Difficult Word Choices
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Difficult Word Choices Professor William K. Sheehy
Due to the size of the English language - the number of words exceeds 800,000 - it is quite easy to confuse the meanings of and misuse so many of the words that sound or appear the same. This is particularly true if English is not your native tongue.
In addition, there are numerous words used by lawyers - legal and otherwise - that must be used precisely, particularly in the legal context where ambiguity and misunderstanding are not welcome.
Below is a list of commonly confused terms used in Legal English.
accede to adhere to an agreement; become party to a contract exceed to go beyond; surpass
accept to receive except to exclude
accord to agree; an agreement according in accordance with
accounting maintaining and auditing financial records and reports bookkeeping recording of transactions
adherence compliance with adhesion (contracts) one-sided agreement
administrator person distributing assets of an estate appointed by a court executor person distributing assets of an estate named in a will
adverse contrary to averse disinclined; unwilling
advise verb
1 advice noun
affect to influence, to change effect to accomplish (verb); a result (noun)
allege declaring something to be true before proven contend state of position
allot to give out a lot many
all ready entirely ready or finished already something has occurred
all right the correct form alright no such spelling
all together forming a group altogether entirely
allude to suggest indirectly elude avoid or escape
allusion indirect mention illusion a deception
alternately in turn; one after the other alternatively on the other hand
amend to add to or modify emend to make corrections
amount the total referring to number number refers to things counted quantity refers to things measured
ascent climb assent agreement
attain accomplish obtain to acquire
benefactor one providing a gift
2 beneficiary one who receives a gift
beside next to something besides in addition to
biannual twice a year, semi-annual biennial every two years
capital the seat of government, money invested in a business capitol a building in which a legislative body meets
casual by chance/informal causal relating to cause
cede to give up secede withdrawal from
censure criticise censor forbid public distribution
cession to give up session a meeting
cite to summon, to quote, to refer sight a view;something seen site a place
collaborate co-operate with corroborate to confirm
complement to complete compliment to praise
condemn pass judgment contemn show contempt
confident to be assured confidant a person in whom one confides
connote suggests denotes means
3 contemporary belonging to the present contemporaneous occurring at the same time
continual recurring continuous ongoing
counsel advisor council an organisation
device noun devise verb
discrete a separate part discreet modest or restrained
disinterested neutral uninterested not interested
disqualify exclude; to render unfit unqualified without qualifications
disperse scatter disburse pay out
economic pertaining to money economical good value for one's money; inexpensive
emerge to rise from; to come into view immerge to plunge into; to immerse
emigration moving from a country immigration moving into a country
eminent famous or respected immanent inherent or intrinsic imminent about to take place
envelop to put a covering about; surround envelope a wrapper
evoke call forth invoke cite as an authority or ask for help
4 explicit detailed implicit in the nature of something
forbear to refrain forebear ancestor
forgo to waive forego to go before
guarantor person liable upon the default of the principal surety person liable on par with the principal
hypothesise forming hypothesis hypothecate pledge
immoral evil amoral without morals
imply to mean or suggest (a speaker implies) infer to conclude or assume (a hearer infers)
incidence rate of occurrence incident event
ingenious inventive; clever ingenuous trusting; frank, naïve
instance a case or example of something instants moments of time
interment burial internment confinement
lay to set down lie to recline
libel printed falsehood slander spoken falsehood
malfeasance wrongful misfeasance incorrect
observation perception
5 observance adherence to
ordinance a law ordnance military supplies
overdo to do too much overdue past due; late
partially to some degree partly in part
personal Individual; private personnel the staff of an organization
persecute oppress prosecute bring criminal charges
practical convenient; sensible, not theoretical practicable capable of being done
precede to go before or in front of proceed to begin
precedent guidance precedence priority
prescribe to order proscribe to forbid
regardless without regard irregardless not a word
stationary not moving stationery writing material
tantamount equivalent to value, meaning, or effect paramount highest in rank
unquestionable undeniable unquestioned that which has not been questioned
waiver to give up a claim or right waver to hesitate
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