School: Northside College Preparatory High School
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Spanish 3 Syllabus School Year 2009 – 2010 School: Northside College Preparatory High School Teacher: Janet Torres [email protected] (773) 534-3954 Texbook: Buen Viaje 3 (blue book) Workbook: Buen Viaje 3 (blue book) Supplemental Materials: Sra. Torres’ webpage, handouts, other textbooks
Classroom Materials
Mandated 1” ring binder and loose leaf paper. No notebooks Spanish/English dictionary (A must!) Markers, color pencils, glitter, scissors, tape or glue, etc. for special projects. These will be announced Loose leaf paper
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course begins with a review of important skills mastered in Spanish I and II. Level of instruction will be full immersion at an intermediate proficiency level. Grammar concepts and vocabulary will continue to be emphasized in order to continue strengthening previous skills and new skills. This course has a great emphasis on communicating using all four skills; reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will be introduced to cultural, geographical, historical and literary themes focusing on different genres.
Student Evaluation/Progress Monitoring Rubrics: are used with every assignment and projects to guide the students and give immediate feedback in all four skills. These rubrics serve as formative assessment to make recommendation prior to summative assessment. Students will use this feedback to create a more efficient use of study time, note-taking and collaboration with other students for tutoring alternative. I will also provide tutoring to further assist with comprehension and mastery of all skills needed to be successful in class. Micrograde: Micrograde is a software program that provides charts and scoring of students’ tests, exams, homework, projects, and oral participation. Students will receive a printout of their grades every three weeks. Portfolio: Students are required to keep a portfolio including all work completed in class. Students use a self-assessment form every week and reflect upon the skills mastered and develop a plan to improve on areas needing improvement. Testing Materials: Written and oral quizzes, tests, classroom participation, and projects are utilized to evaluate all skills. Some of these assessments will be in the form of matching, multiple- choice, fill-in-the blanks, short answers and essays questions. Organizational charts: Students use charts such as Venn Diagrams, story sequence, etc. to help them develop their organizational skills and comprehension.
Teaching Methodology/ Instructional Activities Some of the activities and/or resources that will be used to introduce material and evaluate student learning are listed below. Material will be used as a learning tool as well as to guide students to present their own authentic work. All classroom lessons will incorporate all four skills as students work on the assigned topics.
Listening Performing in-class listening comprehension exercises. Use audio tapes to listen to short narratives and dialogues. Songs of various Latin American singers to allow for mastery of different dialects Radio tapings for class discussion and language acquisition. Short TV Recordings (movies, commercials, clips of Soaps, drama, shows) Special guests appearance Documentaries on various countries Listen to classmates read as student take notes Internet Virtual tours on historical sites and or events Speaking: Directed response questions on reading assignments Student will express ideas and opinions on related topics assigned in class. Telling original stories in pairs, groups, or individually, based on sets of pictures, comic strips Discussing simple Latin American literature and poetry. Developing puppet shows and reenacting historical events Give opinion and feedback on lectures, oral presentations and short simple films Create and discuss Interviews Student discuss daily events Reading Reading and discussing autobiographies, Latin American literature and poetry using the elements of fiction handout Readings from newspapers and magazines, comic strips, letter, e-pals Reading short narratives, poetry, fables Students read and prepare recipes, origami art, and other artistic work based on instructions. Read grocery list from neighborhood paper, billboards found on internet from other countries. Maps, virtual tour on the internet to teach historical information and current events Students will listen to Guest Speakers & Internet interviews and use a variety of writing styles to report findings. Problem-solving topics on specific current events and everyday life Explicit grammatical introductions. Students will also present on grammar lessons combined with assigned topics. Writing Basic grammar introduction Writing in-class compositions of 100 words Developing and writing a plot within an assigned group (comedy, drama) Writing and acting to persuade. Writing about Latin American festivals and historical events. Write authentic poetry and lyrics Connect objects and symbols in fables to underlying perspectives in Hispanic cultures Prepare posters, photos, magazines clips and other authentic media Role Playing, drama composed by students based on different topics and authentic work Pre-quizzes, Quizzes, exams targeting all four skills. Exams will be prepared in different formats Brainstorming Charts for writing guidance and organizational skills
EVALUATION: Students grades will be based on weekly quizzes, unit tests, weekly conversation class performance, completion of homework assignments, daily participation in class, and projects.
Breakdown Grading Scale Participation 35% A 100-90 Quizzes 20% B 89-80 Tests *25% C 79-70 Homework 20% D 69-60 F 59-0 POLICIES
Homework All assignments are due as specified by teacher. Considerations only if supported by a written doctor’s note or parent contact. You must have your homework ready to be turned in as soon as you enter the classroom. If you need to print any work, you must do so prior to class time.
Important For special projects or computer presentations, you must save all work on a disk and your electronic student folder. Please make sure you back up your work at all times. All projects must be completed 3 days before due day. Also make sure your work opens from a computer station at school before presentation. No excuses will be accepted .
