NSSPCM Test Documents

Test #8: Accurate Temperature Sensing


The objective of this test is to validate Engineering Specification 10. The test verifies that the NSSPCM firmware is sensing and reporting the correct temperature values.

Equipment Needed:


 Computer running Microsoft Windows, Eclipse and the Java Runtime Environment (1.6 32-bit) with javax.comm library installed.

 USB A to Mini B Cable

 TI MSP430 Launchpad

 MAX3483 8PDIP

 Breadboard and wire

 NSSPCM Diagnostic Utility

 Multimeter

 Temperature Probe


1) Connect the A and B wires of the communication cable from the NSSPCM to the A and B connections of the MAX3483 chip on the breadboard.

2) Connect 3.3 V and GND to the MAX3483 chip.

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3) Connect the RO pin of the MAX3483 chip to the TX pin of the MSP430 Launchpad.

4) Connect the DI pin of the MAX3483 chip to P1.4 on the MSP430 Launchpad.

5) Connect the RE and DE pins of the MAX3483 chip to P1.6 on the MSP430 Launchpad.

6) Connect the USB cable from the MSP430 Launchpad to the computer.

7) Start Eclipse and open the NSSPCM GUI Project.

8) Run the NSSPCM GUI Project and select the desired COM port.

9) Press the Ping button.

10) Press the Update Status button.

11) Place the temperature probe near the external temperature sensor.

12) Wait 5 minutes for the temperature to be accurately sensed.

13) Press the Update Ext Temp button.

14) Record the reported and measured temperature values

15) Place the temperature probe near the internal temperature sensor.

16) Press the Update Int Temp button.

17) Record the reported and measured temperature values.

18) Repeat steps 11 through 17 three times to ensure accuracy.

Acceptance Criteria:

2 NSSPCM Test Documents

To pass the test, the value reported by the NSSPCM GUI Monitor must be within ± 5 degrees Celsius of the actual value measured from the temperature probe. The test will fail if the difference between the reported value and the measured value is greater than 5 degrees Celsius.

Test Results:

Unit of Marginal Ideal Software Source Specification Measure Value Value Reported Value Measured Value ES10 Internal Temperature °C ± 5.0 ± 3.0

ES10 External Temperature °C ± 5.0 ± 3.0

Tester Name______Date (yyyy-mm-dd)______Pass/Fail______

Reviewed By______Date(yyyy-mm-dd)______Pass/Fail______