Office of the Deputy Commissioner : Fcs&Ca Branch : Tinsukia
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Allocation of MMASY Rice for Jan & Feb'12
No. TSAL. 17/2011/ Dated Tinsukia the ___Dec/2011 O R D E R
In pursuance of the communication received from the Director, FCS&CA, Assam, Guwahati –5 vide order No. DS. 114/2010/Pt-I/317 dated 21/12/2011 allocating 16500.00 Qtls. of Special Adhoc/Additional Rice under Mukhya Mantrir Anna Surakhya Yojana’2010 for the months of Jan & Feb’2012 to the beneficiaries of Tinsukia District, sub–allocation of 16500.00 Qtls. of Rice is hereby made as mentioned below which is to be distributed @ 20.00 Kg. per F.I. Card under MMASY’10 for the months of Jan & Feb’2012. The allottees concerned will deposit value @ Rs. 547/- per Qtl. to FCI. The last date of deposit of value and lifting by nominees for the months of January’2012 & February’2012 within 31/12/2011.
1) Allocation for Sadiya Sub–Division Total Enrollment = 7200 Nos. X 20 Kgs. = 1,440.00 X 2 = 2,880.00 Qtls. 2) Allocation for Margherita Sub–Division Total Enrollment = 21674 Nos. X 20 Kgs. = 4,334.80 X 2 = 8,669.60 Qtls 3) Allocation for Tinsukia Sub–Division Total Enrollment = 53626 Nos. X 20 Kgs. = 10,725.20 X 2 = 21,450.40 Qtls. GRAND TOTAL = 82500 Nos. X 20 Kgs. = 16,500.00 X 2 = 33,000.00 Qtls.
The S.D.O. (Civil), Sadiya and Margherita will take necessary action for lifting of the MMASY’2010 Rice through their PDS nominees for their respective Sub– Division. GPSS wise, F.P. Agent and F.P. Shop wise Sub-allocation for Tinsukia Sub-Division of MMASY’2010 Rice for the months of Jan & Feb’12 is made separately.
Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia.
Memo No. TSAL.17/2011/ –A, Dated Tinsukia the ____ December/2011 Copy to:- (1) The Director, FCS&CA Deptt., Assam, Guwahati–5 for favour of information. (2) The DIO, NIC, Tinsukia with a request to upload the sub-allotment in the Website. (3) The SDO (C), Margherita / Sadiya for information and necessary action. (4) All local MLAs for favour of information. (5) The C.E.O., Tinsukia Zila Parishad for information. (6) The A.D.C, Food, Civil Supplies & C.A. Tinsukia for information. (7) The President, Tinsukia Zila Parishad for information. (8) The Area Manager, FCI, Dibrugarh for information. (9) The Depot i/c Tinsukia/Laipuli for necessary action. (10) All A.P. Presidents for information. (11) The Chairman, Tinsukia MB/Makum/Doomdooma T.C. for information. (12) The S.D.I. & P.R.O., Tinsukia for wide publicity. (13) All members of Sub–Divisional Level / F.P. Shop Level / GPSS Level / Agent Level Vigilance Committee. (14) All Inspecting Officers, FCS&CA, Tinsukia for information & necessary action.
By orders etc.
Deputy Director i/c, FCS&CA, Tinsukia.
Contd.2/- Allocation of MMASY Rice for Jan & Feb’12 Pg.2/-
No. TSAL 17/2011/ Dated Tinsukia the ___Dec/2011 O R D E R
In continuation of this office order No. TSAL. 17/2011/ dtd .12.2011, the sub–allocation of Rice under Mukhya Mantrir Anna Surakhya Yojana’10 for the months of Jan & Feb’2012 for the Urban/Rural Areas of Tinsukia Sub–Division in the District of Tinsukia is hereby made as under. The allottee will lift the allotted quantity of rice under Mukhya Mantrir Anna Surakhya Yojana’10 from FCI and issue allotted quantity of the beneficiaries under Mukhya Mantrir Anna Surakhya Yojana’10 as per the lists enclosed. The allottees concerned will deposit value @ Rs. 547/- per Qtl. to FCI. The last date of deposit of value and lifting by nominees for the months of January/2012 & February/2012 within 31/12/2011.
