Welcome/Secretary S Report Greg Sturm, President

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Welcome/Secretary S Report Greg Sturm, President

Vision Enrich the community and promote a healthy lifestyle by facilitating the creation of a network of public trails and greenways.

Mission Shawano Pathways will plan for and facilitate in the development, implementation and maintenance of a greenway and trails network within Shawano County and adjacent areas for recreation and alternative transportation, while preserving and restoring natural areas and resources connected with the trails.

Tuesday – February 4, 2014 Shawano County Courthouse Meeting Room A 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Minutes Facilitator Greg Sturm, President Note Taker Nancy Schultz Members Present Greg Sturm, Matty Mathison, Carol Westphal, Dave Koeller, Gail Bartz, Jerry Czech , John Brodhagen, Nancy Schultz, Dennis Heling, Nancy Brown Koeller, Mary LaMarche Members Absent Dave Schmidt, Maxine Williams, Tim Reed, Carrie Verkuilen, Janet Lewellyn, Judy Judd, , Keith Marquardt

Welcome/Secretary’s Report Greg Sturm, President Discussion Greg S. called the Meeting to order and sent around the attendance sheet. It was determined that a quorum of 5 of the 9 Board members were present. Greg welcomed and thanked all for attending on a cold evening. Members reviewed the January 24, 2014 Shawano Pathway Long Range meeting minutes. Matty made a motion to approve the minutes and Carol W. second the motion.

Conclusions Motions passed. Minutes were approved as written. Action Items None.

Treasurer’s Report Carol Westphal, Treasurer Discussion Carol’s shared the treasurer’s report. Shawano Pathway’s checking balance is $478.13, savings $11,177.00, matching funds $31,670.00, and barn quilt $7,428.91 for a total of$50,754.04. Restricted Accounts: Hillcrest -$2010.00; Crawford Shawano Lake - $3666.00; SACF - $5000.00; Walmart - $500.00. Carol made a motion to transfer $2420 from the barn quilt account to the general account. Mary L. seconded the motion. All were in favor. Jerry C. made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Matty seconded the motion.

Conclusions Motion carried; Treasurer’s report approved. Motion carried; Transfer funds from Bike the Barn Quilt Account to the General Account. Action Items None

Deviate from the agenda Greg Sturm Discussion Greg asked if it was okay to deviate from the agenda, since Gail is feeling under the weather this month.

Conclusion All in favor.


PayPal for Bike the Barn Quilt All Discussion Greg talked about PayPal and using it for Bike the Barn Quilt. He explained how it would work with the treasurer. He checked with various organizations to see if they are were using PayPal. Gail showed a video about PayPal. Discussion about the pros and cons of using PayPal with many thoughts from members. Matty suggested having a separate treasurer for the Bike The Barn Quilt Event. Carol voiced concerns about having 2 separate treasurers. Matty made a motion to not proceed with using PayPal with BTBQ. Nancy B.K. seconded the motion. Vote: 2 opposed and 7 in favor.

Conclusion Motion not to proceed with using PayPal with BTBQ passed.

Amended motion:

*** On February 5, Matty M. spoke with 4 other board members and asked to make an amended motion to use PayPal for BTBQ this year, and then review it at the end of the year. Nancy B.K. seconded the motion.

The motion was carried with a majority of 7 yes votes and 1 absent vote.

Action Carol has stepped down as treasurer. Gail B. will take over as treasurer and implement PayPal for BTBQ this year. Carol, Greg and Gail will meet and get the accounts transferred over to Gail.

Wisconsin Bike Federation Membership Matty Mathison Discussion Matty made a motion to withdraw becoming a member of the Wisconsin Bike Federation, because of the cost and she felt it really would not benefit us much. Mary L. seconded the motion. Matty discussed about placing 3 ads in the Silent Sports Magazine, and 1 ad in the Bike Federation magazine, and a possible ad in the Wolf River magazine. Total cost for ads would be roughly $1000. $300/ad for Silent Sports. It was suggested that we add on the registration form how they hear about the ride. Nancy B.K. made a motion and Matty 2nd the motion to approve expenditure for advertisement for up to $1000. All were in favor.

