Material Safety Data Sheet (Msds) s4

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Material Safety Data Sheet (Msds) s4

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1. The identification of the matter or preparation and the producer or importer.

1.1 Product Identification: Clean Nature Window Cleaner

1.2 Product Destination: Trigger cleaner for windows 750ml

1.3 Suppliers Name: “AiI” sp. z o.o., Góra, ul. Sowia 15, 62-080 Tarnowo Podgórne

1.4 Emergency Number: Tel: 0048618147529

2. Identification of dangers

The dangerous components and the components for were qualified the highest admissible values of concentrations in place of work.

3. Composition and information about components

According with valid regulations (look at 15) product isn’t classify as dangerous. Applied manufacturer’s and recommendations appropriately doesn’t cause negative result for health and environment. Composition % Nr CAS Nr WE Classification (m/m) (EINECS) Symbols / Threats Ethyl alcohol < 5 64-17-5 No data F R11 INCI name Ingredients Functions AQUA Solvant



PARFUM Fragrance Compositione




4. First Aid Instructions

General recommendations To show the medical staff giving help the technical sheet, packaging or label. Page 2/4

In case of inhalation: Preparation in normal conditions doesn’t create threat. In case of contact with skin : No harm, dermatologicaly approved. In case of contact with eyes: The dirted eyes rinse with open eyelids the continuous stream of water 10-15 minutes. In case keeping ailments to consult with doctor ophthalmologist. In case of swallowing: To serve injured to drink the large quantity of water, to assure medical help.

5.The procedure in case of fire.

Provisions for fire extinguishing: Safety product. To put out in presence of preparation the fires the extinguishing appropriate provisions for burning f the materials. Illicit extinguishing provisions: No harm. Specialist protective equipment: Any of special recommendations.

6. Behaviour with preparation and his storing

Individual protection provisions: Any special working are necessary. To rinse off exactly water. Environmental provisions: To prevent to get large quantities not thinned product to sewage system and waters. Method of cleaning: The small quantities of spilled product to rub off the rag. The large quantities to absorb the absorpt- ive material (sand, sawdust), to collect. The dirtied surface to rinse off a water. To neutralize with recipes peaceably (look at p.13).

7. Provisions for manipulation and storage

Procedure with preparation. To proceed peaceably with generally received rules of safety. To apply on label appropriately and recommendations. To avoid contact from eyes. Storing: The product should be keep in protecting conditions him before dirts and in positive conditions.

8. Control of exposition and protection of persons

Parameters of control of risk The highest admissible values of concentrations harmful parameters in work place(according with rozp. MPiPS z dn. 29.11.2002r Dz. U. Nr 217 poz. 1833, together with later changes.) Glicerol [56-81-5] – aerozole DS: 10 mg/m3 Protection of respiratory roads: Not necessary. Protection of the whole body: Not necessary Protection of hands: Not necessary. Protection of eyes: Not necessary.

9. Physical and chemical qualities

Figure: Homogenous, clear, viscid liquid free of mechanical contaminations Colour: pleasant, depends on dye Page 3/4

Smell: pleasant characteristic for used aromatic composition pH 1% water solution: 2,0-5,0 Density: not definied Melting temperature: Not defined Boiling temperature: Not defined Inflammation point: Not defined Inflammability: the preparation is inflammable Vapour tension: Not defined Dissolubility in water: inorganic

10. Stability and reactivity

Stable product. It in wide range of temperatures doesn’t change physical and chemical qualities. Conditions which should be avoid: Not defined Materials which should be avoid: Not defined Dangerous destructive products: Not defined

11. Toxicological information

General information The product doesn’t be classify as dangerous for health. Applied appropriately and recommendations doesn’t cause negative results for health. Sharp toxicity Not defined. Result of risk Conatct with eyes can cause irritation.

12. Ecological information

Mobility: Viscous liquid good soluble in water.

Biodegradation: Surfactants included being a part of a product meet biodegradation criteria in accordance with Decree WE 648/2004 due to detergents.

Accumulation: There is no accumulation.

13. Information about disposal

The wastes neutralize peaceably with valid recipes.. (Ustawa z dnia 27 kwietnia 2001 r. o odpadach, Dz. U. Nr 62, poz. 628 z późniejszymi zmianami; Ustawa z dnia 11 maja 2001 r. o opakowaniach i odpadach opakowaniowych, Dz. U. Nr 63, poz. 638 z późniejszymi zmianami)

Code of refuse: 15 01 02 - packaging from artificial materials 07 06 99 – the wastes with production of, preparation, soaps, detergents and cosmetics. Different doesn’t exchange waste material.

14. Information for transportation

Product doesn’t be classified as dangerous in interpretation national and international regulations of the land (RID/ADR), marine (IMDG) and aerial (ICAO/IATA) transport. Page 4/4

15. Information about law regulations

This product doesn’t be classify as danger. Symbol R – doesn’t refer. Symbol S – doesn’t refer.

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