(FIGURES IN QTLS.) Total Qnty. Qnty. Sl 1st 2nd Name of the GPSS Nos. of allotted allotted TOTAL No. Phase Phase FIC for Jan/12 for Feb/12 1 Bapuji S.S. Ltd. 4022 1896 5918 1183.60 1183.60 2367.20
2 Barekuri S.S. Ltd. 2366 1466 3832 766.40 766.40 1532.80
3 Bozaltoli S.S. Ltd. 1911 968 2879 575.80 575.80 1151.60
4 Buridihing S.S. Ltd. 1756 950 2706 541.20 541.20 1082.40
5 Dangari S.S. Ltd. 1021 686 1707 341.40 341.40 682.80
6 Gabharubheti S.S. Ltd. 1952 890 2842 568.40 568.40 1136.80
7 Guijan S.S. Ltd. 1754 869 2623 524.60 524.60 1049.20
8 Kakapather S.S. Ltd. 1647 818 2465 493.00 493.00 986.00
9 Laipuli S.S. Ltd. 2655 1305 3960 792.00 792.00 1584.00
10 Saikhowa S.S. Ltd. 1600 792 2392 478.40 478.40 956.80
11 Talap S.S. Ltd. 2237 1360 3597 719.40 719.40 1438.80
12 Tipuk S.S. Ltd. 5527 1836 7363 1472.60 1472.60 2945.20 13 Tongana S.S. Ltd. 1294 658 1952 390.40 390.40 780.80
TOTAL 29742 14494 44236 8847.20 8847.20 17694.40
Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia.
Contd.3/- F.P. Shopwise sub-allocation of MMASY Rice for Jan & Feb’12 Pg.3/-
TINSUKIA TOWN F.P. Shop dealer to be lifted directly from F.C.I. @ 20.00 Kg per FIC. Sl. Name of the F.P. Shop 1st 2nd Total Nos. Qnty.allotted Qnty. allotted TOTAL No. dealer Phase Phase of FIC for Jan/12 for Feb/12 1 A.K. Pathak 32 23 55 11.00 11.00 22.00 2 Anup Sarma 18 23 41 8.20 8.20 16.40 3 Ashok Kr. Gupta 33 0 33 6.60 6.60 13.20 4 Ashok Sharma 21 22 43 8.60 8.60 17.20 5 Awadesh Kr. Gupta 50 50 100 20.00 20.00 40.00 6 Babul Kalita 36 11 47 9.40 9.40 18.80 7 Bakul Mazumder 40 26 66 13.20 13.20 26.40 8 Bhagaban Rai 99 72 171 34.20 34.20 68.40 9 Bina Ghose, Smt. 18 0 18 3.60 3.60 7.20 10 Biswajit Sen 27 16 43 8.60 8.60 17.20 11 Biswajit Konwar 32 21 53 10.60 10.60 21.20 12 Brajlal Saha 32 21 53 10.60 10.60 21.20 13 Chitra Gohain 27 16 43 8.60 8.60 17.20 14 C.P. Saikia 102 63 165 33.00 33.00 66.00 15 Dharamdeo Pd. Singh 75 40 115 23.00 23.00 46.00 16 Dhurjyati Mukharjee 18 0 18 3.60 3.60 7.20 17 Dibyajyoti Duwarah 52 49 101 20.20 20.20 40.40 18 Diganta Karmakar 22 25 47 9.40 9.40 18.80 19 Dipak Roy 32 21 53 10.60 10.60 21.20 20 Dipali Sarmah 32 0 32 6.40 6.40 12.80 21 D.S. Alley 27 16 43 8.60 8.60 17.20 22 G.C. Kalita 27 0 27 5.40 5.40 10.80 23 Girin Dutta 41 45 86 17.20 17.20 34.40 24 Harendra Upadhya 38 24 62 12.40 12.40 24.80 25 Hiren Das 30 0 30 6.00 6.00 12.00 26 Jayanta Sarmah 32 0 32 6.40 6.40 12.80 27 Jugen Kalita 105 50 155 31.00 31.00 62.00 28 Junu Borthakur 27 0 27 5.40 5.40 10.80 29 Rambabu Rai 89 71 160 32.00 32.00 64.00 30 Kanhaya Singh 28 23 51 10.20 10.20 20.40 31 Kasmiri Rajkhowa 