Project Fact Sheet s1
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Project Fact Sheet
Build Up Skills Please note that a factsheet on your project is available at You are invited to verify the information and to update where appropriate and necessary.
Main information Please, fill out only those columns that need to be updated. Tick all other fields. x Key Action: BUILD UP Skills x Project OTIB, Education and development fund, Netherlands coordinator x Contact Peter Smulders person name: x Contact +31 348 437305 person phone: x Contact [email protected] person email:
Association VET Services in cooperation U.A., Netherlands
ISSO, Dutch Building Services Knowledge Centre, Netherlands
J.Th. van der Weijden Holding B.V., Netherlands
Project's SBR Foundation, Netherlands Partners Stichting Fundeon, Kenniscentrum Beroepsonderwijs, Netherlands
Stichting KenteQ KBB (Centre of Expertise), Netherlands x Project's website: This project enables the Dutch building and installation sectors to Benefits: qualify their workforce in such a way that the on-site workers are able to use the different materials, tools and techniques, necessary to allow these sectors to make its contribution towards the 2020 objectives Vocational training, Energy efficiency buildings, Renewable x Keywords: Energy, building workforce qualification x Duration: 01/11/2011 - 30/04/2013 x Budget: EUR 673 632 (EU contribution: 90%) x Contract IEE/11/BWI/477-SI2.604355 number:
Summary BuildUpSkillsNL unites national forces to increase the number of qualified ‘blue collar’ workers covering all relevant crafts and professions in order to meet the 2020 objectives in the built environment. A national energy-efficiency and renewable energy training and qualification platform is initiated. A consortium has been formed with parties from training sector and building sector. BuildUpSkillsNL started with the identification and quantification of the need for a qualified workforce. A complete analysis of the national situation is made and a method is developed to keep it up to date. In order to assure a workforce skilled on energy efficiency and sustainable energy the needed skills will be implemented in existing and new profession competence profiles. Actions needed for successful training of the workforce are defined in the National Roadmap. To ensure endorsement the consortium consists of organizations that have national status. These organizations function as linking pins for endorsement of the roadmap. As a result, the national roadmaps are endorsed by the relevant authorities and stakeholders with a commitment to carry out and implement the proposed strategy.
Project’s results Some results we are proud of Result 1 We have created graphical sketches of current job profiles and the changes that will effect these job profiles. These sketches are very suitable talking pictures that have been used to explain the coming changes for the different occupations.
For the discussion of the roadmap with platform partners we designed a visual analysis model. By using this model all stakeholders were able to see the impact of BuildUpSkills and appoint their own role.
National qualification platform and stakeholder engagement : Result 2 Total number of organizations participating in the platform: 147 participating, around 40 by signed letter of support. - 40+VET-schools, 10 post-initial training institutes - 2 conferences and more than 20 bilateral meetings organized The platform's primary objective is to ensure continuity and integrated implementation of the actions taken by BuildUpSkills.
National Report on training needs and gaps (status quo report): Result 3 Number of workers involved in the (construction/building/craftsmen and other on-site workers): 350.000 Number of workers requiring training: 250.000 Number of workers currently trained: data not available Professions with the highest needs: 1) carpenters; 2) mechanics/electrical installations mechanics; 3) plasterers 4) roofers 5) bricklayers
Qualification and training roadmap: Result 4 - Development of a qualification structure for craftsmanship (B.4.2) - Development of interdisciplinary courses (H.15.1) - Development of quality assurance of post national courses (F.19.1) Endorsement process: Result 5 By combining the setup of the National Platform with the endorsement
2 activities we have ensured that BuildUpSkills will be part of the national strategy in the sector. Characteristic for the market actors is that they usually function as an umbrella organization for tens to thousands of companies. We inform them so that they in turn can inform their members and embed the actions in their policies.
Lessons learnt There was much confusion by the market actors on the skills that have to be Lesson 1 trained. Therefore all market actors are eager for the results of the analysis. The available information is too much scattered.
Investments in developing and providing training are usually done too late. Lesson 2 The training providers need sufficient demand by learners before developing and providing trainings. That mass is coming if sustainable building becomes a success. But before that success well trained and skilled workers are needed.
There are a lot of National initiatives going on. Committed market actors Lesson 3 bringing results to the attention of these initiatives works very well for getting broad attention and fast endorsement.
Testimonials from key participating stakeholders (New!)
Testimonial 1 Titia, Siertsema, – President UNETO-VNI: " One of the most positive aspects of Build Up Skills is that the program has led to a clear picture of the areas in which extra training is needed so that installers can apply these techniques…. additionally, it offers our sector opportunities, meaning that we can grow and remain an attractive option for young people in this industry."
Testimonial 2 Marsha, Wagner, Program Manager Human Capital Agenda Topsector Energy: “As Topsector we see that we have an interest, that the innovations and sustainable techniques are applied properly by well- trained people, both initial and post-initial. Also it is important for the sector that all young people properly educate themselves particularly in the technical disciplines. BuildUpSkills can be seen as one of the enablers for the innovation objectives of the Topsector.
Testimonial 3
Key endorsers and commitment (New!) Bouwend Nederland: endorsement of the Pillar I results and working Endorser 1 together on implementation of the roadmap.
Endorser 2 Uneto-VNI: endorsement of the Pillar I results and working together on implementation of the roadmap.
Endorser 3 AgentschapNL: endorsement of the Pillar I results by using the results as
3 input for future policy-making and the implementation of policies.
BUILD UP Skills Country data (New!) Please fill in the table below from the status quo report. You can use the data provided to fill in the EU overview table. Please use the last column to provide comments, explain assumptions and to quote the relevant page of the Status quo report or other references.
Country Data Comments + Reference to Status Quo report (page) The Netherlands Numbers of trained people in professions directly related to zero-energy buildings and use of renewable energy Number of building on-site workers and craftsmen (+ data 350.000 (2012) (Status quo report page: 2012, p. 4, 10, 58-59 ) year)
Number of on-site workers and craftsmen trained per year 23000 (Status quo report page: 2012, p. 58 ) through Initial education (IVET) (+data year) (2012) Number of on-site workers and craftsmen trained per year 82.000 (2012) (Status quo report page: 2012, p. 58 ) through Continuing education (CVET) (+data year) these numbers are not available though this is our estimation. We devided the numbers of workers in de target group by 3 which means each 3th year one day of training on new equipement /material/proces. It is an average Estimates of additional building on-site workers and 35200 (Status quo report page: 2012, p. 58 ) craftsmen needed in the sector by 2020 Number of building on-site workers and craftsmen 362000 (Status quo report page: 2012, p. 59 ) requiring up-skilling on EE and RES by 2020 3-5 occupations with the highest numbers of workers 1) carpenters; 2) (Status quo report page: 2012, p. 60) requiring up-skilling on Energy Efficiency and Renewable mechanics/electrical installations Energy Sources amongst building on-site workers and mechanics; 3) plasterers 4) roofers craftsmen 5) bricklayers Number of additional trainers needed No data available (Status quo report page: No data available ) Last updated
Last updated: 11.07.2013