Idaho's Comprehensive Literacy Plan

IDAHO CODE Idaho's Literacy Act: Every Child's Birthright

In March of 1999, the Idaho legislature signed Idaho's Child Literacy Act into law. The act consists of three parts, commonly known as Idaho Code (33-1614), Idaho Code (33-1615), and Idaho Code (33- 1207A). All three pieces of the legislation are based on the "Idaho K-3 Comprehensive Literacy Plan." Following are facts about the legislation:

Idaho Code 33-1614: Assessment

 The assessment is called the Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI).  The assessment is considered an indicator as well as a diagnostic tool.  All K-3 students will be assessed twice each year, once in the fall and again in the winter.  Additional assessments may be needed to diagnose and determine appropriate intervention strategies.  In kindergarten, we assess kindergartner's reading readiness and phonological awareness.  In grades 1 through 3, we assess fluency and accuracy of reading with comprehension questions included in grades 2 and 3.  The IRI is a ten-minute assessment for Kindergarten through third grades.  The child's regular classroom teacher does not administer the IRI.  Assessment results will be reported by school and by district to the Legislature, Governor's office, and State Board of Education.

Idaho Code 33-1615 Student Intervention

 The purpose of intervention is to help K-3 students most in need of reading skill development.  School districts must establish intervention programs for K-3 students who are below grade-level in reading.  The intervention program must be a minimum of 40 hours of instruction.  Local school boards and the State Department of Education must approve intervention programs.  Districts must validate the effectiveness of their intervention program.  Parents may enroll their identified children in the intervention program on a volunteer basis.  Money will be allocated to the districts based on the number of students in the lowest 25% of reading progress plus additional funds per student for transportation.

Idaho Code 33-1207A Teacher Preparation:

 All K-8 teachers involved in reading instruction and administrators who supervise teachers of reading must complete Idaho's Comprehensive Literacy Course. The providers, instructors, course syllabi, and knowledge-based assessments must be previously approved by the State Department of Education.  Those certified teachers not providing reading instruction (physical education, Music specialists, etc.) or administrators, including district superintendents, who are not immediate supervisors of teachers of reading, may petition to be exempted from the reading course requirement. Title I and Special Education teachers must, however, take the course.  The course standards consist of having knowledge, strategies, and beliefs about language structures and literacy instruction that are based on current research and best practices in order to maximize students' reading success.  The practicing educator must understand, apply, and promote research and best practices related to comprehension instruction that maximizes students' reading success.  The practicing educator must understand, promote, and apply appropriate strategies and multiple assessments, as well as interventions to maximize students' reading success.  Candidates training to become teachers must pass an assessment that measures their understanding of language structure and literacy.  An assessment is currently being developed that may be taken in lieu of the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course.  Colleges, districts, and private vendors may offer an Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course approved by the State Department of Education.  Deans, professors, teachers, administrators, as well as staff within the Department of Education and the State Board of Education developed the course.