Rosenbaum, S. (1998). Results of a multi-site study of mandatory Medicaid managed care enrollment systems and implications for policy and practice. Washington, DC: Center for Health Policy Research, George Washington University.
Maloy, K., Pavetti, L. D., Shin, P., Darnell, J., & Scarpulla-Nolan, L. (1998). A description and assessment of state approaches to diversion programs and activities under welfare reform. Washington, DC: Center for Health Policy Research, George Washington University Medical Center.
Rosenbaum S., Maloy, K., Stuber, J., & Darnell, J. (1998). Initial findings from a nationwide study of outstationed Medicaid enrollment at federally qualified health centers: Implications for low-income children under welfare reform and CHIP. Washington, DC: Center for Health Policy Research, George Washington University Medical Center.
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1997). A comparison of the Medicaid provisions in the House and Senate versions of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (H.R.2015/S. 947) with current law. Washington, DC: Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid.
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1997). Statewide Medicaid managed care demonstrations under section 1115 of the Social Security Act: A review of the waiver applications, letters of approval and special terms and conditions. Washington, DC: Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid.
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1997). An analysis of the Medicaid and health-related provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Washington, DC: Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid.
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1995-1996). Medicaid reform: A comparison of current law and pending proposals (prepared for the Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid). Washington, DC.
Darnell, J., et al. (1995). Access to care among low-income, inner-city minority populations: The impact of managed care on the urban minority poor and essential community providers (prepared for The Commonwealth Fund). New York, NY.
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1993-1995). Medicaid section 1115 demonstration waivers: approved and proposed activities. Center for Health Policy Research, The George Washington University.
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1995-1996). Welfare reform: Description of current law and H.R. 4, the Personal Responsibility Act. Center for Health Policy Research, The George Washington University.
Julie S. Darnell Page 8 of 17 Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1995). The Personal Responsibility Act of 1995: Implications for Medicaid. Center for Health Policy Research, The George Washington University.
Darnell, J. (1995). Health care measures under consideration in the 104th Congress (prepared for The Commonwealth Fund). New York, NY.
Darnell, J. (1995). Legislative proposals in the 104th Congress: Impact on women (prepared for The Commonwealth Fund). New York, NY.
Darnell, J. (1994). An analysis of health reform proposals according to the goals for health care reform developed by the Commonwealth Fund Commission on Women’s Health (prepared for The Commonwealth Fund). New York, NY.
Darnell, J. (1994). An analysis of provisions impacting violence against women contained in the Crime Bill (prepared for The Commonwealth Fund). New York, NY.
Darnell, J., & Long, P. (1994). Side-by-side comparison of major health care reform proposals (prepared for the Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid).
Rosenbaum, S., & Darnell, J. (1993). Families and national health reform: a comparison of family premium payment responsibilities under current legislative proposals. Washington, DC: Kaiser Commission on the Future of Medicaid.
Haack, M. R., Budetti, P. P., Darnell, J., & Hudman, J. (1993). Analysis of resources to aid drug-exposed infants and their families (prepared for The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Washington, DC: Center for Health Policy Research, The George Washington University Medical Center.
AcademyHealth American Public Health Association National Association of Social Workers Society for Social Work and Research
MEMBER, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Illinois Association of Free and Charitable Clinics 2012-
REVIEWER, Health Affairs 2012
REVIEWER, The Sociological Quarterly 2012-
REVIEWER, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2012-
REVIEWER, Oxford Bibliographies 2011
REVIEWER, American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2011
REVIEWER, Archives of Internal Medicine 2011
Julie S. Darnell Page 9 of 17 REVIEWER, Healthcare Management Review 2009-
REVIEWER, Health Promotion Practice, a journal of the Society for Public Health Education 2006-
ABSTRACT REVIEWER, Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community, 2002-2011 American Public Health Association
VOLUNTEER, The Living Room Café Chicago, IL Prepared and served a meal each month to adults and families who are homeless or at risk of 2001-2004 homelessness. Served on planning committee for fundraising event, which raised $10,000.
PROJECT COORDINATOR, Greater DC Cares Washington, DC Planned, coordinated, and led monthly social activities for chronically ill elderly and 1990-1997 disabled residents at The Washington Home, a long-term care facility.