18 23 41 8.20 8.20 16.40 32 K.K. Medhi 132 38 170 34.00 34.00 68.00 33 K.P. Kaluwar 75 0 75 15.00 15.00 30.00 34 Luhit Borah 50 50 100 20.00 20.00 40.00 35 Mainul Haque 18 0 18 3.60 3.60 7.20 36 Md. Ali 22 28 50 10.00 10.00 20.00 37 Manu Borthakur 32 0 32 6.40 6.40 12.80 38 M. Hussain 18 0 18 3.60 3.60 7.20 39 Mina Ram Das 75 40 115 23.00 23.00 46.00 40 Mitali Das Saha 33 24 57 11.40 11.40 22.80 41 Mohibul Haque 41 0 41 8.20 8.20 16.40 42 Mukesh Kr. Agarwalla 63 42 105 21.00 21.00 42.00 43 Nadeem Ahmed 76 26 102 20.40 20.40 40.80 44 Nara Kt. Deka 17 24 41 8.20 8.20 16.40 45 Nilima Talukder 32 21 53 10.60 10.60 21.20 46 Nirmal Phukan 32 38 70 14.00 14.00 28.00 47 Nirola Das, Smt. 40 58 98 19.60 19.60 39.20 48 Niru Barua, Smt. 39 0 39 7.80 7.80 15.60 49 Padma Gohain 43 0 43 8.60 8.60 17.20 SUB-TOTAL 2098 1140 3238 647.60 647.60 1295.20
Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia. Contd.4/- F.P. Shopwise sub-allocation of MMASY Rice for Jan & Feb’12 Pg.3/-
Sl. Name of the F.P. Shop 1st 2nd Total Nos. Qnty.allotte Qnty. allotted TOTAL No. dealer Phase Phase of FIC d for Jan/12 for Feb/12 50 Paritosh Bhowal 27 16 43 8.60 8.60 17.20 51 P. Bhattacharjee 24 0 24 4.80 4.80 9.60 52 P.N. Sarma 54 26 80 16.00 16.00 32.00 53 Popi Baruah Das 38 41 79 15.80 15.80 31.60 54 Pramud Dutta 27 24 51 10.20 10.20 20.40 55 Pranit Boruah 32 0 32 6.40 6.40 12.80 56 Protiva Baruah, Smt. 38 0 38 7.60 7.60 15.20 57 Putuli Hazarika, Smt. 27 0 27 5.40 5.40 10.80 58 Raj Kr. Agarwalla 38 28 66 13.20 13.20 26.40 59 Rajesh Kr. Gupta 107 50 157 31.40 31.40 62.80 60 R. Garg 60 42 102 20.40 20.40 40.80 61 Roma Bhattacharjee 76 0 76 15.20 15.20 30.40 62 R.P. Verma 32 21 53 10.60 10.60 21.20 63 R.S. Gupta 36 11 47 9.40 9.40 18.80 64 Rupankar Chakraborty 18 22 40 8.00 8.00 16.00 65 Sanjoy Kr. Gohain 36 11 47 9.40 9.40 18.80 66 Sankar Mallik 77 20 97 19.40 19.40 38.80 67 Satya Dutta 95 63 158 31.60 31.60 63.20 68 Shree Ram Enterprises 50 0 50 10.00 10.00 20.00 69 Seema Rekha Saikia 38 26 64 12.80 12.80 25.60 70 S.M. Bardhan 27 16 43 8.60 8.60 17.20 71 Sribash Das 36 11 47 9.40 9.40 18.80 72 Surajit Gope 60 40 100 20.00 20.00 40.00 73 Swarasati Mazumder, Smt. 38 0 38 7.60 7.60 15.20 74 Thaneswar Baruah 40 11 51 10.20 10.20 20.40 75 Tinkuraj Bora 32 21 53 10.60 10.60 21.20 76 Madhya TSK., M/s 38 24 62 12.40 12.40 24.80 77 Pachim Tsk CCS, M/s 27 0 27 5.40 5.40 10.80 78 Sree Enterprises, M/s 38 26 64 12.80 12.80 25.60 79 TSK Rly. Co-Op, M/s 50 50 100 20.00 20.00 40.00 SUB-TOTAL 3414 1740 5154 1030.80 1030.80 2061.60 MAKUM TOWN 80 A.K. Shah 92 39 131 26.20 26.20 52.40 81 Bijoy