Gordon Central High School Student Parking Agreement

1. To park in the designated student parking, a student must display a current parking permit. 2. No student may give/sell another student his/her parking permit. 3. In accordance with Gordon County School System Board Policy, all vehicles on the Gordon Central campus are subject to search. 4. When students arrive on campus, they must park their vehicle and immediately enter the building. 5. Violation of motor vehicle safety regulations will result in consequences. Violations include, but are not limited to, loitering, parking out of assigned space, not displaying decal, and all moving violations. Consequences will include suspension of driving privileges from short term (5 days) to long term (semester or year). Failure to comply with consequences may result in towing of vehicle. 6. The issuing of this parking permit is contingent upon the signing of the Gordon County Policy IDF paperwork which states that students who have parking privileges on school property are subject to random drug testing. If this paperwork is not signed by the parent, this agreement is voided and the money will be refunded. 7. To emphasize the importance of being on time to school, of remaining at school, and attendance at school, the high school administrators will suspend a student’s parking privilege for the remainder of any semester at the time of the 6th un-excused absence, the 10th un-excused tardy, or for the unauthorized departure from school. The suspension of parking privileges will extend for at least forty-five days. There will be no refund for the cost of the parking permit. At the conclusion of the suspension of parking privileges the student will reapply for his parking privilege to be reinstated. 8. Any vehicles parking on campus during school hours either without a permit or parking in violation of any school suspensions are at risk of having their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.

By signing below, I agree to follow the rules, regulations, and policies in this agreement and in the Gordon County Board of Education Policy. I understand the consequences listed will be enforced as they are stated.

Student Signature Parent Signature Date

PARKING SPACE # (Will be filled in upon purchase) Name: Grade:

GA Drivers License # Tag #

Insurance Company:

Policy #

Car Make and Year: Model:

Car Color:

Are there any other cars that you may occasionally be driving to school? If yes, list here: