Emergency Plan: Pershing Arena: Basketball, Volleyball, Wrestling, Indoor Track, Pershing Athletic Training Facility

Emergency Personnel: Head Coach certified in American Red Cross CPR; Certified Athletic Trainer and Student Athletic Trainer(s) on site for practice and competition; additional sports medicine staff accessible from Pershing Athletic Training Facility (785- 4166) (NE Corner of Pershing Arena); Physician on site for wrestling competition. Emergency Communication: fixed telephone line in Pershing Athletic Training Facility (785-4166, 7364, or 6055). Emergency Equipment: supplies (splint bags, cervical neck collars) maintained in Pershing Athletic Training Facility. Roles of Immediate Care Providers (Athletic Trainers, Coaches, and Athletes): 1. Immediate care of the injured or ill student-athlete 2. Activation of emergency medical system (EMS) a. notify the emergency center at 911 b. provide name, location, telephone number, number of individuals injured, condition of injured, first aid treatment, specific directions other information as requested 3. Emergency Equipment Retrieval 4. Direction of EMS to scene a. open appropriate doors b. designate individual to "flag down" EMS and direct to scene c. injury scene control: limit scene to first aid providers and move bystanders away from area Pershing Directions: Pershing Arena is located on the east side of South Franklin Street. The EMS vehicle should turn east, just north of the Red Barn at the faculty parking lot on the southwest side of Pershing Arena, and enter through the SW doors.