Physical Education Class Rules And Procedures

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Physical Education Class Rules And Procedures


UNIFORMS Merrillville Physical Education uniforms are required. The cost is $15.00- remember the bookstore accepts CASH ONLY!!!! Your last name, first initial must be written in the space given on the shirt. Designs, nicknames, sayings, etc…are not allowed on the uniforms. Tennis shoes MUST be work during physical education class. Students should wear socks at all times during P.E. class. Swim caps MUST be purchased for swimming classes. The bookstore sells them for $2.00.

NO JEWELRY IS TO BE WORN!!! This is a safety concern. Students wearing jewelry will receive No Dress/No Participation. NEW PIERCINGS ARE NOT ACEPTABLE!

Jackets, jeans, etc…are not permitted in place of sweats. Sweats are only to be worn for classes going outside. Wait to put the sweats on after the teacher has taken attendance and has given you permission to.

No Dress/No Participation Point Deduction and Policy 1st No Dress/No Participation=Warning, loss of 8 points for the day. 2nd No Dress/No Participation=Phone call home, loss of 8 points for the day. 3rd No Dress/No Participation=Detention, loss of 8 points for the day. 4th No Dress/No Participation=W/F from the class (“F” on your transcript)

Students must wear the entire P.E. uniform to class everyday. If the student has a DOCTOR’S note restricting them from participating in physical education class, the student must still come to class in the uniform. The doctor’s note needs to have limitations on them and expected date that student may participate again. Notes from home (parents/guardians/siblings/student) are not accepted.

A No Dress/No Participation will be issued if a student does not dress. A No Dress/No Participation will be issued if the uniform is altered in any way. A No Dress/No Participation will be issued if jewelry is worn. A No Dress/No Participation will be issued if sweaters/pants are worn under the uniform. A No Dress/No Participation will be issued if any part of the uniform is missing and the entire 4 points will be deducted.

If the uniform is lost or stolen, it must be replaced from the bookstore before the next class meeting. A lost or stolen uniform will result in 8 points deduction for the day. The Physical Education Department gives each student a lock to use, if the students choose to not lock their locker, there is a good chance there belongs will be stolen. If the student leaves belongings unattended, there is a good chance their belongings will be stolen. LOCK YOUR P.E. UNIFORM UP DAILY – there is no excuse for your getting stolen. Be sure your lock and locker are in working condition the day you are issued those items.

Locks/Lockers/Locker Room – THE SCHOOL AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN PROPERTY. Gum, food, and drink is NOT ALLOWED during the entire class period. Each student will be assigned a lock and SMALL locker. YOUR LOCKER MUST BE LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. Lock up shoes, wallets, purses, books, and the rest of your belongings. Do not leave your belongs out on the bench or on top of the lockers. In fact, do not bring any valuables to this class! If a lock is missing, see someone in the physical education locker room office immediately! If a lock is lost, it will cost that individual $6.00 to replace it. A debt slip will be given to you to sign. No student will be allowed to share a lock or locker. If a lock is left on a tall locker during the entire day, a detention will be issued to that student. Only school issued locks are to be used. DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN LOCK. Keep the locker room clean and orderly-no horseplay or loud voices are to be used at any time.

CLASS PROCEDURES Students arriving to the locker room HALLWAY after the tardy bell are tardy! Those students coming to class after the locker rooms are locked will be issued a ND/NP-4 points deduction (for unexcused reasons). Students will have 5-7 minutes to dress after the bell rings. The teacher will tell you a location where you need to be seated everyday, quiet and in alphabetical order, for attendance to be taken. Students will wait in assigned area until dismissed by their classroom teacher. STAY SEATED IN ASSIGNED AREA> At the end of class, students will stay in the locker room until dismissed. When dismissed, exit out the front hallway, stay in areas given to you by the locker room teacher. A consequence will be issued if students are not in the locker room. Students should not be in the hallway until dismissed. Students are not allowed to have teachers’ keys, so you will not be able to enter the locker room after the locker room has been locker. If you come to class late, you will need to report to student services so security ca let you in. Locker rooms will be locked at the end of the day. Make sure you take the necessary items with you. Report all injuries to your teacher.

GRADING Grading will consist of fitness, testing, written tests, skill tests, and participation/dress points, and the final exam. The final exam will be over all material covered during the 12 weeks.

A student is allowed only 2 absences per six week grading periods before participation points are lost. Only excused absences can be made up. Make-ups can be completed before or after school. This will involve a 45 minute workout in the Cybex room or pool (depending on the class). Non-dress/non-participations and unexcused absences cannot be made up. A written final exam will be given at the end of the trimester (20% of trimester grade). Up to 8 points of extra credit can be earned per grading period by working out in the Cybex room or pool (depending on the class).

We look forward to a great trimester. Remember, this is a class that every student must have to graduate from high school. Come to class everyday ready to participate and put forth your best effort!





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