This Schedule Is Set up in the Form of a Conference Program and Is Based in Large Masure

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This Schedule Is Set up in the Form of a Conference Program and Is Based in Large Masure

ASSOCIATION FOR FEMINIST ETHICS AND SOCIAL THEORY September 2007 Conference Clearwater Beach, Florida

The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory is a professional organization dedicated to promoting feminist ethical perspectives on philosophy, moral and political life, and public policy.

Through meetings, publications, and projects, we hope to increase the visibility and influence of feminist ethics, as well as feminist social and political theory, and to provide support to emerging scholars from diverse and underrepresented populations.

Our aim is to further the development and refinement of new understandings of ethical and political concepts and topics, especially as these arise out of feminist concerns.

Thursday, September 27

5:00-7:00 Registration (Lobby 2)

7:00-9:00 Panel Discussion in Memory of Iris Marion Young (Island Ball Room) Topic: Remembering the Life and Work of Iris Marion Young Chair: Hilde Lindemann (Michigan State University) Panelists: Alison Jaggar (University of Boulder), “Ideal versus Critical Theory: Comparing the Methods of John Rawls and Iris Marion Young” Eva Kittay (Stony Brook University), “Disability as a Paradigm of Difference: The Contribution of Iris Young” Bonnie Mann (University of Oregon), “Iris Marion Young: Between Phenomenology and Structural Injustice” Allison Weir (Wilfrid Laurier University), “Home and Identity: In Memory of Iris Young”

Friday, September 28

8:00-2:00 Registration and Book Display (Lobby 2) 8:00-10:30 Coffee (Lobby 2) 9:00-11:55 Concurrent Sessions: Session A: Arrogance, Respect, and Love (Beach Room) Chair: Alison Bailey (Illinois State University)

9:00-9:40 Robin Dillon (Lehigh University), “Arrogance, Respect and Self- Respect”

9:40-10:20 Amy Mullin (University of Toronto), “Love Between Parents and Children” Session B: Non-Ideal Theory (Gulf Room) Chair: Lisa Schwartzman (Michigan State University) 9:00-9:40 Lisa Tessman (Binghamton University), “Feminist Eudaimonism: Eudaimonism as Non-Ideal Theory” 9:40-10:20 Ada Jaarsma (Sonoma State University), “The Ideology of the Normal: Desire, Ethics, and Non-Ideal Theory”

10:20-10:35 Break (Lobby 2)

Session C: Moral and Political Complexities of Compassion (Beach Room) Chair: Brook Sadler (University of South Florida) 10:35-11:15 Elise Springer (Wesleyan University), “An Ecological Model of Responsibility: Relaying Moral Address Through Social Space” 11:15-11:55 Erinn Gilson (University of Memphis), “Toward a Relational Understanding of Recognition in a Feminist Context”

Session D: Understanding Responsibility and Recognition (Gulf Room) Chair: Lijun Yuan (Texas State University at San Marcos) 10:35-11:15 Chris Frakes (University of Colorado), “When Strangers Call: A Consideration of Care, Justice and Compassion” 11:15-11:55 Julie Anne White (Ohio University), “The Politics of Compassion”

12:05-1:35 Lunch and Difficult Conversation (Beach Room) Please purchase your lunch ahead of time to bring to this meeting. Topic: A Difficult Conversation about Feminist Sexualities and Identities: ‘Issues’ among Lesbian/Heterosexual/Bi/Trans/Intersex People Moderator: Ann Garry (California State University) Participants: Bat-Ami Bar On (Binghamton University), Loren Cannon (Humboldt State University), Marilyn Frye (Michigan State University), Ruth Groenhout (Calvin College), and Alexis Shotwell (Laurentian University)

1:45-3:00 Keynote Address (Beach/Gulf Room) Title: “Feminist Philosophers: In Our Own Words” Chair: Hilde Lindemann (Michigan State University) Speaker: Joan C. Callahan, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Gender and Women’s Studies Program, University of Kentucky

3:00-3:30 Break (Lobby 2)

3:30-4:50 Concurrent Sessions: Session E: Thinking about Immigration (Beach Room)