Conclusions Motions carried for withdrawing membership into Bike Federation. All in favor. Motion carried to spend $1000 for advertisement. All in favor. Action Items Matty and Nancy S. will place ads in Silent Sports and Bike Federation magazine. Discussion on route around Shawano Lake Greg Sturm Discussion Keith is not feeling well, and was not able to be present tonight. Greg led the discussion about the route around the lake especially in the town of Washington. Private roads are an issue. Greg plans to talk with Steve from his church about the signage. Also suggest talking with Nick B. about our concerns. Also suggest speaking with Gary Hanson. It is a work in progress.

Conclusion Keith Marquardt will continue to coordinate the Shawano Lake route project. Action Greg will contact Steve from church and Gary Hanson about signage. Matty will follow up with Nick B. about signage.

Progress of Community Foundation and Crawford Grants Matty Mathison Discussion We have the money for both the signage for the park to park loops and for the Shawano Lake Routes. Gail, Dave K. and Matty are working on the park to park loop event, “Let’s get moving”.

Conclusion None Action None

Safe Routes to School Nancy Schultz /Matty Mathison Discussion Winter Walk to School day will be on Feb 5th. Three of the five schools will be participating in the event. Walking Challenge at the Middle School – Nancy has submitted a letter to the National Subway to see if they would sponsor the subs for the winning class this spring. Funding for SRTS – Nancy will forward to Tim R and Steve Kunst Greg to send link to Dave.

Conclusions Actions Nancy to forward SRTS funding letter Tim and Steve. Greg to forward SRTS funding letter to Dave.

2014 Bike the Barn Quilt Event Matty Mathison Discussion Matty is requesting $200 for a barn quilt to be put up on the South Forty Feed Shop. She shared that it was created by a student. Matty shared we have 2 new members on the committee. Members were able to review the notes and brochure. Suggestion to add how they hear about this ride. Next BTBQ meeting will be on Feb 24 at 6 pm at the courthouse room C. Matty also shared that we will need 4 more tents and 3 more food stations.

Conclusions Nancy made a motion to approve the $200 for purchasing a barn quilt for the South Forty, Dave K. seconded. Motion carried.

Actions Matty to work with Jim L. about getting the quilt on South Forty. Next BTBQ meeting Feb 24, at 6 pm courthouse room C.

Annual Meeting Committee Jerry Czech Discussion Deferred until next month. Greg will contact paper to have club meeting times on community calendar.

Conclusions Actions Greg to contact paper about meeting announcements on community calendar. Miscellaneous All Discussion  Nancy handed out calendar of dates for next meeting.  Matty shared that we should have a booth at Taste of Shawano. Deadline is Feb15. Event will take place on Mar 31, 2014. Matty, Nancy S. and Nancy B.K. will work at the booth. Nancy B.K. made a motion to that Shawano Pathways should participate in Taste of Shawano. Matty seconded the motion. All in favor. Greg will fill out the form for Taste of Shawano.  Nancy B.K. handed out a Brief Report on Fox Cities Greenways, map and Trails for Tomorrow which will be on May 15. Suggested we push mayor, town association chairs and planners to attend event. The Bike Fed Director will be at the event. She shared that they do community awards for community, trail rides, and businesses. She also shared the Fox Cities Greenways proposed 2014 goals. Time to do membership drive.  Jerry spoke with Grant about doing a traffic count west of town probably in May or later.  John B. talked about bike racks for Sturgeon Park. He will need to get estimates of what they will cost to make and then share with us at the next meeting.


Actions Greg to fill out Taste of Shawano form.

Next meeting date will be our Long Range Planning Meeting on April 1, 2014 at 6:30 pm at the Shawano County Courthouse, Room A.

Sincerely Nancy Schultz, Secretary

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