HEALTH ADVOCATE, Bread for the City (formerly Zacchaeus Free Clinic) Washington, DC Conducted bi-weekly group and individual sessions related to nutrition and chronic illness 1994-1996 at a free medical clinic. Assisted in the training of new health advocates.
PRESENTATIONS Presenter. November 2013. Social Workers in the post-ACA Environment: Challenges and Opportunities. Michael M. Davis Lecture Series. School of Social Service Administration, The University of Chicago. Chicago, IL.
Presenter. November 2013. Ten Reasons Why Free and Charitable Clinics are Needed after Health Reform. Illinois Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. Joliet, IL.
Webinar Presenter. October 2013. Recruitment and Retention Challenges and Successes in the Local Health Department Workforce. Center for State and Local Government Excellence.
Presenter. October 2013. Ten Reasons Why Free and Charitable Clinics are Needed after Health Reform. Ohio Association of Free Clinics. Columbus, OH.
Presenter. September 2013. Ten Reasons Why Free and Charitable Clinics are Needed after Health Reform. Florida Association of Free Clinics Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Presenter. August 2013. The Affordable Care Act: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Workers. National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter Board Meeting. Chicago, IL.
Webinar Presenter. June 2013. The Affordable Care Act: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Workers. Lorman, Inc.
Presenter. May 2013. Ten Reasons Why Free and Charitable Clinics are Needed after Health Reform. Georgia Charitable Care Network 9th Annual Conference. Carterville, GA.
Presenter. April 2013. Getting the Right People in the Right Jobs at the Right Time: Recruitment & Retention Strategies. Keeneland Conference. Lexington, KY.
Poster Presenter. April 2013. Succession Planning in Health Departments: The Road Not Taken. Keeneland Conference. Lexington, KY.
Julie S. Darnell Page 10 of 17 Keynote Presenter. April 2013. Ten Reasons Why Free and Charitable Clinics are Needed after Health Reform. Free Clinics of Michigan Board Meeting. New Hudson, Michigan.
Radio Guest. April 2013. Free Clinics and Immigrants’ Access to Health Care. WNUR-89.3 FM. Evanston, IL.
Presenter. December 2012. Navigators and Assisters: Two Case Management Roles for Social Workers in the Affordable Care Act. Briefing on Social Work and the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Congressional Social Work Caucus, U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC
Presenter. October 2012. Quality Improvement in Free Clinics. National Association of Free & Charitable Clinics Annual Summit. San Antonio, TX.
Presenter. October 2012. Ten Reasons Why Free Clinics are Needed after ObamaCare. Illinois Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. Bloomington, IL
Keynote Speaker. September 2012. What is the Role of Free Clinics in the Safety Net? Health Ministry of the Southern Tier. Corning, NY.
Presenter. September 2012. What Does Health Reform Mean for Free Clinics? Health Ministry of the Southern Tier Board of Directors. Corning, NY.
Presenter. September 2012. What is the Role of Free Clinics in the United States? GuthrieHealth Grand Rounds. Sayre, PA.
Presenter. May 2012. Is What We are Doing Making a Difference? Georgia Charitable Care Network Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
Presenter. April 2012. The Why and the How: Quality Improvement in Free Clinics. North Carolina Association Free Clinics Annual Conference. Winston-Salem, NC.
Presenter. March 2012. Quality Incentives for FQHCs, Rural Health Clinics and Free Clinics. Free Clinics of the Western Region Annual Meeting. Oakland, CA.
Presenter. February 2012. Health Disparities at the Community Level: The Role of Chicago’s Primary Care Safety Net. 4th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference. Chicago, IL.
Presenter. December 2011. Free Clinic Outcomes Evaluation 101. Florida Association of Free Clinics Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL.
Presenter. October 2011. Quality and Health Information Technology in Free Clinics: Current Knowledge and Future Opportunities. National Association of Free Clinics Annual Summit. Charlotte, NC.
Presenter. October 2010. How Do We Assure Quality of Care in Free Clinics? National Association of Free Clinics Annual Summit, Cleveland OH.
Presenter. October 2010. Health Reform: What Does it Mean for Free Clinics? National Association of Free Clinics Annual Summit, Cleveland, OH.