Chair: Margaret McLaren (Rollins College) 3:30-4:10 Joan Tronto (Hunter College and City University of New York), “Responsibility and Care: A Framework for Thinking about Immigration?” 4:10-4:50 Peter Higgins (University of Colorado), “A (Partial) Method for Constructing Just Immigration Policies”

Session F: On Hannah Arendt and Simone de Beauvoir (Gulf Room) Chair: Alison Bailey (Illinois State University) 3:30-4:10 Sonia Kruks (Oberlin College), “Toward an Impure Ethics: Between Idealism and Realism with Simone de Beauvoir” 4:10-4:50 Andrea Veltman (James Madison University), “Simone de Beauvoir and Hannah Arendt on Reproductive Labor”

5:00-8:00 Dinner (on one’s own)

8:15-9:00 Business Meeting, open to all (Beach/Gulf Room)

9:00-11:00 Reception (Palm Room)

Saturday, September 29

8:00-10:30 Coffee (Lobby 2)

9:00-11:00 Concurrent Sessions: Session G: Testimony and Narrative (Beach Room) Chair: Louise Collins (Indiana University South Bend) 9:00-9:40 Heidi Grasswick (Middlebury College), “Knowing Moral Agents: Epistemic Dependence and the Moral Realm”

9:40-10:20 Diana Meyers (University of Connecticut), “Fractured Self- Narratives and Human Rights Norms” 10:20-11:00 Anna Gotlib (SUNY Binghamton), “Taking Serious Illness Seriously: Suffering as a Public Act”

Session H: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (Gulf Room) Chair: Ann Cahill (Elon University) 9:00-9:40 Margaret Urban Walker (Arizona State University), “Should We Think in Terms of a ‘Continuum of Violence’ in Addressing Harms to Women in Armed Conflict?”

9:40-10:20 Sarah Clark Miller (University of Memphis), “The Moral Significance of Genocidal Rape” 10:20-11:00 Neda Hadjikhani (Binghamton University), “Courting Wartime Rape: Larry May and the International Criminal Court”

11:00-11:15 Break (Lobby 2)

11:15-12:35 Concurrent Sessions: Session I: On Kant, Rawls, and Personal Relationships (Beach Room) Chair: Cynthia Stark (University of Utah) 11:15-11:55 Marilea Bramer (University of Minnesota), “The Importance of Personal Relationships in Kantian Moral Theory: A Reply to Virginia Held” 11:55-12:35 Erika Blacksher (Columbia University), “Rawls’s Last Word on the Family: A Feminist After All?”

Session J: New Legal Challenges (Gulf Room) Chair: Julie McDonald (St. Joseph’s University)

11:15-11:55 Nkiruka Ahiauzu (University of Wales), “Some Jobs for Feminist Legal Thought in African Societies” 11:55-12:35 Margaret Denike (Carleton University), “Engendering [In]Security and Terror: On the ‘Protection Racket’ of Security States”

12:45-1:45 Lunch and Workshop (Beach Room) Please purchase your lunch ahead of time to bring to this meeting. Topic: Sharing Strategies for Succeeding as a Feminist Philosopher Moderator: Asha Bhandary (University of Connecticut) Participants: Chaone Mallory (Villanova University), Sophia Isako Wong (Long Island University), Gaile Pohlhaus (Miami University), Lisa Cassidy (Ramapo College), Hilde Lindemann (Michigan State University)

2:00-3:15 Keynote Address (Beach/Gulf Room) Title: “Women’s Human Rights as Equality through Difference” Chair: Lorraine Code (Mount Saint Vincent and York Universities) Speaker: Carol Gould, Professor of Philosophy and Political Science and Director of the Center for Global Ethics and Politics, Temple University

3:15-3:45 Break (Lobby 2)

3:45-5:45 Concurrent Sessions: Session K: Terrorism, Space, and Citizenship (Beach Room) Chair: Virginia Held (City University of New York) 3:45-4:25 Marilyn Friedman (Washington University), “Female Terrorists: What Difference Does Gender Make?” 4:25-5:05 Tabor Fisher (Le Moyne College), “Repositioning the Theorist in the Lower Ninth Ward” 5:05-5:45 Monique Lanoix (Mount St. Vincent University), “Aging Citizenship”

