Welcome To Hubert Middle School READING LITERACY

I am delighted to welcome you to Reading Literacy. I hope you are having an exciting school year and you’re ready to focus during this new school year. As your new teacher, I am excited about the journey you are about to begin. As we take this next very important step in your academic careers, please realize that we have to do so as a team.

My goal is to make sure that every student meets or exceeds state standards while demonstrating character, leadership, and a cooperative spirit. As your child’s academic teacher, I am committed to working with you in establishing and nurturing a cooperative parent-student-teacher relationship.

I recognize the vital importance of parents being involved in their child’s educational experiences. Therefore, I encourage you to visit us at school and hope that your schedule might enable you to join us from time to time. Please feel free to drop in and witness our LITERACY BLOCK in action. This is a District-wide initiative designed to ensure that our students are proficient readers. Our LITERACY BLOCK happens between 8:05 and 8:55 a.m. I will be working directly with your child during his/her Connections time; 6th Grade 12:50 to 1:50.

Important Reminders

In order for your child to be prepared daily, he/she should come to my class with the following items:

 1 ½ inch binder  Pens (blue/black)  Notebook dividers (5)  Markers  Colored pencils (12)  USB Flash Drive (any storage size)  Covered Pencil Sharpeners  Loose Leaf Notebook Paper  

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 Parents and students please place special emphasis on the following:

 Every student is expected to do their best in every class.  Every student is expected to bring their own supplies to class daily.  Every student is expected to respect class rules and the Code of Conduct.   My philosophy of discipline focuses on 3 basic Expectations:




 Please review the Code of Conduct with your child.

 I am excited about having a wonderful 1st semester with your child. Please feel free to call the school at 395-5235 to schedule a parent conference. You may also email me at [email protected].

 Thank you in advance for your encouragement and support as we embark on an exciting 1st Semester together; working to make your child successful.

 Sincerely,

 Mary A. Snowden, M.Ed.