Julie S. Darnell Page 11 of 17 Presenter. February 2010. The Role of Free Clinics in the Healthcare Safety Net. Cancer Education and Career Development Program Seminar, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. January 2009. Free Clinics: A Primer. American Medical Association Foundation Board Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. October 2008. If You’ve Seen One Free Clinic, You’ve Seen One Free Clinic: Findings from a National Study, Ohio Free Clinic Conference, Dublin, OH.
Presenter, October 2008. What Factors Explain Why the Number of Free Clinics Varies Across Urban Communities? 136th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA.
Presenter. March 2008. Free Clinics: What Are They, and Why Do They Exist? Department of Health Studies, Pritzker School of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. February 2008. Role of Free Clinics in Helping Underserved Populations. College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. November 2007. Free Clinics: Findings from a National Survey. American Public Health Association 135th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Presenter. October 2007. Free Clinics in the U.S. and Pennsylvania: Results from a Nationwide Survey. Free Clinic Association of Pennsylvania, State College, PA.
Presenter. September 2007. Free Clinics in the U.S. and in the Great Lakes Region: Results from a Nationwide Survey. 11th Annual Free Clinics of the Great Lakes Region Meeting, Bettendorf, IA.
Presenter. September 2007. Free Clinics: Results from a Nationwide Survey. National Association of Free Clinics National Summit, Dallas, TX.
Presenter. September 2007. Free Clinics in the U.S.: Results from a Nationwide Survey. Health Care Disparities in America, Pritzker School of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. June 2007. Portable Flip-Chart Curriculum for Breast and Cervical Cancer: A Promising Strategy to Reach Uninsured Minority Women Not Sitting in the Pews. Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Pre-Conference Workshop, Seattle, WA.
Poster Presenter. June 2007. Free Clinics: Results from a Nationwide Survey. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Presenter. May 2007. Free Clinics in the U.S. and in South Carolina: Preliminary Results from a National Survey. 2007 South Carolina Free Clinic Annual Conference, Spartanburg. Columbia.
Presenter. March 2007. Free Clinics in the U.S. and in Western Region: Preliminary Results from a National Survey. 2007 Annual Conference of the Free Clinics of the Western Region, San Diego, CA.
Presenter. February 2007. Free Clinics: What are They and Why Do They Exist? Chicago Center for Excellence in Health Promotion Economics (CCEHPE) Workshop, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. November 2006. Free Clinics in the U.S. and in Virginia: Preliminary Results from a National Survey. 2006 Virginia Association of Free Clinics Annual Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
Julie S. Darnell Page 12 of 17 Presenter. November 2006. Patient Navigation in a Faith-Based Setting: Using Focus Groups to Assess Program Success. American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Presenter. October 2006. Free Clinics in the U.S. and in Ohio: Preliminary Results from a National Survey. Seventh Annual Ohio Free Clinic Conference, Dublin, OH.
Presenter. October 2006. Free Clinics in the U.S. and the Great Lakes: Preliminary Results from a National Survey. Tenth Annual Conference of the Free Clinics of the Great Lakes Region, Merrillville, IN.
Presenter. September 2006. Nationwide Survey of Free Clinics: Preliminary Results. Health Care Disparities in America, Pritzker School of Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. May 2006. Nationwide Survey of Free Clinics: Preliminary Results, National Association of Free Clinics National Summit, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. December 2005. Portable Flip-Chart Curriculum for Breast and Cervical Cancer: A Promising Strategy to Reach Uninsured Minority Women Not Sitting in the Pews. American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Poster Presenter. April 2005. Factors Predicting Early Detection of Breast and Cervical Cancer Among Minority Women in a Faith-Based Program. Center of Excellence on Health Disparities Symposium. Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
Presenter. November 2004. Reach Out: A Faith-Based Approach to Breast and Cervical Cancer Education. American Public Health Association 132nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Presenter. September 2004. Reach Out: A Faith-Based Approach to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Breast and Cervical Cancer. Innovative Approaches to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Conference. University of Michigan Health Systems Program for Multicultural Health, Ann Arbor, MI.
Presenter. April 2004. Free Clinics: Forgotten but Certainly Not Gone, Center for Health Administration Studies Workshop, The University of Chicago, Chicago. IL.
Presenter. March 2004. Reach Out: A Faith-Based Alternate Breast and Cancer Cervical Curriculum. Intercultural Cancer Council and Baylor College of Medicine 9th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved, and Cancer, Washington, DC.
Poster Presenter. March 2004. Reach Out: A Faith-Based Approach to Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention. Intercultural Cancer Council and Baylor College of Medicine 9th Biennial Symposium on Minorities, the Medically Underserved, and Cancer, Washington, DC.
Presenter. December 2003. Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations: Lessons Learned, Chicago Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. April 2003. Toward a Theory of Free Clinics. Center for Health Administration Studies Workshop, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. October 2001. Reach Out: Evaluation of a Faith-Based Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in Chicago. American Public Health Association 129th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Co-Presenter. March 2001. Reach Out: Faith Based Community Action to Promote Early Breast and Cervical Cancer Detection. Institute for Health Services Research and Policy Studies, Chicago, IL.
Julie S. Darnell Page 13 of 17 Presenter. November 1999. Diversion As a Welfare Reform Strategy and Its Effect on Access to Medicaid. American Public Health Association 127th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. November 1999. Immigrants’ Access to Medicaid and Health Services: Preliminary Case Study Findings. American Public Health Association 127th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, IL. Presenter. September 1999. Immigrants’ Access to Medicaid and Health Services: Preliminary Case Study Findings. National Association of Community Health Centers 30th Annual Convention and Community Health Institute, Miami, FL.
Poster Presenter. June 1999. The Impact of Welfare Diversion on Medicaid Eligibility. Association for Health Services Research 16th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. June 1999. Health Centers: A Chart Book. Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Washington, DC.
Presenter. August 1998. Medicaid and Welfare: The Consequences of Linking. National Association of Community Health Centers 29th Annual Convention and Community Health Institute, New York, NY.
Presenter. June 1998. Medicaid Outstationed Enrollment at Federally Qualified Health Centers: A Progress Report Seven Years after Enactment of Federal Law. Association for Health Services Research 15th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Poster Presenter. June 1998. Safety-Net Providers in an Era of Managed Care. Association for Health Services Research 15th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Presenter. May 1998. Immigration and Welfare Reform Revisited. Northwest Regional Primary Care Association, Region X Primary Care Conference, Boise, ID. Keynote Speaker. March 1998. The Welfare/Medicaid Interaction: Implications for Maternal and Children’s Health. Missouri Perinatal Association 21st Annual Conference, Jefferson City, MO.
Poster Presenter. March 1998. Medicaid Outstationing Enrollment Activities at Federally Qualified Health Centers: A Progress Report Seven Years after Enactment of Federal Law. Second Annual Chicago & Great Lakes Health Services Research Symposium, Chicago, IL.
Presenter. August 1997. Welfare Reform & Medicaid: A Look at the Past & Present. National Association of Community Health Centers 28th Annual Convention & Community Health Institute, New Orleans, LA.
Presenter. June 1997. Safety-Net Providers in an Era of Managed Care. National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems Fellows Meeting - Focus on Managed Care, Napa Valley, CA.
Lecturer. April 1997. Welfare Reform: Separating Fact from Myth. Health and Society, School of Public Health, The George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC.
Presenter. March 1997. What Does Welfare Reform Have to Do with Medicaid? National Association of Community Health Centers 22nd Annual Policy & Issues Forum, Washington, DC.
Presenter. January 1997. Welfare Reform: Its Impact on Medicaid. Council of Community Clinics Welfare Reform Workshop, San Diego, CA.
Presenter. January 1997. Welfare Reform: Potential Impact on Medicaid, Region V Primary Health Care Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Julie S. Darnell Page 14 of 17 Presenter. October 1996. Welfare Reform: Potential Impact on Medicaid. California Primary Care Association, House of Delegates Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Presenter. September 1996. Welfare Reform and its Impact on Medicaid and on Health Centers. Region X Primary Care Conference: Providing Quality Health Care in Uncertain Times, Seattle, WA.
Co-Presenter. September 1996. Welfare Reform: Its Impact of Medicaid and Other Health Programs, Briefing. Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD.
Co-Presenter. September 1996. An Analysis of the Health-Related and Immigration Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Health Policy, Outcomes and Human Values University Seminar Series, The George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Presenter. September 1996. Welfare Reform: Impact on Health Centers and Low-Income Communities. National Association of Community Health Centers, 27th Annual Convention and Community Health Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Presenter. September 1996. Welfare Reform: Its Impact on Medicaid, Medicaid and Medicare Policy Report. National Association of Community Health Centers, 27th Annual Convention and Community Health Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Presenter. May 1996. Medicaid/Welfare Reform and its Impact on West Virginia. Successful Infant Mortality Reduction Strategies. The West Virginia Experience, Past, Present, and Future. Southern Regional Project on Infant Mortality, Charleston, WV.