Session L: Repairing Moral Relationships (Gulf Room) Chair: Jennifer Parks (Loyola University) 3:45-4:25 Brian Thomas (University of British Columbia), “Can’t We All Just Get Along? Empathy and the Construction of Whiteness” 4:25-5:05 Alice MacLachlan (York University), “Third Party Forgiveness and Political Solidarity” 5:05-5:45 Barrett Emerick (University of Colorado), “Reparations through Respect”

6:00-7:20 Concurrent Sessions: Session M: Feminists Doing Stem Cell Ethics (Beach Room) Chair: Tricia Shivas (Michigan State University) 6:00-6:40 Susan Dodds (University of Wollongong), “Stem Cell Wars and the Commodification of Research: Forgetting Women in Debates about the Source of hESC Lines and in the Distribution of Research Benefits” 6:40-7:20 Françoise Baylis (Dalhousie University) and Carolyn McLeod (University of Western Ontario), “The Stem Cell Debate Continues: The Buying and Selling of Eggs for Research”

Session N: Feminist Politics (Gulf Room) Chair: Tamra Frei (Michigan State University) 6:00-6:40 Rita Manning (San Jose State University), “Challenges for a Global Politics of Care” 6:40-7:20 Sally Scholz (Villanova University), “Feminist Political Solidarity”

Sunday, September 30

8:00-10:30 Coffee (Lobby 2)

9:00-10:20 Concurrent Sessions: Session O: Abuses of Power (Beach Room) Chair: Lisa Cassidy (Ramapo College) 9:00-9:40 Peggy DesAutels (University of Dayton), “Resisting Organizational Power” 9:40-10:20 Margaret Crouch (Eastern Michigan University), “Conceptions of Sexual Harassment: Protection of Sexual Virtue, Protection of Rights”

Session P: The Sex/Gender System (Gulf Room) Chair: Justin Ball (University of North Florida) 9:00-9:40 Christine Overall (Queen’s University), “Sex/Gender Transitions and Identity” 9:40-10:20 Nancy Holland (Hamline University), “‘Give Me Your Number and I’ll Call, and I’ll Follow That Thing in the Mall’: A Feminist Revisits Marcuse’s Eros and Civilization” 10:20-10:30 Break (Lobby 2)

10:30-12:30 Concurrent Sessions: Session Q: Cognitive and Other Disabilities (Beach Room) Chair: Marin Gillis (University of Nevada School of Medicine) 10:30-11:10 Licia Carlson (Harvard University), “Cognitive Dissonances” 11:10-11:50 Sophia Isako Wong (Long Island University), “The Moral Personhood of Individuals Labeled ‘Mentally Retarded’: A Rawlsian Response to Nussbaum” 11:50-12:30 Anna Stubblefield (Rutgers University), “Dignity and Disability: The Case of Ashley X”

Session R: FEMMSS at FEAST (Gulf Room)

Chair: Andrea Pitts (University of South Florida) 10:30-11:10 Elizabeth Potter (Mills College), “Feminist Moral and Epistemic Values in Scientific Deliberations” 11:10-11:50 Nancy McHugh (Wittenberg University), “Situating Communities, Situating Toxins: Living with Agent Orange in Viet Nam”

FEAST Steering Committee:

Hilde Lindemann, Chair Chris Frakes, Treasurer Lynne Arnault, Chair, Conference Program Lorraine Code, Chair, International Committee Eva Feder Kittay, Chair, Diversity Committee Ann Cahill, Chair, Nominating Committee Joan Callahan, Listserv Manager and Archivist Peggy DesAutels, Publications Representative Rebecca Whisnant, Publications Representative Diana Tietjens Meyers, At Large Peg O’Connor, At Large Lisa Tessman, At Large Marin Gillis, Chair, Web Committee Saba Fatima, Graduate Student Selin Gürsözlü, Graduate Student

FEAST Program Committee:

Lynne Arnault, Chair Alison Bailey Bat-Ami Bar On Louise Collins Catherine Gardiner Julie McDonald Desiree Melton Amy Mullin

Local Arrangements Committee

Rebecca Kukla, Chair Assistant: Irene Arino

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