Template for Phd Students Affiliated with Dra/Pcap After 1/9-2014

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Template for Phd Students Affiliated with Dra/Pcap After 1/9-2014


DRUG RESEARCH ACADEMY Biannual progress report


Deadlines for submitting the biannual report are: 1 May and 1 November.

The purpose of the progress reports is to help DRA PhD students keeping their PhD on track and ensure efficient and continuous evaluation of the course of the PhD project. The progress reports allow the PhD student to step back from the experimental work, evaluate progress and set milestones for the remaining period. In addition, the report sets the stage for getting feedback from all supervisors.

After reading the report the PhD student and supervisors must meet to discuss the progress and future plans, which are then approved by all supervisors and summarized on the last page of the report. If all agree, the Spring meeting can be merged with the annual Performance and Development Review (MUS). The meeting is called by the PhD student. If all parties agree, the elective evaluation questions can be used as a supplement for the meeting.

The progress report incl. meeting summary should be submitted twice a year (1 May and 1 November) – by sending it to the principal supervisor, co-supervisors and DRA Secretariat ([email protected]).

If you have initiated your PhD project less than 3 months before the deadline or you have stopped collecting data and initiated writing your thesis you do not have to write the progress report.

Please use the embedded template for you report. If you already make a report with a similar content for other purposes (e.g. MUS or research centre reports), you are welcome to submit these reports to DRA instead.

Please contact the DRA Secretariat immediately if you are unable to meet the deadline due to e.g. leave or an external stay abroad. We will then agree on an alternative deadline. The report should include the following:

1. Brief background of project 2. Aim 3. Status 4. Intermediate goals for the current project period 5. Progress since last report including key data 6. Future research plans 7. Courses taken 8. PCAP training skills completed TS1: Project planning & management TS2: Communication and dissemination TS3: Teaching and supervision TS4: Entrepreneurship TS5: Internationalization TS6a: Career development TS6b: Networking

Remember to submit the progress report to the DRA secretariat once the supervisor meeting has been held.

Compliance with the annual assessment from the Graduate School On January 1, 2014 the format of the mandatory annual assessment from the Graduate School changed. You should thus perform an assessment and submit a signed form annually (3-9 months after commencement, 15-18 months after commencement and 6-12 months before submission of thesis).

The DRA biannual progress reports and supervisor meeting fulfill the criteria of the annual assessment from the Graduate School. You should thus perform the DRA biannual progress reporting and then get your supervisors to sign the assessment form and submit it to the Graduate School at the intervals given above. No reports should be submitted to the Graduate School.

The Graduate School recommends the use of an external assessor, which however is not mandatory. It is OK with DRA if you choose to involve an external assessor in (some of) the DRA biannual progress report meetings, but it is not mandatory.

Confidentiality The submitted progress reports will be stored locally at the DRA Administration and only viewed by the DRA Administration (i.e. Marianne Jørgensen and Birgitte Søndenskov) and the Head of DRA Hans Bräuner-Osborne, who are all employed by the University of Copenhagen. According to special legal advisor Eva Lessèl we are thus covered by the same confidentiality agreement given that we are employed by the same legal entity. You do thus not breach your confidentiality agreement by submitting your progress reports to the DRA Administration.

2 DRA Progress Report


Project title:

Principal supervisor:


External assessor: (not mandatory) Biannual report no.:

Date of submission:

1) Brief background of project (1/2 page max):

2) Aim (200 words max): Overall aim(s) of the project

3) Status (1/2 page max): Short overview of previous conclusions and progress in the literature of direct relevance for the project (if any)

4) Intermediate goals for the current project period: Bullet points, as discussed at the last meeting

5) Progress since last report including data (1-3 pages):

6) Future research plans (1/2 page max): Bullet point listing. Include time schedule and priority for the next 6 months and until handing in thesis

7) PhD courses taken (since enrolment):

Period PhD course title ECTS


8) Status for stay at another research environment: Stay at another research environment for at least 1 month is mandatory (Graduate School rules). As stated in PCAP TS5 it is advantageous to perform a stay abroad.