Presenter. April 1996. Impact of Medicaid Reform on the Southern States and a Conversation about the Future of Medicaid in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Policy Maker’s Meeting, Infant Mortality: Identifying Successful Initiatives. Southern Regional Project on Infant Mortality, San Juan, PR.
Presenter. March 1996. Medicaid/Welfare Reform and its Impact on Mississippi. Successful Infant Mortality Reduction Strategies. The Mississippi Experience, Past, Present, and Future, Southern Regional Project on Infant Mortality, Jackson, MS.
Presenter. March 1996. Financing Quality Programs to Meet the Needs of Families with Young Children. Starting Points State and Community Partnerships for Young Children, Technical Assistance Conference, Washington, DC.
Presenter. March 1996. The Future of Medicaid: Federal and State Initiatives. Visiting Nurses Associations of America Medicare and Medicaid Workshop, Bal Harbour, FL.
Presenter. March 1996. Medicaid/Welfare Reform and its Impact on Texas. Successful Infant Mortality Reduction Strategies. The Texas Experience, Past, Present, and Future. Southern Regional Project on Infant Mortality, Austin, TX.
Presenter. February 1996. Medicaid/Welfare Reform and its Impact on Delaware. Delaware Policy Maker’s Meeting. Infant Mortality: Identifying Successful Initiatives, Southern Regional Project on Infant Mortality, Wilmington, DE.
Presenter. February 1996. Welfare Reform and Its Potential Impact on Health Centers. National Association of Community Health Centers. 21st Annual Policy & Issues Forum, Washington, DC.
Julie S. Darnell Page 15 of 17 Presenter. February 1996. Legislative Briefing on Child Health Programs. The Robert Wood Johnson Child Health Initiative, 1996 Technical Assistance Conference, Washington, DC.
Presenter. September 1995. The Impact of a Medicaid Block Grant on the Southern States. Southern Regional Project on Infant Mortality Advisory Board Meeting. Southern Governors’ Association Annual Meeting, Biloxi, MS.
Poster Presenter. June 1995. Welfare Reform and its Implications for Medicaid: A Study of Intended and Unintended Consequences. Association of Health Services Research 12th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Presenter. May 1995. A Case Study of TennCare and its Impact on Mothers and Children. March of Dimes Public Affairs Leadership Meeting, Washington, DC.
Presenter. February 1995. Welfare Reform: Implications for Health Centers. National Association of Community Health Centers, 20th Annual Policy and Issues Forum, Washington, DC.
Poster Presenter. October 1994. Drug-Exposed Infants and Their Families. First Annual Research Day, The George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Presenter. September 1994. An Analysis of the Violence Against Women Provisions Contained in the Omnibus Crime Bill. Commission on Women’s Health Meeting, The Commonwealth Fund, New York, NY.
Presenter. February 1994. Health Care Reform: A Comparison of Major Proposals Before the 103rd Congress. National Association of Community Health Centers, 19th Annual Policy and Issues Forum, Washington, DC
Julie S. Darnell Page 16 of 17 REFERENCES
Sarah Gehlert, Ph.D. E. Desmond Lee Professor of Racial and Ethnic Diversity George Warren Brown School of Social Work Washington University in St. Louis One Brookings Drive Campus Box 1196 St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 314-935-3434 [email protected]
Edward F. Lawlor, Ph.D. Dean and William E. Gordon Professor George Warren Brown School of Social Work Washington University in St. Louis One Brookings Drive Campus Box 1196 St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 314-935-6693 [email protected]
Willard G. Manning, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus Harris School of Public Policy Studies The University of Chicago 1155 East 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637 773-702-2067 [email protected]
Sara Rosenbaum, J.D. Harold and Jane Hirsh Professor of Health Law and Policy School of Public Health and Health Services The George Washington University 2021 K Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 202-296-6922 [email protected]
Michael R. Sosin, Ph.D. Emily Klein Gidwitz Professor School of Social Service Administration The University of Chicago 969 E 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637 773-702-1129 [email protected]
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