Attendance Policy Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. Students with two unexcused tardiness will receive a parent-teacher phone contact. More than two tardiness will result of a one letter grade reduction and parent contact. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Academic Misconduct Any student performing dishonesty such as: copying homework, test, OR misusing/downloading inappropriate information from computers, etc. will receive an immediate penalty of a grade reduction and a parent contact or conference. During exams students will be trusted to go over their own exam with a different color pen. During this process, students must put away the pen or pencil used during the test. Only a red or other color marker will be allowed during such correction. Students will receive a ‘0’ if they are caught trying to change an answer.
Behavioral Expectations Students are not to converse without permission. Students disrespecting teacher or offending their peers will receive ONE verbal warning. Any reoccurrence will result of a parent contact. **Students are not to use any unpleasant language at any time. Students are expected to respect the teacher and peers at all time.
Classroom Rules No headphones or cell phones should be displayed in the classroom. Do not get up from your seat, or open any windows unless instructed by teacher. Do not use computers unless authorized by teacher.
Note: You must use your eight (8) minutes passing time to go to your locker, get books, materials, use the bathroom and drink water. You are not to leave the classroom without permission.
Class Outline Semana 1 -2 Repaso de Espanol 2
El repaso consistira de toda la informacion cubierta en el Nivel dos. Esto consistirá del pretérito regular e irregular, imperfecto, futuro regular e irregular, condicional regular e irregular, pronombre directo e indirecto, el presente perfecto, presente progresivo y todo lo demás que esté en el trabajo de verano.
Semana 3 Examen y comienzo del capítulo uno Examen de repaso/Espanol 2
Semana 4-8 Capítulo Uno Los lugares de interés turísticos/Machu Picchu Traer un articulo que hable de las diferentes pirámides del mundo. Lectura : Leen de la página 2 a la página 6 Proyecto: Ir a Moodle y leer los requisitos para el Proyecto cultural Gramática: Escribir un ensayo con el pretérito de los verbos regulares e irregulares. Ver las instrucciones en Moodle. Video: Time Life’s Lost Civilizations: Incas Video: Machu Picchu: Secret of the Incan Empire
Formación del subjuntivo Miren el PowerPoint introducido en clase en Moodle Leer y estudiar los verbos de la pagina 35, 36, 37 Por favor de memorizar las reglas de WISHES Repaso con las cláusulas nominales página 38 (vea el powerpoint)
Semana 9-11 Literatura Caribeña Literatura por Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Nancy Morejon, Esmeralda Santiago, José Martí. El viaje definitivo por Juan Ramón Jiménez Ejercicios pg. 51 en el texto
Literatura Española Temprano y con sol por Emilia Pardo Bazán La cultura de España
Semana 12-13 Capítulo 2 La vida Diaria página 60,61 Dos Jóvenes: Débora e Hipólito, p.62. 63, 64, 65 La estudiante extranjera pagina 66, 67, 68 Proyecto en Moodle
Semana 14-18 Gramática: El Imperfecto del subjuntivo Introducción al imperfecto del subjuntivo, p.75 a la 77 El Imperfecto y el pretérito pagina 77 a la 78 El voto para los jóvenes, p.80 a la 83 Reportes culturales acerca de los derechos humanos *Presentación especial
Semana 18-21 Expresión de duda (Subjuntivo e indicativo) Diferencia de dudar y no dudar, creer y otros verbos de esta clasificación Subjuntivo con verbos especiales p. 89 Expresando emociones p.91
Literatura Chilena y Mexicana Sueños por Nicanor Parra pagina p., 92-95 Como agua para chocolate por Laura Esquivel p.96-100 Proyecto Cultural en Moodle
Semana 22-25 Capitulo 3 El tiempo libre 104-106 Proyecto Cultural en Moodle Los Carnavales p. 107-111 Objetos Directos e Indirectos, p.120 Repaso de ser y estar página 124 Verbos irregulares con el imperfecto, p.136 Emociones y opiniones acerca del pasado, 137 Subjuntivo con expresiones indefinidas, 138 Subjuntivo en cláusulas relativas
Semana 26-28 Tradiciones culturales (bailes y ceremonias) El tango p.140-144 Mi adorado Juan por Miguel Mihura, pg. 145-149
Semana 29-31 Capitulo 4 Eventos y ceremonias Ceremonias familiares Proyecto Cultural Formulas 161 Futuro de los verbos regulares e irregulares El condicional o potencial Semana 32-34 Oraciones Indirectas p.167 Semana 35-37 Literatura suplementaria Semana 38-39 Examen Final
I have read the above information and policies. I agree that I will abide by these rules at all times. Any issues I may encounter throughout the year, I agree to discuss them privately with Ms. Torres in order to have a positive academic and social approach in my school year.
______Student Name (print) Parent/Guardian (print)
______Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
______(______)______- ______
Date Day Time Phone Number
______Evening Phone Number
Parent Email
In order to have a positive year, it is imperative that a good teacher, student and parent relationship is established. Therefore, I will keep you informed of any academic or social struggles your child may encounter throughout the school year. My goal is to establish a positive learning experience by providing a comfortable learning and fun environment in the classroom. If you have any questions regarding the instructional materials or how you can help your child get the most out of his/her Spanish class, please feel free to contact me at (773) 534-3954, extension 26864. My email address is: [email protected]
Thank you,
Sra. Torres