3 Please state planning stage of such a stay or whether it has already been conducted.

The PhD Career Program (PCAP) PCAP is a PhD Career Program for PhD students affiliated with the Graduate Programs Clinical Cancer Research, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Drug Research Academy, DRA).

The vision for PCAP is to train and educate at the highest level PhD students to increase their research productivity and become successful researchers well equipped for tomorrows changing job marked. In addition, PCAP promotes translational research bridging molecular, pharmaceutical and clinical sciences through common activities. We focus on six key training skill sets shown on the figure, which are promoted through courses, workshops and networking events. PCAP Progress Report

TS1: Project Planning & Management

Mandatory elements Recommended timing Completed (date): Scientific project planning and management I ~6 months into PhD Scientific project planning and management II ~2 years into PhD Biannual progress reports May 1 / November 1 Elective elements Completed (date):

Inspiration for additional elective activities:  PhD course "Project Management for PhD Students in Pharmaceutical Sciences"

TS2: Communication and dissemination

Mandatory elements Recommended timing Completed (date): Describe your PhD project on CURIS profile Within the first 3 months Evaluate posters at DRA Summer School 1st year Poster presentation at DRA Summer School 2nd year Oral presentation at DRA Summer School 3rd year Elective elements Completed (date):

Inspiration for additional elective activities:  Workshops / courses organized by PCAP in e.g.: o dissemination for non-scientific audience

4 o scientific writing o presentation techniques  Presentations at SUND PhD day, group/section meetings, conferences  Participation in ULLA Summer School (poster presentation)

TS3: Teaching and Supervision

Mandatory elements Recommended timing Completed (date): Introduction course in university pedagogy As early as possible 300 hrs. of teaching incl. preparation Throughout PhD Teaching conducted: Teaching hours: Period: Course titles:

Total: Elective elements Completed (date):

Inspiration for additional elective activities:  New PCAP course in Tutoring & supervision for students  Use elective questionnaire on supervision expectations at regular intervals  Use elective supervision evaluation questionnaire at regular intervals

TS4: Entrepreneurship

Elective elements Completed (date):

Inspiration for elective activities:  PhD Courses such as "Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology" (SUND)

 PCAP workshops with invited speakers to tell about their own experiences from idea to company

 Patenting inventions during the PhD

 Innovation cups

 Departmental innovation workshops

TS5: Internationalization At least 2 of the following 5 elements should be covered:

5  Affiliate international co-supervisor or external assessor.  Stay at another research environment abroad (see bullet point 8 on page 4).  Participate in an international conference/meeting.  Participate in a PhD course abroad.  Participate in a ULLA Summer School or ULLA Workshop.

Elements conducted Completed (date):

TS6a: Career Development

Mandatory elements Timing Completed (date): Performance and development review (MUS) 1st year using either UCPH template or the PCAP 2nd year Career Development Plan template 3rd year Elective elements Completed (date):

Inspiration for additional elective activities:  Enter a mentor program

TS6b: Networking

Mandatory elements Timing Completed (date): Participate in DRA Summer School 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Elective elements Completed (date):

Inspiration for additional elective activities:  DRA lectures and symposia  Networking events organized by e.g. the Young Pharma Forum (YPF)  PCAP workshops focused on networking  ULLA Summer School  Become member of national & international scientific societies and participate in their activities

6 DRA Supervisor Meeting Summary

PhD student (name and signature) ______

Biannual report no ______

Submitted (date) ______

The biannual report has been approved by the supervisors, and a meeting between the PhD student, the principal supervisor and the co-supervisors has been held. The following results achieved in the current 6 month project period were discussed:

Plans and milestones for the next 6 month project period:

Remember to send a copy of the progress report and meeting summary to [email protected] at the DRA Administration.


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