Bible Discussion Group Study Questions

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Bible Discussion Group Study Questions


In preparation for Sunday, March 5, 2017 Passage: Hebrews 12:2-3 Memory Passage: Hebrews 12:1-3 DAY 1 – ASK FOR INSIGHT (a) Read Hebrews 12:1-3. In light of the message preached on Hebrews 12:1, concerning the race, what weights have you identified in your own life that are hindering your race of faith?

(b) Which one of the Heroes of the Faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 do you believe most closely relates to the weight that you are dealing with from point (a) above?

(c) How does the example of the person mentioned in (b) above encourage you to lay aside the weight(s) you listed in (a)?

DAY 2 – ASK FOR INSIGHT (a) Read Hebrews 12:1-3. In verse 2, we see that our attention is directed toward Jesus, instead of to other examples or to ourselves as in verse 1.

(b) What, if anything, is gained by the use of the proper name JESUS, instead of one of the many titles attributed to Him, such as CHRIST, LORD, or SAVIOR?

(c) In what ways (and there are many) is the example of Jesus superior to the example of the Old Testament saints from Hebrews 11?

(d) In the first phrase of verse 2, the word “our” was not included in the original Greek. How does the addition of this word change the emphasis of the meaning?

DAY 3 – ASK FOR INSIGHT (a) Hebrews 12:1-3. What is the JOY that was set before Jesus, that made Him able to withstand the things mentioned in verses 1, 2, & 3?

(b) If your answer (or one of your answers) to (a) above is “that He could be seated at the right hand of the throne of God”, then do you think that Jesus gained any privilege in Heaven by dying on the cross that He did not enjoy prior to His incarnation?

(c) What Joy would make it possible for you to suffer as Jesus did? And how much did the role of Faith play in the Joy and Endurance of Christ?

(d) Do you think the faith of Jesus increased over the time of His ministry or was it a constant level of “max faith” from day one to the day of His death? In other words, did the trials and temptations that Jesus was able to overcome add to His faith? Romans 5:1-5 and James 1:1-4 (I don’t have a definitive answer for this question, but it is beneficial for us to meditate on the life and faith of Jesus.)

DAY 4 – ASK FOR INSIGHT (a) Hebrews 12:1-3. What is meant by “endured the cross, despising the shame”?

(b) What are the 2-3 most shameful aspects of Jesus’ death, in your opinion? There are dozens of very shameful things mentioned in the gospels.

(c) Why was a death on the cross different from other forms of execution?

(d) Where in the Old Testament is this death by crucifixion mentioned? (Hint one of the seven sayings of Christ on the cross will point you in the right direction.)

DAY 5 – ASK FOR INSIGHT (a) Hebrews 12:1-3. What is meant by the word “consider” used in verse 3?

(b) In what ways do you consider the death of Jesus, and the treatment He endured at the hands of sinners, on a regular basis? And how does that impact you daily life, what about when trials arise?

(c) The writer of Hebrews tells us to consider the Cross, the Shame, the Joy, the Faith and the Success/Reward of Jesus so that we will not be weary in our own race.

(d) Consider these things today and Saturday as we prepare to take the Lord’s Supper on Sunday.

DATE: March 5, 2017 Passage: Hebrews 12:2-3

Joy that Exceeds Shame

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