Sarmah 110 17 127 25.40 25.40 50.80 82 Jagadish Singh 51 38 89 17.80 17.80 35.60 83 Maya Das, Smt. 70 25 95 19.00 19.00 38.00 84 N.J. Konwar 100 40 140 28.00 28.00 56.00 85 Padmeswari Kurmi, Smt. 108 123 231 46.20 46.20 92.40 86 P. Hatibaruah 168 50 218 43.60 43.60 87.20 87 Renu Gogoi, Smt. 193 110 303 60.60 60.60 121.20 88 Rina Baruah, Smt. 43 31 74 14.80 14.80 29.60 89 Sakil Ahmed 82 55 137 27.40 27.40 54.80 90 Santanu Baruah 102 73 175 35.00 35.00 70.00 91 T.R. Prasad 201 59 260 52.00 52.00 104.00 SUB-TOTAL 1320 660 1980 396.00 396.00 792.00
Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia.
Contd.5/- F.P. Shopwise sub-allocation of MMASY Rice for Jan & Feb’12 Pg.3/-
DOOMDOOMA TOWN Qnty. Qnty. Sl. Name of the F.P. Shop 1st 2nd Total Nos. allotted allotted TOTAL No. dealer Phase Phase of FIC for Jan’12 for Feb’12 92 Bhuban Deka 83 70 153 30.60 30.60 61.20 93 B.N. Prasad 110 25 135 27.00 27.00 54.00 94 B.P Gupta 231 133 364 72.80 72.80 145.60 95 Dhiren Deka 83 36 119 23.80 23.80 47.60 96 Girish Mahanta 87 23 110 22.00 22.00 44.00 97 Kiran Mazumder 115 44 159 31.80 31.80 63.60 98 K.K. Talukder 94 29 123 24.60 24.60 49.20 99 Madan Lahkar 100 23 123 24.60 24.60 49.20 100 Nanda Kishore Prasad 103 68 171 34.20 34.20 68.40 101 Suprabha Barman, Smt. 270 173 443 88.60 88.60 177.20 102 Umesh Lahkar 174 101 275 55.00 55.00 110.00 SUB-TOTAL 1450 725 2175 435.00 435.00 870.00
GRAND TOTAL 6184 3125 9309.00 1861.80 1861.80 3723.60
Deputy Commissioner, Tinsukia.
Memo No. TSAL. 17/2011/ –A, Dated Tinsukia the ___ December/2011 Copy to:- 1) The Director, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Department Assam, Guwahati–5 for favour of information. 2) The DIO, NIC, Tinsukia with a request to upload the sub-allotment in the Website. 3) All local MLAs for favour of information. 4) The C.E.O., Tinsukia Zila Parishad for information. 5) The A.D.C, FCS&CA, Tinsukia for information. 6) The President, Tinsukia Zila Parishad for information. 7) The Area Manager, FCI, Dibrugarh for information. 8) The Depot i/c Tinsukia/Laipuli for necessary action. 9) All A.P. Presidents for information. 10) The Chairman, Tinsukia Municipal Board / Makum T.C. / Doomdooma T.C. for information. 11) The S.D.I. & P.R.O., Tinsukia for wide publicity. 12) All Inspecting Officers, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Tinsukia for information and necessary action. 13) All G.P.S.S. / F.P. Shop Dealers and Agents concerned. They are directed to submit lifting position of MMASY’10 rice by first week of every month.
By orders etc.
Deputy Director i/c, FCS&CA, Tinsukia.