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Two important things before we even get to the grading policy:

1. ABSOLUTELY no food or drink (including water bottles) in the classroom. If you have a health issue, I need a letter from the school nurse explaining the situation. 2. Phone and other electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom. If I see your phone out, I will take it from you for the duration of the period and return it to you at the bell. If you are not happy with this rule, don’t bring electronic gadgets to class. If your parent needs to contact you during my class, they need to talk to me first. 3. All other school rules and regulations (including dress code) will be enforced.

I. TESTS & QUIZZES There will be at least 2 chapter tests per marking period. Tests are usually worth 100 points. Quizzes are worth 25-35 points. Expect one or two quizzes a week.

II. HOMEWORK It is my philosophy that students should be able to practice without fear of making mistakes. Therefore, homework is not graded but entered as credit. Each completed homework gets a credit of 5 points. However, I will not accept careless, sloppy work. You have to show me that you put some effort into your homework. Three missed homework assignments result in an after-school detention. Consistently missing your homework assignments is the best way to fail French 3. Homework is written on the board and will be posted daily on my faculty page. With the A/B schedule expect homework every day, including Fridays.

III. ABSENCES It is very important not to miss your foreign language class. We do a variety of activities every day and it is very difficult to make them up on your own. Repeated absences usually lead to a lower grade. If you need to be absent, all make up work must be completed no later than one week after the last day of your absence. This includes chapter tests, quizzes, homework and special projects, if applicable. This year everyone will be held to this rule. If you are eligible for extended time to complete your assignments, you will have to hand them in accordingly.

REMEMBER: If you are absent for one day only, you will not be excused from the quiz on the day after your one-day absence. I never give quizzes or tests on new material the very next day after teaching it. You must find out what you have missed. Get someone’s phone number and call for updates. All assignments and upcoming tests and quizzes are posted on my faculty page (see II. above) Finally, it is YOUR responsibility to remember to hand in your make-up work or to arrange to see me after school or during study hall. Extra help is available Thursday after school.

IV. EXTRA CREDIT You can get extra credit with stickers earned for performing special tasks, games, etc. Four stickers are worth one point. No other extra credit will be available.

V. YOUR GRADE I do not double any grades. At the end of the marking period all points are added and your grade is averaged. This year there will be four marking periods and a final. Each marking period is worth 22.5% of the final grade. The final exam is worth 10% of the final grade.

BIENVENUE AU COURS DE FRANÇAIS 3 ! Bonne chance à tous et à toutes !

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