1. Be Organized Into Five Sections According to the Five Components Included in the Proposal
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Differentiated Supervision
Forms Portfolio Portfolios are where professionals are required to examine their own practice in relation to the four domains, Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professionalism. Portfolios may be electronic or provided in a 3-ring binder. The portfolio must be organized with five distinct sections for each of the components selected. See the Level I Supervision Portfolio Guidelines and Rubric for ideas of items to include in a portfolio for each domain. Each binder must: 1. Be organized into five sections according to the five components included in the proposal.
2. Include evidence for each of the components. Evidence may include artifacts or a written summary of activities.
3. Include a one-page self-reflection for each of the five components.
Portfolio Guiding Questions for Mid-Year and End-of-Year Review: 1. What have you learned or had reaffirmed about teaching and learning as a result of reflecting on the five components this year? 2. Describe any changes you have made this year, or plan to make for next year as a result of your reflections on the five components. 3. Did you meet your goals described in your proposal? If not, what changes would be necessary to meet those goals? 4. Be prepared to discuss each artifact and its relevance to each of the five components. Portfolio Proposal Differentiated Supervision Tulpehocken Area School District
Name: Building: School Year: Assignment:
Artifacts must be collected for 5 of the 22 components. Please select 5 components that will be the main focus of growth this year (use your last observation to identify areas for growth).
Component Component Description Number/Letter Example: 2b Example: Establishing a Culture for Learning
Please describe your goals as related to these five areas.
Please describe the artifacts that you will collect to document growth in these five areas. Refer to the Structured Supervision Portfolio Guidelines and Rubric for suggested artifacts.*
*Walkthrough observations will also be used to determine a final evaluation rating for each of the four domains.
Professional Employee Signature______Date ______
Administrator Approval ______Date______Progress Report Differentiated Supervision Tulpehocken Area School District (Completed mid-year and end-of-year) Name: Building: School Year: Assignment:
Please check the type of differentiated project: Type of Report: Action Research Mid-Year Peer Coaching End-of-year Portfolio
Please describe the progress you have made on your Differentiated Supervision project during this semester.
Date of Review Meeting: ______
Administrator Comments from Review Meeting:
Professional Employee Signature______Date ______
Administrator Signature ______Date______PORTFOLIO GUIDELINES
Section Artifacts Required Reflection (Please reflect on the artifacts contained in this section. This reflection should include the following questions)
1. Personal Updated Resume, Philosophy of Education, How have your opinions changed in the past few years? Clearances, Transcripts, Awards, Letters of Recognition, Community Involvement What additional changes do you need to make to improve your quality of teaching?
How are you going to accomplish these changes?
2. Planning and Sample lesson plans, unit plans, Schedule, How have your opinions changed in the past few years? Preparation Samples of three different methods of assessment (planning of differentiated What additional changes do you need to make to instruction), Sample IEP’s, Instructional improve your quality of teaching? materials list, Technology How are you going to accomplish these changes?
3. Classroom Classroom rules, grading practices, sample Have your opinions changed in the past few years? Environment of newsletter or letter to parents, course overview (grades 6-12), photographs, What additional changes do you need to make to communication log, classroom arrangement improve your quality of teaching?
How are you going to accomplish these changes?
4. Instruction Completed assessments (item analysis), How have your opinions changed in the past few years? student work samples, analysis of student performance, examples of technology use, What additional changes do you need to make to examples of instructional strategies improve your quality of teaching? (pedagogy), video taped lesson, student reflection on a lesson/unit How are you going to accomplish these changes?
5. Professionalism Observations/evaluations, professional How have your opinions changed in the past few years? organizations, individual goals, Act 48 records, professional journals regularly What additional changes do you need to make to read, professional standards, committees, improve your quality of teaching? extra-curricular assignments, presentations, publications (article or abstract) (optional). How are you going to accomplish these changes? Category Failing Needs Proficient Distinguished Improvement
Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* are not present are present with present with of superior quality Personal limited or low satisfactory quality present quality Missing or vague Reflection consists Reflection is clear Reflection is well reflection of summary with supporting organized with information strong evidence and sound reasoning Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Planning and are not present are present with present with of superior quality Preparation limited or low satisfactory quality present quality Missing or vague Reflection consists Reflection is clear Reflection is well reflection of summary with supporting organized with information strong evidence and sound reasoning Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Classroom are not present are present with present with of superior quality Environment limited or low satisfactory quality present quality Missing or vague Reflection consists Reflection is clear Reflection is well reflection of summary with supporting organized with information strong evidence and sound reasoning Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Instructional are not present are present with present with of superior quality Delivery limited or low satisfactory quality present quality Missing or vague Reflection consists Reflection is clear Reflection is well reflection of summary with supporting organized with information strong evidence and sound reasoning Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* Required artifacts* are not present are present with no present with of superior quality Professionalism suggested artifacts satisfactory quality present Missing or vague Reflection consists Reflection is clear Reflection is well reflection of summary with supporting organized with information strong evidence and sound reasoning Portfolio Rubric