The Mayor and Council of the City of Franklin, Georgia, met in regular session Thursday, September 1, 2011 at city hall at 6:00 p.m.

Mayor Chapman began the meeting by welcoming everyone in attendance. Councilman Hamil gave the invocation followed by Councilman Almond leading in the pledge to the flag.

MINUTES OF August 4th



Councilman Rogers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Manders, to approve the order of the agenda. The vote was unanimous.


Police Department - Chief Hannah was not present and sent a written report of monthly activities.

Street Department - Street Department Supervisor Alan Holcomb was not present. Councilman Adams asked if there was and M.O.U. with the Development Authority about the care and maintenance of the shrubbery in the new landscaping. He also mentioned the Water Authority will be issuing a ban on all outside watering. New landscaping will be exempt for thirty days.

City Attorney David Mecklin - Mr. Mecklin spoke on the following:

2. A claim has been submitted to the insurance company for the accident on the walking trail bridge and the backhoe. The estimates for repair were accepted and the insurance company indicated they would be mailing a check for the estimates. 3. He will issue a written opinion as to whether or not the bond money can be used for any purpose other than city hall. There is an arbitrage ruling that prevents the money on hand

 from being used to repay the outstanding bond indebtedness.


4. Jerome Anderson of C.A.F.I. - Mr. Anderson is the executive director of C.A.F.I. (Community Action for Improvement). The agency has been in place for forty-five years providing services for people in need. They operate Head Start and offer weatherization assistance, emergency food and shelter and emergency food assistance. Budget cuts had forced them to close their office in Heard County but they have been offered the use of an office at DFACS with phone and internet hookups. They will begin seeing clients on September 2, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.. These hours can be expanded if needed. Mr. Anderson also thanked the council for the use of the community center for commodities distribution. They were able to provide services to approximately 216 families.

2. Kathy Knowles - Ms. Knowles thanked the council for their continued support and presented them with a plaque for all they do. She invited them to the regular monthly collaborative meetings held on the second Wednesday each month at noon. She also told the council that (a) everything was on track for the Labor Day event and all vendors would be back, (b) Trunk or Treat will be held this year at the arena, and 8) they are working on a recycling event for Heard County to be held at the arena in October. The details will be forthcoming.

3. L.O.S.T. Negotiations - Mayor Chapman told the council they needed to appoint two members of the council to work on the L.O.S.T. negotiations with the county. Councilman Hamil made a motion to appoint Mayor Chapman and Councilman Adams based on their experience in government. Councilman Almond seconded the motion. Councilmen Almond, Hamil, Manders and Rogers voted in favor of the motion. Councilman Adams abstained. The motion passed by a majority vote.

Councilman Adams said they would need input from all of the council. He suggested putting it on the agenda next month. City Attorney David Mecklin told the council there was an effective argument for a larger percentage for the city but the city would need the information to support it. The type of information needed would include, but not be limited to, daytime population of schools, governments, and sales generated in the city. Councilman Manders suggested scheduling a workshop brainstorm.


5. Produce Stand - Mrs. Steele, the owner of the business, had asked to be on the agenda after the mayor had turned down her request for a business license. Mr. Mecklin told the council the business was definitely in violation on the zoning ordinance and building codes. It would be appropriate for the council to enforce these ordinances. The city could have the building inspector make an inspection. The city could then give due notice to rectify the situation or cite them for violations. The council also discussed peddler=s license. Mr. Mecklin had furnished the council with a copy of Villa Rica=s ordinance regulating peddler=s license. The council asked him to work on a draft for the City of Franklin.

6. Downtown Development Authority - Amy Velasquez, an associate of Mr. Mecklin, sent the council a memo about the laws governing development authorities. Councilman Adams

 said he had wanted the mayor and council to appoint the members and he realized the members must be approved by the entire council. He said he wanted this because it was possible for a downtown development authority to obtain grants to purchase dilapidated houses. The property could be used for Habitat for Humanity. Councilman Adams made a motion the city adopt the downtown development authority. Councilman Rogers said the city need only appoint new members. Councilman Almond seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. New members will be appointed at the next regular meeting. Councilman Rogers asked the council to replace him on the board.




7. Councilman Almond said the council had done some of the things they said they would do but the city still did not have any of its employees that lived inside the city limits. He suggested checking on the cost of gas for officers who lived outside of the city and paying them the difference to move into the city. 8. Councilman Adams asked about the city=s policy when someone asked for an application. The clerk answered they would be told if no work was available but still be given an application to fill out if they requested one. 9. Councilman Rogers said we need to pray for rain. Water levels are very low. The water authority has made arrangements to purchase water from Carroll County and Wedowee if needed. 10. Councilman Manders stated the city needed to do all it could to help. The county needs a reservoir. He suggested a meeting between the water authority, development authority, the county and all of the cities. Councilman Rogers told him Mr. Knight has already called for a meeting about the crisis. 11. Councilman Adams asked Mr. Mecklin to check on whether the city could use the remainder of the bond money for the waste water treatment plant. 12. Mayor Chapman informed the council she had collected, by donations and soft drink money, more than $3000.00. She needed an additional $1500.00 to purchase the Christmas tree she wanted. Councilman Adams made a motion, seconded by Councilman Rogers, for the city to spend the additional money. The vote was unanimous.

There was no further business to conduct and Councilman Rogers made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hamil, to adjourn. The vote was unanimous.

______Teresa Chapman, Mayor

Members Present: Clerks Present: Shane Manders, Post #1 Myra Braswell

 Willie Almond, Jr., Post #2 Joel Rogers, Post #3 Johnny Adams, Post #4 Jimmy Hamil, Post #5
