COT 216 -Microsoft Word 2000
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CIT 201 Word Certification Preparation Course Outline
DATE CHAPTER TOPICS COVERED IN CLASS 12, Review 01/23/06 Merging Documents Creating and Formatting Tables (Only 13, Review turn in “Applying your Skills” Assessments) 01/30 14 Inserting Borders and Images
02/06 15 Using Microsoft Draw and WordArt
02/13 16 Exploring the Internet Unit 3 Test 02/20 Presidents’ Day
02/27 17 Formatting Documents with Special Features
03/06 18 Creating Charts in Word 03/13 19 Formatting with Macros 20 03/20 Formatting with Styles
03/27 Spring Break March 27 – April 1
04/03 Unit 4 Test
04/10 21 Sorting and Selecting
04/17 22 Creating Outlines, Master Documents, and Subdocuments
04/24 23 Creating Fill-In Forms
05/01 24 Working with Shared Documents
05/08 25 Creating Specialized Tables and Indexes
05/15 Final Exam CIT 201 Word Certification Preparation (Formerly; Intermediate Microsoft Word) Course Syllabus Spring 2006 Three Credits
Instructor: Edith McCombs e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: College 623-4824 Home 623-3011(between 8am and 8pm)
Text: Microsoft Word 2002 Signature Series, by Nita Rutkosky, EMCParadigm, 2002 ISBN: 0-7638-1405-9 (text and student data CD)
Course Description: A hands-on course building on the foundation laid in COT 150 or COT 151 and continuing on to sophisticated manipulation of word processing software. Topics include tables, graphic boxes clip art, desktop publishing, fonts, macros, styles, and spreadsheets. Prerequisite: COT 150 or 151 or instructor’s approval. (Formerly COT 216, Intermediate Word Processing)
Learner Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Create and modify tables and perform calculations within tables. Complete merges from various data sources with letters, labels, and envelopes. Create, insert and modify graphic images into documents. Use hyperlinks with documents and web pages. Insert and modify text and symbols. Create and apply character and paragraph styles. Access Excel data easily within documents and charts. Create, edit, and run macros. Customize menus and toolbars. Apply formats to paragraphs and sort paragraphs. Use templates. Protect, compare changes, and merge documents in workgroups. Create and modify forms. Create and modify indexes, tables of content, master and subdocuments
These goals will be measured using a combination of the homework assignments and the three tests.
Methods of Instruction: Lecture, hands-on instruction, and personalized help.
Grading Policy:
Assignments: 25% of course grade.
Assignment grades are based on the number of errors per chapter, NOT PER DOCUMENT!!. In order to earn any credit for a chapter, all printed documents from the exercises and the assigned “Applying your skills” assessments must be stapled in order and handed in TOGETHER (e.g. Chapter 1 Exercises and Assessments must be handed in together).
Grading for assignments is as follows:
Exercises: 25% of the weekly assignment is given for completion of all exercises. “Applying your skills” assessments: 75% of the weekly assignment. Generally, two points will be deducted for each error from the 100 points possible per assignment. Weekly assignments are due the following week. All work must be handed in before finals week to insure credit. Be sure to label all printouts with your name, chapter and the exercise or assessment number.
Unit Tests: 50% of course grade. (25% each) Final Exam: 25% of the course grade. The final exam consists of all typed documents covering any of the techniques learned throughout the course. Each error on the two unit tests and the final exam is worth 2 points out of a possible 100 points.
Grades: Grades will be determined according to the following scale: 94 - 100% = A 73 - 76% = C 90 - 93% = A- 70 - 72% = C- 87 - 89% = B+ 67 - 69% = D+ 83 - 86% = B 63 - 66% = D 80 - 82% = B- 60 - 62% = D- 77 - 79% = C+ < 60% = F
A grade of (W)ithdrawal will be given only if a student officially withdraws from class before 04/22 as stated in the schedule. In order to officially withdraw, a student must complete the Add/Drop form available at the Winnemucca Branch office. An (I)ncomplete will be given only to a student who has completed three-fourths of the course and requests an extension before the end of the semester. Students have until the middle of the following semester to complete the work for a final grade. An incomplete not made up within this time period will have a grade assigned by the instructor which could be an ‘F’ or ‘W’.
Academic Integrity: Great Basin College demands a high level of scholarly behavior and academic honesty. No form of academic dishonesty is acceptable. If two or more students turn in the same
032348721eca728e399373ef23d624e3.doc January 21, 2005 hardcopy assignment or collaborate on a test, punitive measures as described in the Rules an Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the University Community will be enforced. Computer Laboratory: Use of the computer lab or the LRC is a privilege, not a right. Users must refrain from doing anything that annoys others or disrupts their education. The computer lab cannot be used for non-college work. If you notice someone violating the policy of the computer lab, notify the lab assistant or a faculty member immediately. . Unless authorized before class all cell phones must be turned off during class.
Lab Rules: 1. GBC students may use GBC computers for class-related work only. 2. Scheduled classes have priority in the use of computers. There is a list of class times posted on the computer lab door. 3. NO food or drink is allowed around any of the computers. 4. Unauthorized copying of software is illegal and not allowed. 5. Personal software is not to be used on GBC computers. 6. The computer cables (especially the ones attached to the projection panel) are not to be rearranged by students. 7. The computer lab and the LRC are places of study where disruptive behavior is not allowed. 8. Children are not allowed in the computer lab or the LRC. 9. Please view your documents and proofread before you print. 10. The lab assistant or any faculty member has the right to ask anyone not following these rules to leave the lab. 11. Be considerate of others.
You must attend class regularly if you intend to obtain the full benefit of instruction. In the event that a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to secure any class notes from a fellow student or talk to the instructor so that the lesson can be highlighted. Check with the center for lab hours when the computers are available for your use.
The college catalog states that a student who has an excessive number of absences may be dropped from a course. In general, unexcused absences in excess of the number of credits to be earned in the course is considered excessive. Unless authorized before class all cell phones must be turned off during class.
The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus at any time during the semester. Students will be notified of any changes.
Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For more information or further assistance, contact the Disabled Student Services Office at 775.753.2271.
032348721eca728e399373ef23d624e3.doc January 21, 2005 MOUS Certification Information: Great Basin College: Follow link to MOUS Mous Web Page:
032348721eca728e399373ef23d624e3.doc January 21, 2005