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APPOINTMENT OF EXAMINERS FOR MPhil/PhD Please type or write clearly
Candidate: Supervisor:
Student ID: Academic department: Thesis title:
Full Address:
Phone: Email:
Reasons for Recommendation/Expertise:
Experience of PhD examining for the University of London and/or elsewhere (if no experience of examining, please state experience of PhD supervision or relevant training received):
University of London: Elsewhere: Further Details:
(2) PROPOSED EXAMINER EXTERNAL TO THE UNIVERSITY Title: Name: Institutional affiliation (if applicable):
Full Address:
Phone: Email:
Reasons for Recommendation/Expertise:
Experience of PhD examining for the University of London and/or elsewhere (if no experience of examining, please state experience of PhD supervision or relevant training received): University of London: Elsewhere: Further Details:
- Page 1 of 2 (3) Are you aware of any professional, academic or personal connections between the candidate and/or the supervisor and the examiners (for example including joint holding of grants, co-publication/co-authorship of papers)? If so, what are they? Links between candidate and examiner/s Links between supervisor and examiner/s
(4) If a member of the same College as the candidate is to be appointed as Internal Examiner, in order that his/her independence can be demonstrated, please answer the following questions where applicable and add any relevant details.
(a) (i) The proposed examiner is from a different department and has no connections with the candidate YES/ NO or (ii) The proposed examiner is from the same department/research group* but has no connections with YES/ NO the candidate and (b) The proposed examiner was involved in the research reported in the thesis YES/ NO and (c) The proposed examiner was a party to the candidate’s transfer from MPhil to PhD YES/ NO
(5) If it is proposed that two External Examiners should be appointed, please indicate the reason(s) as appropriate*: (a) The only person(s) with appropriate expertise in the broad area of the research within the University YES/ NO of London has close connections with the candidate and/or Supervisor which might inhibit a completely objective examination.
(b) There is expertise elsewhere in the University and the appropriate person(s) has been contacted but YES/ NO would be unable to act as an examiner on this occasion.
(c) Other (please specify)
(6) If one of the nominated Examiners is from overseas, is the Department [where applicable] YES/ NO willing to pay the travelling and other expenses?
(7) Authorisation: Please return completed form to the Student Centre, Room 117 RHB, at least 2 months before the anticipated date of submission of the thesis Signed by Supervisor: Date:
Email Address: Tel. No:
Approved by Graduate School: Date:
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